Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)


Mountains and Climate Change - A Global Concern

Mountains and Climate Change
View from Mount Chacaltaya, Bolivia (M. Andrade)

Mountains are among the regions most affected by climate change. The implications of climate change will reach far beyond mountain areas, as the contributions in the present publication prepared for the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 20) in Lima 2014 show. Themes discussed are water, glaciers and permafrost, hazards, biodiversity, food security and economy.

The case studies included show that concrete adaptive action has been taken in many mountain areas of the world. The publication concludes with a series of recommendations for sustainable mountain development in the face of climate change.

The publication is available in English and Spanish.

Download the full report:

Mountains and Climate Change (EN / 19.2 MB)

Las Montañas y el Cambio Climático (ES / 19.6 MB)