Dr. Ariane de Bremond

Associated Senior Research Scientist | Executive Officer, International Program Office, Global Land Programme

Sustainable Land Systems Impact Area

Postal Address
Dr. Ariane de Bremond
Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
University of Bern
Mittelstrasse 43
CH-3012 Bern

Areas of professional focus at CDE

  • Coordination of the Global Land Programme International Programme Office
  • Land system science (LSS) with a focus on land governance, land-use and conflict
  • Science-policy interface and knowledge co-design and co-production for sustainable land systems


Further professional interests

  • Land-based carbon mitigation and conservation schemes (REDD+) socio-economic (benefit-sharing) and ecological dimensions
  • Land tenure; governance; and land use in post-conflict societies

Field experience

10 years of field experience in Central America (El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica); work experience in West and Central Africa (Burkina Faso, Niger, Côte d’Ivoire, République du Congo)


English, Spanish (fluent), French (professional proficiency) 

de Bremond, A, Preston, B.L., Rice, J., 2014. Improving the usability of integrated assessment for adaptation practice: Insights from the U.S. Southeast energy sector. Environmental Science & Policy 42, 45-55. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2014.05.004

de Bremond, A. and N. Engle, 2014. Adaptation policies to increase terrestrial ecosystem resilience: Potential utility of a multicriteria approach. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. doi:10.1007/s11027-014-9541-z

Engle, N. L., de Bremond, A., Malone, E. L., and Moss, R. H., 2013. Integrating climate resilience and development: An indicator framework. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. Published online 26 June 2013. doi:10.1007/s11027-013-9475-x

de Bremond, A. 2013. Harvesting peace from landscapes of conflict: Land, livelihoods, and nature in post-war El Salvador. Journal of Political Ecology (Special Issue: "Ecologies of Hope: The Prospect of New Development Hybrids"), 20 (8).

Janetos, A. C., Malone, E. L., Mastrangelo, E., & Hardee, K. and de Bremond, A. C., 2012. Linking climate change and development goals: Framing, integrating, measuring. Climate and Development, 4(2). doi:10.1080/17565529.2012.726195

de Bremond, A. and N. Engle, 2011. MCA4climate: A practical framework for planning pro-development policies, Adaptation Theme Report: Terrestrial Ecosystem Resilience, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP): 29. http://www.mca4climate.info/report-and-guidance/Articlesthemes/adaptation/terrestrial-ecosystems

de Bremond, A., 2007. The Politics of Peace and Resettlement through El Salvador's Land Transfer Programme: caught between the state and the market. Third World Quarterly 28 (8) republished by TWQ editors in:

Market-Led Agrarian Reform: Critical Perspectives on Neoliberal Land Policies and the Rural Poor, edited by S. B. Jr, C. Kay and E. Lahiff. London; New York: Routledge, 2009.

de Bremond, A. 1993. The Hidden Costs of "Free" Trade: Environmental and Social Consequences of Economic Liberalization in the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative. The Journal of Environment and Development Vol. 2 (No. 1): 151-179.

Publications, Non-Peer-Reviewed

Moss, Richard H., Elizabeth L. Malone, Nathan L. Engle, Ariane de Bremond, and Alison Delgado. 2012. Ready or Not: Towards a Resilience Framework for Making Climate-Change Adaptation Decisions. Washington, DC: Report prepared for The World Bank by the Joint Global Change Research Institute.

de Bremond, A., Engle, N. 2011. MCA4climate: A practical framework for planning pro-development policies, Adaptation Theme Report: Terrestrial Ecosystem Resilience. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), p. 29.

In Spanish

Hernández-Alarcón, R., and A. de Bremond. 1998. La Tierra en los Acuerdos de Paz: El Catastro Nacional, Situación Agraria y Perspectivas Ambientales", Cuadernos de Investigación Interactiva-2. Ciudad de Guatemala: Infopress Centroamericana.

Maldonado, A., J. Almonte, A. Arancibia, and A. de Bremond. 1998. Descentralización y Participación Ciudadana: El Sistema de Consejos de Desarrollo, Colección Debates. Ciudad de Guatemala: Consejo de Investigación para el Desarrollo de Centro América (CIDECA).

Enríquez, A., A. de Bremond, M. Rodríguez, and M.E. Moreno. 1995. Diagnóstico, Planes y Programas Microregionales -Departamento de Chalatenango. Chalatenango: Agencia de Desarrollo Local-Chalatenango/PRODERE/Coordinación para el Desarrollo Departamental de Chalatenango (CODDICH).

de Bremond, A. 1994. Estudio Activo del Proceso de Concertación Para La Recuperación Ambiental de la Zona La Montañona. San Salvador: United Nations Program for Displaced, Repatriated and Refugees (PRODERE).