Areas of professional focus at CDE

  • Environmental governance
  • Social network analysis


Further professional interests

  • Education for sustainable development; Global Education
  • Rural producer organizations and family farming; agrarian change; Organizations decision making theory
  • Comparative policy analysis; Content analysis; mixed methods

Field experience

Argentina, Brazil, Mozambique, Italy


Italian, English, Portuguese, Spanish, French

Journal articles

Tarozzi M., Inguaggiato C. (2018). Implementing global citizenship education in EU primary schools: The role of government ministries, International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, Volume 10, Number 1, June 2018, pp. 21-38(18), UCL IOE Press.

Inguaggiato Carla, Coelho La Salete, (2017). Políticas de implementação da Educação para a Cidadania Global no Ensino Básico: Análise comparativa realizada no âmbito do projeto Global Schools, Synergias Ed.

Inguaggiato, Navarra, Vailati (2013). “Innovation patterns in grassroots  producers' organisations: a Mozambican case study”, Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 31:1, 37-61.

Other publications

Tarozzi M., Inguaggiato C., (Eds.) (2018). Teachers’ Education in GCE: Emerging  Issues from a Comparative Perspective. Bologna: Università di Bologna, ISBN 9788898010912.

Carla Inguaggiato y Luis García Arrazola (2016) Educación para la Ciudadanía Global (EpCG) en las escuelas primarias de la UE, un estudio comparativo sobre políticas educativas: un enfoque sobre España Libro de Actas del III Congreso Internacional de Estudios del Desarrollo

Tarozzi M., Inguaggiato C., (Eds.) (2016). “Global Citizenship Education in Europe. A Comparative Study on Education Policies across 10 EU Countries”. Research deliverable issued within the European project “Global Schools”, Trento, Italy: Provincia Autonoma di Trento

Inguaggiato C. (2014). Agrarian reform, social movements and Community Based Organization: the emergence of new organizational forms? A case study in Northeast Brazil, University of Trento, PhD dissertation

Inguaggiato C. (2013). “Producers’ cooperatives: brokers or mirrors of social structure? A case study from Northeast of Brazil” Working paper Conference proceedings of III CUCS Congress - Immaginare culture della cooperazione: le Università in rete per le nuove sfide dello sviluppo