As the climate warms, the risks of human-induced forest fires are increasing on the northern side of the Alps – whether due to leisure activities like outdoor barbecues or due to fires for burning tree and plant cuttings in agriculture and forestry. Meanwhile, because there have been very few major fires to date, local people lack an established “culture” for dealing with forest and field fires. This situation increasingly calls for targeted prevention through awareness-raising and communication.
Goals and concrete benefits
The current project takes up this challenge. Its goal is to identify the risk awareness and behaviour of different actors in the canton of Bern and, accordingly, to determine concrete approaches for group-specific communication. Based on scientific findings, the project aims to develop optimized and/or new communication strategies and materials for implementation. These can promote behavioural changes regarding forest fire risks, thus helping to prevent such fires.
The project results can also contribute to suitable communication strategies for other natural hazards. Moreover, they can be of use to other cantons north of the Alps.