Trade-offs in forests between sustainable economy and environmental objectives (ATREE)

Timber harvest

The sustainability sector – e.g. renewable energy – is increasingly competing for forest land across the Swiss Central Plateau. As a result, ever more plans propose to convert forest areas while at the same time, regional value chains seek to use more wood. All this, however, can hamper the provision of other socially desirable ecosystem services provided by forests.

Identifying conflicts of interest and possible solutions

The project systematically identifies and classifies conflicts of interest arising from the growth of the sustainability sector. Researchers evaluate the reasons for forest clearing and demonstrate under which circumstances, or in which areas, such conflicts are most likely to occur. In addition, regional case studies are used to show how a combination of policy instruments can help solve conflicts of interest.

The project thus also contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda, especially to SDG 15: Life on Land; SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions; and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

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Alternative Energiegewinnung bedrängt den Wald

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Date: 4 May.2023  | Source: SRF News

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Date: 3 May.2023  | Source:

Wald gegen Windrad

Hierzulande darf Wald nur mit spezieller Genehmigung gerodet werden. Bis jetzt funktioniert das System gut. Doch der geplante Ausbau von Wind- und Solarenergie könnte vermehrt zu Konflikten führen. Dies zeigt eine Studie der ETH Zürich und der CDE-Wissenschaftlerin Astrid Zabel.
Date: 3 May.2023  | Source: SNF