Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)


Rio + 20: The Future Switzerland Wants

Kleebild Rio +20
Paul Klee, Schwankendes Gleichgewicht, 1922, 159, Unstable equilibrium, watercolour and pencil on paper on cardboard, 31,4 x 15,7/15,2 cm, Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern

What is Switzerland’s position in the negotiations? What does “Sustainable Development” mean for Switzerland, as laid out in the Sustainable Development Strategy 2012-2015, prepared by the Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE? The event Rio+20: The Future Switzerland Wants sought to answer these questions in a panel discussion with representatives from government, industry, science, and NGOs, including members of the Swiss delegation to Rio+20.

The panel discussion was preceded by keynote speeches by representatives of the Stockholm Environment Institute and the South Centre in Geneva. The event was organised by CDE in cooperation with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC, the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN, and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO.

Flyer​ (DE)
Media release (EN)
Medieninformation (DE)