Study programme

The Master’s in Sustainability Transformations is worth 120 ECTS credits. This total is comprised of 66 compulsory ECTS credits (with 30 ECTS credits reserved for the Master’s thesis) and 54 elective ECTS credits. The programme duration is four semesters (two years) of full-time study. The study programme is divided into 9 modules.

Curriculum: Master's in Sustainability Transformations
Curriculum: Master's in Sustainability Transformations

Description of the modules

Module type: compulsory

ECTS credits: 10

Module competencies

By the end of the module, you will be able to

  • identify relevant stakeholders and express their perspectives in your own words; identify essential interdependencies, commonalities, and differences in viewpoints between stakeholders – and work out the consequences of these.
  • independently explore and acquire knowledge on new topics, based on available learning and working techniques.
  • recognize the various roles that are necessary for initiating and accompanying societal transformation processes and, based on your findings, identify different entry and leverage points.

Tentative courses

  • Kick-off days (2 days in week 37)
  • Lecture with exercises “Introduction to sustainability transformations: Analytical tools and concepts to explain systemic change” (each autumn semester, 6 ECTS)

Module type: elective (after approval by the coordinating lecturer)

ECTS credits: 18

Module competencies

By the end of the module, you will be able to

  • recognize crisis phenomena as an expression and result of social and economic structures and modes of operation, describe their condition and trends, and describe interactions with other crisis phenomena.
  • justify why and for whom a condition or trend represents a problem and describe general approaches to solutions for overcoming it.
  • distinguish between symptoms and causes of sustainability problems; explain the causes.

Tentative courses

  • Lecture “Polycrisis in the anthropocene – Barriers and leverage points for global sustainability” (each autumn semester, 3 ECTS)
  • Courses from CDE’s partner institutes and beyond, according to the course catalogue (12 ECTS)
  • Case study workshop (3 ECTS)

Module type: compulsory

ECTS credits: 5

Module competencies

By the end of the module, you will be able to

  • analyse situations with regard to different sustainability concepts and based on this, design target visions of a more sustainable future and determine the knowledge required.
  • describe “desirable futures” imagined by different actors.
  • investigate and evaluate the potential of alternative paradigms (from science and society).

Tentative courses

  • Seminar series (each autumn semester, 5 ECTS)

Module type: elective (after approval by the coordinating lecturer)

ECTS credits: 17

Module competencies

By the end of the module, you will be able to

  • identify, explain, and apply methods relevant to (sustainability) science.
  • include and justify epistemological decisions and normative aspects of the research process when selecting and applying methods.
  • independently conduct scientific research, critically evaluate the sources found, and clearly define the scope and boundaries of your research topic.
  • determine appropriate methods, tools, and resources for problem-solving, based on situation analyses.
  • construct scenarios and/or target concepts based on existing or acquired data, simulations, and/or predictions.

Tentative courses

  • Lecture with exercises “Transdisciplinary and transformative research designs for sustainable development” (autumn semester, 4 ECTS)
  • Courses from CDE’s partner institutes and beyond, according to the course catalogue (13 ECTS)

Module type: compulsory

ECTS credits: 15

Module competencies

By the end of the module, you will be able to

  • integrate knowledge from science and practice to generate novel, solution-oriented knowledge.
  • advise authorities and decision-makers on strategic decisions related to sustainability goals, and propose goals and development measures.
  • identify needs for change of certain sustainability goals, and plan and guide change processes.
  • bring cooperative problem-solving skills to multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary teams.
  • recognize different opinions, interests, and implicit and explicit values of stakeholders, and negotiate and moderate these in concrete situations.
  • analyse power relations within actor constellations, in order to resolve possible path dependencies and lock-ins.
  • identify criteria for transferability or scalability.

Tentative courses

  • Masterclass lecture series (each spring semester, 3 ECTS)
  • Transformation practice (project work, autumn semester, 12 ECTS)

Module type: compulsory

ECTS credits: 6

Module competencies

By the end of the module, you will be able to

  • design projects that aim at sustainability transformations, using creative techniques; manage project portfolios; coordinate project teams.
  • develop innovative solutions to real-world sustainability problems, and present these in the form of a game.

Tentative courses

  • Seminar (spring semester, 6 ECTS)

Module type: compulsory

ECTS credits: 9

Module competencies

By the end of the module, you will be able to

  • identify sustainability topics for an exchange between science and society, find a suitable format for opportunities and events, and plan and execute them.
  • present and communicate the principles and knowledge you have acquired and the conclusions derived from them in a way that is appropriate for the target group.
  • evaluate sustainable development projects by appropriate means and derive measures from the evaluation results.

Tentative courses

  • Lecture with exercise (spring semester, 4 ECTS)
  • Elective course (autumn semester, 5 ECTS)

Module type: elective

ECTS credits: 10

Module competencies

By the end of the module, you will be able to

  • justify your actions against the background of different concepts of social change and sustainability transformations and make appropriate decisions.
  • critically question your own knowledge and actions, as well as personal norms, practices, and opinions – taking into account cultural conditions of knowledge.
  • cultivate resilience-oriented self-care and develop appropriate strategies to overcome personal (mental) health challenges.

Tentative courses

  • Seminar: “Be fair, contextually aware, and conflict-sensitive: key competences for sustainability transformation” (autumn semester, 5 ECTS)
  • Professional development portfolio: Input workshops (5 ECTS)

Module type: compulsory

ECTS credits: 30

Module competencies

By the end of the module, you will be able to

  • independently apply and deepen the acquired theoretical expertise to solve a scientific problem.
  • describe and present the problem, the development of the problem, hypotheses, methodology, implementation, and results of project and research work in a structured manner.
  • design action steps towards solving “wicked problems”, critical problems that seem unsolvable and that are characterized by uncertainty.
  • continuously reflect on the research process and the findings obtained.

Tentative courses

  • Master’s forum (colloquium, autumn and spring semester, including thesis, 30 ECTS)