Number of items at this level: 2724.
Journal Article
Häusler, Mara-Magdalena; Zabel, Astrid
Sites side by side: Can an agglomeration bonus with an adjacency rule connect agri-environmental sites?
Ecological economics, 224
Illien, Patrick; Bieri, Sabin
Political settlements analysis and the study of pro-poor development: Laos and Rwanda compared.
World development, 181
Herzon, Irina; Mazac, Rachel; Erkkola, Maijaliisa; Garnett, Tara; Hansson, Helena; Jonell, Malin; Kaljonen, Minna; Kortetmäki, Teea; Lamminen, Marjukka; Lonkila, Annika; Niva, Mari; Pajari, Anne-Maria; Tribaldos, Theresa; Toivonen, Marjaana; Tuomisto, Hanna L; Koppelmäki, Kari; Röös, Elin
Both downsizing and improvements to livestock systems are needed to stay within planetary boundaries.
Nature food, 5(8), pp. 642-645.
Springer Nature
Pham, Myriam; Pfund, Jean-Laurent
Linking Forest Ecosystem Services to the SDGs: Semi-quantitative Mapping of Perceptions towards Integrated Decision-making.
Environmental management, 74(1), pp. 148-158.
Wang, Shaopeng; Hong, Pubin; Adler, Peter B; Allan, Eric; Hautier, Yann; Schmid, Bernhard; Spaak, Jurg W; Feng, Yanhao
Towards mechanistic integration of the causes and consequences of biodiversity.
Trends in ecology & evolution, 39(7), pp. 689-700.
Wunder, Sven; Schulz, Dario; Montoya-Zumaeta, Javier G.; Börner, Jan; Ponzoni Frey, Gabriel; Betancur-Corredor, Bibiana
Modest forest and welfare gains from initiatives for reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.
Communications earth & environment, 5(1)
Springer Nature
Castillo, María L.; Schaffner, Urs; Mbaabu, Purity R.; Shiferaw, Hailu; van Wilgen, Brian W.; Eckert, Sandra; Choge, Simon; Münzbergová, Zuzana; Le Roux, Johannes J.
Following in the footsteps of invasion: comparisons of founder and invasive genotypes of two independent invasions reveal site-specific demographic processes and no influence by landscape attributes on dispersal.
NeoBiota, 93, pp. 263-291.
Pensoft Publishers
Vatn, A; Pascual, U; Chaplin-Kramer, R; Termansen, M; Arias-Arévalo, P; Balvanera, P; Athayde, S; Hahn, T; Lazos, E
Incorporating diverse values of nature in decision-making-theory and practice.
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 379(1903)
Royal Society of London
Ceddia, M. Graziano; Bergamo, Jacopo Nicola
The Necessity of System Change: An Ecological and Marxian Synthesis.
Monthly review - an independent socialist magazine, 75(11), pp. 33-47.
Monthly Review Foundation
Zabel, Astrid; Bokusheva, Raushan; Bozzola, Martina
Dealing with negative monetary ecosystem services values in environmental and economic accounting.
Ecosystem services, 66, p. 101602.
Negret, Pablo Jose; Venegas, Ruben; Sonter, Laura J; Possingham, Hugh P; Maron, Martine
Conservation planning for retention, not just protection.
Global change biology, 30(3)
Zabel, Astrid; Häusler, Mara-Magdalena
Policy instruments for green infrastructure.
Landscape and urban planning, 242, p. 104929.
Illien, Patrick
Coffee and the agrarian questions in Laos and Rwanda: Taking a bottom-up perspective.
Journal of rural studies, 106
Zucca, Claudio; Le, Quang Bao; Karampiperis, Pythagoras; Lemann, Tatenda; Thomas, Richard; Thiombiano, Boundia A.; Hermassi, Taoufik; Bonaiuti, Enrico; Zervas, Panagiotis
Toward an operational tool to integrate land degradation neutrality into land use planning: LUP4LDN.
Land degradation & development
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Pichon, Noémie A; Cappelli, Seraina L; Soliveres, Santiago; Mannall, Tosca; Nwe, Thu Zar; Hölzel, Norbert; Klaus, Valentin H; Kleinebecker, Till; Vincent, Hugo; Allan, Eric
Nitrogen availability and plant functional composition modify biodiversity-multifunctionality relationships.
Ecology letters, 27(1), e14361.
Himes, Austin; Muraca, Barbara; Anderson, Christopher B; Athayde, Simone; Beery, Thomas; Cantú-Fernández, Mariana; González-Jiménez, David; Gould, Rachelle K; Hejnowicz, A P; Kenter, Jasper; Lenzi, Dominic; Murali, Ranjini; Pascual, Unai; Raymond, Christopher; Ring, Annalie; Russo, Kurt; Samakov, Aibek; Stålhammar, Sanna; Thorén, Henrick and Zent, Egleé
Why nature matters: A systematic review of intrinsic, instrumental, and relational values.
Bioscience, 74(1), pp. 25-43.
Oxford University Press
Schmid, Patricia; Lamotte, Léa; Curran, Michael; Bieri, Sabin
Creating pathways to just and sustainable food systems with citizen assemblies.
Innovation: the European journal of social science research, pp. 1-19.
Taylor & Francis
Matthys, Marie-Luise; Illien, Patrick; Acharya, Sushant; Amacker, Michèle; Bieri, Sabin; Musafili, Ildephonse; Sanesathid, Outhoumphone
The Role of High-Value Agriculture in Capability Expansion: Qualitative Insights into Smallholder Cash Crop Production in Nepal, Laos and Rwanda.
The European journal of development research, 36(1), pp. 243-262.
Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Nanhthavong, Vong; Beban, Alice; Gironde, Christophe; Diepart, Jean-Christophe; Scurrah, Natalia; Nguyen, Anh-Thu; Cole, Robert; Hett, Cornelia; Ingalls, Micah
The agrarian transition in the Mekong Region: pathways towards sustainable land systems.
Journal of land use science, 19(1), pp. 1-23.
Taylor & Francis
Rodríguez-Rodríguez, D.; Knecht, N.; Llopis, J. C.; Heriarivo, R.A.; Rakotoarison, H.; Andriamampionomanjaka, V.; Navarro-Jurado, E.; Randriamamonjy, V.
Socioeconomic impacts of small conserved sites on rural communities in Madagascar.
Environmental Development, 49, p. 100965.
Magnier, Julie; Fribourg-Blanc, Benoît; Lemann, Tatenda; Witing, Felix; Critchley, William; Volk, Martin
Natural/Small Water Retention Measures: Their Contribution to Ecosystem-Based Concepts.
Sustainability, 16(3), p. 1308.
Gurtner, Lilla M.; Moser, Stephanie
The where, how, and who of mitigating climate change: A targeted research agenda for psychology.
Journal of environmental psychology, 94
Maluf, Renato S.; Burlandy, Luciene; Cintrão, Rosângela P.; Tribaldos, Theresa; Jomalinis, Emilia
Food Systems and Access to Healthy Food in an Amazonian Context.
Sustainability, 16(7)
Partelow, Stefan; Villamayor‐Tomas, Sergio; Eisenack, Klaus; Epstein, Graham; Kellner, Elke; Roggero, Matteo; Tschopp, Maurice
A meta‐analysis of SES framework case studies: Identifying dyad and triad archetypes.
People and nature
British Ecological Society
Jaiteh, Vanessa F.
Salt: A tribute to Ghana's fishers.
Green Humanities : a Journal of Ecological Thought in Literature, Philosophy & the Arts, 4
Andriatsitohaina, R. Ntsiva N.; Laby, Patrick; Llopis Sendino, Jorge C.; Martin, Dominic A.
Agroforestry in Madagascar: past, present, and future.
Agroforestry systems
Eckert, Sandra; Schmid, Luc; Messerli, Peter; Zaehringer, Julie G.
Spatiotemporal assessment of deforestation and forest degradation indicates spillover effects from mining activities and related biodiversity offsets in Madagascar.
Remote sensing applications : society and environment, 36
Zaehringer, Julie G.; Michelotti, Madlaina; Andriambalohary, Maëlle; Rajerison, Fenitra; Rakotoarinosy, Ambinintsoa; Eckert, Sandra; Ramamonjisoa, Bruno; Andriamihaja, Onintsoa Ravaka
How are large-scale extractive industries affecting progress toward the sustainable development goals in Madagascar? Perceived social-ecological impacts of mining investments.
Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, 8
Martin, Dominic A.; Pham-Truffert, Myriam; Gillham, Lara; Andriamihaja, O. Ravaka; Andriatsitohaina, R. Ntsiva N.; Diebold, Clara L.; Fulgence, Thio Rosin; Kellner, Elke; Llopis, Jorge Claudio; Messerli, Peter; Rakotomalala, Anjaharinony A. N. A.; Raveloaritiana, Estelle; Wurz, Annemarie; Zaehringer, Julie G.; Heinimann, Andreas
Interactive visual syntheses for social-ecological systems understanding.
Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling, 6
International Environmental Modelling and Software Society
Schmeller, Dirk S; Thornton, James M; Urbach, Davnah; Alexander, Jake; Jetz, Walter; Kulonen, Aino; Mills, Robert T E; Notornicola, Claudia; Palazzi, Elisa; Pauli, Harald; Randin, Christophe; Rosbakh, Sergey; Sayre, Roger; Tehrani, Nasrin Amini; Verbiest, William W M; Walker, Tom W N; Wipf, Sonja; Adler, Carolina
Toward a set of essential biodiversity variables for assessing change in mountains globally.
Oxford University Press
Swift, Peter; Htoo, Saw Eh; Klay, Saw Min; Rueff, Henri
COVID-19 migrant returnees, access to land, and subsistence under uncertain times in Karen State, Myanmar.
Land use policy, 146
Elsevier Science
Musselli, Irene; Mariottini de Oliveira, Victor S.
Prescriptive Pricing and Stabilisation Clauses in Investment Agreements.
Revue internationale de politique de développement, 17
Graduate Institute Geneva
Minna, Kaljonen; Jacobi, Johanna; Korhonen-Kurki, Kaisa; Lukkarinen, Jani P.; Ott, Anna; Peltomaa, Juha; Schneider, Flurina; Tribaldos, Theresa; Zaehringer, Julie G.
Reflexive use of methods: a framework for navigating different types of knowledge and power in transformative research.
Sustainability science
Rakotonarivo, O Sarobidy; Andriamihaja, O Ravaka
Global North-Global South research partnerships are still inequitable.
Nature human behaviour, 7(12), pp. 2042-2043.
Springer Nature
Bottazzi, Patrick; Seck, Sokhna Mbossé; Niang, Madické; Moser, Stephanie
Beyond motivations: A framework unraveling the systemic barriers to organic farming adoption in northern Senegal.
Journal of rural studies, 104, p. 103158.
Ibarra, José Tomás; Caviedes, Julián; Marchant, Carla; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Navarro-Manquilef, Silvia; Sarmiento, Fausto O
Mountain social-ecological resilience requires transdisciplinarity with Indigenous and local worldviews.
Trends in ecology & evolution, 38(11), pp. 1005-1009.
Elsevier Current Trends
Herzon, Irina; Mazac, Rachel; Erkkola, Maijaliisa; Garnett, Tara; Hansson, Helena; Kaljonen, Minna; Kortetmäki, Teea; Lonkila, Annika; Jonell, Malin; Niva, Mari; Pajari, Anne-Maria; Tribaldos, Theresa; Toivonen, Marjaana; Tuomisto, Hanna L; Koppelmäki, Kari; Röös, Elin
A rebalanced discussion of the roles of livestock in society.
Nature food, 4(11), pp. 926-927.
Springer Nature
Wang, Yunxia; Hollingsworth, Peter M; Zhai, Deli; West, Christopher D; Green, Jonathan M H; Chen, Huafang; Hurni, Kaspar; Su, Yufang; Warren-Thomas, Eleanor; Xu, Jianchu; Ahrends, Antje
High-resolution maps show that rubber causes substantial deforestation.
Nature, 623(7986), pp. 340-346.
Springer Nature
Carmenta, Rachel; Zähringer, J. G.; Balvanera, P.; Betley, E.; Dawson, N. M.; Estrada‐Carmona, N.; Forster, J.; Hoelle, J.; Lliso, B.; Llopis, J. C.; Menon, A.; Moeliono, M.; Mustin, K.; Pascual, U.; Rai, N. D.; Schleicher, J.; Shelton, C.; Sigouin, A.; Sterling, E. J.; Steward, A. M.; ...
Exploring the relationship between plural values of nature, human well‐being, and conservation and development intervention: Why it matters and how to do it?
People and nature, 5(6), pp. 1720-1738.
British Ecological Society
Pravalprukskul, Pin; Bruun, Thilde Bech; Messerli, Peter
Maize boom, bust and beyond: Investigating land use transitions in the northern Thai uplands.
Land use policy, 132
Elsevier Science
Hunt, Glenn; Leonard, Sonia N.
The struggle for forest tenure in Myanmar: voices from the 2019 forest rules consultation.
Journal of land use science, 18(1), pp. 296-314.
Taylor & Francis
Pascual, Unai; Balvanera, Patricia; Anderson, Christopher B; Chaplin-Kramer, Rebecca; Christie, Michael; González-Jiménez, David; Martin, Adrian; Raymond, Christopher M; Termansen, Mette; Vatn, Arild; Athayde, Simone; Barton, David N; Baptiste, Brigitte; Jacobs, Sander; Kelemen, Eszter; Kumar, Ritesh; Lazos, Elena; Mwampamba, Tuyeni H; Nakangu, Barbara; O'Farrell, Patrick; ...
Diverse values of nature for sustainability.
Nature, 620(7975), pp. 813-823.
Springer Nature
Franić, Iva; Allan, Eric; Prospero, Simone; Adamson, Kalev; Attorre, Fabio; Auger-Rozenberg, Marie-Anne; Augustin, Sylvie; Avtzis, Dimitrios; Baert, Wim; Barta, Marek; Bauters, Kenneth; Bellahirech, Amani; Boroń, Piotr; Bragança, Helena; Brestovanská, Tereza; Brurberg, May Bente; Burgess, Treena; Burokienė, Daiva; Cleary, Michelle; Corley, Juan; ...
Climate, host and geography shape insect and fungal communities of trees.
Scientific Reports, 13(1), p. 11570.
Nature Publishing Group
Wiesli, Thea Xenia; Przepiorka, Wojtek
Does Living in a Protected Area Reduce Resource Use and Promote Life Satisfaction? Survey Results from and Around Three Regional Nature Parks in Switzerland.
Social indicators research, 169(1-2), pp. 341-364.
Hanbury, Hugo; Illien, Patrick; Ming, Eva; Moser, Stephanie; Bader, Christoph; Neubert, Sebastian
Working less for more? A systematic review of the social, economic, and ecological effects of working time reduction policies in the global North.
Sustainability: science, practice and policy, 19(1)
Taylor & Francis
Simpfendorfer, Colin A; Heithaus, Michael R; Heupel, Michelle R; MacNeil, M Aaron; Meekan, Mark; Harvey, Euan; Sherman, C Samantha; Currey-Randall, Leanne M; Goetze, Jordan S; Kiszka, Jeremy J; Rees, Matthew J; Speed, Conrad W; Udyawer, Vinay; Bond, Mark E; Flowers, Kathryn I; Clementi, Gina M; Valentin-Albanese, Jasmine; Adam, M Shiham; Ali, Khadeeja; Asher, Jacob; ...
Widespread diversity deficits of coral reef sharks and rays.
Science, 380(6650), pp. 1155-1160.
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Sandbrook, Chris; Albury-Smith, Shenique; Allan, James R; Bhola, Nina; Bingham, Heather C; Brockington, Dan; Byaruhanga, Achilles B; Fajardo, Javier; Fitzsimons, James; Franks, Phil; Fleischman, Forrest; Frechette, Alain; Kakuyo, Kagumaho; Kaptoyo, Edna; Kuemmerle, Tobias; Kalunda, Pauline Nantongo; Nuvunga, Milagre; O'Donnell, Brian; Onyai, Fred; Pfeifer, Marion; ...
Social considerations are crucial to success in implementing the 30×30 global conservation target.
Nature ecology & evolution, 7(6), pp. 784-785.
Nature Publishing Group
Carmenta, Rachel; Barlow, Jos; Bastos Lima, Mairon G.; Berenguer, Erika; Choiruzzad, Shofwan; Estrada-Carmona, Natalia; França, Filipe; Kallis, Giorgos; Killick, Evan; Lees, Alexander; Martin, Adrian; Pascual, Unai; Pettorelli, Nathalie; Reed, James; Rodriguez, Iokine; Steward, Angela M.; Sunderland, Terry; Vira, Bhaskar; Zaehringer, Julie G. and Hicks, Christina
Connected Conservation: Rethinking conservation for a telecoupled world.
Biological conservation, 282
Altundal Öncü, Merve; Somuncu, Mehmet; Güney, İsmet; Perlik, Manfred
Rural and Alpine Gentrification Impact of Lifestyle Mobilities during COVID-19: The Yayla Experience at the Taurus Mountains in Turkey.
European countryside, 15(2)
Troxler, David; Zabel, Astrid; Grêt-Regamey, Adrienne
Identifying drivers of forest clearances in Switzerland.
Forest policy and economics, 150, p. 102938.
Elsevier Science
Schulz, Tobias; Ohmura, Tamaki; Zabel, Astrid
Sustainable economy trade-offs and conflicts in and with the forest (Research Trend).
Forest policy and economics, 150, p. 102936.
Elsevier Science
Oberlack, Christoph; Blare, Trent; Zambrino, Luca; Bruelisauer, Samuel; Solar, Jimena; Villar, Gesabel; Thomas, Evert; Ramírez, Marleni
With and beyond sustainability certification: Exploring inclusive business and solidarity economy strategies in Peru and Switzerland.
World development, 165, p. 106187.
Wilkes-Allemann, Jerylee; Zabel, Astrid; Brantschen, Evelyn Coleman; Ohmura, Tamaki; Lieberherr, Eva
Eine Evaluation der Waldpolitik 2020 und ein Ausblick.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen, 174(3), pp. 132-137.
Schweizerischer Forstverein
Pörtner, H-O; Scholes, R J; Arneth, A; Barnes, D K A; Burrows, M T; Diamond, S E; Duarte, C M; Kiessling, W; Leadley, P; Managi, S; McElwee, P; Midgley, G; Ngo, H T; Obura, D; Pascual, U; Sankaran, M; Shin, Y J; Val, A L
Overcoming the coupled climate and biodiversity crises and their societal impacts.
Science, 380(6642), eabl4881.
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Rippstein, Vanessa; de Schrijver, Evan; Eckert, Sandra; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana M.
Trends in tropical nights and their effects on mortality in Switzerland across 50 years.
PLoS climate, 2(4), e0000162.
Public Library of Science
Adhikari, Biraj; Urbach, Davnah; Chettri, Nakul; Sharma, Eklabya; Breu, Thomas; Geschke, Jonas; Fischer, Markus; Prescott, Graham W.
A multi‐methods approach for assessing how conserving biodiversity interacts with other sustainable development goals in Nepal.
Sustainable development, 31(5), pp. 3239-3253.
Granjel, Rodrigo R; Allan, Eric; Godoy, Oscar
Nitrogen enrichment and foliar fungal pathogens affect the mechanisms of multispecies plant coexistence.
New Phytologist, 237(6), pp. 2332-2346.
Kempel, Anne; Allan, Eric; Gossner, Martin M; Jochum, Malte; Grace, James B; Wardle, David A
From bottom-up to top-down control of invertebrate herbivores in a retrogressive chronosequence.
Ecology letters, 26(3), pp. 411-424.
Kaljonen, Minna; Kortetmäki, Teea; Tribaldos, Theresa
Introduction to the special issue on just food system transition: Tackling inequalities for sustainability.
Environmental innovation and societal transitions, 46, p. 100688.
Piquer-Rodríguez, María; Friis, Cecilie; Andriatsitohaina, R. Ntsiva N.; Boillat, Sébastien; Roig-Boixeda, Paula; Cortinovis, Chiara; Geneletti, Davide; Ibarrola-Rivas, Maria-Jose; Kelley, Lisa C.; Llopis, Jorge C.; Mack, Elizabeth A.; Nanni, Ana Sofía; Zähringer, Julie G.; Henebry, Geoffrey M.
Global shocks, cascading disruptions, and (re-)connections: viewing the COVID-19 pandemic as concurrent natural experiments to understand land system dynamics.
Landscape ecology, 38(5), pp. 1147-1161.
Springer Netherlands
Celio, Enrico; Andriatsitohaina, R. Ntsiva N.; Llopis, Jorge C.; Gret-Regamey, Adrienne
Assessing farmers’ income vulnerability to vanilla and clove export economies in northeastern Madagascar using land-use change modelling.
Journal of land use science, 18(1), pp. 55-83.
Taylor & Francis
Tim, Sophea; Providoli, Isabelle; Sien, Teamhy; Yim, Soksophors; Kim, Soben; Liniger, Hanspeter
Strengthening climate resilience of rural communities by co-producing landscape-specific integrated farming systems in Cambodia.
Journal of land use science, 18(1), pp. 152-175.
Taylor & Francis
Giger, Markus; Musselli, Irene
Could global norms enable definition of sustainable farming systems in a transformative international trade system?
Discover sustainability, 4(1)
Brückmann, Gracia; Berger, Sebastian; Caviola, Hugo; Hanel, Ulf J.J.; Piana, Valentino; Sahakian, Marlyne; Stadelmann-Steffen, Isabelle
Towards more impactful energy research: The salient role of social sciences and humanities.
PLoS climate, 2(2), e0000132.
Public Library of Science
Le Provost, Gaëtane; Schenk, Noëlle V.; Penone, Caterina; Thiele, Jan; Westphal, Catrin; Allan, Eric; Ayasse, Manfred; Blüthgen, Nico; Boeddinghaus, Runa S; Boesing, Andrea Larissa; Bolliger, Ralph; Busch, Verena; Fischer, Markus; Gossner, Martin M; Hölzel, Norbert; Jung, Kirsten; Kandeler, Ellen; Klaus, Valentin H; Kleinebecker, Till; Leimer, Sophia; ...
The supply of multiple ecosystem services requires biodiversity across spatial scales.
Nature ecology & evolution, 7(2), pp. 236-249.
Nature Publishing Group
Davis, Kyle Frankel; Müller, Marc F; Rulli, Maria Cristina; Tatlhego, Mokganedi; Ali, Saleem; Baggio, Jacopo A; Dell’Angelo, Jampel; Jung, Suhyun; Kehoe, Laura; Niles, Meredith T; Eckert, Sandra
Transnational agricultural land acquisitions threaten biodiversity in the Global South.
Environmental Research Letters, 18(2), 024014.
IOP Publishing
Teich, Ingrid; Harari, Nicole; Caza, Pablo; Henao‐Henao, Juan Pablo; Lopez, Juan Calles; Raviolo, Eugenia; Díaz‐González, Ana María; González, Hernán; Bastidas, Soledad; Morales‐Opazo, Cristian; García, César Luis
An interactive system to map land degradation and inform decision‐making to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality via convergence of evidence across scales: a case study in Ecuador.
Land degradation & development, 34(15), pp. 4475-4487.
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Ritzel, Christian; Hoop, Daniel; Portmann, Marco; Wallner, Astrid; Mack, Gabriele
Swiss Parks of National Importance as model regions of sustainable development – An economic success story for farmers?
Land use policy, 124, p. 106441.
Elsevier Science
Kimmich, Christian; Ehlers, Melf‑Hinrich; Kellner, Elke; Oberlack, Christoph; Thiel, Andreas; Villamayor‑Tomas, Sergio
Networks of action situations in social–ecological systems: current approaches and potential futures.
Sustainability science, 18(1), pp. 1-10.
Moser, Stephanie; Bader, Christoph
Why do people participate in grassroots sustainability initiatives? Different motives for different levels of involvement.
Frontiers in sustainability, 3
Frontiers Media
Trechsel, Lilian Julia; Diebold, Clara Léonie; Zimmermann, Anne Barbara; Fischer, Manuel
Students between science and society: why students’ learning experiences in transformative spaces are vital to higher education institutions.
International journal of sustainability in higher education, 24(9), pp. 85-101.
Latthachack, Phokham; Llopis, Jorge C.; Heinimann, Andreas; Thongmanivong, Sithong; Vongvisouk, Thoumthone; Messerli, Peter; Zaehringer, Julie G.
Agricultural commercialization in borderlands: Capturing the transformation of a tropical forest frontier through participatory mapping.
Frontiers in sustainable food systems, 6
Martin, Dominic A.; Llopis, Jorge C.; Raveloaritiana, Estelle; Coomes, Oliver T.; Andriamihaja, O. Ravaka; Bruun, Thilde Bech; Heinimann, Andreas; Mertz, Ole; Rakotonarivo, O. Sarobidy; Zaehringer, Julie G.
Drivers and consequences of archetypical shifting cultivation transitions.
People and nature, 5(2), pp. 529-541.
British Ecological Society
Torrez, Vania; Benavides-Frias, Camila; Jacobi, Johanna; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Ecological quality as a coffee quality enhancer. A review.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43(1), p. 19.
Nguyen, Anh-Thu; Oya, Carlos; Beban, Alice; Gironde, Christophe; Cole, Rob; Ehrensperger, Albrecht
Agricultural commercialization in the Mekong region: A meta-narrative review and policy implications.
Journal of land use science, 18(1), pp. 128-151.
Taylor & Francis
Hammer, Thomas; Lewis, Anna Lena
Which competencies should be fostered in education for sustainable development at higher education institutions? Findings from the evaluation of the study programs at the University of Bern, Switzerland.
Discover sustainability, 4(1), p. 19.
Rutten, Gemma; Allan, Eric
Using root economics traits to predict biotic plant soil-feedbacks.
Plant and Soil, 485(1-2), pp. 71-89.
Critchley, William; Harari, Nicole; Mollee, Eefke; Mekdaschi-Studer, Rima; Eichenberger, Joana
Sustainable Land Management and Climate Change Adaptation for Small-Scale Land Users in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Land, 12(6), p. 1206.
Coenen, Johanna; Sonderegger, Gabi; Newig, Jens; Meyfroidt, Patrick; Challies, Edward; Bager, Simon L.; Busck-Lumholt, Louise M.; Corbera, Esteve; Friis, Cecilie; Frohn Pedersen, Anna; Laroche, Perrine C.S.J.; Parra Paitan, Claudia; Qin, Siyu; Roux, Nicolas; Zaehringer, Julie G.
Toward spatial fit in the governance of global commodity flows.
Ecology and Society, 28(2)
Resilience Alliance Publications
Bornemann, Basil; Stauffacher, Michael; Zimmermann, Anne B.; Bergman, Manfred Max; Carabias, Vicente; Fritz, Livia; Förster, Ruth; Kläy, Andreas; Kueffer, Christoph; Wäger, Patrick; Wallimann-Helmer, Ivo; Zingerli, Claudia
Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Strategie: Wie die saguf noch transformativer wird.
Gaia : ecological perspectives for science and society, 32(2), pp. 264-266.
Oekom Verlag
Wipf, Sonja; Michel, Annina H.; Walder, Diego; Poelsma, Felix; Anderwald, Pia; Cruickshank, Sam S.; Jaroszynska, Francesca; Rossi, Christian; Backhaus, Norman
Boost in Visitor Numbers Post COVID-19 Shutdown: Consequences for an Alpine National Park.
Mountain Research and Development, 43(2)
International Mountain Society
Chaplin-Kramer, Rebecca; Neugarten, Rachel A; Gonzalez-Jimenez, David; Ahmadia, Gabby; Baird, Timothy D; Crane, Nicole; Delgoulet, Elise; Eyster, Harold N; Kurashima, Natalie; Llopis, Jorge C; Millington, Alice; Pawlowska-Mainville, Agnieszka; Rulmal, John; Saunders, Fred; Shrestha, Sushma; Vaughan, Mehana Blaich; Winter, Kawika B; Wongbusarakum, Supin; Pascual, Unai
Transformation for inclusive conservation: evidence on values, decisions, and impacts in protected areas.
Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 64, p. 101347.
Schneider, Flurina; Patel, Zarina; Paulavets, Katsia; Buser, Tobias; Kado, Jacqueline; Burkhart, Stefanie
Fostering transdisciplinary research for sustainability in the Global South: Pathways to impact for funding programmes.
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1)
Springer Nature
Llopis, Jorge Claudio; Haddaway, Neal Robert; Omirbek, Nurzhan; Simmons, Blake Alexander; Garrett, Rachael; Jones, Julia Patricia Gordon
Evidence of anticipatory forest use behaviours under policy introduction: a systematic map protocol.
Environmental evidence, 12(1)
BioMed Central
Abad, Carmenza Robledo; Bieri, Sabin; Eschen, René; Fuerst, Sandra; Jacobi, Johanna; Jiménez, Elizabeth; Zonta, Aymara Llanque; Naughton, Meleesa; Schaffner, Urs; Winkler, Mirko S.; Flury, Manuel
Promising practices for dealing with complexity in research for development.
Gaia : ecological perspectives for science and society, 32(1), pp. 115-124.
Oekom Verlag
Oberlack, Christoph; Pedde, Simona; Piemontese, Luigi; Václavík, Tomáš; Sietz, Diana
Archetypes in support of tailoring land-use policies.
Environmental Research Letters, 18(6), 060202.
IOP Publishing
Hanbury, Hugo; Moser, Stephanie; Neubert, Sebastian; Bottazzi, Patrick; Bader, Christoph
Public support for worktime reductions in Switzerland in the context of a transition to a post-growth society.
Gaia : ecological perspectives for science and society, 32(3), pp. 304-311.
Oekom Verlag
Negret, Pablo Jose; Luskin, Mathew Scott; Gomez-Valencia, Bibiana; Diaz-Pulido, Angelica; Romero, Luis Hernando; Restrepo, Adriana; Zaehringer, Julie G.; Jones, Kendall R.; Ochoa-Quintero, Jose Manuel; Mendes, Calebe Pereira
Neotropical understory birds and mammals show divergent behaviour responses to human pressure.
Perspectives in ecology and conservation, 21(2), pp. 180-188.
Dwyer, Michael B.; Nanhthavong, Vong
Making concessions pay? Historical vs. potential tax revenues from Laos’s rubber sector.
World development, 172, p. 106359.
Lewis, Anna Lena; Trechsel, Lilian Julia; Zimmermann, Anne Barbara
Monitoring the integration of Sustainable Development into higher education teaching: a collaborative learning approach.
Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, 18(4), pp. 61-76.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik ÖGHD
Hett, Cornelia; Zar Chi Aye, Zar Chi Aye; Gironde, Christophe; Beban, Alice; Castella, Jean-Christophe; Bernhard, Rasso; Ehrensperger, Albrecht
Agroecological initiatives in the Mekong Region: a systematic literature review and mapping reveals their implications for transitioning to sustainable food systems.
Journal of land use science, 18(1), pp. 334-355.
Taylor & Francis
Geobey, Sean; Campbell, Sean; Kearney, Norman
Testing participatory budgeting voting design: Two cases from the city of Kitchener.
Local Development & Society, pp. 1-20.
Taylor & Francis
Ehret, Sönke; Constantino, Sara M; Weber, Elke U; Efferson, Charles; Vogt, Sonja
Group identities can undermine social tipping after intervention.
Nature human behaviour, 6(12), pp. 1669-1679.
Springer Nature
Schaepman, Michael; Tarantino, Matteo; Aggarwal-Khan, Sheila; Biller-Andorno, Nikola; de Giorgi, Giacomo; Ducrest, Jacques; Messerli, Peter; Phakeng, Mamokgeti; Türk, Volker; Stoffel, Markus
Are our data ready for the next global challenges? Resilient data for resilient societies and economies.
Environmental science & policy, 138, pp. 146-148.
Maluf, Renato S.; Burlandy, Luciene; Cintrão, Rosângela P.; Jomalinis, Emilia; Carvalho, Tassia C.O.; Tribaldos, Theresa
Sustainability, justice and equity in food systems: Ideas and proposals in dispute in Brazil.
Environmental innovation and societal transitions, 45, pp. 183-199.
Giger, Markus; Reys, Aurélien; Anseeuw, Ward; Mutea, Emily; Kiteme, Boniface
Smallholders’ livelihoods in the presence of commercial farms in central Kenya.
Journal of rural studies, 96, pp. 343-357.
Wagner, Basil; Meyer, Matthias; Hammer, Thomas; Schweizer, Steffen
Seeforellenaufsteiger-Zählung mittels eines vollintegrierten Unterwasserkamerasystems im Gadmerwasser (Berner Oberland).
Wasser Energie Luft, 114(4), pp. 232-238.
Schweizerischer Wasserwirtschaftsverband
Sonderegger, Gabi; Heinimann, Andreas; Diogo, Vasco; Oberlack, Christoph
Governing spillovers of agricultural land use through voluntary sustainability standards: A coverage analysis of sustainability requirements.
Earth system governance, 14, p. 100158.
Bircher, P.; Liniger, H. P.; Prasuhn, V.
Comparison of long-term field-measured and RUSLE-based modelled soil loss in Switzerland.
Geoderma Regional, 31, e00595.
Allan, Eric
Shedding light on declines in diversity of grassland plants.
Nature, 611(7935), pp. 240-241.
Springer Nature
Diogo, Vasco; Helfenstein, Julian; Mohr, Franziska; Varghese, Vinisha; Debonne, Niels; Levers, Christian; Swart, Rebecca; Sonderegger, Gabi; Nemecek, Thomas; Schader, Christian; Walter, Achim; Ziv, Guy; Herzog, Felix; Verburg, Peter H.; Bürgi, Matthias
Developing context-specific frameworks for integrated sustainability assessment of agricultural intensity change: An application for Europe.
Environmental science & policy, 137, pp. 128-142.
Saric, Jasmina; Breu, Thomas; Fokou, Gilbert; Gass, Salome‐Joëlle; Kiteme, Boniface; Masanja, Honorati; Utzinger, Jürg; Zeleke, Gete; Käser, Fabian
Research−implementation organisations and their role for sustainable development.
Sustainable development, 31(3), pp. 1401-1416.
Hammer, Thomas; Bär, Roger; Wiesli, Thea Xenia
Großschutzgebiete als Schlüsselakteure regionaler Transformation Richtung Nachhaltigkeit?
BGL Berichte. Geographie und Landeskunde, 95(4), pp. 379-400.
Franz Steiner
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Dubé, Monique; Humphries, Murray M.; Olivier, Nicole
Focus Issue: Weaving Together Knowledges—Collaborations in Support of the Wellbeing of Mountain Peoples and Regions. Editorial.
Mountain Research and Development, 42(4), pp. 1-2.
International Mountain Society
Constantino, Sara M; Sparkman, Gregg; Kraft-Todd, Gordon T; Bicchieri, Cristina; Centola, Damon; Shell-Duncan, Bettina; Vogt, Sonja; Weber, Elke U
Scaling Up Change: A Critical Review and Practical Guide to Harnessing Social Norms for Climate Action.
Psychological science in the public interest, 23(2), pp. 50-97.
Moser, Stephanie; Seebauer, Sebastian
Has the COVID-19 pandemic strengthened confidence in managing the climate crisis? Transfer of efficacy beliefs after experiencing lockdowns in Switzerland and Austria.
Frontiers in psychology, 13
Frontiers Research Foundation
Faxon, Hilary Oliva; Goldstein, Jenny E.; Fisher, Micah R.; Hunt, Glenn
Territorializing spatial data: Controlling land through One Map projects in Indonesia and Myanmar.
Political geography, 98, p. 102651.
Zabel, Astrid; Lieberherr, Eva; Dürr, Christoph; Pfund, Jean-Laurent; Blaser, Jürgen; Coleman Brantschen, Evelyn; Garcia, Claude; Melnykovych, Mariana; Kaaronen, Roope
Erweiterte Diskussionsplattform zur internationalen Waldpolitik (IDANE Wald+).
Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen, 173(5), pp. 247-249.
Schweizerischer Forstverein
Musselli, Irene; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
Countering Commodity Trade Mispricing in Low-Income Countries: A Prescriptive Approach.
Journal of international economic law, 25(3), pp. 447-463.
Oxford University Press
Perlik, Manfred
Korporativ denken, genossenschaftlich organisieren, feudal handeln: Die Gemeinden und ihre Praktiken im Bergell des 14.–16. Jahrhunderts [Thinking Corporately, Organizing Cooperatively, Acting Feudally: Communes and Their Practices in Val Bregaglia in the 14th–16th Centuries]. By Prisca Roth.
Mountain Research and Development, 42(3), M3-M4.
International Mountain Society
Schneider, Flurina; Llanque-Zonta, Aymara; Andriamihaja, Onintsoa Ravaka; Andriatsitohaina, R. Ntsiva N.; Tun, Aung Myin; Kiteme, Boniface; Jacobi, Johanna; Celio, Enrico; Diebold, Clara Léonie; Patrick, Laby; Latthachack, Phokham; Llopis, Jorge Claudio; Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara; Messerli, Peter; Mukhovi, Stellah; Tun, Nwe Nwe; Rabemananjara, Zo Hasina; Ramamonjisoa, Bruno Salomon; Thongmanivong, Sithong; Vongvisouk, Thoumthone; ...
How context affects transdisciplinary research: insights from Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Sustainability science, 17(6), pp. 2331-2345.
Cappelli, Seraina L.; Pichon, Noémie A.; Mannall, Tosca; Allan, Eric
Partitioning the effects of plant diversity on ecosystem functions at different trophic levels.
Ecological Monographs, 92(3), e1521.
Ecological Society of America
Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara M.; Oberlack, Christoph; Hunt, Glenn; Schneider, Flurina
The (In)Ability of a Multi-Stakeholder Platform to Address Land Conflicts—Lessons Learnt from an Oil Palm Landscape in Myanmar.
Land, 11(8), p. 1348.
Nanhthavong, Vong; Bieri, Sabin; Nguyen, Anh-Thu; Hett, Cornelia; Epprecht, Michael
Proletarianization and gateways to precarization in the context of land-based investments for agricultural commercialization in Lao PDR.
World development, 155, p. 105885.
Tribaldos, Theresa; Kortetmäki, Teea
Just transition principles and criteria for food systems and beyond.
Environmental innovation and societal transitions, 43, pp. 244-256.
Alaoui, Abdallah; Hallama, Moritz; Bär, Roger; Panagea, Ioanna; Bachmann, Felicitas; Pekrun, Carola; Fleskens, Luuk; Kandeler, Ellen; Hessel, Rudi
A New Framework to Assess Sustainability of Soil Improving Cropping Systems in Europe.
Land, 11(5), p. 729.
Mann, Stefan
Why governments should tax animal production: a system approach to internalise the externalities of agriculture.
International journal of sustainable economy, 14(3), p. 294.
Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Teixeira, Fernando; Lemann, Tatenda; Ferreira, Carla; Glavan, Matjaž; Zoltán, Tóth; Hermann, Tamás; Lipiec, Jerzy; Frąc, Magdalena; Reintam, Endla; Xu, Minggang; Fan, Hongzhu; Ritsema, Coen
Evidence of non‐site‐specific agricultural management effects on the score of visual soil quality indicators.
Soil use and management, 39(1), pp. 474-484.
Nölting, Benjamin; König, Bettina; Zimmermann, Anne B.; Di Giulio, Antonietta; Schäfer, Martina; Schneider, Flurina
Dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic: an opportunity to reflect on sustainability research.
Sustainability Management Forum : SMF NachhaltigkeitsManagementForum, 30(1-4), pp. 11-27.
Svensk, Mia; Nota, Ginevra; Mariotte, Pierre; Pittarello, Marco; Barberis, Davide; Lonati, Michele; Allan, Eric; Perotti, Elisa; Probo, Massimiliano
Use of Molasses-Based Blocks to Modify Grazing Patterns and Increase Highland Cattle Impacts on Alnus viridis-Encroached Pastures (In Press).
Frontiers in ecology and evolution, 10, p. 849809.
Frontiers Media
Thornton, James M; Pepin, Nicholas; Shahgedanova, Maria; Adler, Carolina
Coverage of In Situ Climatological Observations in the World's Mountains.
Frontiers in climate, 4
Bekele, Ketema; EW Linders, Theo; Eschen, René; Shiferaw, Hailu; Haji, Jema; Legesse, Belaineh; Choge, Simon; Eckert, Sandra; Rima Mbaabu, Purity; Schaffner, Urs
How well do local stakeholders’ perceptions of environmental impacts of an invasive alien plant species relate to ecological data?
Ecological indicators, 137, p. 108748.
Adoyo, Beatrice; Schaffner, Urs; Mukhovi, Stellah; Kiteme, Boniface; Mbaabu, Purity Rima; Eckert, Sandra; Choge, Simon; Ehrensperger, Albrecht
Pathways towards the Sustainable Management of Woody Invasive Species: Understanding What Drives Land Users’ Decisions to Adopt and Use Land Management Practices.
Land, 11(4), p. 550.
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Thibault, Marlène; Wang, Yanfen; Gyamtsho, Pema; Breu, Thomas
Mountain Research and Development, 42(1)
International Mountain Society
Franić, Iva; Prospero, Simone; Adamson, Kalev; Allan, Eric; Attorre, Fabio; Auger-Rozenberg, Marie Anne; Augustin, Sylvie; Avtzis, Dimitrios; Baert, Wim; Barta, Marek; Bauters, Kenneth; Bellahirech, Amani; Boroń, Piotr; Bragança, Helena; Brestovanská, Tereza; Brurberg, May Bente; Burgess, Treena; Burokienė, Daiva; Cleary, Michelle; Corley, Juan; ...
Worldwide diversity of endophytic fungi and insects associated with dormant tree twigs.
Scientific data, 9(1), p. 62.
Springer Nature
Illien, Patrick; Birachi, Eliud; Douangphachanh, Maliphone; Phommavong, Saithong; Bader, Christoph; Bieri, Sabin
Measuring non-monetary poverty in the coffee heartlands of Laos and Rwanda: comparing MPI and EDI frameworks.
Journal of development effectiveness, 14(4), pp. 416-447.
Taylor & Francis
Kimmich, Christian; Baldwin, Elizabeth; Kellner, Elke; Oberlack, Christoph; Villamayor-Tomas, Sergio
Networks of action situations: a systematic review of empirical research.
Sustainability science, 18(1), pp. 11-26.
Ceddia, M G; Frey, S; Inguaggiato, C; Tschopp, M
Talking about trees: the territorial classification of native forests in the Argentinian Chaco.
Environmental Research Letters, 17(2), 025012.
IOP Publishing
Meyfroidt, Patrick; de Bremond, Ariane; Ryan, Casey M.; Archer, Emma; Aspinall, Richard; Chhabra, Abha; Camara, Gilberto; Corbera, Esteve; DeFries, Ruth; Díaz, Sandra; Dong, Jinwei; Ellis, Erle C.; Erb, Karl-Heinz; Fisher, Janet A.; Garrett, Rachael D.; Golubiewski, Nancy E.; Grau, H. Ricardo; Grove, J. Morgan; Haberl, Helmut; Heinimann, Andreas; ...
Ten facts about land systems for sustainability.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 119(7), e2109217118.
National Academy of Sciences NAS
Bragge, Peter; Becker, Ursula; Breu, Thomas; Carlsen, Henrik; Griggs, David; Lavis, John N.; Zimm, Caroline; Stevance, Anne-Sophie
How policymakers and other leaders can build a more sustainable post-COVID-19 ‘normal’.
Discover sustainability, 3(1)
Hammer, Thomas; Bär, Roger; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Friedli, Andreas; Liechti, Karina; Wallner, Astrid; Wiesli, Thea Xenia
A holistic assessment of the impacts of park management: findings from the evaluation of Regional Nature Parks in Switzerland.
Eco.mont - journal on protected mountain areas research, 14(1), pp. 14-24.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
Pepin, N. C.; Arnone, E.; Gobiet, A.; Haslinger, K.; Kotlarski, S.; Notarnicola, C.; Palazzi, E.; Seibert, P.; Serafin, S.; Schöner, W.; Terzago, S.; Thornton, J. M.; Vuille, M.; Adler, C.
Climate Changes and Their Elevational Patterns in the Mountains of the World.
Reviews of geophysics, 60(1)
American Geophysical Union
Pichon, Noémie A.; Cappelli, Seraina L.; Allan, Eric
Intraspecific trait changes have large impacts on community functional composition but do not affect ecosystem function.
Journal of ecology, 110(3), pp. 644-658.
Chambers, Josephine M.; Wyborn, Carina; Klenk, Nicole L.; Ryan, Melanie; Serban, Anca; Bennett, Nathan J.; Brennan, Ruth; Charli-Joseph, Lakshmi; Fernández-Giménez, María E.; Galvin, Kathleen A.; Goldstein, Bruce E.; Haller, Tobias; Hill, Rosemary; Munera, Claudia; Nel, Jeanne L.; Österblom, Henrik; Reid, Robin S.; Riechers, Maraja; Spierenburg, Marja; Tengö, Maria; ...
Co-productive agility and four collaborative pathways to sustainability transformations.
Global environmental change, 72, p. 102422.
Piemontese, Luigi; Neudert, Regina; Oberlack, Christoph; Pedde, Simona; Roggero, Matteo; Buchadas, Ana; Martin, Dominic A; Orozco, Richard; Pellowe, Kara; Segnon, Alcade C; Zarbá, Lucía; Sietz, Diana
Validity and validation in archetype analysis: practical assessment framework and guidelines.
Environmental Research Letters, 17(2), 025010.
IOP Publishing
Price, Martin F.; Gurgiser, Wolfgang; Juen, Irmgard; Adler, Carolina; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Kaser, Georg; Mayr, Stefan; moderators, contributing IMC2019
The International Mountain Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, September 2019 (IMC2019): A Synthesis with Recommendations for Research.
Mountain Research and Development, 42(1)
International Mountain Society
Piemontese, Luigi; Kamugisha, Rick Nelson; Barron, Jennie; Tukahirwa, Joy Margaret Biteete; Harari, Nicole; Jaramillo, Fernando
Investing in sustainable intensification for smallholders: quantifying large-scale costs and benefits in Uganda.
Environmental Research Letters, 17(4), 045010.
IOP Publishing
Boillat, Sébastien; Belmin, Raphaël; Bottazzi, Patrick
The agroecological transition in Senegal: transnational links and uneven empowerment.
Agriculture and human values, 39(1), pp. 281-300.
Janssens, Lise; Kuppens, Tom; Mulà, Ingrid; Staniskiene, Egle; Zimmermann, Anne B
Do European quality assurance frameworks support integration of transformative learning for sustainable development in higher education?
International journal of sustainability in higher education, 23(8), pp. 148-173.
Schmid, Leonie Greta; Gugushvili, Temur; Kohler, Thomas
The rise of guesthouse tourism in the Greater Caucasus and the effects of the covid pandemic. The example of Lagodekhi town and its Protected Area, Georgia.
Erdkunde, 76(1), pp. 41-58.
Geographisches Institut, Universität Bonn
Baumgartner, Urs; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
(Un)sustainability in the Swiss fish market.
Research Outreach(130)
Research Outreach
Thornton, James M; Snethlage, Mark A; Sayre, Roger; Urbach, Davnah R; Viviroli, Daniel; Ehrlich, Daniele; Muccione, Veruska; Wester, Philippus; Insarov, Gregory; Adler, Carolina
Human populations in the world's mountains: Spatio-temporal patterns and potential controls.
PLoS ONE, 17(7), e0271466.
Public Library of Science
Dröge, Saskia; Poudyal, Mahesh; Hockley, Neal; Mandimbiniaina, Rina; Rasoamanana, Alexandra; Andrianantenaina, Nilsen S.; Llopis, Jorge C.
Constraints on Rice Cultivation in Eastern Madagascar: Which Factors Matter to Smallholders, and Which Influence Food Security?
Human Ecology, 50(3), pp. 493-513.
Zarbá, Lucía; Piquer-Rodríguez, María; Boillat, Sébastien; Levers, Christian; Gasparri, Ignacio; Aide, T. Mitchell; Álvarez-Berríos, Nora L.; Anderson, Liana O.; Araoz, Ezequiel; Arima, Eugenio; Batistella, Mateus; Calderón-Loor, Marco; Echeverría, Cristian; Gonzalez-Roglich, Mariano; Jobbágy, Esteban G.; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Ramirez-Reyes, Carlos; Pacheco, Andrea; Vallejos, María; Young, Kenneth R.; ...
Mapping and characterizing social-ecological land systems of South America.
Ecology and Society, 27(2)
Resilience Alliance Publications
Wiesli, Thea Xenia; Hammer, Thomas; Knaus, Florian
Improving quality of life for residents of biosphere reserves and nature parks: management recommendations from Switzerland.
Sustainability: science, practice and policy, 18(1), pp. 601-615.
Taylor & Francis
Neubert, Sebastian; Bader, Christoph; Hanbury, Hugo; Moser, Stephanie
Free days for future? Longitudinal effects of working time reductions on individual well-being and environmental behaviour.
Journal of environmental psychology, 82, p. 101849.
Llopis, Jorge C.; Diebold, Clara L.; Schneider, Flurina; Harimalala, Paul C.; Andriamihaja, O. Ravaka; Messerli, Peter; Zähringer, Julie G.
Mixed impacts of protected areas and a cash crop boom on human well‐being in North‐Eastern Madagascar.
People and nature, 5(6), pp. 1786-1803.
British Ecological Society
Ziadat, Feras; Berkat, Omar; Ouchna, Rochdi; Touami, Mouna; Fetsi, Theodora; Harari, Nicole; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima; Schlingloff, Stefan
Participatory land resources planning to promote sustainable landscape management in rainfed areas-Morocco.
Frontiers in sustainable food systems, 6
Persson, Joel; Qin, Siyu; Zaehringer, Julie G.
Patterning Conservation Flows: How Formal and Informal Networks Shape Transnational Conservation Practice.
Conservation and society, 20(3), pp. 245-256.
Wolters Kluwer
Jacobi, Johanna; Toledo Vásquez, Daniela G.; Solar Alvarez, Jimena M.; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
“First we eat and then we sell”: participatory guarantee systems for alternative sustainability certification of Bolivian agri-food products.
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 47(1), pp. 72-99.
Taylor & Francis
Hamad, Amina A.; Kashaigili, Japhet J.; Eckert, Sandra; Eschen, René; Schaffner, Urs; Mbwambo, John Richard
Impact of invasive Lantana camara on maize and cassava growth in East Usambara, Tanzania.
Plant-environment interactions, 3(5), pp. 193-202.
Maluf, Renato S.; Burlandy, Luciene; Cintrão, Rosângela P.; Jomalinis, Emilia; Santarelli, Mariana; Tribaldos, Theresa
Global value chains, food and just transition: a multi-scale approach to Brazilian soy value chains.
The journal of peasant studies, 50(7), pp. 2642-2665.
Pepin, Nicholas; Adler, Carolina; Kotlarksi, Sven; Palazzi, Elisa
Mountains Undergo Enhanced Impacts of Climate Change.
Eos Earth & Space Science News, 103
American Geophysical Union AGU
Derksen, Chris; Adler, Carolina; Collins, Matthew; Sebesvari, Zita
Editorial: Knowledge gaps from the IPCC special report on the ocean and cryosphere in a changing climate and recent advances (volumes I and II).
Frontiers in climate, 4
Masisi, Bhoke; Zabel, Astrid; Blaser, Jürgen; Augustino, Suzana
Fighting climate change with bamboo in Africa: The case of Kyela, Rungwe and Mufindi districts – Tanzania.
Advances in Bamboo Science, 1, p. 100009.
Tschopp, Maurice; Inguaggiato, Carla; Saravia, Rodrigo Chavez; Ceddia, Michele Graziano
Using the Constitutionality Framework to Understand Alliances, Collective Action, and Divisions Between Indigenous and Peasant Communities in the Chaco Salteño.
Human ecology: an interdisciplinary journal, 50(4), pp. 761-780.
Wiesli, Thea Xenia; Hammer, Thomas
How can Quality of Life be Achieved in a Sustainable Way? Perceptions of Swiss Rural Inhabitants.
Discover sustainability, 3(1), p. 44.
Kenney-Lazar, Miles; Suhardiman, Diana; Hunt, Glenn
The spatial politics of land policy reform in Myanmar and Laos.
The journal of peasant studies, 50(4), pp. 1529-1548.
Bauernschuster, Sonja; Pichler, Melanie; Nanhthavong, Vong; Bernhard, Rasso; Epprecht, Michael; Gingrich, Simone
Carbon emissions from land acquisitions in Laos.
Ecology and Society, 27(3)
Resilience Alliance Publications
Magliocca, Nicholas R.; Ellicott, Evan A.; Ingalls, Micah L.; Epprecht, Michael; Hett, Cornelia; Nanhthavong, Vong; de Bremond, Ariane C.
Spatio-temporal unevenness in local land system regime shifts caused by land deals in Lao PDR.
Ecology and Society, 27(4)
Resilience Alliance Publications
Adoyo, Beatrice; Schaffner, Urs; Mukhovi, Stellah; Kiteme, Boniface; Mbaabu, Purity Rima; Eckert, Sandra; Choge, Simon; Ehrensperger, Albrecht
Spatiotemporal trajectories of invasive tree species reveal the importance of collective action for successful invasion management.
Journal of land use science, 17(1), pp. 487-504.
Taylor & Francis
Neyret, M.; Fischer, M.; Allan, E.; Hoelzel, N.; Klaus, V. H.; Kleinebecker, T.; Krauss, J.; Le Provost, G.; Peter, S.; Schenk, N.; Simons, N. K.; van der Plas, Fons; Binkenstein, J.; Boerschig, C.; Jung, K.; Prati, D.; Schäfer, D.; Schaefer, M.; Schoening, I; Schrumpf, M.; ...
Assessing the impact of grassland management on landscape multifunctionality.
Ecosystem services, 52, p. 101366.
Oberlack, Christoph; Giger, Markus; Anseeuw, Ward; Adelle, Camilla; Bourblanc, Magalie; Burnod, Perrine; Eckert, Sandra; Fitawek, Wegayehu; Fouilleux, Eve; Hendriks, Sheryl L.; Kiteme, Boniface; Masola, Livhuwani; Mawoko, Zaka Diana; Mercandalli, Sara; Reys, Aurélien; da Silva, Maya; van der Laan, Michael; Zaehringer, Julie G.; Messerli, Peter
Why do large-scale agricultural investments induce different socio-economic, food security, and environmental impacts? Evidence from Kenya, Madagascar, and Mozambique.
Ecology and Society, 26(4)
Resilience Alliance Publications
Zimmermann, Anne; Mulà, Ingrid; Diethart, Mario
Is striving for excellence in HEIs incompatible with partnership practices? Leadership principles for the Future We Want.
IAU Horizons, 26(2), pp. 46-47.
International Association of Universities
Bircher, P.; Liniger, H. P.; Kupferschmied, P.; Prasuhn, V.
Tools for USLE-CP-factor calculation and actual erosion risk on field block level for Switzerland.
MethodsX, 8, p. 101569.
Walde, Manuel; Allan, Eric; Cappelli, Seraina L.; Didion-Gency, Margaux; Gessler, Arthur; Lehmann, Marco M.; Pichon, Noémie A.; Grossiord, Charlotte
Both diversity and functional composition affect productivity and water use efficiency in experimental temperate grasslands.
Journal of ecology, 109(11), pp. 3877-3891.
Bostedt, Göran; de Jong, Johnny; Ekvall, Hans; Hof, Anouschka R.; Sjögren, Jörgen; Zabel, Astrid
An empirical model for forest landscape planning and its financial consequences for landowners.
Scandinavian journal of forest research, 36(7-8), pp. 626-638.
Taylor & Francis
Wilkes-Allemann, Jerylee; Deuffic, Philippe; Jandl, Robert; Westin, Kerstin; Lieberherr, Eva; Foldal, Cecilie; Lidestav, Gun; Weiss, Gerhard; Zabel, Astrid; Živojinović, Ivana; Pecurul-Botines, Mireia; Koller, Nancy; Haltia, Emmi; Sarvašová, Zuzana; Sarvaš, Milan; Curman, Marta; Riedl, Marcel; Jarský, Vilém
Communication campaigns to engage (non-traditional) forest owners: A European perspective.
Forest policy and economics, 133, p. 102621.
Elsevier Science
Feurer, Melanie; Rueff, Henri; Celio, Enrico; Heinimann, Andreas; Blaser, Juergen; Htun, Aung Myin; Zaehringer, Julie Gwendolin
Regional scale mapping of ecosystem services supply, demand, flow and mismatches in Southern Myanmar.
Ecosystem services, 52, p. 101363.
Quenta-Herrera, Estefania; Crespo-Pérez, Verónica; Mark, Bryan G; Gonzales, Ana Lía; Kulonen, Aino
Mountain freshwater ecosystems and protected areas in the tropical Andes: insights and gaps for climate change adaptation.
Environmental Conservation, 49(1), pp. 17-26.
Cambridge University Press
Chhetri, Ram; Yokying, Phanwin; Smith, Alexander; Van Den Hoek, Jamon; Hurni, Kaspar; Saksena, Sumeet; Fox, Jefferson
Forest, agriculture, and migration: contemplating the future of forestry and agriculture in the middle-hills of Nepal.
The journal of peasant studies, 50(1), pp. 411-433.
Inguaggiato, Carla; Ceddia, Michele Graziano; Tschopp, Maurice; Christopoulos, Dimitris
Codifying and Commodifying Nature: Narratives on Forest Property Rights and the Implementation of Tenure Regularization Policies in Northwestern Argentina.
Land, 10(10), p. 1005.
Inguaggiato, Carla; Ceddia, Michele Graziano; Tschopp, Maurice; Christopoulos, Dimitris
Collaborative Governance Networks: A Case Study of Argentina’s Forest Law.
Sustainability, 13(18), p. 10000.
Carmenta, Rachel; Cammelli, Federico; Dressler, Wolfram; Verbicaro, Camila; Zaehringer, Julie G.
Between a rock and a hard place: The burdens of uncontrolled fire for smallholders across the tropics.
World development, 145(105521), p. 105521.
Kaljonen, Minna; Kortetmäki, Teea; Tribaldos, Theresa; Huttunen, Suvi; Karttunen, Kaisa; Maluf, Renato S.; Niemi, Jyrki; Saarinen, Merja; Salminen, Jani; Vaalavuo, Maria; Valsta, Liisa
Justice in transitions: Widening considerations of justice in dietary transition.
Environmental innovation and societal transitions, 40, pp. 474-485.
Saric, Jasmina; Käser, Fabian; Lys, Jon-Andri; Utzinger, Jürg; Breu, Thomas
Synergising Research and Service Activities at Swiss Research Institutions to Accelerate Sustainable Development.
Sustainability, 13(17), p. 9626.
Perlik, Manfred
The Elgar Companion to Geography, Transdisciplinarity and Sustainability. Edited by Fausto O. Sarmiento and Larry M. Frolich.
Mountain Research and Development, 41(3)
International Mountain Society
Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara M.; Metz, Florence; Fischer, Manuel; Schneider, Flurina; Myint, Win; Messerli, Peter
The making of land use decisions, war, and state.
Journal of land use science, 16(4), pp. 359-381.
Taylor & Francis
Wiesli, Thea Xenia; Liebe, Ulf; Hammer, Thomas; Bär, Roger
Sustainable Quality of Life: A Conceptualization That Integrates the Views of Inhabitants of Swiss Rural Regions.
Sustainability, 13(16), p. 9187.
Chambers, Josephine M.; Wyborn, Carina; Ryan, Melanie E.; Reid, Robin S.; Riechers, Maraja; Serban, Anca; Bennett, Nathan J.; Cvitanovic, Christopher; Fernández-Giménez, María E.; Galvin, Kathleen A.; Goldstein, Bruce E.; Klenk, Nicole L.; Tengö, Maria; Brennan, Ruth; Cockburn, Jessica J.; Hill, Rosemary; Munera, Claudia; Nel, Jeanne L.; Österblom, Henrik; Bednarek, Angela T.; ...
Six modes of co-production for sustainability.
Nature sustainability, 4(11), pp. 983-996.
Wuelser, Gabriela; Adler, Carolina; Breu, Thomas; Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Wiesmann, Urs; Pohl, Christian
On which common ground to build? Transferable knowledge across cases in transdisciplinary sustainability research.
Sustainability science, 16(6), pp. 1891-1905.
Schulz, Tobias; Lieberherr, Eva; Zabel, Astrid
How national bioeconomy strategies address governance challenges arising from forest-related trade-offs.
Journal of environmental policy & planning, 24(1), pp. 123-136.
Taylor & Francis
Gross, T.; Breitenmoser, L.; Kumar, S.; Ehrensperger, A.; Wintgens, T.; Hugi, C.
Anaerobic digestion of biowaste in Indian municipalities: Effects on energy, fertilizers, water and the local environment.
Resources, conservation and recycling, 170, p. 105569.
Le Provost, Gaëtane; Thiele, Jan; Westphal, Catrin; Penone, Caterina; Allan, Eric; Neyret, Margot; van der Plas, Fons; Ayasse, Manfred; Bardgett, Richard D.; Birkhofer, Klaus; Boch, Steffen; Bonkowski, Michael; Buscot, Francois; Feldhaar, Heike; Gaulton, Rachel; Goldmann, Kezia; Gossner, Martin M.; Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Krauss, Jochen; ...
Contrasting responses of above- and belowground diversity to multiple components of land-use intensity.
Nature Communications, 12(1)
Springer Nature
Bottazzi, Patrick; Boillat, Sébastien
Political Agroecology in Senegal: Historicity and Repertoires of Collective Actions of an Emerging Social Movement.
Sustainability, 13(11), p. 6352.
Thornton, James M.; Palazzi, Elisa; Pepin, Nicolas C.; Cristofanelli, Paolo; Essery, Richard; Kotlarski, Sven; Giuliani, Gregory; Guigoz, Yaniss; Kulonen, Aino; Pritchard, David; Li, Xiaofeng; Fowler, Hayley J.; Randin, Christophe F.; Shahgedanova, Maria; Steinbacher, Martin; Zebisch, Marc; Adler, Carolina
Toward a definition of Essential Mountain Climate Variables.
One earth, 4(6), pp. 805-827.
Illien, Patrick; Pérez Niño, Helena; Bieri, Sabin
Agrarian class relations in Rwanda: a labour-centred perspective.
The journal of peasant studies, 49(6), pp. 1181-1206.
Linders, Theo E. W.; Schaffner, Urs; Alamirew, Tena; Allan, Eric; Choge, Simon K.; Eschen, René; Shiferaw, Hailu; Manning, Peter
Stakeholder priorities determine the impact of an alien tree invasion on ecosystem multifunctionality.
People and nature, 3(3), pp. 658-672.
British Ecological Society
Mwangi, Veronica; Owuor, Samuel; Kiteme, Boniface; Giger, Markus
Assessing Smallholder Farmer's Participation in the Wheat Value Chain in North-West Mt. Kenya.
Frontiers in sustainable food systems, 5
Eisenack, Klaus; Oberlack, Christoph; Sietz, Diana
Avenues of archetype analysis: roots, achievements, and next steps in sustainability research.
Ecology and Society, 26(2)
Resilience Alliance Publications
Palomo, Ignacio; Locatelli, Bruno; Otero, Iago; Colloff, Matthew; Crouzat, Emilie; Cuni-Sanchez, Aida; Gómez-Baggethun, Erik; González-García, Alberto; Grêt-Regamey, Adrienne; Jiménez-Aceituno, Amanda; Martín-López, Berta; Pascual, Unai; Zafra-Calvo, Noelia; Bruley, Enora; Fischborn, Marie; Metz, Rosmarie; Lavorel, Sandra
Assessing nature-based solutions for transformative change.
One earth, 4(5), pp. 730-741.
Giger, Markus; Eckert, Sandra; Lay, Jann
Large-scale land acquisitions, agricultural trade, and zoonotic diseases: Overlooked links.
One earth, 4(5), pp. 605-608.
Xie, Lina; Soliveres, Santiago; Allan, Eric; Zhang, Guogang; Man, Liang; Mei, Xufang; Li, Ying; Wang, Yuetang; Ma, Chengcang
Woody species have stronger facilitative effects on soil biota than on plants along an aridity gradient.
Journal of vegetation science, 32(3)
Troxler, David; Zabel, Astrid
Clearing forests to make way for a sustainable economy transition in Switzerland.
Forest policy and economics, 129(102511), p. 102511.
Elsevier Science
Tucker, Catherine M.; Alcántara-Ayala, Irasema; Gunya, Alexey; Jimenez, Elizabeth; Klein, Julia A.; Xu, Jun; Bigler, Sophie Lena
Challenges for Governing Mountains Sustainably: Insights From a Global Survey.
Mountain Research and Development, 41(2), R10-R20.
International Mountain Society
Nanhthavong, Vong; Oberlack, Christoph; Hett, Cornelia; Messerli, Peter; Epprecht, Michael
Pathways to human well-being in the context of land acquisitions in Lao PDR.
Global environmental change, 68, p. 102252.
Thakur, Madhav P.; van der Putten, Wim H.; Wilschut, Rutger A.; Veen, G.F. (Ciska); Kardol, Paul; van Ruijven, Jasper; Allan, Eric; Roscher, Christiane; van Kleunen, Mark; Bezemer, T. Martijn
Plant–Soil Feedbacks and Temporal Dynamics of Plant Diversity–Productivity Relationships.
Trends in ecology & evolution, 36(7), pp. 651-661.
Elsevier Current Trends
Schneider, Flurina; Tribaldos, Theresa M.; Adler, Carolina; Biggs, Reinette (Oonsie); de Brémond, Ariane; Buser, Tobias; Krug, Cornelia; Loutre, Marie-France; Moore, Sarah; Norström, Albert V; Paulavets, Katsia; Urbach, Davnah; Spehn, Eva; Wülser, Gabriela; Zondervan, Ruben
Co-production of knowledge and sustainability transformations: a strategic compass for global research networks.
Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 49, pp. 127-142.
Perlik, Manfred
Impacts of social innovation on spatiality in mountain–lowland relations – Trajectories of two regional initiatives in the context of the Swiss New Regional Policy.
Sustainability, 13(7), p. 3823.
Llanque, Aymara; Jacobi, Johanna; Tribaldos, Theresa M.; Mukhovi, Stellah; Silvestre, Carlos; Tecchio, Andreia; Fernandez, Lidiane; Delgado, Freddy; Kiteme, Boniface; Maluf, Renato; Bessa, Adriana; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Rist, Stephan
Transformations towards food sustainability using the participatory Food Sustainability Assessment Framework (FoodSAF).
Social Innovations Journal, 5
Social Innovations Partners
Trechsel, Lilian Julia; Zimmermann, Anne Barbara; Steinböck, Camilla; Breu, Thomas; Herweg, Karl; Thieme, Susan
Safe Spaces for Disruptive Learning in a North–South Research Partnership Context: International Mobility of Doctoral Students.
Sustainability, 13(4), p. 2413.
Boch, Steffen; Saiz, Hugo; Allan, Eric; Schall, Peter; Prati, Daniel; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Hessenmöller, Dominik; Sparrius, Laurens B.; Fischer, Markus
Direct and indirect effects of management intensity and environmental factors on the functional diversity of lichens in central european forests.
Microorganisms, 9(2)
Svensk, Mia; Pittarello, Marco; Nota, Ginevra; Schneider, Manuel K.; Allan, Eric; Mariotte, Pierre; Probo, Massimiliano
Spatial Distribution of Highland Cattle in Alnus viridis Encroached Subalpine Pastures.
Frontiers in ecology and evolution, 9(626599)
Frontiers Media
Ravazzoli, Elisa; Dalla Torre, Cristina; Da Re, Riccardo; Marini Govigli, Valentino; Secco, Laura; Górriz-Mifsud, Elena; Pisano, Elena; Barlagne, Carla; Baselice, Antonio; Bengoumi, Mohammed; Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke; Labidi, Arbia; Lopolito, Antonio; Mariana, Melnykovych; Perlik, Manfred; Polman, Nico; Sarkki, Simo; Vassilopoulos, Achilleas; Koundouri, Phoebe; Miller, David; ...
Can Social Innovation Make a Change in European and Mediterranean Marginalized Areas? Social Innovation Impact Assessment in Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, and Rural Development.
Sustainability, 13(4), p. 1823.
Boch, Steffen; Kurtogullari, Yasemin; Allan, Eric; Lessard-Therrien, Malie; Rieder, Nora Simone; Fischer, Markus; Martínez De León, Gerard; Arlettaz, Raphaël; Humbert, Jean-Yves
Effects of fertilization and irrigation on vascular plant species richness, functional composition and yield in mountain grasslands.
Journal of Environmental Management, 279, p. 111629.
Bär, Roger; Reinhard, Jürgen; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Kiteme, Boniface; Mkunda, Thomas; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
The future of charcoal, firewood, and biogas in Kitui County and Kilimanjaro Region: Scenario development for policy support.
Energy policy, 150(112067), p. 112067.
Andriamihaja, O. Ravaka; Metz, Florence; Zaehringer, Julie G.; Fischer, Manuel; Messerli, Peter
Identifying agents of change for sustainable land governance.
Land use policy, 100, p. 104882.
Elsevier Science
Schmid, Marc; Heinimann, Andreas; Zaehringer, Julie G.
Patterns of land system change in a Southeast Asian biodiversity hotspot.
Applied geography, 126, p. 102380.
Kluvánková, Tatiana; Nijnik, Maria; Spacek, Martin; Sarkki, Simo; Perlik, Manfred; Lukesch, Robert; Melnykovych, Mariana; Valero, Diana; Brnkal’áková, Stanislavska
Social innovation for sustainability transformation and its diverging development paths in marginalised rural areas.
Sociologia ruralis, 61(2), pp. 344-371.
Zimmermann, Anne B.; Stauffacher, Michael; Bornemann, Basil; da Silva-Trolliet, Tamara
Transformatives Lernen als Herausforderung für die universitäre Hochschulbildung.
Gaia : ecological perspectives for science and society, 30(1), pp. 57-59.
Oekom Verlag
Feurer, Melanie; Zaehringer, Julie Gwendolin; Heinimann, Andreas; Naing, Su Myat; Blaser, Jürgen; Celio, Enrico
Quantifying local ecosystem service outcomes by modelling their supply, demand and flow in Myanmar’s forest frontier landscape.
Journal of land use science, 16(1), pp. 55-93.
Taylor & Francis
Beran, David; Pesantes, Maria Amalia; Berghusen, Maria Claudia; Hennig, Branwen J; Jacobi, Johanna; Lazo-Porras, Maria; Llanque, Aymara; Placella, Enrichetta; Robledo-Abad, Carmenza; Bayona, Marta Tufet; Miranda, J Jaime
Rethinking research processes to strengthen co-production in low and middle income countries.
BMJ, 372, m4785.
BMJ Publishing Group
Llopis, Jorge C.; Chastonay, Jonas F.; Birrer, Franziska C.; Bär, Roger; Andriatsitohaina, R. Ntsiva N.; Messerli, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas; Zaehringer, Julie G.
Year-to-year ecosystem services supply in conservation contexts in north-eastern Madagascar: Trade-offs between global demands and local needs.
Ecosystem services, 48, p. 101249.
Care, O.; Bernstein, M. J.; Chapman, M.; Diaz Reviriego, I.; Dressler, G.; Felipe-Lucia, M. R.; Friis, C.; Graham, S.; Hänke, H.; Haider, L. J.; Hernández-Morcillo, M.; Hoffmann, H.; Kernecker, M.; Nicol, P.; Piñeiro, C.; Pitt, H.; Schill, C.; Seufert, V.; Shu, K.; Valencia, V.; ...
Creating leadership collectives for sustainability transformations.
Sustainability science, 16(2), pp. 703-708.
Huber, Robert; Zabel, Astrid; Schleiffer, Mirjam; Vroege, Willemijn; Brändle, Julia M.; Finger, Robert
Conservation Costs Drive Enrolment in Agglomeration Bonus Scheme.
Ecological economics, 186, p. 107064.
Eschen, René; Bekele, Ketema; Mbaabu, Purity Rima; Kilawe, Charles Joseph; Eckert, Sandra
Prosopis juliflora management and grassland restoration in Baringo County, Kenya: Opportunities for soil carbon sequestration and local livelihoods.
Journal of applied ecology, 58(6), pp. 1302-1313.
Shahgedanova, Maria; Adler, Carolina; Gebrekirstos, Aster; Grau, H. Ricardo; Huggel, Christian; Marchant, Robert; Pepin, Nicholas; Vanacker, Veerle; Viviroli, Daniel; Vuille, Mathias
Mountain Observatories: Status and Prospects for Enhancing and Connecting a Global Community.
Mountain Research and Development, 41(2), A1-A15.
International Mountain Society
Tribaldos, Theresa M.; Schneider, Flurina
Enabling Players to Develop Theories of Change for Sustainable Development: A Serious Game.
Simulation & gaming, 52(5), pp. 664-678.
Zaehringer, Julie Gwendolin; Messerli, Peter; Giger, Markus; Kiteme, Boniface; Atumane, Ali; Da Silva, Maya; Rakotoasimbola, Lovasoa; Eckert, Sandra
Large-scale agricultural investments in Eastern Africa: consequences for small-scale farmers and the environment.
Ecosystems and people, 17(1), pp. 342-357.
Taylor & Francis
Vij, Sumit; Biesbroek, Robbert; Adler, Carolina; Muccione, Veruska
Climate Change Adaptation in European Mountain Systems: A Systematic Mapping of Academic Research.
Mountain Research and Development, 41(1), A1-A6.
International Mountain Society
Mertz, Ole; Bruun, Thilde Bech; Jepsen, Martin Rudbeck; Ryan, Casey M.; Zaehringer, Julie G.; Hinrup, Jeannette S.; Heinimann, Andreas
Ecosystem Service Provision by Secondary Forests in Shifting Cultivation Areas Remains Poorly Understood.
Human Ecology, 49(3), pp. 271-283.
Springer Science+Business Media S.A.
Zucca, Claudio; Middleton, Nick; Kang, Utchang; Liniger, Hanspeter
Shrinking water bodies as hotspots of sand and dust storms: The role of land degradation and sustainable soil and water management.
Catena, 207(105669), p. 105669.
Baumgartner, Urs; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
Drawing the line between sustainable and unsustainable fish: product differentiation that supports sustainable development through trade measures.
Environmental sciences Europe, 33(1)
Crawley, Michael J.; Pakeman, Robin J.; Albon, Steve D.; Pilkington, Jill G.; Stevenson, Ian R.; Morrissey, Michael B.; Jones, Owen R.; Allan, Eric; Bento, Ana I.; Hipperson, Helen; Asefa, Gebre; Pemberton, Josephine M.
The dynamics of vegetation grazed by a food-limited population of Soay sheep on St Kilda.
Journal of ecology, 109(12), pp. 3988-4006.
Jungmeier, Michael; Borsdorf, Axel; Braun, Valerie; Häring, Volker; Hammer, Thomas; Pichler-Koban, Christina
Pärke, Parks and Reservate – biosphere reserves in Austria, Germany and Switzerland on their way towards Biosphere 4.0?
Eco.mont - journal on protected mountain areas research, 13(special issue), pp. 15-26.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
Schoon, Michael; Chapman, Mollie; Loos, Jacqueline; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Carr Kelman, Candice; Aburto, Jaime; Alexander, Steve; Baggio, Jacopo; Brady, Ute; Cockburn, Jessica; Cundill, Georgina; Garcia Lopez, Gustavo; Hill, Rosemary; Robinson, Catherine; Thondhlana, Gladman; Trimble, Micaela; Whittaker, Dane
On the frontiers of collaboration and conflict: how context influences the success of collaboration.
Ecosystems and people, 17(1), pp. 383-399.
Taylor & Francis
Mbaabu, P. R.; Schaffner, U.; Eckert, S.
The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIII-B3-2021, pp. 335-340.
International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Van Den Hoek, Jamon; Smith, Alexander C.; Hurni, Kaspar; Saksena, Sumeet; Fox, Jefferson
Shedding New Light on Mountainous Forest Growth: A Cross-Scale Evaluation of the Effects of Topographic Illumination Correction on 25 Years of Forest Cover Change across Nepal.
Remote sensing, 13(11), p. 2131.
le Polain de Waroux, Yann; Garrett, Rachael D.; Chapman, Mollie; Friis, Cecilie; Hoelle, Jeffrey; Hodel, Leonie; Hopping, Kelly; Zaehringer, Julie Gwendolin
The role of culture in land system science.
Journal of land use science, 16(4), pp. 450-466.
Taylor & Francis
Payne, Davnah; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Zimmermann, Anne; Molden, David; Breu, Thomas
Focus Issue: Mountain Biodiversity and Sustainable Development.
Mountain Research and Development, 40(2)
International Mountain Society
Fazey, Ioan; Schäpke, Niko; Caniglia, Guido; Hodgson, Anthony; Kendrick, Ian; Lyon, Christopher; Page, Glenn; Patterson, James; Riedy, Chris; Strasser, Tim; Verveen, Stephan; Adams, David; Goldstein, Bruce; Klaes, Matthias; Leicester, Graham; Linyard, Alison; McCurdy, Adrienne; Ryan, Paul; Sharpe, Bill; Silvestri, Giorgia; ...
Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there.
Energy research & social science, 70, p. 101724.
Adler, Carolina; Balsiger, Jörg; Grêt-Regamey, Adrienne; Heinimann, Andreas; Huggel, Christian; Weingartner, Rolf; Alcántara-Ayala, Irasema; Gebrekirstos, Aster; Grau, Ricardo; Jimenez, Elizabeth; Marchant, Robert; Mark, Bryan; Marshall, Shawn; Morin, Samuel; Shahgedanova, Maria; Shrestha, Mandira Singh; Xu, Jianchu
Making Connections for Our Changing Mountains: Future Directions for the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI).
Mountain Research and Development, 40(3), P1-P6.
International Mountain Society
Felipe-Lucia, Maria R.; Soliveres, Santiago; Penone, Caterina; Fischer, Markus; Ammer, Christian; Boch, Steffen; Boeddinghaus, Runa S.; Bonkowski, Michael; Buscot, François; Fiore-Donno, Anna Maria; Frank, Kevin; Goldmann, Kezia; Gossner, Martin M.; Hölzel, Norbert; Jochum, Malte; Kandeler, Ellen; Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Leimer, Sophia; Manning, Peter; ...
Land-use intensity alters networks between biodiversity, ecosystem functions, and services.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 117(45), pp. 28140-28149.
National Academy of Sciences NAS
Mbaabu, Purity Rima; Olago, Daniel; Gichaba, Maina; Eckert, Sandra; Eschen, René; Oriaso, Silas; Choge, Simon Kosgei; Linders, Theo Edmund Werner; Schaffner, Urs
Restoration of degraded grasslands, but not invasion by Prosopis juliflora, avoids trade-offs between climate change mitigation and other ecosystem services.
Scientific reports, 10(1)
Springer Nature
van den Elsen, Erik; Stringer, Lindsay C.; De Ita, Cecilia; Hessel, Rudi; Kéfi, Sonia; Schneider, Florian D.; Bautista, Susana; Mayor, Angeles G.; Baudena, Mara; Rietkerk, Max; Valdecantos, Alejandro; Vallejo, Victoriano R.; Geeson, Nichola; Brandt, C. Jane; Fleskens, Luuk; Hemerik, Lia; Panagos, Panos; Valente, Sandra; Keizer, Jan J.; Schwilch, Gudrun; ...
Advances in Understanding and Managing Catastrophic Ecosystem Shifts in Mediterranean Ecosystems.
Frontiers in ecology and evolution, 8
Frontiers Media
Interdonato, Roberto; Bourgoin, Jeremy; Grislain, Quentin; Zignani, Matteo; Gaito, Sabrina; Giger, Markus
The parable of arable land: Characterizing large scale land acquisitions through network analysis.
PLoS ONE, 15(10), e0240051.
Public Library of Science
Mukhovi, Stellah; Jacobi, Johanna; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Rist, Stephan; Kiteme, Boniface
Learning and Adaptation in Food Systems: Insights from Four Case Studies in the Global South.
International journal on food system dynamics, 11(4), pp. 312-328.
Tschopp, Maurice; Ceddia, M. Graziano; Inguaggiato, Carla; Bardsley, Nicholas O.; Hernández, Hernán
Understanding the adoption of sustainable silvopastoral practices in Northern Argentina: What is the role of land tenure?
Land use policy, 99, p. 105092.
Elsevier Science
Mwangi, Veronica; Owuor, Samuel; Kiteme, Boniface; Giger, Markus
Beef Production in the Rangelands: A Comparative Assessment between Pastoralism and Large-Scale Ranching in Laikipia County, Kenya.
Agriculture, 10(9), p. 399.
Franić, Iva; Eschen, René; Allan, Eric; Hartmann, Martin; Schneider, Salome; Prospero, Simone
Drivers of richness and community composition of fungal endophytes of tree seeds.
FEMS microbiology ecology, 96(9)
Oxford University Press
Musselli, Irene; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
Les flux financiers illicites (FFI) : concepts et définition.
Revue internationale de politique de développement, 12.1(12.1)
Graduate Institute Geneva
Breu, Thomas; Bergöö, Michael; Ebneter, Laura; Pham-Truffert, Myriam; Bieri, Sabin; Messerli, Peter; Ott, Cordula; Bader, Christoph
Where to begin? Defining national strategies for implementing the 2030 Agenda: the case of Switzerland.
Sustainability science, 16(1), pp. 183-201.
Barnett, Allain J.; Partelow, Stefan; Frey, Ulrich; García-Lozano, Alejandro; Del Mar Mancha-Cisneros, Maria; Oberlack, Christoph; Ratajczyk, Elicia; Smith, Hillary; Villamayor-Tomás, Sergio; Whitney, Charlotte K.
Defining Success in the Commons: Addressing Problem Orientations, Multidimensionality, Norms, and Tradeoffs.
International journal of the commons, 14(1), pp. 366-387.
Ubiquity Press
Godoy, Oscar; Gómez-Aparicio, Lorena; Matías, Luis; Pérez-Ramos, Ignacio M.; Allan, Eric
An excess of niche differences maximizes ecosystem functioning.
Nature Communications, 11(1), p. 4180.
Springer Nature
Niether, Wiebke; Jacobi, Johanna; Blaser, Wilma J.; Andres, Christian; Armengot, Laura
Cocoa agroforestry systems versus monocultures: a multi-dimensional meta-analysis.
Environmental Research Letters, 15(10), p. 104085.
IOP Publishing
Pichon, Noémie A.; Cappelli, Seraina L.; Soliveres, Santiago; Hölzel, Norbert; Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Allan, Eric
Decomposition disentangled: A test of the multiple mechanisms by which nitrogen enrichment alters litter decomposition.
Functional Ecology, 34(7), pp. 1485-1496.
Piemontese, Luigi; Castelli, Giulio; Fetzer, Ingo; Barron, Jennie; Liniger, Hanspeter; Harari, Nicole; Bresci, Elena; Jaramillo, Fernando
Estimating the global potential of water harvesting from successful case studies.
Global environmental change, 63, p. 102121.
Bottazzi, Patrick; Boillat, Sébastien; Marfurt, Franziska; Mbossé Seck, Sokhna
Channels of Labour Control in Organic Farming: Toward a Just Agroecological Transition for Sub-Saharan Africa.
Land, 9(6), p. 205.
Ceddia, M. Graziano
Investments' role in ecosystem degradation.
Science, 368(6489), p. 377.
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Randin, Christophe F.; Ashcroft, Michael B.; Bolliger, Janine; Cavender-Bares, Jeannine; Coops, Nicholas C.; Dullinger, Stefan; Dirnböck, Thomas; Eckert, Sandra; Ellis, Erle; Fernández, Néstor; Giuliani, Gregory; Guisan, Antoine; Jetz, Walter; Joost, Stéphane; Karger, Dirk; Lembrechts, Jonas; Lenoir, Jonathan; Luoto, Miska; Morin, Xavier; Price, Bronwyn; ...
Monitoring biodiversity in the Anthropocene using remote sensing in species distribution models.
Remote sensing of environment, 239, p. 111626.
Okpara, Uche T.; Fleskens, Luuk; Stringer, Lindsay C.; Hessel, Rudi; Bachmann, Felicitas; Daliakopoulos, Ioannis; Berglund, Kerstin; Blanco Velazquez, Francisco Jose; Ferro, Nicola Dal; Keizer, Jacob; Kohnova, Silvia; Lemann, Tatenda; Quinn, Claire; Schwilch, Gudrun; Siebielec, Grzegorz; Skaalsveen, Kamilla; Tibbett, Mark; Zoumides, Christos
Helping stakeholders select and apply appraisal tools to mitigate soil threats: Researchers’ experiences from across Europe.
Journal of environmental management, 257, p. 110005.
Adler, Carolina; Pomeroy, John; Nitu, Rodica
High Mountain Summit: Outcomes and Outlook.
WMO Bulletin, 69(1), pp. 34-37.
World Meteorological Organization
Clark, Adam Thomas; Ann Turnbull, Lindsay; Tredennick, Andrew; Allan, Eric; Harpole, W. Stanley; Mayfield, Margaret M.; Soliveres, Santiago; Barry, Kathryn; Eisenhauer, Nico; Kroon, Hans; Rosenbaum, Benjamin; Wagg, Cameron; Weigelt, Alexandra; Feng, Yanhao; Roscher, Christiane; Schmid, Bernhard
Predicting species abundances in a grassland biodiversity experiment: Trade‐offs between model complexity and generality.
Journal of ecology, 108(2), pp. 774-787.
Boillat, Sébastien; Martin, Adrian; Adams, Timothy; Daniel, Desiree; Llopis, Jorge; Zepharovich, Elena; Oberlack, Christoph; Sonderegger, Gabi; Bottazzi, Patrick; Corbera, Esteve; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Pascual, Unai
Why telecoupling research needs to account for environmental justice.
Journal of land use science, 15(1), pp. 1-10.
Taylor & Francis
Ceddia, M. Graziano
The super-rich and cropland expansion via direct investments in agriculture.
Nature sustainability, 3(4), pp. 312-318.
Linders, Theo E. W.; Bekele, Ketema; Schaffner, Urs; Allan, Eric; Alamirew, Tena; Choge, Simon K.; Eckert, Sandra; Haji, Jema; Muturi, Gabriel; Mbaabu, Purity Rima; Shiferaw, Hailu; Eschen, René
The impact of invasive species on social-ecological systems: Relating supply and use of selected provisioning ecosystem services.
Ecosystem services, 41, p. 101055.
Ampoorter, Evy; Barbaro, Luc; Jactel, Hervé; Baeten, Lander; Boberg, Johanna; Carnol, Monique; Castagneyrol, Bastien; Charbonnier, Yohan; Dawud, Seid Muhie; Deconchat, Marc; Smedt, Pallieter De; Wandeler, Hans De; Guyot, Virginie; Hättenschwiler, Stephan; Joly, François‐Xavier; Koricheva, Julia; Milligan, Harriet; Muys, Bart; Nguyen, Diem; Ratcliffe, Sophia; ...
Tree diversity is key for promoting the diversity and abundance of forest‐associated taxa in Europe.
Oikos, 129(2), pp. 133-146.
Eckert, Sandra; Hamad, Amina; Kilawe, Charles Joseph; Linders, Theo E. W.; Ng, Wai‐Tim; Mbaabu, Purity Rima; Shiferaw, Hailu; Witt, Arne; Schaffner, Urs
Niche change analysis as a tool to inform management of two invasive species in Eastern Africa.
Ecosphere, 11(2)
Ecological Society of America
Mutea, Emily; Rist, Stephan; Jacobi, Johanna
Applying the Theory of Access to Food Security among Smallholder Family Farmers around North-West Mount Kenya.
Sustainability, 12(5), p. 1751.
Murti, Radhika; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Rist, Stephan
A Methodological Orientation for Social Learning Based Adaptation Planning: Lessons from Pilot Interventions in Rural Communities of Burkina Faso, Chile and Senegal.
Systemic practice and action research, 33(4), pp. 409-434.
Jacobi, J; Llanque, A.; Bieri, S; Birachi, E.; Cochard, R.; Chauvin, N. Depetris; Diebold, C; Eschen, R.; Frossard, E.; Guillaume, T.; Jaquet, S; Kämpfen, F.; Kenis, M.; Kiba, D.I.; Komarudin, H.; Madrazo, J.; Manoli, G.; Mukhovi, S.M.; Nguyen, V.T.H.; Pomalègni, C.; ...
Utilization of research knowledge in sustainable development pathways: Insights from a transdisciplinary research-for-development programme.
Environmental science & policy, 103, pp. 21-29.
Feng, Yanhao; Soliveres, Santiago; Allan, Eric; Rosenbaum, Benjamin; Wagg, Cameron; Tabi, Andrea; De Luca, Enrica; Eisenhauer, Nico; Schmid, Bernhard; Weigelt, Alexandra; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Roscher, Christiane; Fischer, Markus
Inferring competitive outcomes, ranks and intransitivity from empirical data: A comparison of different methods.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11(1), pp. 117-128.
Zaehringer, Julie G.; Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara; Thein, Tun Tun; Llopis, Jorge C.; Tun, Nwe Nwe; Myint, Win; Schneider, Flurina
The cash crop boom in southern Myanmar: tracing land use regime shifts through participatory mapping.
Ecosystems and people, 16(1), pp. 36-49.
Taylor & Francis
Shakya, Bandana; Schneider, Flurina; Yang, Yongping; Sharma, Eklabya
A Multiscale Transdisciplinary Framework for Advancing the Sustainability Agenda of Mountain Agricultural Systems.
Mountain Research and Development, 39(3), A1-A7.
International Mountain Society
Llopis, Jorge C.; Diebold, Clara L.; Schneider, Flurina; Harimalala, Paul C.; Patrick, Laby; Messerli, Peter; Zaehringer, Julie G.
Capabilities Under Telecoupling: Human Well-Being Between Cash Crops and Protected Areas in North-Eastern Madagascar.
Frontiers in sustainable food systems, 3(126)
Murti, Radhika; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Garcia, Veronica Ruiz; Rist, Stephan
Engaging national policy makers in ecosystem based disaster risk reduction through social learning: Lessons from workshops in Africa, oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean.
International journal of disaster risk reduction, 45, p. 101463.
Norström, Albert V.; Cvitanovic, Christopher; Löf, Marie F.; West, Simon; Wyborn, Carina; Balvanera, Patricia; Bednarek, Angela T.; Bennett, Elena M.; Biggs, Reinette; de Brémond, Ariane; Campbell, Bruce M.; Canadell, Josep G.; Carpenter, Stephen R.; Folke, Carl; Fulton, Elizabeth A.; Gaffney, Owen; Gelcich, Stefan; Jouffray, Jean-Baptiste; Leach, Melissa; Le Tissier, Martin; ...
Principles for knowledge co-production in sustainability research.
Nature sustainability, 3(3), pp. 182-190.
Gara, Ahlem; Gader, Khouloud; Khlifi, Slaheddine; Vanclooster, Marnik; Jendoubi, Donia; Bouvier, Christophe
The added value of spatially distributed meteorological data for simulating hydrological processes in a small Mediterranean catchment.
Acta geophysica, 68(1), pp. 133-153.
Zepharovich, Elena; Ceddia, M. Graziano; Rist, Stephan
Perceptions of deforestation in the Argentinean Chaco: Combining Q-method and environmental justice.
Ecological economics, 171, p. 106598.
Magliocca, Nicholas R; Khuc, Quy Van; de Bremond, Ariane; Ellicott, Evan A
Direct and indirect land-use change caused by large-scale land acquisitions in Cambodia.
Environmental Research Letters, 15(2), pp. 1-9.
IOP Publishing
Musselli, Irene; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
Illicit Financial Flows: Concepts and Definition.
Revue internationale de politique de développement, 12.1(12.1)
Graduate Institute Geneva
Jendoubi, Donia; Hossain, Md Sarwar; Giger, Markus; Tomićević-Dubljević, Jelena; Ouessar, Mohamed; Liniger, Hanspeter; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Local livelihoods and land users’ perceptions of land degradation in northwest Tunisia.
Environmental development, 33, p. 100507.
Mukhovi, Stellah Mikalitsa; Jacobi, Johanna; Llanque, Aymara; Rist, Stephan; Delgado, Freddy; Kiteme, Boniface; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Social Self-Organization and Social-Ecological Resilience in Food Systems: Lessons from Smallholder Agriculture in Kenya and Indigenous Guaraní Communities in Bolivia.
Food studies, 10(1), pp. 19-42.
Common Ground Research Networks
Schneider, Flurina; Feurer, Mélanie; Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara Maria; Myint, Win; Nuam, Cing Don; Nydegger, Katharina; Oberlack, Christoph; Tun, Nwe Nwe; Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Tun, Aung Myin; Messerli, Peter
Sustainable Development Under Competing Claims on Land: Three Pathways Between Land-Use Changes, Ecosystem Services and Human Well-Being.
The European journal of development research, 32(2), pp. 316-337.
Bächtold, Stefan; Bastide, Joan; Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara
Assembling Drones, Activists and Oil Palms: Implications of a Multi-stakeholder Land Platform for State Formation in Myanmar.
The European journal of development research, 32(2), pp. 359-378.
Alaoui, Abdallah; Barão, Lúcia; Ferreira, Carla S. S.; Schwilch, Gudrun; Basch, Gottlieb; Garcia‐Orenes, Fuensanta; Morugan, Alicia; Mataix‐Solera, Jorge; Kosmas, Costas; Glavan, Matjaž; Szabó, Brigitta; Hermann, Tamás; Vizitiu, Olga Petrutza; Lipiec, Jerzy; Frąc, Magdalena; Reintam, Endla; Xu, Minggang; Di, Jiaying; Fan, Hongzhu; Sukkel, Wijnand; ...
Visual assessment of the impact of agricultural management practices on soil quality.
Agronomy journal, 112(4), pp. 2608-2623.
American Society of Agronomy
Andriatsitohaina, R. Ntsiva N.; Celio, Enrico; Llopis, Jorge C.; Rabemananjara, Zo H.; Ramamonjisoa, Bruno S.; Grêt-Regamey, Adrienne
Participatory Bayesian network modeling to understand driving factors of land-use change decisions: insights from two case studies in northeast Madagascar.
Journal of land use science, 15(1), pp. 69-90.
Taylor & Francis
Dou, Yue; da Silva, Ramon Felipe Bicudo; McCord, Paul; Zaehringer, Julie G.; Yang, Hongbo; Furumo, Paul; Zhang, Jian; Pizarro, J. Cristóbal; Liu, Jianguo
Understanding How Smallholders Integrated into Pericoupled and Telecoupled Systems.
Sustainability, 12(4), p. 1596.
Mader, Clemens; Zimmermann, Anne B.; Diethart, Mario; Mulà, Ingrid
Virtual conferences in higher education: Teasing out their transformative potential for sustainable development.
Gaia : ecological perspectives for science and society, 29(1), pp. 57-59.
Oekom Verlag
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Mulanovich, Augusto J.; Jaquet, Stéphanie; Bieri, Sabin; Lojas, Juan; Breu, Thomas; Messerli, Peter
Establishing a science-policy-society interface for biodiversity conservation and human well-being in the Amazon: the case of Madre de Dios, Peru.
Ecosistemas, 29(1)
Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre
Cappelli, Seraina L.; Pichon, Noémie A.; Kempel, Anne; Allan, Eric
Sick plants in grassland communities: a growth‐defense trade‐off is the main driver of fungal pathogen abundance.
Ecology Letters, 23(9), pp. 1349-1359.
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing
Pham-Truffert, Myriam; Metz, Florence; Fischer, Manuel; Rueff, Henri; Messerli, Peter
Interactions among Sustainable Development Goals: Knowledge for identifying multipliers and virtuous cycles.
Sustainable development, 28(5), pp. 1236-1250.
Mwangi, Veronica; Owuor, Samuel; Kiteme, Boniface; Giger, Markus; Jacobi, Johanna; Kirui, Oliver
Linking Household Food Security and Food Value Chains in North West Mt. Kenya.
Sustainability, 12(12), p. 4999.
Giger, Markus; Mutea, Emily; Kiteme, Boniface; Eckert, Sandra; Anseeuw, Ward; Zaehringer, Julie G.
Large agricultural investments in Kenya’s Nanyuki Area: Inventory and analysis of business models.
Land use policy, 99, p. 104833.
Elsevier Science
Adenle, Ademola A.; Eckert, Sandra; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Adedeji, Oluwatola I.; Ellison, David
Human-induced land degradation dominance in the Nigerian Guinea savannah between 2003 – 2018.
Remote sensing applications : society and environment, 19, p. 100360.
Villamayor-Tomas, Sergio; Oberlack, Christoph; Epstein, Graham; Partelow, Stefan; Roggero, Matteo; Kellner, Elke; Tschopp, Maurice; Cox, Michael
Using case study data to understand SES interactions: a model-centered meta-analysis of SES framework applications.
Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 44, pp. 48-57.
Trechsel, Lilian Julia; Tanner, Rolf Peter
Brennpunkt Nachhaltigkeit. Beitrag einer Digitalen Lernplattform zu transformativem Lernen und Transformation in Richtung nachhaltiger Entwicklung.
Progress in Science Education (PriSE), 3(2), pp. 29-36.
Afriyie-Kraft, Lydia; Zabel, Astrid; Damnyag, Lawrence
Index-based weather insurance for perennial crops: A case study on insurance supply and demand for cocoa farmers in Ghana.
World development perspectives, 20, p. 100237.
Tribaldos, Theresa M.; Oberlack, Christoph; Schneider, Flurina
Impact through participatory research approaches: an archetype analysis.
Ecology and Society, 25(3)
Resilience Alliance Publications
Jacobi, Johanna; Mukhovi, Stellah; Llanque, Aymara; Giger, Markus; Bessa, Adriana; Golay, Christophe; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Mwangi, Veronica; Augstburger, Horacio; Buergi-Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Haller, Tobias; Kiteme, Boniface P.; Delgado Burgoa, José M. F.; Tribaldos, Theresa M.; Rist, Stephan
A new understanding and evaluation of food sustainability in six different food systems in Kenya and Bolivia.
Scientific reports, 10(1), p. 19145.
Springer Nature
Caviola, Hugo; Sedlaczek, Andrea Sabine
Grenzenlose Mobilität und fließender Verkehr: Eine kritische Sprachreflexion.
Gaia : ecological perspectives for science and society, 29(3), pp. 161-169.
Oekom Verlag
Hanbury, Hugo; Bader, Christoph; Neubert, Sebastian; Moser, Stephanie
Reduktion der Erwerbsarbeitszeit – aber wie umsetzen?
Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 33(4), pp. 24-26.
Hurtt, George C.; Chini, Louise; Sahajpal, Ritvik; Frolking, Steve; Bodirsky, Benjamin L.; Calvin, Katherine; Doelman, Jonathan C.; Fisk, Justin; Fujimori, Shinichiro; Klein Goldewijk, Kees; Hasegawa, Tomoko; Havlik, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas; Humpenöder, Florian; Jungclaus, Johan; Kaplan, Jed O.; Kennedy, Jennifer; Krisztin, Tamás; Lawrence, David; Lawrence, Peter; ...
Harmonization of global land use change and management for the period 850–2100 (LUH2) for CMIP6.
Geoscientific model development (GMD), 13(11), pp. 5425-5464.
Copernicus Publications
Sonderegger, Gabi; Oberlack, Christoph; Llopis, Jorge C.; Verburg, Peter H.; Heinimann, Andreas
Telecoupling visualizations through a network lens: a systematic review.
Ecology and Society, 25(4), p. 47.
Resilience Alliance Publications
Nanhthavong, Vong; Epprecht, Michael; Hett, Cornelia; Zaehringer, Julie G.; Messerli, Peter
Poverty trends in villages affected by land-based investments in rural Laos.
Applied geography, 124(102298), p. 102298.
Trechsel, Lilian J.
Experiences of PhD graduates researching and learning for sustainable development in an inter- and transdisciplinary setting.
ETH Learning and Teaching Journal, 2(2), pp. 137-140.
ETH Zürich
Moser, Stephanie
Rezension des Buches »Tätigsein in der Postwachstumsgesellschaft« von Irmi Seidl & Angelika Zahrnt (Hrsg.), 2019.
Umweltpsychologie, 25(2), pp. 226-229.
Efferson, Charles; Vogt, Sonja; Fehr, Ernst
The promise and the peril of using social influence to reverse harmful tradition.
Nature human behaviour, 4(1), pp. 55-68.
Springer Nature
Fox, Jefferson; Saksena, Sumeet; Hurni, Kaspar; Van Den Hoek, Jamon; Smith, Alexander Cuthbert; Chhetri, Ram; Sharma, Pitamber
Mapping and Understanding Changes in Tree Cover in Nepal: 1992 to 2016.
Journal of forest and livelihood, 18(1)
ForestAction Nepal
Mutea, Emily Ngutah; Bottazzi, Patrick; Jacobi, Johanna; Kiteme, Boniface; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Rist, Stephan
Livelihoods and Food Security Among Rural Households in the North-Western Mount Kenya Region.
Frontiers in sustainable food systems, 3
Linders, Theo Edmund Werner; Schaffner, Urs; Eschen, René; Abebe, Anteneh; Choge, Simon Kevin; Nigatu, Lisanework; Mbaabu, Purity Rima; Shiferaw, Hailu; Allan, Eric; Alpert, Peter
Direct and indirect effects of invasive species: Biodiversity loss is a major mechanism by which an invasive tree affects ecosystem functioning.
Journal of ecology, 107(6), pp. 2660-2672.
Zähringer, Julie G.; Beale, Colin; Mayer, Carsten; Li, Tania; Ceddia, M. Graziano; Veit, Peter; Knoke, Thomas; Grafton, Quentin; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth; Nkonya, Ephraim; Robinson, Brian; Holland, Margaret B.
Land Rights in Sustainability.
One earth, 1(2), pp. 155-158.
Bircher, Pascal; Liniger, Hanspeter; Prasuhn, Volker
Comparing different multiple flow algorithms to calculate RUSLE factors of slope length (L) and slope steepness (S) in Switzerland.
Geomorphology, 346, p. 106850.
Elsevier Science
Gobeli, Stefanie; Kittl, Sonja; Dettwiler, Martina; Thomann, Andreas; Feyer, Simon; Cachim, José; Theubet, Grégoire; Liechti, Nicole; Wittwer, Matthias; Schürch, Nadia; Oberhänsli, Simone; Heinimann, Andreas; Jores, Jörg
An unusual case of bovine anthrax in the canton of Jura, Switzerland in 2017.
BMC veterinary research, 15(1), p. 265.
BioMed Central
Kellner, Elke; Oberlack, Christoph; Gerber, Jean-David
Polycentric governance compensates for incoherence of resource regimes: The case of water uses under climate change in Oberhasli, Switzerland.
Environmental science & policy, 100, pp. 126-135.
Islam, Rahatul; Jendoubi, Donia; Shoaib, Jalal Uddin Md.; Peterman, Wendy; Ali, Sayeda Sabrina
Ridge and Ditch Technique: A Strategy for Sustainable Land Management in Swampy Land Areas in Southern Bangladesh.
Case studies in the environment, 3(1), pp. 1-11.
University of California Press
Baeten, Lander; Bruelheide, Helge; van der Plas, Fons; Kambach, Stephan; Ratcliffe, Sophia; Jucker, Tommaso; Allan, Eric; Ampoorter, Evy; Barbaro, Luc; Bastias, Cristina C; Bauhus, Jürgen; Benavides, Raquel; Bonal, Damien; Bouriaud, Olivier; Bussotti, Filippo; Carnol, Monique; Castagneyrol, Bastien; Charbonnier, Yohan; Chećko, Ewa; Coomes, David A; ...
Identifying the tree species compositions that maximize ecosystem functioning in European forests.
Journal of Applied Ecology, 56(3), pp. 733-744.
Blackwell Scientific Publications
Bottazzi, Patrick; Winkler, Mirko S.; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Flood governance for resilience in cities: The historical policy transformations in Dakar’s suburbs.
Environmental science & policy, 93, pp. 172-180.
Barão, Lúcia; Alaoui, Abdallah; Ferreira, Carla; Basch, Gottlieb; Schwilch, Gudrun; Geissen, Violette; Wijnand, Sukkel; Lemesl, Julie; Garcia-Orenes, Fuensanta; Morugán-Coronado, Alicia; Mataix-Solera, Jorge; Kosmas, Costas; Glavan, Matjaž; Pintar, Marina; Tóth, Brigitta; Hermann, Tamás; Vizitiu, Olga Petruta; Lipiec, Jerzy; Reintam, Endla; Xu, Minggang; ...
Assessment of promising agricultural management practices.
Science of the total environment, 649(1), pp. 610-619.
Gambon, Helen Anna; Rist, Stephan
Worldview Matters: Mosetene Ontology and Resource Use in the Pilón Lajas Indigenous Territory and Biosphere Reserve in the Bolivian Amazon.
Human organization, 78(1), pp. 54-63.
Society for Applied Anthropology
Murti, Radhika; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan
Social learning approaches for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction.
International journal of disaster risk reduction, 33, pp. 433-440.
Jacobi, Johanna; Wambugu, Grace; Ngutu, Mariah; Augstburger, Horacio Florian; Mwangi, Veronica; Zonta, Aymara Llanque; Otieno, Stephen; Kiteme, Boniface P.; Burgoa, José M. F. Delgado; Rist, Stephan
Mapping Food Systems: A Participatory Research Tool Tested in Kenya and Bolivia.
Mountain Research and Development, 39(1), R1-R11.
International Mountain Society
van der Plas, Fons; Allan, Eric; Fischer, Markus; Alt, Fabian; Arndt, Hartmut; Binkenstein, Julia; Blaser, Stefan; Blüthgen, Nico; Böhm, Stefan; Hölzel, Norbert; Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Morris, Kathryn; Oelmann, Yvonne; Prati, Daniel; Renner, Swen C.; Rillig, Matthias C.; Schaefer, H. Martin; Schloter, Michael; Schmitt, Barbara; ...
Towards the development of general rules describing landscape heterogeneity-multifunctionality relationships.
Journal of Applied Ecology, 56(1), pp. 168-179.
Blackwell Scientific Publications
Penone, Caterina; Allan, Eric; Soliveres, Santiago; Felipe-Lucia, Maria R.; Gossner, Martin M; Seibold, Sebastian; Simons, Nadja K.; Schall, Peter; van der Plas, Fons; Manning, Peter; Manzanedo, Rubén D.; Boch, Steffen; Prati, Daniel; Ammer, Christian; Bauhus, Jürgen; Buscot, François; Ehbrecht, Martin; Goldmann, Kezia; Jung, Kirsten; Müller, Jörg; ...
Specialisation and diversity of multiple trophic groups are promoted by different forest features.
Ecology Letters, 22(1), pp. 170-180.
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing
Barbaro, Luc; Allan, Eric; Ampoorter, Evy; Castagneyrol, Bastien; Charbonnier, Yohan; De Wandeler, Hans; Kerbiriou, Christian; Milligan, Harriet T.; Vialatte, Aude; Carnol, Monique; Deconchat, Marc; De Smedt, Pallieter; Jactel, Hervé; Koricheva, Julia; Le Viol, Isabelle; Muys, Bart; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Verheyen, Kris; van der Plas, Fons
Biotic predictors complement models of bat and bird responses to climate and tree diversity in European forests.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological sciences, 286(1894), p. 20182193.
The Royal Society
Shiferaw, Hailu; Bewket, Woldeamlak; Eckert, Sandra
Performances of machine learning algorithms for mapping fractional cover of an invasive plant species in a dryland ecosystem.
Ecology and evolution, 9(5), pp. 2562-2574.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Lemann, Tatenda; Sprafke, Tobias; Bachmann, Felicitas; Prasuhn, V.; Schwilch, Gudrun
The effect of the Dyker on infiltration, soil erosion, and waterlogging on conventionally farmed potato fields in the Swiss Plateau.
Catena, 174, pp. 130-141.
Jacobi, Johanna; Mukhovi, Stellah; Llanque, Aymara; Toledo, Daniela; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Käser, Fabian David; Augstburger, Horacio Florian; Delgado, José Manuel Freddy; Kiteme, Boniface P.; Rist, Stephan
Actor-specific risk perceptions and strategies for resilience building in different food systems in Kenya and Bolivia.
Regional environmental change, 19(3), pp. 879-892.
Bonnesoeur, Vivien; Locatelli, Bruno; Guariguata, Manuel R.; Ochoa-Tocachi, Boris F.; Vanacker, Veerle; Mao, Zhun; Stokes, Alexia; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan
Impacts of forests and forestation on hydrological services in the Andes: A systematic review.
Forest Ecology and Management, 433, pp. 569-584.
Achiba, Gargule
Navigating Contested Winds: Development Visions and Anti-Politics of Wind Energy in Northern Kenya.
Land, 8(1), p. 7.
Lemann, Tatenda; Roth, Vincent; Zeleke, Gete; Subhatu, Alemtsehay Teklay; Kassawmar, Tibebu; Hurni, Hans
Spatial and Temporal Variability in Hydrological Responses of the Upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia.
Water, 11(1), p. 21.
Schneider, Flurina; Buser, Tobias Johannes; Keller, Rea; Tribaldos, Theresa M.; Rist, Stephan
Research funding programmes aiming for societal transformations: ten key stages.
Science and public policy, 46(3), pp. 463-478.
Oxford University Press
Jendoubi, Donia; Hodel, Elias; Liniger, Hanspeter; Subhatu, Alemtsehay Teklay
Land degradation assessment using landscape unit approach and normalized difference vegetation index in Northwest of Tunisia.
Journal of mediterranean ecology, 17, pp. 3-13.
Firma Effe Publisher
Kapsar, Kelly; Hovis, Ciara; Bicudo da Silva, Ramon; Buchholtz, Erin; Carlson, Andrew; Dou, Yue; Du, Yueyue; Furumo, Paul; Li, Yingjie; Torres, Aurora; Yang, Di; Wan, Ho; Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Liu, Jianguo
Telecoupling Research: The First Five Years.
Sustainability, 11(4), p. 1033.
Jaquet, Stéphanie; Kohler, Thomas; Schwilch, Gudrun
Labour Migration in the Middle Hills of Nepal: Consequences on Land Management Strategies.
Sustainability, 11(1349), pp. 1-19.
Andriamihaja, O. Ravaka; Metz, Florence; Zähringer, Julie G.; Fischer, Manuel; Messerli, Peter
Land Competition under Telecoupling: Distant Actors’ Environmental versus Economic Claims on Land in North-Eastern Madagascar.
Sustainability, 11(3), p. 851.
Shiferaw, Hailu; Schaffner, Urs; Bewket, Woldeamlak; Alamirew, Tena; Zeleke, Gete; Teketay, Demel; Eckert, Sandra
Modelling the current fractional cover of an invasive alien plant and drivers of its invasion in a dryland ecosystem.
Scientific Reports, 9(1)
Nature Publishing Group
Liniger, Hanspeter; Harari, Nicole; van Lynden, Godert; Fleiner, Renate; de Leeuw, Jan; Bai, Zhanguo; Critchley, William
Achieving land degradation neutrality: The role of SLM knowledge in evidence-based decision-making.
Environmental science & policy, 94, pp. 123-134.
van Haren, Nathalie; Fleiner, Renate; Liniger, Hanspeter; Harari, Nicole
Contribution of community-based initiatives to the sustainable development goal of Land Degradation Neutrality.
Environmental science & policy, 94, pp. 211-219.
Gonzalez-Roglich, Mariano; Zvoleff, Alex; Noon, Monica; Liniger, Hanspeter; Fleiner, Renate; Harari, Nicole; Garcia, Cesar
Synergizing global tools to monitor progress towards land degradation neutrality: Trends.Earth and the World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies sustainable land management database.
Environmental science & policy, 93, pp. 34-42.
García, César Luis; Teich, Ingrid; Gonzalez-Roglich, Mariano; Kindgard, Adolfo Federico; Ravelo, Andrés Carlos; Liniger, Hanspeter
Land degradation assessment in the Argentinean Puna: Comparing expert knowledge with satellite-derived information.
Environmental science & policy, 91, pp. 70-80.
Feurer, Melanie; Heinimann, Andreas; Schneider, Flurina; Jurt, Christine; Myint, Win; Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin
Local Perspectives on Ecosystem Service Trade-Offs in a Forest Frontier Landscape in Myanmar.
Land, 8(3), p. 45.
Shakya, Bandana; Shrestha, Anil; Sharma, Ghanashyam; Gurung, Tulsi; Mihin, Dollo; Yang, Shuo; Jamir, Amba; Win, Soe; Han, Xi; Yang, Yongping; Choudhury, Dhrupad; Schneider, Flurina
Visualizing Sustainability of Selective Mountain Farming Systems from Far-eastern Himalayas to Support Decision Making.
Sustainability, 11(6), p. 1714.
Wilhelm, Sandra; Förster, Ruth; Zimmermann, Anne
Implementing Competence Orientation: Towards Constructively Aligned Education for Sustainable Development in University-Level Teaching-And-Learning.
Sustainability, 11(7), pp. 1891-1913.
Hanbury, Hugo Alexander; Bader, Christoph; Moser, Stephanie
Reducing Working Hours as a Means to Foster Low(er)-Carbon Lifestyles? An Exploratory Study on Swiss Employees.
Sustainability, 11(7), pp. 2024-2041.
Shiferaw, Hailu; Bewket, Woldeamlak; Alamirew, Tena; Zeleke, Gete; Teketay, Demel; Bekele, Ketema; Schaffner, Urs; Eckert, Sandra
Implications of land use/land cover dynamics and Prosopis invasion on ecosystem service values in Afar Region, Ethiopia.
Science of the total environment, 675, pp. 354-366.
Schneider, Flurina; Kläy, Andreas; Zimmermann, Anne; Buser, Tobias Johannes; Ingalls, Micah; Messerli, Peter
How can science support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development? Four tasks to tackle the normative dimension of sustainability.
Sustainability science, 14(6), pp. 1593-1604.
Augstburger, Horacio Florian; Käser, Fabian David; Rist, Stephan
Assessing Food Systems and Their Impact on Common Pool Resources and Resilience.
Land, 8(4), p. 71.
Fessehaye, Mussie; Brugnara, Yuri; Savage, Michael J; Brönnimann, Stefan
A note on air temperature and precipitation variability and extremes over Asmara: 1914‐2015.
International journal of climatology, 39(14), pp. 5215-5227.
Mbaabu, Purity Rima; Ng, Wai-Tim; Schaffner, Urs; Gichaba, Maina; Olago, Daniel; Choge, Simon; Oriaso, Silas; Eckert, Sandra
Spatial Evolution of Prosopis Invasion and its Effects on LULC and Livelihoods in Baringo, Kenya.
Remote sensing, 11(10), p. 1217.
Vijge, Marjanneke J.; Metcalfe, Robin; Wallbott, Linda; Oberlack, Christoph
Transforming institutional quality in resource curse contexts: The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Myanmar.
Resources policy, 61, pp. 200-209.
Mose, Ingo; Hammer, Thomas; Siegrist, Dominik; Weixlbaumer, Norbert
Protected Areas in Europe – Challenges for Scientific Collaboration. Experiences of the Research Group NeReGro.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 77(1), pp. 81-93.
Janker, Judith; Mann, Stefan; Rist, Stephan
Social sustainability in agriculture – A system-based framework.
Journal of rural studies, 65, pp. 32-42.
Kulonen, Aino Lyydia; Adler, Carolina; Bracher, Christoph Peter; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
Spatial context matters in monitoring and reporting on Sustainable Development Goals: Reflections based on research in mountain regions.
Gaia : ecological perspectives for science and society, 28(2), pp. 90-94.
Oekom Verlag
Ehrensperger, Albrecht; de Brémond, Ariane; Providoli, Isabelle; Messerli, Peter
Land system science and the 2030 agenda: exploring knowledge that supports sustainability transformation.
Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 38, pp. 68-76.
Llopis, Jorge C.; Harimalala, Paul C.; Bär, Roger; Heinimann, Andreas; Rabemananjara, Zo Hasina; Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin
Effects of protected area establishment and cash crop price dynamics on land use transitions 1990–2017 in north-eastern Madagascar.
Journal of land use science, 14(1), pp. 52-80.
Taylor & Francis
Oberlack, Christoph; Breu, Thomas; Giger, Markus; Harari, Nicole; Herweg, Karl Günter; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Messerli, Peter; Moser, Stephanie; Ott, Cordula; Providoli, Isabelle; Tribaldos, Theresa M.; Zimmermann, Anne; Schneider, Flurina
Theories of change in sustainability science: Understanding how change happens.
GAIA - Ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 28(2), pp. 106-111.
Oekom Verlag
Padfield, Rory; Hansen, Sune; Davies, Zoe G.; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Slade, Eleanor M.; Evers, Stephanie; Papargyropoulou, Effie; Bessou, Cécile; Abdullah, Norhayati; Page, Susan; Ancrenaz, Marc; Aplin, Paul; Dzulkafli, Shahirah Balqis; Barclay, Holly; Chellaiah, Darshanaa; Choudhary, Sonal; Conway, Samantha; Cook, Sarah; Copeland, Alison; Campos-Arceiz, Ahimsa; ...
Co-producing a Research Agenda for Sustainable Palm Oil.
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2, pp. 1-17.
Oberlack, Christoph; Sietz, Diana; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; de Brémond, Ariane; Dell'Angelo, Jampel; Eisenack, Klaus; Ellis, Erle C.; Epstein, Graham; Giger, Markus; Heinimann, Andreas; Kimmich, Christian; Kok, Marcel TJ; Manuel-Navarrete, David; Messerli, Peter; Meyfroidt, Patrick; Václavík, Tomás; Villamayor-Tomas, Sergio
Archetype analysis in sustainability research: meanings, motivations, and evidence-based policy making.
Ecology and Society, 24(2)
Resilience Alliance Publications
Ejderyan, Olivier; Schneider, Flurina; Bornemann, Basil; Kläy, Andreas
How social sciences and humanities can contribute to transformative science.
Gaia : ecological perspectives for science and society, 28(2), pp. 160-162.
Oekom Verlag
Hurni, Kaspar; Van Den Hoek, Jamon; Fox, Jefferson
Assessing the spatial, spectral, and temporal consistency of topographically corrected Landsat time series composites across the mountainous forests of Nepal.
Remote sensing of environment, 231, p. 111225.
Eisenack, Klaus; Villamayor-Tomas, Sergio; Epstein, Graham; Kimmich, Christian; Magliocca, Nicholas; Manuel-Navarrete, David; Oberlack, Christoph; Roggero, Matteo; Sietz, Diana
Design and quality criteria for archetype analysis.
Ecology and Society, 24(3)
Resilience Alliance Publications
Franić, Iva; Prospero, Simone; Hartmann, Martin; Allan, Eric; Auger‐Rozenberg, Marie‐Anne; Grünwald, Niklaus J.; Kenis, Marc; Roques, Alain; Schneider, Salome; Sniezko, Richard; Williams, Wyatt; Eschen, René
Are traded forest tree seeds a potential source of nonnative pests?
Ecological Applications, 29(7)
Ecological Society of America
Manzanedo, Rubén D.; Fischer, Markus; Navarro‐Cerrillo, Rafael María; Allan, Eric
A new approach to study local adaptation in long‐lived woody species: virtual transplant experiments.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10(10), pp. 1761-1772.
Schild, Kirstin; Leng, Marion; Hammer, Thomas
Die Rolle von Transformativem Lernen für eine Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung an der Hochschule.
Bulletin VSH-AEU, 45(2), pp. 34-40.
Vereinigung der Schweizerischen Hochschuldozierenden
Nomura, Keiko; Mitchard, Edward T. A.; Patenaude, Genevieve; Bastide, Joan; Oswald, Patrick; Nwe, Thazin
Oil palm concessions in southern Myanmar consist mostly of unconverted forest.
Scientific Reports, 9(1)
Nature Publishing Group
Ceddia, M. Graziano
The impact of income, land, and wealth inequality on agricultural expansion in Latin America.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 116(7), pp. 2527-2532.
National Academy of Sciences NAS
Ceddia, Michele Graziano; Gunter, Ulrich; Pazienza, Pasquale
Indigenous peoples' land rights and agricultural expansion in Latin America: A dynamic panel data approach.
Forest policy and economics, 109(102001), p. 102001.
Elsevier Science
Murti, Radhika; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan
Nature-Based Solutions for Coping with Natural Disaster and Climate Change Risks— An Approach that Needs to be Rooted in Social Learning.
Solutions, 10(3)
The Solutions Journal
Vadrevu, Krishna; Heinimann, Andreas; Gutman, Garik; Justice, Chris
Remote sensing of land use/cover changes in South and Southeast Asian Countries.
International journal of digital earth, 12(10), pp. 1099-1102.
Taylor & Francis
Boone, Catherine; Dyzenhaus, Alex; Manji, Ambreena; Gateri, Catherine W; Ouma, Seth; Owino, James Kabugu; Gargule, Achiba; Klopp, Jacqueline M
Land law reform in Kenya: Devolution, veto players, and the limits of an institutional fix.
African affairs, 118(471), pp. 215-237.
Oxford University Press
Kambach, Stephan; Allan, Eric; Bilodeau‐Gauthier, Simon; Coomes, David A.; Haase, Josephine; Jucker, Tommaso; Kunstler, Georges; Müller, Sandra; Nock, Charles; Paquette, Alain; Plas, Fons; Ratcliffe, Sophia; Roger, Fabian; Ruiz‐Benito, Paloma; Scherer‐Lorenzen, Michael; Auge, Harald; Bouriaud, Olivier; Castagneyrol, Bastien; Dahlgren, Jonas; Gamfeldt, Lars; ...
How do trees respond to species mixing in experimental compared to observational studies?
Ecology and evolution, 9(19), pp. 11254-11265.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Messerli, Peter; Kim, Eun Mee; Lutz, Wolfgang; Moatti, Jean-Paul; Richardson, Katherine; Saidam, Muhammad; Smith, David; Eloundou-Enyegue, Parfait; Foli, Ernest; Glassman, Amanda; Licona, Gonzalo Hernandez; Murniningtyas, Endah; Staniškis, Jurgis Kazimieras; van Ypersele, Jean-Pascal; Furman, Eeva
Expansion of sustainability science needed for the SDGs.
Nature sustainability, 2(10), pp. 892-894.
Springer Nature
Schneider, Flurina; Giger, Markus; Harari, Nicole; Moser, Stephanie; Oberlack, Christoph; Providoli, Isabelle; Schmid, Leonie; Tribaldos, Theresa M.; Zimmermann, Anne
Transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge and sustainability transformations: Three generic mechanisms of impact generation.
Environmental science & policy, 102, pp. 26-35.
de Brémond, Ariane; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Providoli, Isabelle; Messerli, Peter
What role for global change research networks in enabling transformative science for global sustainability? A Global Land Programme perspective.
Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 38, pp. 95-102.
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan
La Puna argentina: naturaleza y cultura [The Argentinian Puna: Nature and Culture]. Edited by H. Ricardo Grau, M. Judith Babot, Andrea E. Izquierdo, and Alfredo Grau.
Mountain Research and Development, 39(2)
International Mountain Society
Förster, Ruth; Zimmermann, Anne; Mader, Clemens
Transformative teaching in Higher Education for Sustainable Development: facing the challenges.
Gaia : ecological perspectives for science and society, 28(3), pp. 324-326.
Oekom Verlag
Celio, Enrico; Andriatsitohaina, R. Ntsiva N.; Zähringer, Julie G.
A serious game to parameterize Bayesian networks: Validation in a case study in northeastern Madagascar.
Environmental modelling & software, 122, p. 104525.
Adler, Carolina; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Zimmermann, Anne B.; Breu, Thomas; Molden, David
Focus Issue: Adaptation to Climate Change and Sustainable Mountain Development - Assessing Approaches and Understanding Implications for the Future.
Mountain Research and Development, 39(2), pp. 1-3.
International Mountain Society
Pedde, Simona; Kok, Kasper; Hölscher, Katharina; Oberlack, Christoph; Harrison, Paula A.; Leemans, Rik
Archetyping shared socioeconomic pathways across scales: an application to central Asia and European case studies.
Ecology and Society, 24(4)
Resilience Alliance Publications
Kueffer, Christoph; Schneider, Flurina; Wiesmann, Urs
Addressing sustainability challenges with a broader concept of systems, target, and transformation knowledge.
Gaia : ecological perspectives for science and society, 28(4), pp. 386-388.
Oekom Verlag
Jendoubi, Donia; Liniger, Hanspeter; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Impacts of land use and topography on soil organic carbon in a Mediterranean landscape (north-western Tunisia).
SOIL, 5(2), pp. 239-251.
Schleicher, Judith; Zaehringer, Julie G.; Fastré, Constance; Vira, Bhaskar; Visconti, Piero; Sandbrook, Chris
Protecting half of the planet could directly affect over one billion people.
Nature sustainability, 2(12), pp. 1094-1096.
Magliocca, Nicholas R.; Khuc, Quy Van; Ellicott, Evan A.; de Brémond, Ariane
Archetypical pathways of direct and indirect land-use change caused by Cambodia`s economic land concessions.
Ecology and Society, 24(2)
Resilience Alliance Publications
Nielsen, Jonas Ø; de Bremond, Ariane; Roy Chowdhury, Rinku; Friis, Cecilie; Metternicht, Graciela; Meyfroidt, Patrick; Munroe, Darla; Pascual, Unai; Thomson, Allison
Toward a normative land systems science.
Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 38, pp. 1-6.
Roy Chowdhury, Rinku; Munroe, Darla K; de Bremond, Ariane
Editorial overview: Seeking solutions to land challenges of the Anthropocene: a land systems science perspective.
Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 38, A1-A5.
Rocha, Juan C.; Baraibar, Matilda M.; Deutsch, Lisa; de Bremond, Ariane; Oestreicher, Jordan S.; Rositano, Florencia; Gelabert, Cecilia C.
Toward understanding the dynamics of land change in Latin America: potential utility of a resilience approach for building archetypes of land-systems change.
Ecology and Society, 24(1)
Resilience Alliance Publications
Soloviy, Ihor; Melnykovych, Mariana; Björnsen Gurung, Astrid; Hewitt, Richard J.; Ustych, Radmila; Maksymiv, Lyudmyla; Brang, Peter; Meessen, Heino; Kaflyk, Mariia
Innovation in the use of wood energy in the Ukrainian Carpathians: Opportunities and threats for rural communities.
Forest policy and economics, 104, pp. 160-169.
Elsevier Science
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Zimmermann, Anne; Breu, Thomas; Molden, David
Focus Issue: The Role of Culture in Transformation Towards Sustainable Development in Mountains.
Mountain Research and Development, 39(4), pp. 1-2.
International Mountain Society
Boch, Steffen; Allan, Eric; Humbert, Jean-Yves; Kurtogullari, Yasemin; Lessard-Therrien, Malie; Müller, Jörg; Prati, Daniel; Rieder, Nora Simone; Arlettaz, Raphaël; Fischer, Markus
Direct and indirect effects of land use on bryophytes in grasslands.
Science of the total environment, 644, pp. 60-67.
Felipe-Lucia, Maria R.; Soliveres, Santiago; Penone, Caterina; Manning, Peter; van der Plas, Fons; Boch, Steffen; Prati, Daniel; Ammer, Christian; Schall, Peter; Gossner, Martin M.; Bauhus, Jürgen; Buscot, Francois; Blaser, Stefan; Blüthgen, Nico; de Frutos, Angel; Ehbrecht, Martin; Frank, Kevin; Goldmann, Kezia; Hänsel, Falk; Jung, Kirsten; ...
Multiple forest attributes underpin the supply of multiple ecosystem services.
Nature communications, 9(1)
Nature Publishing Group
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Molden, David; Breu, Thomas
Focus Issue: Food Security and Sustainable Development in Mountains.
Mountain Research and Development, 38(4), p. 277.
International Mountain Society
Boillat, Sébastien; Gerber, Jean-David; Oberlack, Christoph; Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Rist, Stephan
Distant Interactions, Power, and Environmental Justice in Protected Area Governance: A Telecoupling Perspective.
Sustainability, 10(11), p. 3954.
Manzanedo, Ruben D.; Schanz, F. R.; Fischer, Markus; Allan, Eric
Fagus sylvatica seedlings show provenance differentiation rather than adaptation to soil in a transplant experiment.
BMC ecology, 18(1)
BioMed Central
Alaoui, Abdallah; Diserens, Etienne
Mapping soil compaction – A review.
Current opinion in environmental science & health, 5, pp. 60-66.
Perlik, Manfred
Less Regional Rhetoric, More Diversity. Urbanised Alps in the Interest of Cohesive Societies.
Revue de géographie alpine/Journal of alpine research, 106(106-2)
Association pour la diffusion de la recherche alpine
Adler, Carolina; Palazzi, Elisa; Kulonen, Aino; Balsiger, Jörg; Colangeli, Guido; Cripe, Douglas; Forsythe, Nathan; Goss-Durant, Grace; Guigoz, Yaniss; Krauer, Jürg; Payne, Davnah; Pepin, Nicholas; Peralvo, Manuel; Romero, José; Sayre, Roger; Shahgedanova, Maria; Weingartner, Rolf; Zebisch, Marc
Monitoring Mountains in a Changing World: New Horizons for the Global Network for Observations and Information on Mountain Environments (GEO-GNOME).
Mountain Research and Development, 38(3), pp. 265-269.
International Mountain Society
Sayre, Roger; Frye, Charlie; Karagulle, Deniz; Krauer, Jürg; Breyer, Sean; Aniello, Peter; Wright, Dawn J.; Payne, Davnah; Adler, Carolina; Warner, Harumi; VanSistine, D. Paco; Cress, Jill
A New High-Resolution Map of World Mountains and an Online Tool for Visualizing and Comparing Characterizations of Global Mountain Distributions.
Mountain Research and Development, 38(3), pp. 240-249.
International Mountain Society
Moser, Stephanie; Kleinhückelkotten, Silke
Good Intents, but Low Impacts: Diverging Importance of Motivational and Socioeconomic Determinants Explaining Pro-Environmental Behavior, Energy Use, and Carbon Footprint.
Environment and behavior, 50(6), pp. 626-656.
Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Molden, David; Breu, Thomas
A brief history of peer-reviewed mountain journals: how platforms for knowledge relevant to sustainable mountain development emerged.
Eco.mont - journal on protected mountain areas research, 10(2), pp. 84-87.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
Fox, Jefferson; Nghiem, Tuyen; Kimkong, Ham; Hurni, Kaspar; Baird, Ian G.
Large-scale land concessions, migration, and land use: The paradox of industrial estates in the Red River Delta of Vietnam and rubber plantations of Northeast Cambodia.
Land, 7(2), p. 77.
Girma, Dejene; Cannarozzi, Gina; Weichert, Annett; Tadele, Zerihun
Genotyping by Sequencing Reasserts the Close Relationship between Tef and Its Putative Wild Eragrostis Progenitors.
Diversity, 10(2), p. 17.
Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Wambugu, Grace; Kiteme, Boniface; Eckert, Sandra
How do large-scale agricultural investments affect land use and the environment on the western slopes of Mount Kenya? Empirical evidence based on small-scale farmers' perceptions and remote sensing.
Journal of environmental management, 213, pp. 79-89.
Soliveres, Santiago; Allan, Eric
Everything you always wanted to know about intransitive competition but were afraid to ask.
Journal of Ecology, 106(3), pp. 807-814.
Soliveres, Santiago; Lehmann, Anika; Boch, Steffen; Altermatt, Florian; Carrara, Francesco; Crowther, Thomas W.; Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel; Kempel, Anne; Maynard, Daniel S.; Rillig, Matthias C.; Singh, Brajesh K.; Trivedi, Pankaj; Allan, Eric
Intransitive competition is common across five major taxonomic groups and is driven by productivity, competitive rank and functional traits.
Journal of Ecology, 106(3), pp. 852-864.
Roth, Tobias; Allan, Eric; Pearman, Peter B.; Amrhein, Valentin; Carvalheiro, Luísa
Functional ecology and imperfect detection of species.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9(4), pp. 917-928.
Delaney, Aogán; Evans, Tom; McGreevy, John; Blekking, Jordan; Schlachter, Tyler; Korhonen-Kurki, Kaisa; Tamás, Peter A.; Crane, Todd A.; Eakin, Hallie; Förch, Wiebke; Jones, Lindsey; Nelson, Donald R.; Oberlack, Christoph; Purdon, Mark; Rist, Stephan
Governance of food systems across scales in times of social-ecological change: a review of indicators.
Food security, 10(2), pp. 287-310.
Fercher, Mathias; Mueller, Matthias H.; Alaoui, Abdallah
Modelling the impact of land use changes on peak discharge in the Urseren Valley, Central Swiss Alps.
Catena, 163, pp. 321-331.
Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Llopis Sendino, Jorge Claudio; Latthachack, Phokham; Thein, Tun Tun; Heinimann, Andreas
A novel participatory and remote-sensing-based approach to mapping annual land use change on forest frontiers in Laos, Myanmar, and Madagascar.
Journal of land use science, 13(1-2), pp. 16-31.
Taylor & Francis
Kempel, Anne; Rindisbacher, Abiel; Fischer, Markus; Allan, Eric
Plant soil feedback strength in relation to large-scale plant rarity and phylogenetic relatedness.
Ecology, 99(3), pp. 597-606.
Ecological Society of America
Stavi, Ilan; Ragolsky, Gidon; Shem-Tov, Rahamim; Yanai, Shlomi; Ackermann, Oren; Rueff, Henri; Lekach, Judith
Ancient through mid-twentieth century runoff harvesting agriculture in the hyper-arid Arava Valley of Israel.
Catena, 162, pp. 80-87.
Magliocca, Nicholas R.; Ellis, Erle C.; Allington, Ginger R.H.; Brémond, Ariane Carole; Dell’Angelo, Jampel; Mertz, Ole; Messerli, Peter; Meyfroidt, Patrick; Seppelt, Ralf; Peter H., Verburg
Closing global knowledge gaps: Producing generalized knowledge from case studies of social-ecological systems.
Global environmental change, 50, pp. 1-14.
Manning, Peter; van der Plas, Fons; Soliveres, Santiago; Allan, Eric; Maestre, Fernando T.; Mace, Georgina; Whittingham, Mark J.; Fischer, Markus
Redefining ecosystem multifunctionality.
Nature ecology & evolution, 2(3), pp. 427-436.
Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature
Roggero, Matteo; Villamayor-Tomas, Sergio; Oberlack, Christoph; Eisenack, Klaus; Bisaro, Alexander; Hinkel, Jochen; Thiel, Andreas
Introduction to the special issue on adapting institutions to climate change.
Journal of institutional economics, 14(03), pp. 409-422.
Cambridge University Press
Cannarozzi, Gina; Chanyalew, Solomon; Assefa, Kebebew; Bekele, Abate; Blösch, Regula; Weichert, Annett; Klauser, Dominik; Plaza-Wüthrich, Sonia; Esfeld, Korinna; Jöst, Moritz; Rindisbacher, Abiel; Jifar, Habte; Johnson-Chadwick, Victoria; Abate, Ermias; Wang, Wuyan; Kamies, Rizqah; Husein, Negussu; Kebede, Worku; Tolosa, Kidist; Genet, Yazachew; ...
Technology generation to dissemination: lessons learned from the tef improvement project.
Euphytica, 214(2)
Barrueto, Andrea Karin; Niraula, Rabin; Merz, Jürg; Pokhare, Bharat; Hammer, Thomas
Climatic suitability predictions for the cultivation of macadamia and walnuts in existing land-use zones and forest management regimes under climate change scenarios: addressing food security in the mid-hills of Nepal.
Forests, trees and livelihoods, 27(2), pp. 86-102.
Taylor & Francis
Haller, Tobias; Belsky, Jill M.; Rist, Stephan
The Constitutionality Approach: Conditions, Opportunities, and Challenges for Bottom-Up Institution Building.
Human ecology, 46(1), pp. 1-2.
Gunter, Ulrich; Ceddia, M. Graziano; Leonard, David; Tröster, Bernhard
Contribution of international ecotourism to comprehensive economic development and convergence in the Central American and Caribbean region.
Applied economics, 50(33), pp. 3614-3629.
van der Plas, Fons; Ratcliffe, Sophia; Ruiz-Benito, Paloma; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Verheyen, Kris; Wirth, Christian; Zavala, Miguel A.; Ampoorter, Evy; Baeten, Lander; Barbaro, Luc; Bastias, Cristina C.; Bauhus, Jürgen; Benavides, Raquel; Benneter, Adam; Bonal, Damien; Bouriaud, Olivier; Bruelheide, Helge; Bussotti, Filippo; Carnol, Monique; Castagneyrol, Bastien; ...
Continental mapping of forest ecosystem functions reveals a high but unrealised potential for forest multifunctionality.
Ecology Letters, 21(1), pp. 31-42.
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing
Maanan, Mehdi; Maanan, Mohamed; Rueff, Henri; Adouk, Nessraddine; Zourarah, Bendahhou; Rhinane, Hassan
Assess the human and environmental vulnerability for coastal hazard by using a multi-criteria decision analysis.
Human and ecological risk assessment, 24(6), pp. 1642-1658.
CRC Press
Kassawmar Nigussie, Tibebu; Eckert, Sandra; Hurni, Kaspar; Zeleke, Gete; Hurni, Hans
Reducing landscape heterogeneity for improved land use and land cover (LULC) classification across the large and complex Ethiopian Highlands.
Geocarto international, 33(1), pp. 53-69.
Taylor & Francis
Adler, Carolina; Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Breu, Thomas; Wiesmann, Urs; Pohl, Christian
Conceptualizing the transfer of knowledge across cases in transdisciplinary research.
Sustainability science, 13(1), pp. 179-190.
Ornetsmüller, Christine; Heinimann, Andreas; Verburg, Peter H.
Operationalizing a land systems classification for Laos.
Landscape and urban planning, 169, pp. 229-240.
Barrueto, Andrea Karin; Merz, Jürg; Hodel, Elias; Eckert, Sandra
The suitability of Macadamia and Juglans for cultivation in Nepal: an assessment based on spatial probability modelling using climate scenarios and in situ data.
Regional environmental change, 18(3), pp. 859-871.
Schneider, Flurina; Buser, Tobias
Promising degrees of stakeholder interactions in research for sustainable development.
Sustainability science, 13(1), pp. 129-142.
Oberlack, Christoph; Eisenack, Klaus
Archetypical barriers to adapting water governance in river basins to climate change.
Journal of institutional economics, 14(03), pp. 527-555.
Cambridge University Press
Ochoa-García, Heliodoro; Rist, Stephan
Water Justice and Integrated Water Resources Management: Constitutionality Processes Favoring Sustainable Water Governance in Mexico.
Human ecology, 46(1), pp. 51-64.
Alaoui, Abdallah; Rogger, Magdalena; Peth, Stephan; Blöschl, Günter
Does soil compaction increase floods? A review.
Journal of hydrology, 557, pp. 631-642.
Barrueto, Andrea Karin; Merz, Juerg; Kohler, Thomas; Hammer, Thomas
What prompts agricultural innovation in rural Nepal: A study using the example of macadamia and walnut trees as novel cash crops.
Agriculture, 8(2), p. 21.
Oberlack, Christoph; Boillat, Sébastien; Brönnimann, Stefan; Gerber, Jean-David; Heinimann, Andreas; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Messerli, Peter; Rist, Stephan; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Polycentric governance in telecoupled resource systems.
Ecology and Society, 23(1)
Resilience Alliance Publications
Bär, Roger; Ehrensperger, Albrecht
Accounting for the boundary problem at subnational level: The supply–demand balance of biomass cooking fuels in Kitui County, Kenya.
Resources, 7(1), p. 11.
Gambon, Helen Anna; Rist, Stephan
Moving territories: Strategic Selection of Boundary Concepts by Indigenous People in the Bolivian Amazon - an Element of Constitutionality?
Human ecology, 46(1), pp. 27-40.
Alves Zanella, Matheus; Goetz, Ariane; Rist, Stephan; Schmidt, Oscar; Weigelt, Jes
Deliberation in Multi-Stakeholder Participation: A Heuristic Framework Applied to the Committee on World Food Security.
Sustainability, 10(2), p. 428.
Bottazzi, Patrick; Crespo, David; Bangura, Leonard Omar; Rist, Stephan
Evaluating the livelihood impacts of a large-scale agricultural investment: Lessons from the case of a biofuel production company in northern Sierra Leone.
Land use policy, 73, pp. 128-137.
Elsevier Science
Tschopp, Maurice Nicolas; Bieri, Sabin; Rist, Stephan
Quinoa and production rules: how are cooperatives contributing to governance of natural resources?
International journal of the commons, 12(1), pp. 402-427.
Hammer, Thomas; Mose, Ingo; Siegrist, Dominik; Weixelbaumer, Norbert
Großschutzgebiete in Europa im Wandel – Herausforderungen und Perspektiven für die Schutzgebietsentwicklung.
Natur und Landschaft, 93(5), pp. 224-231.
Ingalls, Micah; Meyfroidt, Patrick; Xuan To, Phuc; Kenney-Lazar, Miles; Epprecht, Michael
The transboundary displacement of deforestation under REDD+: Problematic intersections between the trade of forest-risk commodities and land grabbing in the Mekong region.
Global environmental change, 50, pp. 255-267.
Kassawmar, Tibebu; Gessesse, Gizaw Desta; Zeleke, Gete; Subhatu, Alemtsehay Teklay
Assessing the soil erosion control efficiency of land management practices implemented through free community labor mobilization in Ethiopia.
International soil and water conservation research, 6(2), pp. 87-98.
Manzanedo, Rubén D.; Ballesteros-Canovas, Juan; Schenk, Floris; Stoffel, Markus; Fischer, Markus; Allan, Eric
Increase in CO2 concentration could alter the response of Hedera helix to climate change.
Ecology and evolution, 8(16), pp. 8598-8606.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Hurni, Kaspar; Fox, Jefferson
The expansion of tree-based boom crops in mainland Southeast Asia: 2001 to 2014.
Journal of land use science, 13(1-2), pp. 198-219.
Taylor & Francis
Nilsson, Måns; Chisholm, Elinor; Griggs, David; Howden-Chapman, Philippa; McCollum, David; Messerli, Peter; Neumann, Barbara; Stevance, Anne-Sophie; Visbeck, Martin; Stafford-Smith, Mark
Mapping interactions between the sustainable development goals: lessons learned and ways forward.
Sustainability science, 13(6), pp. 1489-1503.
Lanari, Nora; Schuler, Roland; Kohler, Thomas; Liniger, Hanspeter
The Impact of Commercial Horticulture on River Water Resources in the Upper Ewaso Ng'iro Basin, Kenya.
Mountain Research and Development, 38(2), pp. 114-124.
International Mountain Society
Caviola, Hugo
Verdichten – aber mit Qualität! Sprachbilder eröffnen neue Denkweisen im Siedlungsbau.
Collage - Zeitschrift für Planung, Umwelt und Städtebau, 3(18), pp. 20-22.
Fachverband der Schweizer Raumplanerinnen und Raumplaner
Ribeiro, Barbara; Bengtsson, Lars; Benneworth, Paul; Bührer, Susanne; Castro-Martínez, Elena; Hansen, Meiken; Jarmai, Katharina; Lindner, Ralf; Olmos-Peñuela, Julia; Ott, Cordula; Shapira, Philip
Introducing the dilemma of societal alignment for inclusive and responsible research and innovation.
Journal of responsible innovation, 5(3), pp. 316-331.
Taylor & Francis
Herweg, Karl Günter
Die Integration Nachhaltiger Entwicklung an der Universität Bern.
Hessische Blätter für Volksbildung, 68(2), pp. 145-153.
Hessischer Volkshochschulverband
Jacobi, Johanna; Mukhovi, Stellah; Llanque, Aymara; Augstburger, Horacio Florian; Käser, Fabian David; Pozo, Claudia; Ngutu Peter, Mariah; Delgado, José Manuel Freddy; Kiteme, Boniface P.; Rist, Stephan; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Operationalizing food system resilience: An indicator-based assessment in agroindustrial, smallholder farming, and agroecological contexts in Bolivia and Kenya.
Land use policy, 79, pp. 433-446.
Elsevier Science
Meyfroidt, Patrick; Chowdhury, Rinku Roy; Brémond, Ariane Carole; Ellis, Erle; Erb, Karlheinz; Filatova, Tatiana; Garrett, Rachael; Grove, J. Morgan; Heinimann, Andreas; Kuemmerle, Tobias; Kull, Christian A.; Lambin, Eric F.; Landon, Y.; le Polain de Waroux, Yann; Messerli, Peter; Müller, Daniel; Nielsen, Jonas; Peterson, Garry; García, V. Rodriguez; Schlüter, Maja; ...
Middle-range theories of land system change.
Global environmental change, 53, pp. 52-67.
Mekuriaw, Asnake; Heinimann, Andreas; Zeleke, Gete; Hurni, Hans
Factors influencing the adoption of physical soil and water conservation practices in the Ethiopian highlands.
International soil and water conservation research, 6(1), pp. 23-30.
Debonne, Niels; van Vliet, Jasper; Heinimann, Andreas; Verburg, Peter
Representing large-scale land acquisitions in land use change scenarios for the Lao PDR.
Regional environmental change, 18(6), pp. 1857-1869.
Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Atumane, Ali; Berger, Sibylle; Eckert, Sandra
Large-scale agricultural investments trigger direct and indirect land use change: New evidence from the Nacala corridor, Mozambique.
Journal of land use science, 13(3), pp. 325-343.
Taylor & Francis
Tribaldos, Theresa M.; Jacobi, Johanna; Rist, Stephan
Linking sustainable diets to the concept of food system sustainability.
Future of food : journal on food, agriculture and society, 6(1), pp. 71-84.
University of Kassel
Perlik, Manfred
Moins de rhétorique régionale, plus de diversité. L’urbanisation des Alpes dans l’intérêt de sociétés cohésives.
Revue de géographie alpine/Journal of alpine research, 106(106-2)
Association pour la diffusion de la recherche alpine
Perlik, Manfred; Membretti, Andrea
Migration by Necessity and by Force to Mountain Areas: an Opportunity for Social Innovation.
Mountain Research and Development, 38(3), pp. 250-264.
International Mountain Society
Trechsel, Lilian Julia; Zimmermann, Anne; Graf, David; Herweg, Karl Günter; Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara; Rufer, Lydia; Tribelhorn, Thomas; Wastl-Walter, Doris
Mainstreaming Education for Sustainable Development at a Swiss University: Navigating the Traps of Institutionalization.
Higher education policy, 31(4), pp. 471-490.
Jacobi, Johanna; Llanque, Aymara
“When We Stand Up, They Have to Negotiate with Us”: Power Relations in and between an Agroindustrial and an Indigenous Food System in Bolivia.
Sustainability, 10(11), p. 4001.
Roth, Vincent; Lemann, Tatenda; Zeleke, Gete; Subhatu, Alemtsehay Teklay; Nigussie, Tibebu Kassawmar; Hurni, Hans
Effects of climate change on water resources in the upper Blue Nile Basin of Ethiopia.
Heliyon, 4(9), e00771.
Okoko, Abigael; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Reinhard, Juergen; Kiteme, Boniface; Owuor, Samuel
Life Cycle Costing of Alternative Value Chains of Biomass Energy for Cooking in Kenya and Tanzania.
Journal of renewable energy, 2018, pp. 1-12.
Ouko, Caroline; Mulwa, Richard; Kibugi, Robert; Owuor, Margaret; Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Oguge, Nicholas
Community Perceptions of Ecosystem Services and the Management of Mt. Marsabit Forest in Northern Kenya.
Environments, 5(11), p. 121.
Subhatu, Alemtsehay Teklay; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Zeleke, Gete; Roth, Vincent; Lemann, Tatenda; Herweg, Karl Günter; Hurni, Hans
Interrelationships between terrace development, topography, soil erosion, and soil dislocation by tillage in Minchet Catchment, Ethiopian Highlands.
Land degradation & development, 29(10), pp. 3584-3594.
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara; Schneider, Flurina; Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Oberlack, Christoph; Myint, Win; Messerli, Peter
Whose Agency Counts in Land Use Decision-Making in Myanmar? A Comparative Analysis of Three Cases in Tanintharyi Region.
Sustainability, 10(10), p. 3823.
Achiba, Gargule Andrew
Managing livelihood risks: Income diversification and the livelihood strategies of households in pastoral settlements in Isiolo County, Kenya.
Pastoralism : research, policy and practice, 8(1)
Carlson, Andrew; Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Garrett, Rachael; Felipe Bicudo Silva, Ramon; Furumo, Paul; Raya Rey, Andrea; Torres, Aurora; Gon Chung, Min; Li, Yingjie; Liu, Jianguo
Toward Rigorous Telecoupling Causal Attribution: A Systematic Review and Typology.
Sustainability, 10(12), p. 4426.
Ngutu, Mariah; Bukachi, Salome; Olungah, Charles; Kiteme, Boniface; Kaeser, Fabian; Haller, Tobias
The Actors, Rules and Regulations Linked to Export Horticulture Production and Access to Land and Water as Common Pool Resources in Laikipia County, Northwest Mount Kenya.
Land, 7(3), p. 110.
Tschopp, Maurice Nicolas
The quinoa boom and the commoditisation debate: critical reflections on the re-emergence of a peasantry in the Southern Altiplano.
Alternautas, 4(2), pp. 67-85.
Alternautas London
Caviola, Hugo; Weiss, Hans
Erholungsräume und Naturparke: Eine kritische Analyse aus sprachwissenschaftlicher Sicht.
Nationalpark, 182(4), pp. 22-25.
oekom Verlag
Thanichanon, Puwadej; Schmidt-Vogt, Dietrich; Epprecht, Michael; Heinimann, Andreas; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Balancing cash and food: The impacts of agrarian change on rural land use and wellbeing in Northern Laos.
PLoS ONE, 13(12), e0209166.
Public Library of Science
Augstburger, Horacio Florian; Jacobi, Johanna; Schwilch, Gudrun; Rist, Stephan
Agroecosystem Service Capacity Index – A methodological approach.
Landscape online, 64, pp. 1-48.
International Association for Landscape Ecology
Schwilch, Gudrun; Lemann, Tatenda; Berglund, Örjan; Camarotto, Carlo; Cerdà, Artemi; Daliakopoulos, Ioannis; Kohnová, Silvia; Krzeminska, Dominika; Marañón, Teodoro; Rietra, René; Siebielec, Grzegorz; Thorsson, Johann; Tibbett, Mark; Valente, Sandra; van Delden, Hedwig; van den Akker, Jan; Verzandvoort, Simone; Vrînceanu, Nicoleta Olimpia; Zoumides, Christos and Hessel, Rudi
Assessing Impacts of Soil Management Measures on Ecosystem Services.
Sustainability, 10(12), p. 4416.
Jucker Riva, Matteo; Baeza, Jaime; Bautista, Susana; Christoforou, Michalakis; Daliakopoulos, Ioannis N.; Hadjimitsis, Diofantos; Keizer, Jan Jacob; Liniger, Hanspeter; Quaranta, Giovanni; Ribeiro, Cristina; Salvia, Rosanna; Tsanis, Ioannis K.; Urgeghe, Anna M.; Valdecantos, Alejandro; Schwilch, Gudrun
How does land management contribute to the resilience of Mediterranean forests and rangelands? A participatory assessment.
Land degradation & development, 29(10), pp. 3721-3735.
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Kassawmar Nigussie, Tibebu; Zeleke, Gete; Bantider, Amare; Gessesse, Gizaw Desta; Abraha, Lemlem
A synoptic land change assessment of Ethiopia's Rainfed Agricultural Area for evidence-based agricultural ecosystem management.
Heliyon, 4(11), e00914.
Gara, Ahlem; Gader, Khouloud; Jendoubi, Donia; Bergaoui, Mohamed
Protection against floods of the urban watersheds of Sidi Thabet in the lower valley of the Medjerda catchment (Tunisia).
Journal of mediterranean ecology, 16, pp. 37-49.
Firma Effe Publisher
Karbout, Nissaf; Jendoubi, Donia; Ibrahim, Nadhem; Moussa, Mohamed; Boussnina, Habib
The impact of the landfill operations on the revival of ancient oases in southern Tunisia.
Syrian journal of agricultural research, 5(2), pp. 210-216.
General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR)
Janker, Judith; Mann, Stefan; Rist, Stephan
What is Sustainable Agriculture? Critical Analysis of the International Political Discourse.
Sustainability, 10(12), p. 4707.
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Jacobi, Johanna; Scharrer, Bettina
Food Sustainability in Bolivia Through Fair Food in Switzerland? How to Improve Food Sustainability in Both the North and the South Through Sustainable Trade Relations.
Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Comercial Internacional, 6(2), pp. 27-65.
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Jacobi, Johanna; Scharrer, Bettina
Sostenibilidad Alimentaria en Bolicia a traves de justicia alimentaria en Suiza? Como mejorar la sostenibilidad en paises del `norte´y del `sur´a traves de las relaciones comerciales.
Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Comercial Internacional, 6(2), pp. 66-106.
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Nitschke, Norma; Allan, Eric; Zwölfer, Helmut; Wagner, Lysett; Creutzburg, Sylvia; Baur, Hannes; Schmidt, Stefan; Weisser, Wolfgang W.
Plant diversity has contrasting effects on herbivore and parasitoid abundance in Centaurea jacea flower heads.
Ecology and evolution, 7(22), pp. 9319-9332.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Ratcliffe, Sophia; Wirth, Christian; Jucker, Tommaso; van der Plas, Fons; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Verheyen, Kris; Allan, Eric; Benavides, Raquel; Bruelheide, Helge; Ohse, Bettina; Paquette, Alain; Ampoorter, Evy; Bastias, Cristina C.; Bauhus, Jürgen; Bonal, Damien; Bouriaud, Olivier; Bussotti, Filippo; Carnol, Monique; Castagneyrol, Bastien; Chećko, Ewa; ...
Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning relations in European forests depend on environmental context.
Ecology Letters, 20(11), pp. 1414-1426.
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing
Daba, Habte Jifar; Tesfaye, K.; Tesfaye, K.; Assefa, K.; Chanyalew, S.; Tadele, Zerihun
Semi-dwarf tef lines for high seed yield and lodging tolerance in Central Ethiopia.
African Crop Science Journal, 25(4), pp. 419-439.
African Crop Science Society
Barrueto, Andrea Karin; Merz, Juerg; Clot, Nicole; Hammer, Thomas
Climate changes and their impact on agricultural market systems: Examples from Nepal.
Sustainability, 9(12), p. 2207.
Mertz, Ole; Grogan, Kenneth; Pflugmacher, Dirk; Lestrelin, Guillaume; Castella, Jean-Christophe; Vongvisouk, Thoumthone; Hett, Cornelia; Fensholt, Rasmus; Sun, Zhanli; Berry, Nicholas; Müller, Daniel
Uncertainty in establishing forest reference levels and predicting future forest-based carbon stocks for REDD+.
Journal of land use science, 13(1-2), pp. 1-15.
Taylor & Francis
Catacora-Vargas, Georgina; Jacobi, Johanna
Broadening 'Pesticidovigilance' with alternatives to food production without pesticides - Reply to 'Toward Pesticidovigilance'.
Science, 357(6357)
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Liebe, Ulf; Moumouni, Ismaïl M.; Bigler, Christine; Ingabire, Chantal; Bieri, Sabin
Using Factorial Survey Experiments to Measure Attitudes, Social Norms, and Fairness Concerns in Developing Countries (Submitted).
Sociological methods & research
Sage Publications
Ceddia, Michele Graziano; Zepharovich, Elena
Jevons paradox and the loss of natural habitat in the Argentinean Chaco: the impact of the Indigenous Communities’ land titling and the Forest Law in the province of Salta.
Land use policy, 69, pp. 608-617.
Elsevier Science
Ceddia, Michele Graziano; Christopoulos, Dimitris; Hernandez, Yeray; Zepharovich, Elena
Assessing adaptive capacity through governance networks: the elaboration of the flood risk management plan in Austria.
Environmental science & policy, 77, pp. 140-146.
Jucker Riva, Matteo; Daliakopoulos, Ioannis N.; Eckert, Sandra; Hodel, Elias; Liniger, Hanspeter
Assessment of land degradation in Mediterranean forests and grazing lands using a landscape unit approach and the normalized difference vegetation index.
Applied geography, 86, pp. 8-21.
Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Roscher, Christiane; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Ebeling, Anne; Luo, Guangjuan; Allan, Eric; Bessler, Holger; Barnard, Romain L.; Buchmann, Nina; Buscot, François; Engels, Christof; Fischer, Christine; Fischer, Markus; Gessler, Arthur; Gleixner, Gerd; Halle, Stefan; Hildebrandt, Anke; Hillebrand, Helmut; de Kroon, Hans; Lange, Markus; ...
Biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning in a 15-year grassland experiment: Patterns, mechanisms, and open questions.
Basic and applied ecology, 23, pp. 1-73.
Providoli, Isabelle; Zeleke, Gete; Kiteme, Boniface; Heinimann, Andreas; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
From fragmented to integrated knowledge for sustainable water and land.
Mountain Research and Development, 37(3), pp. 377-380.
International Mountain Society
Eckert, Sandra; Kiteme, Boniface; Njuguna, Evanson; Zähringer, Julie
Agricultural expansion and intensification in the foothills of Mount Kenya: A landscape perspective.
Remote sensing, 9(8), p. 784.
Lehmann, Anthony; Guigoz, Yaniss; Ray, Nicolas; Mancosu, Emanuele; Abbaspour, Karim C.; Freund, Elham Rouholahnejad; Allenbach, Karin; De Bono, Andrea; Fasel, Marc; Gago-Silva, Ana; Bär, Roger; Lacroix, Pierre; Giuliani, Gregory
A web platform for landuse, climate, demography, hydrology and beach erosion in the Black Sea catchment.
Scientific data, 4(170087), p. 170087.
Nature Publishing Group
Djumaboev, Kakhramon; Hamidov, Ahmad; Anarbekov, Oyture; Gafurov, Zafar; Tussupova, Kamshat
Impact of institutional change on irrigation management: A case study from Southern Uzbekistan.
Water, 9(6), p. 419.
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
Measuring human rights impacts of trade agreements: Ideas for improving the methodology, comparing the EU’s sustainability impact assessment practice and methodology with human rights impact assessment methodology.
Journal of human rights practice, 9(3), pp. 481-503.
Oxford University Press
Jacobi, Johanna; Rist, Stephan; Altieri, Miguel A
Incentives and disincentives for diversified agroforestry systems from different actors' perspectives in Bolivia.
International journal of agricultural sustainability, 15(4), pp. 365-379.
Taylor & Francis
Okoko, Abigael; Reinhard, Juergen; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Zah, Rainer; Kiteme, Boniface; Owuor, Samuel; Ehrensperger, Albrecht
The carbon footprints of alternative value chains for biomass energy for cooking in Kenya and Tanzania.
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 22, pp. 124-133.
Upreti, Bishnu Raj; Breu, Thomas; Ghale, Yamuna
New Challenges in Land Use in Nepal: Reflections on the Booming Real-estate Sector in Chitwan and Kathmandu Valley.
Scottish geographical journal, 133(1), pp. 69-82.
Ng, Wai-Tim; Rima, Purity; Einzmann, Kathrin; Immitzer, Markus; Atzberger, Clement; Eckert, Sandra
Assessing the Potential of Sentinel-2 and Pléiades Data for the Detection of Prosopis and Vachellia spp. in Kenya.
Remote sensing, 9(1), p. 74.
Mekuriaw, Asnake; Heinimann, Andreas; Hurni, Hans; Hurni, Kaspar
An automated method for mapping physical soil and water conservation structures on cultivated land using GIS and remote sensing techniques.
Journal of geographical sciences, 27(1), pp. 79-94.
Lemann, Tatenda; Roth, Vincent; Zeleke, Gete
Impact of precipitation and temperature changes on hydrological responses of small-scale catchments in the Ethiopian Highlands.
Hydrological sciences journal / Journal des sciences hydrologiques, 62(2), pp. 270-282.
Bader, Christoph; Bieri, Sabin; Wiesmann, Urs; Heinimann, Andreas
Is economic growth increasing disparities? A multidimensional analysis of poverty in the Lao PDR between 2003 and 2013.
Journal of development studies, 53(12), pp. 2067-2085.
Taylor & Francis
Tejada, Laura; Rist, Stephan
Seeing land deals through the lens of the 'land-water nexus': The case of biofuel production in Piura, Peru.
The journal of peasant studies, 45(7), pp. 1247-1271.
Jacobi, Johanna; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Gambon, Helen Anna; Rist, Stephan; Altieri, Miguel
Whose knowledge, whose development? Use and role of local and external knowledge in agroforestry projects in Bolivia.
Environmental management, 59(3), pp. 464-476.
Wallner, Astrid; Willi, Yasmine; Hammer, Thomas
We are the political landscape – Governance in European protected areas. Report on the tutorial held at the EUROPARC Conference 2016.
Eco.mont - journal on protected mountain areas research, 9(1), pp. 40-41.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
Ott, Cordula
Enabling Transformative Research: Lessons from the Eastern and Southern Africa Partnership Programme (1999–2015).
Challenges in Sustainability, 5(1), pp. 15-23.
Balvanera, Patricia; Daw, Tim M.; Gardner, Toby A.; Martín-López, Berta; Norström, Albert V.; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Spierenburg, Marja; Bennett, Elena M.; Farfan, Michelle; Hamann, Maike; Kittinger, John N.; Luthe, Tobias; Maass, Manuel; Peterson, Garry D.; Perez-Verdin, Gustavo
Key features for more successful place-based sustainability research on social-ecological systems: a Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS) perspective.
Ecology and Society, 22(1)
Resilience Alliance Publications
Eckert, Sandra; Ghebremicael, Selamawit Tesfay; Hurni, Hans; Kohler, Thomas
Identification and classification of structural soil conservation measures based on very high resolution stereo satellite data.
Journal of Environmental Management, 193, pp. 592-606.
Rüegg, Simon R.; McMahon, Barry J.; Häsler, Barbara; Esposito, Roberto; Nielsen, Liza Rosenbaum; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Ehlinger, Timothy; Peyre, Marisa; Aragrande, Maurizio; Zinsstag, Jakob; Davies, Philip; Mihalca, Andrei Daniel; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Rushton, Jonathan; Gomes do Carmo, Luis Pedro; De Meneghi, Daniele; Canali, Massimo; Filippitzi, Maria E.; Goutard, Flavie Luce; Ilieski, Vlatko; ...
A Blueprint to Evaluate One Health.
Frontiers in Public Health, 5(20), p. 20.
Frontiers Research Foundation
Zähringer, Julie G.; Schwilch, Gudrun; Andriamihaja, O. Ravaka; Ramamonjisoa, Bruno; Messerli, Peter
Remote sensing combined with social-ecological data: The importance of diverse land uses for ecosystem service provision in north-eastern Madagascar.
Ecosystem services, 25, pp. 140-152.
Hurni, Kaspar; Schneider, Annemarie; Heinimann, Andreas; Nong, Duong; Fox, Jefferson
Mapping the Expansion of Boom Crops in Mainland Southeast Asia Using Dense Time Stacks of Landsat Data.
Remote sensing, 9(4), p. 320.
Schulz, Tobias; Hufty, Marc; Tschopp, Maurice Nicolas
Small and smart: the role of Switzerland in the Cartagena and Nagoya protocols negotiations.
International environmental agreements: politics, law and economics, 17(4), pp. 553-571.
Boillat, Sébastien; Scarpa, Fabiano M; Robson, James P; Gasparri, Ignácio; Aide, T Mitchell; Aguiar, Ana Paula Dutra; Anderson, Liana O; Batistella, Mateus; Fonseca, Marisa Gesteira; Futemma, Célia; Grau, H Ricardo; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Metzger, Jean Paul; Ometto Balbaud, Jean Pierre Henry; Pedlowski, Marcos Antonio; Perz, Stephen G; Robiglio, Valentina; Soler, Luciana; Vieira, Ima and Brondizio, Eduardo S
Land system science in Latin America: challenges and perspectives.
Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 26-27, pp. 37-46.
Bürgi, Matthias; Ali, Panna; Chowdhury, Afroza; Heinimann, Andreas; Hett, Cornelia; Kienast, Felix; Mondal, Manoranjan Kumar; Upreti, Bishnu Raj; Verburg, Peter H.
Integrated Landscape Approach: Closing the Gap between Theory and Application.
Sustainability, 9(8), p. 1371.
Bär, Roger; Heinimann, Andreas; Ehrensperger, Albrecht
Assessing the potential supply of biomass cooking fuels in Kilimanjaro region using land use units and spatial Bayesian networks.
Energy for Sustainable Development, 40, pp. 112-125.
International Energy Initiative
Heinimann, Andreas; Mertz, Ole; Frolking, Steve; Egelund Christensen, Andreas; Hurni, Kaspar; Sedano, Fernando; Parsons Chini, Louise; Sahajpal, Ritvik; Hansen, Matthew; Hurtt, George
A global view of shifting cultivation: Recent, current, and future extent.
PLoS ONE, 12(9), e0184479.
Public Library of Science
Kläy, Andreas; Bader, Christoph; Bornemann, Basil; Carabias, Vincente; Wäger, Patrick
Monitoring und Evaluation der Agenda 2030 - Reflexionen zum ersten saguf-Gespräch.
GAIA - Ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 26(3), pp. 284-286.
Oekom Verlag
Rogger, M.; Agnoletti, M.; Alaoui, Abdallah; Bathurst, J.C.; Bodner, G.; Borga, M.; Chaplot, V.; Gallart, F.; Glatzel, G.; Hall, J.; Holden, J.; Holko, L.; Horn, R.; Kiss, A.; Kohnová, S.; Letinger, G.; Lennartz, B.; Parajka, J.; Perdigao, R.; Peth, S.; ...
Land use change impacts on floods at the catchment scale: Challenges and opportunities for future research.
Water resources research, 53(7), pp. 5209-5219.
American Geophysical Union
Subhatu, Alemtsehay Teklay; Lemann, Tatenda; Hurni, Kaspar; Portner, Brigitte; Kassawmar, Tibebu; Zeleke, Gete; Hurni, Hans
Deposition of eroded soil on terraced croplands in Minchet catchment, Ethiopian Highlands.
International soil and water conservation research, 5(3), pp. 212-220.
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Peralvo, Manuel; Báez, Selene; Rist, Stephan; Buytaert, Wouter; Cuesta, Francisco; Fadrique, Belén; Feeley, Kenneth J.; Groth, Aaron A. P.; Homeier, Jürgen; Llambí, Luis D.; Locatelli, Bruno; López Sandoval, Maria Fernanda; Malizia, Agustina; Young, Kenneth R.
Research priorities for the conservation and sustainable governance of Andean forest landscapes.
Mountain Research and Development, 37(3), pp. 323-339.
International Mountain Society
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
Nachhaltige Agrarimporte in die Schweiz? – Eine völkerrechtliche Perspektive auf die Fair Food Idee, mit Erkenntnissen aus Feldstudien in Bolivien und Kenya.
Blätter für Agrarrecht, 51, pp. 145-173.
Balsiger, Jörg; Förster, Ruth; Mader, Clemens; Nagel, Ueli; Sironi, Helene; Wilhelm, Sandra; Zimmermann, Anne
Transformative Learning and Education for Sustainable Development.
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 26(4), pp. 357-359.
Oekom Verlag
Jendoubi, Donia; Gara, Ahlem; Ouessar, Mohamed; Liniger, Hanspeter
Trans-disciplinary approach as a decision support tool for sustainable land management.
Journal of mediterranean ecology, 15, pp. 29-39.
Firma Effe Publisher
Fessehaye, Mussie; Abdul-Wahab, Sabah A.; Savage, Michael J.; Kohler, Thomas; Gherezghiher, Tseggai; Hurni, Hans
Assessment of fog-water collection on the eastern escarpment of Eritrea.
Water international, 42(8), pp. 1022-1036.
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Kohler, Thomas; Elizbarashvili, Nodar; Meladze, Giorgi; Svanadze, Davit; Meessen, Heino
The demogeographic crisis in Racha, Georgia: Depopulation in the central caucasus mountains.
Mountain Research and Development, 37(4), pp. 415-424.
International Mountain Society
Ingalls, Micah L.; Mansfield, David
Resilience at the periphery: Insurgency, agency and social-ecological change under armed conflict.
Geoforum, 84, pp. 126-137.
Ingalls, Micah; Stedman, Richard
Engaging with Human Identity in Social-Ecological Systems: A Dialectical Approach.
Human ecology review, 23(1), pp. 45-64.
Society for Human Ecology
Ingalls, Micah L.
Not just another variable: untangling the spatialities of power in social ecological systems.
Ecology and Society, 22(3)
Resilience Alliance Publications
Gossner, Martin M.; Lewinsohn, Thomas M.; Kahl, Tiemo; Grassein, Fabrice; Boch, Steffen; Prati, Daniel; Birkhofer, Klaus; Renner, Swen C.; Sikorski, Johannes; Wubet, Tesfaye; Arndt, Hartmut; Baumgartner, Vanessa; Blaser, Stefan; Blüthgen, Nico; Börschig, Carmen; Buscot, Francois; Diekötter, Tim; Jorge, Leonardo Ré; Jung, Kirsten; Keyel, Alexander C.; ...
Land-use intensification causes multitrophic homogenization of grassland communities.
Nature, 540(7632), pp. 266-269.
Macmillan Journals Ltd.
Kläy, Andreas; Zimmermann, Anne; Schneider, Flurina
Statt Eingreifen wider Willen – reflexiv transformative Wissenschaft.
Bulletin VSH-AEU, 42(3/4), pp. 46-52.
Vereinigung der Schweizerischen Hochschuldozierenden
Oberlack, Christoph; Tejada, Laura; Messerli, Peter; Rist, Stephan; Giger, Markus
Sustainable livelihoods in the global land rush? Archetypes of livelihood vulnerability and sustainability potentials.
Global environmental change, 41, pp. 153-171.
Roth, Vincent; Nigussie, Tibebu Kassawmar; Lemann, Tatenda
Model parameter transfer for streamflow and sediment loss prediction with SWAT in a tropical watershed.
Environmental Earth Science, 75(19)
Jucker Riva, Matteo; Liniger, Hanspeter; Valdecantos, Alejandro; Schwilch, Gudrun
Impacts of land management on the resilience of mediterranean dry forests to fire.
Sustainability, 8(10), p. 981.
Soliveres, Santiago; van der Plas, Fons; Manning, Peter; Prati, Daniel; Gossner, Martin M.; Renner, Swen C.; Alt, Fabian; Arndt, Hartmut; Baumgartner, Vanessa; Binkenstein, Julia; Birkhofer, Klaus; Blaser, Stefan; Blüthgen, Nico; Boch, Steffen; Böhm, Stefan; Börschig, Carmen; Buscot, Francois; Diekötter, Tim; Heinze, Johannes; Hölzel, Norbert; ...
Biodiversity at multiple trophic levels is needed for ecosystem multifunctionality.
Nature, 536(7617), pp. 456-459.
Macmillan Journals Ltd.
Ingold, Karin; Fischer, Manuel; Cairney, Paul
Drivers for Policy Agreement in Nascent Subsystems: An Application of the Advocacy Coalition Framework to Fracking Policy in Switzerland and the UK.
Policy studies journal, 45(3), pp. 442-463.
Policy Studies Organization
Ornetsmüller, Christine; Verburg, Peter H.; Heinimann, Andreas
Scenarios of land system change in the Lao PDR: Transitions in response to alternative demands on goods and services provided by the land.
Applied geography, 75, pp. 1-11.
Ott, Cordula; Kiteme, Boniface
Concepts and practices for the democratisation of knowledge generation in research partnerships for sustainable development.
Evidence and Policy, 12(3), pp. 405-430.
Policy Press
Jacobi, Johanna
Agroforestry in Bolivia: Opportunities and challenges in the context of food security and food sovereignty.
Environmental Conservation, 43(04), pp. 307-316.
Cambridge University Press
Leventon, Julia; Fleskens, Luuk; Claringbould, Heleen; Schwilch, Gudrun
An applied methodology for stakeholder identification in transdisciplinary research.
Sustainability science, 11(5), pp. 763-775.
Arpin, Isabelle; Ronsin, Gaëlle; Scheurer, Thomas; Wallner, Astrid; Hobléa, Fabien; Churakova (Sidorova), Olga; Cremer-Schulte, Dominik; Braun, Valerie
The scientific councils of Alpine protected areas: an overview and analysis of their contribution to linking science and management.
Eco.mont - journal on protected mountain areas research, 8(2), pp. 5-12.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
Lemann, Tatenda; Zeleke, Gete; Amsler, Caroline; Giovanoli, Luciano; Suter, Hannes; Roth, Vincent
Modelling the effect of soil and water conservation on discharge and sediment yield in the upper blue Nile basin.
Applied geography, 73, pp. 89-101.
Ingalls, Micah L.; Dwyer, Michael B.
Missing the forest for the trees? Navigating the trade-offs between mitigation and adaptation under REDD.
Climatic change, 136(2), pp. 353-366.
Soliveres, Santiago; Manning, Peter; Prati, Daniel; Gossner, Martin M.; Alt, Fabian; Arndt, Hartmut; Baumgartner, Vanessa; Binkenstein, Julia; Birkhofer, Klaus; Blaser, Stefan; Blüthgen, Nico; Boch, Steffen; Böhm, Stefan; Börschig, Carmen; Buscot, Francois; Diekötter, Tim; Heinze, Johannes; Hölzel, Norbert; Jung, Kirsten; Klaus, Valentin H.; ...
Locally rare species influence grassland ecosystem multifunctionality.
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society. Series B - biological sciences, 371(1694), p. 20150269.
Royal Society of London
van der Plas, Fons; Manning, Pete; Soliveres, Santiago; Allan, Eric; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Verheyen, Kris; Wirth, Christian; Zavala, Miguel A.; Ampoorter, Evy; Baeten, Lander; Barbaro, Luc; Bauhus, Jürgen; Benavides, Raquel; Benneter, Adam; Bonal, Damien; Bouriaud, Olivier; Bruelheide, Helge; Bussotti, Filippo; Carnol, Monique; Castagneyrol, Bastien; ...
Biotic homogenization can decrease landscape-scale forest multifunctionality.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 113(13), pp. 3557-3562.
National Academy of Sciences NAS
Costantini, Edoardo A. C.; Branquinho, Cristina; Nunes, Alice; Schwilch, Gudrun; Stavi, Ilan; Valdecantos, Alejandro; Zucca, Claudio
Soil indicators to assess the effectiveness of restoration strategies in dryland ecosystems.
Solid Earth, 7(2), pp. 397-414.
Copernicus Publications
Schwilch, Gudrun; Bernet, Lea; Fleskens, Luuk; Giannakis, Elias; Leventon, Julia; Marañón, Teodoro; Mills, Jane; Short, Chris; Stolte, Jannes; van Delden, Hedwig; Verzandvoort, Simone
Operationalizing ecosystem services for the mitigation of soil threats: A proposed framework.
Ecological indicators, 67, pp. 586-597.
van der Plas, Fons; Manning, Peter; Allan, Eric; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Verheyen, Kris; Wirth, Christian; Zavala, Miguel A.; Hector, Andy; Ampoorter, Evy; Baeten, Lander; Barbaro, Luc; Bauhus, Jürgen; Benavides, Raquel; Benneter, Adam; Berthold, Felix; Bonal, Damien; Bouriaud, Olivier; Bruelheide, Helge; Bussotti, Filippo; Carnol, Monique; ...
Jack-of-all-trades effects drive biodiversity–ecosystem multifunctionality relationships in European forests.
Nature communications, 7, p. 11109.
Nature Publishing Group
Friis, Cecilie; Reenberg, Anette; Heinimann, Andreas; Schoenweger, Oliver
Changing local land systems: Implications of a Chinese rubber plantation in Nambak District, Lao PDR.
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 37(1), pp. 25-42.
Arpin, Isabelle; Wallner, Astrid; Scheurer, Thomas; Braun, Valerie
Recommendations for establishing or renewing scientific councils in protected areas.
Eco.mont - journal on protected mountain areas research, 8(1), pp. 62-65.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
Lauper, Elisabeth; Moser, Stephanie; Fischer, Maja; Matthies, Ellen
Explaining car drivers' intention to prevent road-traffic noise: An application of the Norm Activation Model.
Environment and behavior, 48(6), pp. 826-853.
Bader, Christoph; Bieri, Sabin; Wiesmann, Urs; Heinimann, Andreas
A different perspective on poverty in Lao PDR: Multidimensional poverty in Lao PDR for the years 2002/2003 and 2007/2008.
Social indicators research, 126(2), pp. 483-502.
Haller, Tobias; Acciaioli, Gregory; Rist, Stephan
Constitutionality: Conditions for Crafting Local Ownership of Institution-Building Processes.
Society & Natural Resources, 29(1), pp. 68-87.
Taylor & Francis
Van Vliet, Jasper; Magliocca, Nicholas R.; Büchner, Bianka; Cook, Elizabeth; Rey Benayas, José M.; Ellis, Erle C.; Heinimann, Andreas; Keys, Eric; Lee, Tien Ming; Liu, Jianguo; Mertz, Ole; Meyfroidt, Patrick; Moritz, Mark; Poeplau, Christopher; Robinson, Brian E.; Seppelt, Ralf; Seto, Karen C.; Verburg, Peter H.
Meta-studies in land use science: Current coverage and prospects.
Ambio, 45(1), pp. 15-28.
Bottazzi, Patrick; Goguen, Adam; Rist, Stephan
Conflicts of customary land tenure in rural Africa: Is large-scale land acquisition a driver of "institutional innovation"?
The journal of peasant studies, 43(5), pp. 1-18.
Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Hett, Cornelia; Ramamonjisoa, Bruno; Messerli, Peter
Beyond deforestation monitoring in conservation hotspots: Analysing landscape mosaic dynamics in north-eastern Madagascar.
Applied geography, 68, pp. 9-19.
Bull, J.W.; Jobstvogt, N.; Böhnke-Henrichs, A.; Mascarenhas, A.; Sitas, N.; Baulcomb, C.; Lambini, C.K.; Rawlings, M.; Baral, H.; Zähringer, Julie; Carter-Silk, E.; Balzan, M.V.; Kenter, J.O.; Häyhä, T.; Petz, K.; Koss, P.
Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats: A SWOT analysis of the ecosystem services framework.
Ecosystem services, 17, pp. 99-111.
Panagea, I. S.; Daliakopoulos, I. N.; Tsanis, I. K.; Schwilch, Gudrun
Evaluation of promising technologies for soil salinity amelioration in Timpaki (Crete): A participatory approach.
Solid Earth, 7(1), pp. 177-190.
Copernicus Publications
Eckert, Sandra; Giger, Markus; Messerli, Peter
Contextualizing local-scale point sample data using global-scale spatial datasets: Lessons learnt from the analysis of large-scale land acquisitions.
Applied geography, 68, pp. 84-94.
Oberlack, Christoph
Diagnosing institutional barriers and opportunities for adaptation to climate change.
Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change, 22(5), pp. 805-838.
Breu, Thomas; Bader, Christoph; Messerli, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas; Rist, Stephan; Eckert, Sandra
Large-scale land acquisition and its effects on the water balance in investor and host countries.
PLoS ONE, 11(3), e0150901.
Public Library of Science
Marques, Maria Jose; Schwilch, Gudrun; Lauterburg, Nina Juanita; Crittenden, Stephen; Tesfai, Mehreteab; Stolte, Jannes; Zdruli, Pandi; Zucca, Claudio; Petursdottir, Thorunn; Evelpidou, Niki; Karkani, Anna; Yilmazgil, Yasemen Asli; Panagopoulos, Thomas; Yirdaw, Eshetu; Kanninen, Markku; Rubio, Jose Luis; Schmiedel, Ute; Doko, Adrian
Multifaceted impacts of sustainable land management in drylands: A review.
Sustainability, 8(2), p. 177.
Caviola, Hugo; Kläy, Andreas; Weiss, Hans
Im physikalischen Verdichtungslabor: Wie Sprache das Denken und Handeln im Siedlungsbau beeinflusst.
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 25(1), pp. 49-56.
Oekom Verlag
Meessen, Heino; Švajda, Juraj; Kohler, Thomas; Fabriciusová, Vladimira; Galvánek, Dobromil; Bural, Miroslav; Káčerová, Marcela; Kadlečík, Jan
Protected areas in the Slovak Carpathians as a contested resource between metropolitan and mountain stakeholders: On the road to local participation.
Revue de géographie alpine/Journal of alpine research, 103(103-3)
Association pour la diffusion de la recherche alpine
Roth, Vincent; Lemann, Tatenda
Comparing CFSR and conventional weather data for discharge and soil loss modelling with SWAT in small catchments in the Ethiopian Highlands.
Hydrology and earth system sciences, 20(2), pp. 921-934.
European Geosciences Union EGU
Mann, Stephan; Bürgi, Elisabeth
Grabbing or investment? On judging large-scale land acquisitions.
Agriculture and human values, 34(1), pp. 41-51.
Conradin, Katharina; Hammer, Thomas
Making the most of World Natural Heritage - linking conservation and sustainable regional development?
Sustainability, 8(4), p. 323.
Jacobi, Johanna; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Gambon, Helen Anna
¿Locales, externos o integrados? El rol de los diferentes tipos de conocimientos en la agroforestería boliviana.
Leisa - revista de agroecología, 32(1), pp. 17-19.
ETC Andes
Schmocker, Jacqueline; Liniger, Hanspeter; Ngeru, J. N.; Brugnara, Yuri; Auchmann, Renate; Brönnimann, Stefan
Trends in mean and extreme precipitation in the Mount Kenya region from observations and reanalyses.
International journal of climatology, 36(3), pp. 1500-1514.
Bikketi, Edward; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Bieri, Sabin; Haller, Tobias; Wiesmann, Urs
Gendered division of labour and feminisation of responsibilities in Kenya; Implications for development interventions.
Gender, Place and Culture, 23(10), pp. 1432-1449.
Bader, Christoph; Bieri, Sabin; Wiesmann, Urs; Heinimann, Andreas
Differences between monetary and multidimensional poverty in the Lao PDR: Implications for targeting of poverty reduction policies and interventions.
Poverty & Public Policy, 8(2), pp. 171-197.
Ruppen, Sebastian; Wolfgramm, Bettina; Scheidegger, Ruth; Bader, Hans-Peter
Method for analyzing trade-offs in biomass management in smallholder farming systems based on mass balance.
Mountain Research and Development, 36(1), pp. 80-90.
International Mountain Society
Garrard, Rodney; Kohler, Thomas; Price, F. M.; Byers, A.C.; Sherpa, A.R.; Maharjan, G.M.
Land use and land cover change in Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest) National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Himalayas of Eastern Nepal.
Mountain Research and Development, 36(3), pp. 299-310.
International Mountain Society
Caviola, Hugo; Kläy, Andreas; Weiss, Hans
Verdichtung: diskursanalytisch beleuchtet: Reaktion auf I. Krau in GAIA 25/2 (2016, in diesem Heft): Ein Wort geht um: Verdichtung.
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 25(2), pp. 86-87.
Oekom Verlag
Caviola, Hugo; Kläy, Andreas; Weiss, Hans
Land(wirt)schaft im 'Krallengriff' des Akkusativs: Wie der Sprachgebrauch unseren Umgang mit der Natur prägt.
Kultur und Politik. Zeitschrift für ökologische, soziale und wirtschaftliche Zusammmenhänge, 3(16), pp. 10-11.
Biogemüse-Genossenschaft; Biofarm-Genossenschaft; Schweizerische Bauernheimatbewegung; Zentrum für Biologischen Landbau Möschberg
Bétrisey, Florence; Mager, Christophe; Rist, Stephan
Local views and structural determinants of poverty alleviation through payments for environmental services: Bolivian insights.
World development perspectives, 1, pp. 6-11.
Schneider, Flurina; Bonriposi, Mariano; Graefe, Olivier; Herweg, Karl Günter; Homewood, Christine; Huss, Matthias; Kauzlaric, Martina Catharina; Liniger, Hanspeter; Rey, Emmanuel; Reynard, Emmanuel; Rist, Stephan; Schädler, Bruno; Weingartner, Rolf
MontanAqua: Tackling Water Stress in the Alps: Water Management Options in the Crans-Montana-Sierre Region (Valais).
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 25(3), pp. 191-193.
Oekom Verlag
Liechti, K.; Biber, J.-P.
Pastoralism in Europe: Characteristics and challenges of highland-lowland transhumance.
Revue scientifique et technique, 35(2), pp. 561-575.
International Office of Epizootics
Jaquet, Stéphanie; Shrestha, Gitta; Kohler, Thomas; Schwilch, Gudrun
The Effects of Migration on Livelihoods, Land Management, and Vulnerability to Natural Disasters in the Harpan Watershed in Western Nepal.
Mountain Research and Development, 36(4), pp. 494-505.
International Mountain Society
Gleeson, Erin Holly; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Flint, Courtney G.; Greenwood, Gregory; Price, Martin F.; Balsiger, Jörg; Nolin, Anne; Vanacker, Veerle
Mountains of Our Future Earth: Defining Priorities for Mountain Research: A Synthesis From the 2015 Perth III Conference.
Mountain Research and Development, 36(4), pp. 537-548.
International Mountain Society
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Ayquipa-Valenzuela, Jorge; Corrales-Quispe, Ruben; Rosales-Richard, Luzmila; Valdivia-Diaz, Merelyn
Identifying gender-sensitive agroforestry options: Methodological considerations from the field.
Mountain Research and Development, 36(4), pp. 417-430.
International Mountain Society
Randriamalala, Josoa R.; Andrianarisoa, Julien H.; Raoliarivelo, Léa I. B.; Masezamana, Haja N.; Radobarimanjaka, Rabeniala; Ehrensperger, Albrecht
Gestion de pâturages des petits ruminants en zone semi-aride de Madagascar, cas de la commune rural de Soalara-Sud, Toliara II.
Akon’ny ala, 33, pp. 31-38.
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Kiteme, Boniface; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Jörin, Jonas
Community-based water development projects, their effectiveness, and options for improvement: lessons from Laikipia, Kenya.
African geographical review, pp. 1-21.
Taylor & Francis
Tejada, Laura
Water Security, Justice and the Politics of Water Rights in Peru and Bolivia.
Alternautas, 3(1), pp. 119-124.
Alternautas London
Zinsstag, Jakob; Bonfoh, Bassirou; Zinsstag, Georges; Crump, Lisa; Alfaroukh, I.O.; Abakar, Fayiz; Kasymbekov, Joldoshbek; Baljinnyam, Zolzaya; Liechti, Karina; Seid, Mohammed Ali; Schelling, Esther
A vision for the future of pastoralism.
Revue scientifique et technique, 35(2), pp. 693-699.
International Office of Epizootics
Catacora-Vargas, Georgina; Llanque Zonta, Aymara; Jacobi, Johanna; Delgado Burgoa, Freddy
Food sovereignty: reflections from different food systems in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
Revista NERA, 19(32), pp. 170-194.
Universidade Estadual Paulista
Haller, Tobias; Rist, Stephan
Why Switzerland and Europe? Welcome Adress at the IASC European conference in Bern.
Commons Digest(20), pp. 1-5.
International Association for the Study of the Commons
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Kläy, Andreas
Blue Communities: Collective action for local and global common pool resources.
Commons Digest, Autumn 2016(20), pp. 19-21.
International Association for the Study of the Commons
Dwyer, Michael B.; Ingalls, Micah L.; Baird, Ian G.
The security exception: Development and militarization in Laos’s protected areas.
Geoforum, 69, pp. 207-217.
Ingalls, Micah L.; Stedman, Richard C.
The power problematic: exploring the uncertain terrains of political ecology and the resilience framework.
Ecology and Society, 21(1)
Resilience Alliance Publications
Lee, Jean; Ingalls, Micah; Erickson, Jon D.; Wollenberg, Eva
Bridging organizations in agricultural carbon markets and poverty alleviation: An analysis of pro-Poor carbon market projects in East Africa.
Global environmental change, 39, pp. 98-107.
Cardinale, Bradley J.; Venail, Patrick; Gross, Kevin; Oakley, Todd H.; Narwani, Anita; Allan, Eric; Flombaum, Pedro; Joshi, Jasmin; Reich, Peter B.; Tilman, David; van Ruijven, Jasper
Further re-analyses looking for effects of phylogenetic diversity on community biomass and stability.
Functional Ecology, 29(12), pp. 1607-1610.
Fischer, Manuel
Collaboration patterns, external shocks and uncertainty: Swiss nuclear energy politics before and after Fukushima.
Energy policy, 86, pp. 520-528.
Soliveres, Santiago; Maestre, Fernando T.; Berdugo, Miguel; Allan, Eric
A missing link between facilitation and plant species coexistence: nurses benefit generally rare species more than common ones.
Journal of Ecology, 103(5), pp. 1183-1189.
Allan, Eric; Manning, Peter; Alt, Fabian; Binkenstein, Julia; Blaser, Stefan; Blüthgen, Nico; Böhm, Stefan; Grassein, Fabrice; Hölzel, Norbert; Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Morris, E. Kathryn; Oelmann, Yvonne; Prati, Daniel; Renner, Swen C.; Rillig, Matthias C.; Schaefer, Martin; Schloter, Michael; Schmitt, Barbara; Schöning, Ingo; ...
Land use intensification alters ecosystem multifunctionality via loss of biodiversity and changes to functional composition.
Ecology Letters, 18(8), pp. 834-843.
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing
Soliveres, Santiago; Maestre, Fernando T.; Ulrich, Werner; Manning, Peter; Boch, Steffen; Bowker, Matthew A.; Prati, Daniel; Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel; Quero, José L.; Schöning, Ingo; Gallardo, Antonio; Weisser, Wolfgang; Müller, Jörg; Socher, Stephanie; García-Gómez, Miguel; Ochoa, Victoria; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Fischer, Markus; Allan, Eric and Holyoak, Marcel
Intransitive competition is widespread in plant communities and maintains their species richness.
Ecology Letters, 18(8), pp. 790-798.
Hering, Janet G.; Sedlak, D.L.; Tortajada, C.; Biswas, A.K.; Niwagaba, C.; Breu, Thomas
Local perspectives on water.
Science, 349(6247), pp. 479-480.
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Messerli, Peter; Bader, Christoph; Hett, Cornelia; Epprecht, Michael; Heinimann, Andreas
Towards a spatial understanding of trade-offs in sustainable development: A meso-scale analysis of the nexus between land use, poverty, and environment in the Lao PDR.
PLoS ONE, 10(7), e0133418.
Public Library of Science
Fischer, Manuel; Sciarini, Pascal
Unpacking reputational power: Intended and unintended determinants of the assessment of actors' power.
Social Networks, 42(July), pp. 60-71.
Manning, Peter; Gossner, Martin M.; Bossdorf, Oliver; Allan, Eric; Zhang, Yuan-Ye; Prati, Daniel; Blüthgen, Nico; Boch, Steffen; Böhm, Stefan; Börschig, Carmen; Hölzel, Norbert; Jung, Kirsten; Klaus, Valentin H.; Klein, Alexandra Maria; Kleinebecker, Till; Krauss, Jochen; Lange, Markus; Müller, Jörg; Pašalić, Esther; Socher, Stephanie; ...
Grassland management intensification weakens the associations among the diversities of multiple plant and animal taxa.
Ecology, 96(6), pp. 1492-1501.
Ecological Society of America
Venail, Patrick; Gross, Kevin; Oakley, Todd H.; Narwani, Anita; Allan, Eric; Flombaum, Pedro; Isbell, Forest; Joshi, Jasmin; Reich, Peter B.; Tilman, David; van Ruijven, Jasper; Cardinale, Bradley J.
Species richness, but not phylogenetic diversity, influences community biomass production and temporal stability in a re-examination of 16 grassland biodiversity studies.
Functional Ecology, 29(5), pp. 615-626.
Blackwell Scientific Publications
Eisenack, Klaus; Moser, Susanne C.; Hoffmann, Esther; Klein, Richard J.T.; Oberlack, Christoph; Pechan, Anna; Rotter, Maja; Termeer, Catrien J.A.M.
Reply to: Opening up the black box of adaptation decision-making.
Nature climate change, 5(6), pp. 494-495.
Nature Publishing Group
Boch, Steffen; Fischer, Markus; Knop, Eva; Allan, Eric
Endozoochory by slugs can increase bryophyte establishment and species richness.
Oikos, 124(3), pp. 331-336.
Kläy, Andreas; Zimmermann, Anne; Schneider, Flurina
Rethinking science for sustainable development: Reflexive interaction for a paradigm transformation.
Futures, 65, pp. 72-85.
Rosendahl, Judith; Zanella, Matheus A.; Rist, Stephan; Weigelt, Jes
Scientists’ situated knowledge: Strong objectivity in transdisciplinarity.
Futures, 65, pp. 17-27.
Jacobi, Johanna; Schneider, Monika; Bottazzi, Patrick; Pillco, Maria; Calizaya, Patricia; Rist, Stephan
Agroecosystem resilience and farmers’ perceptions of climate change impacts on cocoa farms in Alto Beni, Bolivia.
Renewable agriculture and food systems, 30(2), pp. 170-183.
Cambridge University Press
Schwilch, Gudrun; Laouina, Abdellah; Chaker, Miloud; Machouri, Nadia; Sfa, Mohammed; Stroosnijder, Leo
Challenging conservation agriculture on marginal slopes in Sehoul, Morocco.
Renewable agriculture and food systems, 30(03), pp. 233-251.
Cambridge University Press
Magliocca, Nicholas R.; Rudel, Thomas K.; Verburg, Peter H.; McConnell, William J.; Mertz, Ole; Gerstner, Katharina; Heinimann, Andreas; Ellis, Erle C.
Synthesis in land change science: methodological patterns, challenges, and guidelines.
Regional environmental change, 15(2), pp. 211-226.
Eckert, Sandra; Hüsler, Fabia; Liniger, Hanspeter; Hodel, Elias
Trend analysis of MODIS NDVI time series for detecting land degradation and regeneration in Mongolia.
Journal of Arid Environments, 113, pp. 16-28.
Boillat, Sébastien; Dao, Hy; Bottazzi, Patrick; Sandoval, Yuri; Luna, Abraham; Thongmanivong, Sithong; Lerch, Louca; Bastide, Joan; Heinimann, Andreas; Giraut, Frédéric
Integrating Forest Cover Change with Census Data: Drivers and Contexts from Bolivia and the Lao PDR.
Land, 4(1), pp. 45-82.
Schneider, Flurina; Bonriposi, Mariano; Graefe, Olivier; Herweg, Karl Günter; Homewood, Christine; Huss, Matthias; Kauzlaric, Martina Catharina; Liniger, Hanspeter; Rey, Emmanuel; Reynard, Emmanuel; Rist, Stephan; Schädler, Bruno; Weingartner, Rolf
Assessing the sustainability of water governance systems: the sustainability wheel.
Journal of environmental planning and management, 58(9), pp. 1577-1600.
Taylor & Francis
Valente, Sandra; Coelho, Celeste; Ribeiro, Cristina; Liniger, Hanspeter; Schwilch, Gudrun; Figueiredo, Elisabete; Bachmann, Felicitas
How much management is enough? Stakeholder views on forest management in fire-prone areas in central Portugal.
Forest policy and economics, 53, pp. 1-11.
Elsevier Science
Battiato, Andrea; Alaoui, Abdallah; Diserens, Etienne
Impact of normal and shear stresses due to wheel slip on hydrological properties of an agricultural clay loam: Experimental and new computerized approach.
Journal of agricultural science, 47(4), pp. 1-19.
Canadian Center of Science and Education
Schoenweger, Oliver; Messerli, Peter
Land acquisition, investment, and development in the Lao coffee sector: Successes and failures.
Critical Asian Studies, 47(1), pp. 94-122.
Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
Wolfgramm, Bettina; Shigaeva, Jyldyz; Dear, Chad
The research-action interface in sustainable land management in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan: Challenges and recommendations.
Land degradation & development, 26(5), pp. 480-490.
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Jaquet, Stéphanie; Schwilch, Gudrun; Hartung-Hofmann, Fritz; Adhikari, Anu; Sudmeier-Rieux, Karen; Shrestha, Gittat; Liniger, Hanspeter; Kohler, Thomas
Does outmigration lead to land degradation? Labour shortage and land management in a western Nepal watershed.
Applied geography, 62, pp. 157-170.
Oberlack, Christoph; LaHaela Walter, Philipp; Schmerbeck, Joachim; Tiwari, BK
Institutions for sustainable governance of forests: Equity, robustness and cross-level interactions in Mawlyngbna, Meghalaya, India.
International journal of the commons, 9(2), pp. 670-697.
Conradin, Katharina; Engesser, Matthias; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Four decades of World Natural Heritage - how changing protected area values influence the UNESCO label.
Erde, 146(1), pp. 34-46.
Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin
Alaoui, Abdallah
Modelling susceptibility of grassland soil to macropore flow.
Journal of hydrology, 525, pp. 536-546.
Zähringer, Julie; Eckert, Sandra; Messerli, Peter
Revealing regional deforestation dynamics in north-eastern Madagascar - Insights from multi-temporal land cover change analysis.
Land, 4(2), pp. 454-474.
Alder, Simon; Prasuhn, Volker; Liniger, Hanspeter; Herweg, Karl Günter; Hurni, Hans; Candinas, Anton; Gujer, Hans Ulrich
A high-resolution map of direct and indirect connectivity of erosion risk areas to surface waters in Switzerland: A risk assessment tool for planning and policy-making.
Land use policy, 48, pp. 236-249.
Elsevier Science
Schneider, Flurina
Exploring sustainability through stakeholders' perspectives and hybrid water in the Swiss alps.
Water Alternatives, 8(2), pp. 280-296.
Water Alternatives
Boillat, Sébastien; Stich, Corinna; Bastide, Joan; Epprecht, Michael; Thongmanivong, Sithong; Heinimann, Andreas
Do relocated villages experience more forest cover change? Resettlements, shifting cultivation and forests in the Lao PDR.
Environments, 2(2), pp. 250-279.
Satdichanh, Manichanh; Millet, Jérôme; Heinimann, Andreas; Nanthavong, Khamseng; Harrison, Rhett D.
Using plant functional traits and phylogenies to understand patterns of plant community assembly in a seasonal tropical forest in Lao PDR.
PLoS ONE, 10(6), e0130151.
Public Library of Science
Zanella, Matheus Alves; Rahmanian, Maryam; Perch, Leisa Nicola; Callenius, Carolin; Rubio, José Luis; Vuningoma, Faustin; Rist, Stephan; Mapfumo, Paul
Discussion: Food security and sustainable food systems: The role of soil.
International soil and water conservation research, 3(2), pp. 154-159.
Lauper, Elisabeth; Moser, Stephanie; Fischer, Maja; Matthies, Ellen; Kaufmann-Hayoz, Ruth
Psychological predictors of eco-driving: A longitudinal study.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 33, pp. 27-37.
Amin, Ariane; Zähringer, Julie; Schwilch, Gudrun; Koné, Inza
People, protected areas and ecosystem services: a qualitative and quantitative analysis of local people's perception and preferences in Côte d'Ivoire.
Natural resources forum, 39(2), pp. 97-109.
Jean-Richard, Vreni; Crump, Lisa; Abicho, Abbani Alhadj; Abakar, Ali Abba; Mahamat, Abdraman; Bechir, Mahamat; Eckert, Sandra; Engesser, Matthias; Schelling, Esther; Zinsstag, Jakob
Estimating population and livestock density of mobile pastoralists and sedentary settlements in the southeastern Lake Chad area.
Geospatial Health, 10(1), pp. 6-12.
Universita degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II"
Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Randriamalala, Josoa R.; Raoliarivelo, Léa I. B.; Husi, Janet M.
Jatropha mahafalensis for rural energy supply in south-western Madagascar?
Energy for sustainable development, 28, pp. 60-67.
International Energy Initiative
Hurni, Hans; Giger, Markus; Liniger, Hanspeter; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima; Messerli, Peter; Portner, Brigitte; Schwilch, Gudrun; Wolfgramm, Bettina; Breu, Thomas Michael
Soils, agriculture and food security: The interplay between ecosystem functioning and human well-being.
Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 15, pp. 25-34.
Urech, Zora Lea; Zähringer, Julie; Rickenbach, Olivia; Sorg, Jean-Pierre; Felber, Hans Rudolf
Understanding deforestation and forest fragmentation from a livelihood perspective.
Madagascar Conservation & Development, 10(2), pp. 67-76.
Institute and Museum of Anthropology, University of Zurich
Giger, Markus; Liniger, Hanspeter; Sauter, Caspar; Schwilch, Gudrun
Economic benefits and costs of Sustainable Land Management Technologies: An analysis of WOCAT's global data.
Land degradation & development, 29(4), pp. 962-974.
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Verburg, Peter H.; Crossman, Neville; Ellis, Erle C.; Heinimann, Andreas; Hostert, Patrick; Mertz, Ole; Nagendra, Harini; Sikor, Thomas; Erb, Karl-Heinz; Golubiewski, Nancy; Grau, Ricardo; Grove, Morgan; Konaté, Souleymane; Meyfroidt, Patrick; Parker, Dawn C.; Chowdhury, Rinku Roy; Shibata, Hideaki; Thomson, Allison; Zhen, Lin
Land system science and sustainable development of the earth system: A global land project perspective.
Anthropocene, 12, pp. 29-41.
Bürgi, Elisabeth
Sustainable investment in land in the Global South: What would it require from a coherence perspective? The case of Sierra Leone.
Questions of International Law, 21, pp. 17-37.
Stocker, Dario Bruno; Joos, F.
Quantifying differences in land use emission estimates implied by definition discrepancies.
Earth system dynamics, 6(2), pp. 731-744.
Copernicus Publications
Conradin, Katharina; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Protecting the South—Promoting the North? World Natural Heritage Status in the Global North and South.
Society & Natural Resources, 28(7), pp. 689-702.
Taylor & Francis
Jacobi, Johanna; Schneider, Monika; Pillco Mariscal, Maria; Huber, Stephanie; Weidmann, Simon; Bottazzi, Patrick; Rist, Stephan
Farm resilience in organic and nonorganic cocoa farming systems in Alto Beni, Bolivia.
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 39(7), pp. 798-823.
Taylor & Francis
Fessehaye, Mussie; Abdul-Wahab, Sabah A.; Savage, Michael J.; Kohler, Thomas; Tesfay, Selamawit
The potential for scaling up a fog collection system on the eastern escarpment of Eritrea.
Mountain Research and Development, 35(4), pp. 365-373.
International Mountain Society
Kläy, Andreas; Schneider, Flurina
Zwischen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und nachhaltiger Entwicklung: Forschungsförderung braucht Politikkohärenz.
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 24(4), pp. 224-227.
Oekom Verlag
Jendoubi, Donia; Gara, Ahlem; Schwilch, Gudrun; Liniger, Hanspeter; Hurni, Hans; Ouessar, Mohamed; Moussa, Mohamed; Hamrouni, Hedi
Decision-Support tools for assessing land degradation and realising sustainable land management, Study Case of El Mkhachbiya Catchment, Northwest of Tunisia.
Journal of mediterranean ecology, 13, pp. 47-56.
Firma Effe Publisher
Mekuriaw, Asnake; Hurni, Hans
Analysing factors determining the adoption of environmental management measures on the highlands of Ethiopia.
Civil and Environmental Research, 7(12), pp. 61-72.
International Institute for Science, Technology & Education
Perlik, Manfred
Mountains as Global Suppliers: New Forms of Disparities Between Mountain Areas and Metropolitan Hubs.
Revue de géographie alpine/Journal of alpine research, 103(3)
Association pour la diffusion de la recherche alpine
Bauer, Nicole; Wallner, Astrid
Wildnis in der Schweiz.
Natur und Landschaft, 90(9-10), pp. 444-447.
Elmi, Marianna; Perlik, Manfred
From tourism to multilocal residence? Unequal transformation processes in the Dolomites.
Revue de géographie alpine/Journal of alpine research, 102(102-3)
Association pour la diffusion de la recherche alpine
Roth, Claudia
Entre rêves de grandeur et pragmatisme : les jeunes en milieu urbain au Burkina Faso.
Journal des Africanistes, 84(1), pp. 80-105.
Société des Africanistes
Michel, Claudia; Hearn, Simon; Wuelser, Gabriela; Breu, Thomas Michael
Assessing the broad societal impacts of research: The case of the NCCR north-south programme.
Fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation, 39, pp. 11-15.
Österreichische Plattform für Forschungs– und Technologiepolitikevaluierung (fteval)
Jacobi, Johanna; Schneider, Monika; Pillco Mariscal, María Isabel; Huber, Stephanie; Rist, Stephan
La contribución de la producción del cacao orgánico a la resiliencia socio-ecológica en el contexto del cambio climático en el Alto Beni – La Paz.
Acta Nova: Revista de Ciencias y Tecnología, 6(4), pp. 351-383.
Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo
Roth, Claudia
The strength of badenya ties: siblings and social security in old age – the case of urban Burkina Faso.
American Ethnologist, 41(3), pp. 547-563.
American Anthropological Association
Mueller, Matthias H.; Alaoui, Abdallah; Kuells, Christoph; Leistert, Hannes; Meusburger, Katrin; Stumpp, Christine; Weiler, Markus; Alewell, Christine
Tracking water pathways in steep hillslopes by d18O depth profiles of soil water.
Journal of hydrology, 519(Pt. A), pp. 340-352.
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Meyer-Nandi, Sathi
Schweizer Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen: Aktuelle Politik und Entwicklungsrelevanz.
Jusletter, 30.06.2014, pp. 1-61.
Muys, Bart; Norgrove, Lindsey; Alamirew, Tena; Birech, Rhoda; Chirinian, Elisa; Delelegn, Yoseph; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Ellison, Carol A.; Feto, Adem; Freyer, Bernhard; Gevaert, Jan; Gmünder, Simon; Jongschaap, Raymond E. E.; Kaufmann, Manfred; Keane, Jodie; Kenis, Marc; Kiteme, Boniface; Langat, Jackson; Lyimo, Reginald; Moraa, Violet; ...
Integrating mitigation and adaptation into development: the case of Jatropha curcas in sub-Saharan Africa.
GCB Bioenergy, 6(3), pp. 169-171.
Schwilch, Gudrun; Liniger, Hanspeter; Hurni, Hans
Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Practices in Drylands: How Do They Address Desertification Threats?
Environmental management, 54(5), pp. 983-1004.
Reyes-García, Victoria; Paneque-Gálvez, Jaime; Bottazzi, Patrick; Luz, Ana C.; Gueze, Maximilien; Macía, Manuel J.; Orta-Martínez, Martí; Pacheco, Pablo
Indigenous land reconfiguration and fragmented institutions: a historical political ecology of Tsimane’ lands (Bolivian Amazon).
Journal of rural studies, 34, pp. 282-291.
Kouakou, Etienne; Koné, Brama; N'Go, Alexis; Cissé, Guéladio; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Savané, Issiaka
Ground water sensitivity to climate variability in the white Bandama basin, Ivory Coast.
SpringerPlus, 3(1), p. 226.
Mogaka, Violet; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Iiyama, Miyuki; Birtel, Martin; Heim, Eva; Gmuender, Simon
Understanding the underlying mechanisms of recent Jatropha curcas L. adoption by smallholders in Kenya: A rural livelihood assessment in Bondo, Kibwezi, and Kwale districts.
Energy for sustainable development, 18, pp. 9-15.
International Energy Initiative
Bottazzi, Patrick; Crespo, David; Soria, Harry; Dao, Hy; Serrudo, Marcelo; Benavides, Jean Paul; Schwarzer, Stefan; Rist, Stephan
Carbon sequestration in community forests: trade-offs, multiple outcomes and institutional diversity in the Bolivian Amazon.
Development and Change, 45(1), pp. 105-131.
Fessehaye, Mussie; Abdul-Wahab, Sabah A.; Savage, Michael J.; Kohler, Thomas; Gherezghiher, Tseggai; Hurni, Hans
Fog-water collection for community use.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 29, pp. 52-62.
Mwambene, P. L.; Mbwile, R. P.; Höggel, F.U.; Kimbi, E. C.; Materu, J.; Mwaiganju, A.; Madoffe, S.
Assessing dynamics of forced livestock movements, livelihoods and future development options for pastoralists/agro-pastoralists in Ruvuma and Lindi Regions, in the Southern Tanzania.
Livestock research for rural development, 26(1)
Convenio interinstitucional para la produccion agropecuaria en el valle del rio Cauca
Vongvisouk, Thoumthone; Mertz, Ole; Thongmanivong, Sithong; Heinimann, Andreas; Phanvilay, Khamla
Shifting cultivation stability and change: Contrasting pathways of land use and livelihood change in Laos.
Applied geography, 46, pp. 1-10.
Schneider, Flurina; Rist, Stephan
Envisioning sustainable water futures in a transdisciplinary learning process: combining normative, explorative, and participatory scenario approaches.
Sustainability science, 9(4), pp. 463-481.
Jacobi, Johanna; Andres, Christian; Schneider, Monika; Pillco, Maria; Calizaya, Patricia; Rist, Stephan
Carbon stocks, tree diversity, and the role of organic certification in different cocoa production systems in Alto Beni, Bolivia.
Agroforestry systems, 88(6), pp. 1117-1132.
Bottazzi, Patrick; Reyes-García, Victoria; Crespo, David; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Galvarro, Harry Soria; Jacobi, Johanna; Clavijo, Marcelo; Rist, Stephan
Productive Diversification and Sustainable Use of Complex Social-Ecological Systems: A Comparative Study of Indigenous and Settler Communities in the Bolivian Amazon.
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 38(2), pp. 137-164.
Taylor & Francis
Reynard, Emmanuel; Bonriposi, Mariano; Graefe, Olivier; Homewood, Christine; Huss, Matthias; Kauzlaric, Martina Catharina; Liniger, Hanspeter; Rey, Emmanuel; Rist, Stephan; Schädler, Bruno; Schneider, Flurina; Weingartner, Rolf
Interdisciplinary assessment of complex regional water systems and their future evolution: how socioeconomic drivers can matter more than climate.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 1(4), pp. 413-426.
Portner, Brigitte; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Nezir, Zufan; Breu, Thomas Michael; Hurni, Hans
Biofuels for a Greener Economy? Insights from Jatropha Production in Northeastern Ethiopia.
Sustainability, 6(9), pp. 6188-6202.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Transdisciplinarity in Practice. Experience from a Concept-based Research Programme Addressing Global Change and Sustainable Development.
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 23(3), pp. 275-277.
Oekom Verlag
Schmid, Franziska; Walter, Felix; Schneider, Flurina; Rist, Stephan
Wege zur nachhaltigen Wassergouvernanz. Thematische Synthese 4: Notwendige Anpassungsprozesse in der schweizerischen Wasserwirtschaft.
Aqua & Gas, 2014(11), pp. 36-40.
Schweizerischer Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches (SVGW)
Amare, Tadele; Zegeye, Assefa Derebe; Yitaferu, Birru; Steenhuis, Tammo S.; Hurni, Hans; Zeleke, Gete
Combined effect of soil bund with biological soil and water conservation measures in the northwestern Ethiopian highlands.
Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 14(3), pp. 192-199.
Hammer, Thomas
Nachhaltige Ländliche Entwicklung im Globalen Süden: Zum Wandel der Analyse- und Interventionsansätze.
Geographie aktuell & Schule, 211(36), pp. 4-12.
Aulis Verlag
Schneider, Flurina; Buser, Tobias Johannes; Graefe, Olivier
Scales of justice in water governance: hydropower controversies in Switzerland.
Water Policy, 16(2), pp. 137-154.
IWA Publishing
Hammer, Thomas
Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitspraxis im Spannungsfeld wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse und wandelnder gesellschaftlicher Ansprüche – Konsequenzen für Forschung und Lehre am Beispiel der Grossschutzgebietspraxis.
Bulletin VSH-AEU, 40(4), pp. 31-38.
Vereinigung der Schweizerischen Hochschuldozierenden
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Rist, Stephan
An indicator framework for assessing livelihood resilience in the context of social–ecological dynamics.
Global environmental change, 28, pp. 109-119.
Hurni, Hans; Molden, David; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Zimmermann, Anne
Focus Issue: Family Farming in Mountains—Institutional and Organizational Arrangements in the Context of Globalization.
Mountain Research and Development, 34(4), pp. 313-314.
International Mountain Society
Verma, Ritu; Molden, David; Hurni, Hans; Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
Special Issue: Gender and Sustainable Development in Mountains—Transformative Innovations, Tenacious Resistances.
Mountain Research and Development, 34(3), pp. 185-187.
International Mountain Society
Liechti, Karina
Integrative Geography at the University of Bern: Sustainability Research in Mountain Regions.
Mountain Research and Development, 34(2), pp. 170-172.
International Mountain Society
Baur, Ivo; Liechti, Karina; Binder, Claudia Rebecca
Why do individuals behave differently in commons dilemmas?: The case of alpine farmers using common property pastures in Grindelwald, Switzerland.
International journal of the commons, 8(2), pp. 657-685.
Bieri, Sabin
New ruralities – old gender dynamics?: A reflection on high-value crop agriculture in the light of the feminisation debates.
Geographica Helvetica, 69(4), pp. 281-290.
Copernicus Publications
Bringolf-Isler, Bettina; Kriemler, Susi; Mäder, Urs; Dössegger, Alain; Hofmann, Heidi; Puder, Jardena J.; Braun-Fahrländer, Charlotte
Relationship between the objectively-assessed neighborhood area and activity behavior in Swiss youth.
Preventive Medicine Reports, 1, pp. 14-20.
Bringolf-Isler, Bettina; Mäder, Urs; Dössegger, Alain; Hofmann, Heidi; Puder, Jardena J.; Braun-Fahrländer, Charlotte; Kriemler, Susi
Regional differences of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in Swiss children are not explained by socio-demographics or the built environment.
International journal of public health, 60(3), pp. 291-300.
Bürgi, Elisabeth
An Enabling Regulatory Environment for Sustainable Investment: The Example of Trade Law.
Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Comercial Internacional, 2(1), pp. 227-244.
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Bürgi, Elisabeth
Un marco regulatorio propicio para la inversión sostenible: el ejemplo del derecho comercial.
Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Comercial Internacional, 2(1), pp. 39-59.
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México
Dössegger, Alain; Ruch, Nicole; Jimmy, Gerda; Braun-Fahrländer, Charlotte; Mäder, Urs; Hänggi, Johanna; Hofmann, Heidi; Puder, Jardena; Kriemler, Susi; Bringolf-Isler, Bettina
Reactivity to Accelerometer Measurement of Children and Adolescents.
Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 46(6), pp. 1140-1146.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Hessel, R.; Reed, M. S.; Geeson, N.; Ritsema, C. J.; van Lynden, G.; Karavitis, C. A.; Schwilch, Gudrun; Jetten, V.; Burger, P.; van der Werff ten Bosch, M. J.; Verzandvoort, S.; van den Elsen, E.; Witsenburg, K.
From Framework to Action: The DESIRE Approach to Combat Desertification.
Environmental management, 54(5), pp. 935-950.
Horel, Agota; Alaoui, Abdallah; Czachor, Henryk; Nagy, Viliam; Tóth, Eszter
Transport of iodide in structured clay–loam soil under maize during irrigation experiments analyzed using HYDRUS model.
Biologia, 69(11), pp. 1531-1538.
Kläy, Andreas
Umgang mit erneuerbaren Ressourcen: Herausforderung Nachhaltigkeit.
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 23(4), pp. 360-363.
Oekom Verlag
Messerli, Peter; Giger, Markus; Dwyer, Michael B.; Breu, Thomas Michael; Eckert, Sandra
The geography of large-scale land acquisitions: Analysing socio-ecological patterns of target contexts in the global South.
Applied geography, 53, pp. 449-459.
Saksena, Sumeet; Fox, Jefferson; Epprecht, Michael; Tran, Chinh; Castrence, Miguel; Nong, Duong; Spencer, James; Nguyen, Lam; Finucane, Melissa; Vien, Tran Duc; Wilcox, Bruce
Classifying and mapping the urban transition in Vietnam.
Applied geography, 50, pp. 80-89.
Shiferaw, Abebe; Hergarten, Christian
Visible near infra-red (VisNIR) spectroscopy for predicting soil organic carbon in Ethiopia.
Journal of Ecology and The Natural Environment, 6(3), pp. 126-139.
Academic Journals
Shiferaw, Abebe; Hergarten, Christian; Kassawmar, Tibebu; Zeleke, Gete
Meta-Analysis of Long-Term Land Management Effect on Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) in Ethiopia.
International Journal of Agricultural Research, 10(1), pp. 1-13.
Academic Journals, New York
Rueff, Henri; Rahim, Inam-ur; Kohler, Thomas; Mahat, Tek Jung; Ariza, Clara
Can the green economy enhance sustainable mountain development? The potential role of awareness building.
Environmental science & policy, 49, pp. 85-94.
Conradin, Katharina; Chiyumba, Miriam; Kiteme, Boniface; Mwaura, Simon N.; Liechti, Karina
World Natural Heritage sites and regional development – the cases of Mt Kenya and Mt Kilimanjaro.
Eco.mont - journal on protected mountain areas research, 6(1), pp. 45-48.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
Buytaert, Wouter; Zulkafli, Zed; Grainger, Sam; Acosta, Luis; Alemie, Tilashwork C.; Bastiaensen, Johan; De Bièvre, Bert; Bhusal, Jagat; Clark, Julian; Dewulf, Art; Foggin, Marc; Hannah, David M.; Hergarten, Christian; Isaeva, Aiganysh; Karpouzoglou, Timothy; Pandeya, Bhopal; Paudel, Deepak; Sharma, Keshav; Steenhuis, Tammo; Tilahun, Seifu; ...
Citizen science in hydrology and water resources: Opportunities for knowledge generation, ecosystem service management, and sustainable development.
Frontiers in Earth Science, 2(26)
Frontiers Media
Brandt, Regine; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Lachmuth, Susanne; Hensen, Isabell; Rist, Stephan
Knowledge and valuation of Andean agroforestry species: the role of sex, age, and migration among members of a rural community in Bolivia.
Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine, 9(1), p. 83.
Biomed Central
Boillat, Sébastien; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Rist, Stephan
Linking local knowledge, conservation practices and ecosystem diversity: comparing two communities in the Tunari National Park (Bolivia).
Ethnobiology and Conservation(2), p. 8.
Universidade Estadual da Paraiba * Editora (EDUEP)
Messerli, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas; Giger, Markus; Breu, Thomas Michael; Schoenweger, Oliver
From 'land grabbing' to sustainable investments in land: potential contributions by land change science.
Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 5(5), pp. 528-534.
Reed, M.S.; Podesta, G.; Fazey, I.; Geeson, N.; Hessel, R.; Hubacek, K.; Letson, D.; Nainggolan, D.; Prell, C.; Rickenbach, M.G.; Ritsema, C.; Schwilch, Gudrun; Stringer, L.C.; Thomas, A.D.
Combining analytical frameworks to assess livelihood vulnerability to climate change and analyse adaptation options.
Ecological economics, 94, pp. 66-77.
Renner, Renate; Schneider, Flurina; Hohenwallner, Daniela; Kopeinig, Christian; Kruse, Sylvia; Lienert, Judit; Link, Steffen; Muhar, Susanne
Meeting the Challenges of Transdisciplinary Knowledge Production for Sustainable Water Governance.
Mountain Research and Development, 33(3), pp. 234-247.
International Mountain Society
Hurni, Kaspar; Hett, Corelia; Epprecht, Michael; Messerli, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas
A Texture-based land cover classification for the delineation of a shifting cultivation landscape in the Lao PDR using landscape metrics.
Remote sensing, 5(7), pp. 3377-3396.
Meessen, Heino; Giger, Markus; Baibagyshov, Ermek
Energiesparen in Kirgistan: effiziente Öfen und Wärmeisolation für die Landbevölkerung.
Zentralasien-Analysen, 66, pp. 2-9.
Dt. Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde / Forschungsstelle Osteuropa
Eckert, Sandra; Engesser, Matthias
Assessing vegetation cover and biomass in restored erosion areas in Iceland using SPOT satellite data.
Applied geography, 40, pp. 179-190.
Thanichanon, Puwadej; Schmidt-Vogt, Dietrich; Messerli, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas; Epprecht, Michael
Secondary Forests and Local Livelihoods along a Gradient of Accessibility: A Case Study in Northern Laos.
Society & Natural Resources, 26(11), pp. 1283-1299.
Taylor & Francis
Hurni, Hans; Molden, David; Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
Mountain Research and Development, 33(2), p. 121.
International Mountain Society
Heinimann, Andreas; Messerli, Peter
Coping with a land-grab world: lessons from Laos.
Global Change Newsletter, 80, pp. 12-15.
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme
Hurni, Hans; Molden, David; Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
Mountain Research and Development, 33(1), p. 3.
International Mountain Society
Hurni, Kaspar; Hett, Cornelia; Heinimann, Andreas; Messerli, Peter; Wiesmann, Urs
Dynamics of Shifting Cultivation Landscapes in Northern Lao PDR Between 2000 and 2009 Based on an Analysis of MODIS Time Series and Landsat Images.
Human ecology, 41(1), pp. 21-36.
New-York, NY: Springer
Boillat, Sébastien; Serrano, Elvira; Rist, Stephan; Berkes, Fikret
The Importance of Place Names in the Search for Ecosystem-Like Concepts in Indigenous Societies: An Example from the Bolivian Andes.
Environmental management, 51(3), pp. 663-678.
New York, N.Y.: Springer
Castella, Jean-Christophe; Lestrelin, Guillaume; Hett, Cornelia; Bourgoin, Jeremy; Fitriana, Yulia Rahma; Heinimann, Andreas; Pfund, Jean-Laurent
Effects of Landscape Segregation on Livelihood Vulnerability: Moving From Extensive Shifting Cultivation to Rotational Agriculture and Natural Forests in Northern Laos.
Human ecology, 41(1), pp. 63-76.
New-York, NY: Springer
Prasuhn, Volker; Liniger, Hanspeter; Gisler, Simon; Herweg, Karl Günter; Candinas, Anton; Clément, Jean-Pierre
A high-resolution soil erosion risk map of Switzerland as strategic policy support system.
Land use policy, 32, pp. 281-291.
Amsterdam: Elsevier Science
Bourgoin, Jeremy; Castella, Jean-Christophe; Hett, Cornelia; Lestrelin, Guillaume; Heinimann, Andreas
Engaging Local Communities in Low Emissions Land-Use Planning: a Case Study from Laos.
Ecology and Society, 18(2), p. 9.
Resilience Alliance Publications
Heinimann, Andreas; Hett, Cornelia; Hurni, Kaspar; Messerli, Peter; Epprecht, Michael; Jørgensen, Lars; Breu, Thomas Michael
Socio-Economic Perspectives on Shifting Cultivation Landscapes in Northern Laos.
Human ecology, 41(1), pp. 51-62.
Schneider, Flurina; Homewood, Christine
Exploring Water Governance Arrangements in the Swiss Alps From the Perspective of Adaptive Capacity.
Mountain Research and Development, 33(3), pp. 225-233.
International Mountain Society
Amare, Tadele; Hergarten, Christian; Hurni, Hans; Wolfgramm, Bettina; Yitaferu, Birru; Selassie, Yihenew G.
Prediction of soil organic carbon for Ethiopian highlands using soil spectroscopy.
ISRN Soil Science, 2013, pp. 1-11.
Anseeuw, Ward; Lay, Jann; Messerli, Peter; Giger, Markus; Taylor, Michael
Creating a public tool to assess and promote transparency in global land deals: the experience of the Land Matrix.
The journal of peasant studies, 40(3), pp. 521-530.
Bottazzi, Patrick; Dao, Hy
On the road through the Bolivian Amazon: a multi-level land governance analysis of deforestation.
Land use policy, 30(1), pp. 137-146.
Elsevier Science
Hurni, Hans; Breu, Thomas Michael; Messerli, Peter; Portner, Brigitte
Key implications of land conversions in agriculture.
Trade and environment review, 2013, pp. 220-233.
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Buffer capacity: capturing a dimension of resilience to climate change in African smallholder agriculture.
Regional environmental change, 13(3), pp. 521-535.
Liniger, Hanspeter; Mekdaschi, Rima; Providoli, Isabelle
Promoting best practices in sustainable land management.
Rural 21: the international journal for rural development, 47(3), pp. 14-15.
Portner, Brigitte
Frames in the Ethiopian Debate on Biofuels.
Africa Spectrum, 48(3), pp. 33-53.
GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies
Sonnleitner, Andrea; Rathbauer, Josef; Ramarolanonana Randriamalalac, Josoa; Benjamin Raoliarivelo, Léa Irène; Andrianarisoa, Julien Honoré; Rabeniala, Radobarimanjaka; Ehrensperger, Albrecht
Jatropha mahafalensis oil from Madagascar: properties and suitability as liquid biofuel.
Energy for sustainable development, 17(4), pp. 326-330.
International Energy Initiative
Traoré, Doulo; Sy, Ibrahima; Utzinger, Jürg; Epprecht, Michael; Kengne, Ives M.; Lô, Baidy; Odermatt, Peter; Cissé, Guéladio; Tanner, Marcel
Water quality and health in a Sahelian semi-arid urban context: an integrated geographical approach in Nouakchott, Mauritania.
Geospatial Health, 8(1), pp. 53-63.
Universita degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II"
Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Wörgetter, Manfred; Moraa, Violet; Sonnleitner, Andrea
Can jatropha improve the energy supply of rural households in Africa?
Jatropha Facts Series
Bottazzi, Patrick; Cattaneo, Andrea; Rocha, David Crespo; Rist, Stephan
Assessing sustainable forest management under REDD+: a community-based labour perspective.
Ecological economics, 93, pp. 94-103.
Dear, Chad; Shigaeva, Jyldyz; Wolfgramm, Bettina
Assessing the state of Sustainable Land Management research in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
Mountain Research and Development, 33(4), pp. 443-452.
International Mountain Society
Khan, M.; Rahim, I.; Rueff, Henri; Jalali, S.; Saleem, M.; Maselli, Daniel; Muhammad, S.; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Morphological characterization of the Azikheli buffalo in Pakistan.
Animal genetic resources, 52, pp. 65-70.
Cambridge University Press
Hurni, Hans; Molden, David; Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
Focus Issue: Water Governance in Mountains.
Mountain Research and Development, 33(3), pp. 193-194.
International Mountain Society
Hurni, Hans; Molden, David; Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
MountainNotes Becomes MountainAgenda: MRD's Third Peer-reviewed Section.
Mountain Research and Development, 33(4), pp. 362-363.
International Mountain Society
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Scholz, Imme
Special issue ‘Adaptation to climate change: analysing capacities in Africa’.
Regional environmental change, 13(3), pp. 471-475.
Tilley, Elizabeth; Bieri, Sabin; Kohler, Petra
Sanitation in developing countries: A review through a gender lens.
Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 3(3), pp. 298-314.
IWA Publishing
Le Quéré, C.; Andres, R. J.; Boden, T.; Conway, T.; Houghton, R. A.; House, J. I.; Marland, G.; Peters, G. P.; van der Werf, G. R.; Ahlström, A.; Andrew, R. M.; Bopp, L.; Canadell, J. G.; Ciais, P.; Doney, S. C.; Enright, C.; Friedlingstein, P.; Huntingford, C.; Jain, A. K.; Jourdain, C.; ...
The global carbon budget 1959–2011.
Earth System Science Data, 5(1), pp. 165-185.
Copernicus Publications
Fischer, Maja
"Interventionsgestaltung zur Verminderung von Laubbläserlärm" oder: was tun, wo Emissionsgrenzwerte fehlen?
Oekoskop, 13(1), pp. 20-21.
Ärztinnen und Ärzte für Umweltschutz
Saleem, M.; Rahim, I.; Jalali, S.; Rueff, Henri; Khan, M.; Maselli, D.; Wiesmann, U.; Muhammad, S.
Morphological characterization of Achai cattle in sedentary and transhumant systems in Pakistan.
Animal genetic resources, 52, pp. 83-90.
Cambridge University Press
Wallner, Astrid
Thematic catalogue of research topics on Swiss parks.
Eco.mont - journal on protected mountain areas research, 4(2), pp. 37-40.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
Bachmann, Felicitas
Potential and limitations of organic and fair trade cotton for improving livelihoods of smallholders: evidence from Central Asia.
Renewable agriculture and food systems, 27(2), pp. 138-147.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Vandebroek, Ina
Distribution and Transmission of Medicinal Plant Knowledge in the Andean Highlands: A Case Study from Peru and Bolivia.
Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine eCAM, 2012, pp. 1-18.
New York, N.Y.: Hindawi
Van Vliet, Nathalie; Mertz, Ole; Heinimann, Andreas; Langanke, Tobias; Pascual, Unai; Schmook, Birgit; Adams, Cristina; Schmidt-Vogt, Dietrich; Messerli, Peter; Leisz, Stephen; Castella, Jean-Christophe; Jørgensen, Lars; Birch-Thomsen, Torben; Hett, Cornelia; Bech-Bruun, Thilde; Ickowitz, Amy; Chi Vu, Kim; Yasuyuki, Kono; Fox, Jefferson; Padoch, Christine; ...
Trends, drivers and impacts of changes in swidden cultivation in tropical forest-agriculture frontiers: A global assessment.
Global environmental change, 22(2), pp. 418-429.
Amsterdam: Elsevier
Bottazzi, Patrick; Rist, Stephan
Changing land rights means changing society: The sociopolitical effects of agrarian reforms under the government of Evo Morales.
Journal of agrarian change, 12(4), pp. 528-551.
Oxford: Blackwell Publishing
Brandt, Regine; Zimmermann, Heike; Hensen, Isabell; Mariscal Castro, Juan Carlo; Rist, Stephan
Agroforestry species of the Bolivian Andes: An integrated assessment of ecological, economic and socio-cultural plant values.
Agroforestry systems, 86(1), pp. 1-16.
Dordrecht: Springer
Garrard, Rodney; Kohler, Thomas; Wiesmann, Urs; Price, Martin F.; Byers, Alton D.; Sherpa, Ang Rita
An ever-changing place: interpreting landscape change in Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal; re-photographic survey and encounter.
Eco.mont - journal on protected mountain areas research, 4(2), pp. 49-55.
Wien: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
Gracheva, Raisa; Kohler, Thomas; Stadelbauer, Joerg; Meessen, Heino
Population dynamics, changes in land management, and the future of mountain areas in northern Caucasus: the example of North Ossetia.
Erdkunde, 66(3), pp. 197-219.
Bonn: Geographisches Institut, Universität Bonn
Hett, Cornelia; Heinimann, Andreas; Epprecht, Michael; Messerli, Peter; Hurni, Kaspar
Carbon pools and poverty peaks in Lao PDR.
Mountain Research and Development, 32(4), pp. 390-399.
Boulder, Colo.: International Mountain Society
Liechti, Karina
The meanings of pasture in resource degradation negotiations: Evidence from post-socialist rural Kyrgyzstan.
Mountain Research and Development, 32(3), pp. 304-312.
Boulder, Colo.: International Mountain Society
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Brandt, Regine; Lachmuth, Susanne; Rist, Stephan
Are the young less knowledgeable? Local knowledge of natural remedies and its transformations in the Andean Highlands.
Human Ecology, 40(6), pp. 909-930.
New-York, NY: Springer Science+Business Media S.A.
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Vandebroek, Ina; Rist, Stephan
Can Andean medicine coexist with biomedical healthcare? A comparison of two rural communities in Peru and Bolivia.
Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine, 8(1), p. 26.
London: Biomed Central
Mertz, Ole; Müller, Daniel; Sikor, Thomas; Hett, Cornelia; Heinimann, Andreas; Castella, Jean-Christophe; Lestrelin, Guillaume; Ryan, Casey M.; Reay, David S.; Schmidt-Vogt, Dietrich; Danielsen, Finn; Theilade, Ida; Noordwijk, Meine van; Verchot, Louis V.; Burgess, Neil D.; Berry, Nicholas J.; Pham, Thu Thuy; Messerli, Peter; Xu, Jianchu; Fensholt, Rasmus; ...
The forgotten D: challenges of addressing forest degradation in complex mosaic landscapes under REDD+.
Geografisk tidskrift - Danish journal of geography, 112(1), pp. 63-76.
København: Routledge; Taylor & Francis Group
Schneider, Flurina; Rist, Stephan
Die Bedeutung von Ästhetik bei der Umstellung auf Direktsaat.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 3(4), pp. 216-223.
Posieux: Agroscope
Stringer, Lindsay; Dougill, Andrew; Thomas, Andrew; Stracklen, Dominick; Chesterman, Sabrina; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Rueff, Henri; Riddell, Mike; Williams, Mat; Beedy, Tracy; Abson, David; Klintenberg, Patrick; Syampungani, Stephen; Powell, Philip; Palmer, Anthony; Seely, Mary; Mkwambisi, David; Falcao, Mario; Sitoe, Almeida; Ross, Sally; ...
Challenges and opportunities in linking carbon sequestration, dryland livelihoods and ecosystem service provision.
Environmental science & policy, 19-20(19-20), pp. 121-135.
Oxford: Elsevier
Chávez-García, Elsa; Rist, Stephan; Galmiche-Tejeda, Ángel
Lógica de manejo del huerto familiar en el contexto del impacto modernizador en Tabasco, México.
Cuadernos de desarrollo rural, 9(68), pp. 177-200.
Santafé de Bogotá, D.C.: Instituto de Estudios Rurales, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas
Björnsen Gurung, Astrid; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Price, Martin F.; Aspinell, Richard; Balsiger, Jörg; Baron, Jill S.; Sharma, Eklabya; Greenwood, Greg; Kohler, Thomas
Global Change and the World's Mountains-Research Needs and Emerging Themes for Sustainable Development A Synthesis From the 2010 Perth II Conference.
Mountain Research and Development, 32(1), S47-S54.
Boulder, Colo.: International Mountain Society
Breu, Thomas; Wiesmann, Urs; Zimmermann, Anne; Herweg, Karl
Research capacity in the South: A key to sustainable development.
IAU horizons, 18(2), p. 27.
Paris: Internat. Universities Bureau
Dougill, Andrew; Stringer, Lindsay; Leventon, Julia; Riddell, Michael; Rueff, Henri; Spracklen, Dominick; Butt, Edward
Lessons from community-based payment for ecosystem service schemes: from forests to rangelands.
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society. Series B - biological sciences, 367(1606), pp. 3178-3190.
London: Royal Society of London
Eckert, Sandra
Improved Forest Biomass and Carbon Estimations Using Texture Measures from WorldView-2 Satellite Data.
Remote sensing, 4(4), pp. 810-829.
Basel: MDPI
Eckert, Sandra; Jelinek, Robert; Zeug, Gunter; Krausmann, Elisabeth
Remote sensing-based assessment of tsunami vulnerability and risk in Alexandria, Egypt.
Applied geography, 32(2), pp. 714-723.
Oxford: Elsevier
Garrard, Rodney; Kohler, Thomas; Wiesmann, Urs; Price, Martin F.; Byers, Alton C.; Sherpa, Ang Rita
Depicting community perspectives: repeat photography and participatory research as tools for assessing environmental services in Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal.
Eco.mont - journal on protected mountain areas research, 4(2), pp. 21-31.
Wien: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
Hirschbühl, Tina; Schäfer, Natalie
Brücken gebaut zwischen Nord und Süd. Bilanz zum Nationalen Forschungsschwerpunkt.
UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern(154), pp. 32-33.
Bern: Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
Kläy, Andreas
Nachhaltige Entwicklung an Schweizer Hochschulen. Zeit für Tritt- statt Stolpersteine.
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 21(4), pp. 321-323.
München: Oekom Verlag
Koblowsky, Peter; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Nigeria: The making of a climate policy - a multistakeholder discourse.
Environmental policy and law, 42(2), pp. 130-132.
Amsterdam: IOS Press
Kohler, Thomas
The Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern.
Mountain Research and Development, 32(2), pp. 231-234.
Boulder, Colo.: International Mountain Society
Krause, Kim; Providoli, Isabelle; Currie, William S.; Bugmann, Harald; Schleppi, Patrick
Long-term tracing of whole catchment 15N additions in a mountain spruce forest: measurements and simulations with the TRACE model.
Trees - Structure and Function, 26(6), pp. 1683-1702.
Berlin: Springer
Schwilch, Gudrun; Bachmann, Felicitas; de Graaff, Jan
Decision support for selecting SLM technologies with stakeholders.
Applied geography, 34, pp. 86-98.
Oxford: Elsevier
Schwilch, Gudrun; Bachmann, Felicitas; Valente, Sandra; Coelho, Celeste; Moreira, Jorge; Laouina, Abdellah; Chaker, Miloud; Aderghal, Mohamed; Santos, Patricia; Reed, Mark
A structured multi-stakeholder learning process for Sustainable Land Management.
Journal of environmental management, 107, pp. 52-63.
Amsterdam: Elsevier
Anseeuw, Ward; Boche, Mathieu; Breu, Thomas; Giger, Markus; Lay, Jann; Messerli, Peter; Nolte, Kerstin
Large-scale land acquisitions in the 'Global South': creating evidence on a global level.
GLP News(9), pp. 9-12.
São Paulo: International Project Office - GLP IPO
Garrard, Rodney
The effects of climate change on people in the Andes: melting glaciers means drought, tension and conflict for Peru’s mountain people in and around Huascarán National Park.
Eco.mont - journal on protected mountain areas research, 4(1), pp. 35-40.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
Volken, Esther; Scheurer, Thomas; Plassmann, Guido; Wallner, Astrid
Energy production from renewable sources in Alpine protected areas; Conflicting interests and need for action as seen by protected areas management.
Eco.mont - journal on protected mountain areas research, 3(2), pp. 59-62.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
Perlik, Manfred
Alpine gentrification: The mountain village as a metropolitan neighbourhood - New inhabitants between landscape adulation and positional good.
Revue de géographie alpine/Journal of alpine research, 99(99-1)
Association pour la diffusion de la recherche alpine
Schwilch, Gudrun; Bestelmeyer, Brandon; Bunning, Sally; Critchley, William; Herrick, Jeffrey; Kellner, Klaus; Liniger, Hanspeter; Nachtergaele, Freddy; Ritsema, Coen; Schuster, Brigitte; Tabo, Ramadjita; van Lynden, Godert; Winslow, Mark
Experiences in Monitoring and Assessment of Sustainable Land Management.
Land degradation & development, 22(2), pp. 214-225.
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Khan, Momen; Rahim, Inam; Rueff, Henri; Saleem, Muhammad; Maselli, Daniel; Sher, M.; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Conserving indigenous animal genetic resources as a coping strategy to adapt to climate change: the Azikheli Buffalo in Northern Mountains of Pakistan.
Livestock research for rural development, 23(12)
Cali: Convenio interinstitucional para la produccion agropecuaria en el valle del rio Cauca
Rahim, Inam; Maselli, Daniel; Rueff, Henri; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Indigenous fodder trees can increase grazing accessibility for landless and mobile pastoralists in northern Pakistan.
Pastoralism : research, policy and practice, 1(2)
Heidelberg: Springer
Eckert, Sandra
Urban Expansion and its impact on urban agriculture - remote sensing based change analysis of Kizinga and Mzinga Valley - Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
EARSeL eProceedings, 10(1), pp. 46-55.
Oldenburg: BIS Verlag
Eckert, Sandra; Rakoto Ratsimba, Harifidy; Rakotondrasoa, Lovanirina Olivia; Rajoelison, Lalanirina Gabrielle; Ehrensperger, Albrecht
Deforestation and forest degradation monitoring and assessment of biomass and carbon stock of lowland rainforest in the Analanjirofo region, Madagascar.
Forest Ecology and Management, 262(11), pp. 1996-2007.
Amsterdam: Elsevier
Gisler, Simon; Liniger, Hanspeter; Prasuhn, Volker
Erosionsrisikokarte im 2x2-Meter-Raster (ERK2).
Agrarforschung, 2(4), pp. 148-155.
Bern: Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft
Hett, Cornelia; Heinimann, Andreas; Messerli, Peter
Spatial assessment of carbon stocks of living vegetation at the national level in Lao PDR.
Geografisk tidskrift - Danish journal of geography, 111(1), pp. 11-26.
København: Routledge; Taylor & Francis Group
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Kleinbauern als "Global Players" von morgen.
UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern(150), pp. 20-22.
Bern: Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Gianella, Malca Cecilia; Rist, Stephan
Abriendo nuevas perspectivas para la juventud campesina de los Andes a través de la valorización de los productos de la agrobiodiversidad.
Leisa - revista de agroecología, 27(1), pp. 34-38.
Lima: ETC Andes
Reed, M.; Buenemann, M.; Athlopheng, J.; Akhtar-Schuster, M.; Bachmann, Felicitas; Bastin, G.; Bigas, H.; Chanda, R.; Dougill, A.J.; Essahli, W.; Evely, A.C.; Fleskens, L.; Geeson, N.; Glass, J.H.; Hessel, R.; J., Holden; Ioris, A.A.R.; Kruger, B.; Liniger, Hanspeter; Mphinyane, W.; ...
Cross-scale monitoring and assessment of land degradation and sustainable land management: a methodological framework for knowledge management.
Land degradation & development, 22(2), pp. 261-271.
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Garrard, Rodney
Landscape dynamics in Sagarmatha (Mount Everest) National Park, Nepal: Impacts on selected environmental services and adaptive capacities.
MRI news - newsletter of the Mountain Research Initiative, 4(May), pp. 43-44.
The Mountain Research Initiative c/o Institute of Geography, University of Bern
Epprecht, Michael; Müller, Daniel; Minot, Nicholas
How remote are Vietnam’s ethnic minorities? An analysis of spatial patterns of poverty and inequality.
The annals of regional science, 46(2), pp. 349-368.
Bühlmann, Erik; Wolfgramm, Bettina; Maselli, Daniel; Hurni, Hans; Sanginov, Sanginboy; Liniger, Hanspeter
Geographic information system-based decision support for soil conservation planning in Tajikistan.
Journal of soil & water conservation, 65(3), pp. 151-159.
Ankeny, Iowa: Soil and Water Conservation Society
Hill, Margot; Wallner, Astrid; Furtado, Jose
Reducing vulnerability to climate change in the Swiss Alps: a study of adaptive planning.
Climate policy, 10(1), pp. 70-86.
Abingdon, UK: Taylor & Francis
Ledermann, Thomas; Herweg, Karl Günter; Liniger, Hanspeter; Schneider, Flurina; Hurni, Hans; Prasuhn, Volker
Applying erosion damage mapping to asses and quantify off-site effects of soil erosion in Switzerland.
Land degradation & development, 21(4), pp. 353-366.
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Liechti, Karina; Wallner, Astrid; Wiesmann, Urs
Linking a World Heritage Site to Sustainable Regional Development - Contested Natures in a Local Negotiation Process.
Society & Natural Resources, 23(8), pp. 726-741.
Philadelphia, Pa.: Taylor & Francis
Ossés de Eicker, Margarita; Hischier, Roland; Kulay, Luiz Alexandre; Lehmann, Martin; Zah, Rainer; Hurni, Hans
The applicability of non-local LCI data for LCA.
Environmental impact assessment review, 30(3), pp. 192-199.
Amsterdam: Elsevier
Michel, Claudia; Heim, Eva; Herweg, Karl; Breu, Thomas
Exploring the effectiveness of development research with a monitoring and learning approach.
Knowledge management for development journal, 6(2), pp. 105-119.
Abingdon, UK: Routledge, Taylor & Francis
Pohl, Christian; Rist, Stephan; Zimmermann, Anne; Fry, Patricia; Gurung, Ghana S.; Schneider, Flurina; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Kiteme, Boniface; Boillat, Sébastien; Serrano, Elvira; Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Researchers' roles in knowledge co-production: experience from sustainability research in Kenya, Switzerland, Bolivia and Nepal.
Science and public policy, 37(4), pp. 267-281.
Oxford: Beech Tree Publishing
Schneider, Flurina; Ledermann, Thomas; Fry, Patricia; Rist, Stephan
Soil conservation in Swiss agriculture - Approaching abstract and symbolic meanings in farmers' life-worlds.
Land use policy, 27(1), pp. 332-339.
Amsterdam: Elsevier Science
Zeug, Gunter; Eckert, Sandra
Population growth and its expression in spatial built-up patterns: The Sana'a Yemen case study.
Remote sensing, 2(4), pp. 1014-1034.
Basel: MDPI
Kohler, Thomas; Giger, Markus; Hurni, Hans; Ott, Cordula; Wiesmann, Urs; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Maselli, Daniel
Mountains and Climate Change: A Global Concern.
Mountain Research and Development, 30(1), pp. 53-55.
Boulder, Colo.: International Mountain Society
Weingartner, Rolf; Herweg, Karl; Liniger, Hanspeter; Rist, Stephan; Schädler, Bruno; Graefe, Olivier; Hoelzle, Martin; Reynard, Emmanuel
Water scarcity in inner-Alpine regions - options for sustainable water use in the region Crans-Montana-Sierre (Valais canton).
Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 54(4), pp. 251-252.
Koblenz: Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Kiteme, Boniface; Ambenje, Peter; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Makali, Samuel
Indigenous knowledge related to climate variability and change: insights from droughts in semi-arid areas of former Makueni District, Kenya.
Climatic change, 100(2), pp. 295-315.
Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands
Hagmann, Tobias; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Introduction. New Avenues for Pastoral Development in sub-Saharan Africa.
European Journal of Development Research, 22(5), pp. 593-604.
Palgrave Macmillan
Herweg, Karl Günter; Rist, Stephan; Liniger, Hanspeter; Prasuhn, Volker; Schneider, Flurina; Ledermann, Thomas; Fry, Patricia; Zimmermann, Anne; Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Transdisciplinarity – An Option for Applied Landscape Ecology in Complex and Uncertain Contexts.
Erde, 141, pp. 321-339.
Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Drought coping and adaptation strategies: Understanding adaptations to climate change in agro-pastoral livestock production in Makueni district, Kenya.
European Journal of Development Research, 22(5), pp. 623-642.
Palgrave Macmillan
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Flood disaster risk management and humanitarian interventions in the Zambezi river basin: Implications for adaptation to climate change.
Climate and Development, 2(2), pp. 176-190.
Taylor & Francis
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; van de Sand, Isabel
Can the rural economy deliver ecosystem services?
CAB Reviews, 5(031), pp. 1-16.
CAB International
Mariscal, Juan Carlos; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan
Fortaleciéndo la soberanía alimentaria mediante la revalorización de saberes ecológicos locales: experiencia en los Andes bolivianos.
Etnobiología, 8, pp. 75-89.
Asociación Etnobiológica Mexicana A.C.
Wren, Susie; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
The struggle to diversify rural livelihoods: Bio-enterprise development initiatives and their impacts on agro-/pastoral communities in the drylands of Kenya.
European Journal of Development Research, 22(5), pp. 751-769.
Palgrave Macmillan
Yeheyis, Likawent; Kijora, C; Melaku, Solomon; Girma, Anteneh; Peters, K J
White lupin (Lupinus albus L.), the neglected multipurpose crop: Its production and utilization in the mixed crop-livestock farming system of Ethiopia.
Livestock research for rural development, 22(4)
Convenio interinstitucional para la produccion agropecuaria en el valle del rio Cauca
Bauer, Nicole; Wallner, Astrid; Hunziker, Marcel
The change of European landscapes: Human-nature relationships, public attitudes towards rewilding, and the implications for landscape management in Switzerland.
Journal of environmental management, 90(9), pp. 2910-2920.
Rueff, Henri; Viaro, Alain
Palestinian Refugee Camps: from Shelter to Habitat.
Refugee survey quarterly, 28(2-3), pp. 339-359.
Oxford: Oxford University Press
Aeberhard, Andrea; Rist, Stephan
Transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge in the development of organic agriculture in Switzerland.
Ecological economics, 68(4), pp. 1171-1181.
Amsterdam: Elsevier
Mertz, Ole; Leisz, Stephan J.; Heinimann, Andreas; Thiha, Kanok Rerkasem; Dressler, Wolfram; Cu Pham, Van; Kim Chi, Vu; Schmidt-Vogt, Diwreixh; Colfer, Carol J.P.; Epprecht, Michael; Padoch, Cchristine; Potter, Lesley
Who Counts? Demography of Swidden Cultivators in Southeast Asia.
Human ecology, 37(3), pp. 281-289.
New-York, NY: Springer
Messerli, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas; Epprecht, Michael
Finding Homogeneity in Heterogeneity - A New Approach to Quantifying Landscape Mosaics Developed for the Lao PDR.
Human ecology, 37(3), pp. 291-304.
New-York, NY: Springer US;
Schmidt-Vogt, Dietrich; Leisz, Stephan J.; Mertz, Ole; Heinimann, Andreas; Thiha, Rerkasem Kanok; Messerli, Peter; Epprecht, Michael; Cu Phan, Van; Chi Vu, Kim; Hardiono, Martin; Dao, Truong M.
An Assessment of Trends in the Extent of Swidden in Southeast Asia.
Human ecology, 37(3), pp. 269-280.
New-York, NY: Springer
Schneider, Flurina; Fry, Patrizia; Ledermann, Thomas; Rist, Stephan
Social Learning Processes in Swiss Soil Protection? The 'From Farmer - To Farmer' Project.
Human ecology, 37(4), pp. 475-489.
New-York, NY: Springer US;
Schwilch, Gudrun; Bachmann, Felicitas; Liniger, Hanspeter
Appraising and selecting conservation measures to mitigate desertification and land degradation based on stakeholder participation and global best practices.
Land degradation & development, 20(3), pp. 308-326.
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Wallner, Astrid; Schmidt, Ronald; Haller, Ruedi
Potentials and limitations of coordinated spatial and non-spatial information.
Eco.mont - journal on protected mountain areas research, 1(2), pp. 33-38.
Wien: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
Wallner, Astrid; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Critical issues in managing protected areas by multi-stakeholder participation - analysis of a process in the Swiss Alps.
Eco.mont - journal on protected mountain areas research, 1(1), pp. 45-50.
Wien: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
Zingerli, Claudia; Michel, Claudia; Salami, Annika
On producing and sharing knowledge across boundaries: experiences from the interfaces of an international development research network.
Knowledge management for development journal, 5(2), pp. 185-196.
Abingdon, UK: Routledge, Taylor & Francis
Schneider, Flurina; Allenbach, Silvano; Fry, Patricia; Rist, Stephan
Das Projekt "Von Bauern - für Bauern" aus transdisziplinärer Sicht.
VBB-Bulletin - Arbeitsgruppe "Vollzug Bodenbiologie", 11, pp. 12-15.
Frick (CH): Arbeitsgruppe Vollzug Bodenbiologie VBB c/o Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL
Fry, Patricia; Bachmann, Felicitas; Bose, Lisa; Flury, Manuel; Förster, Ruth; Kläy, Andreas; Küffer, Christoph; Zingerli, Claudia
Von implizitem Know-how zu expliziten Thesen Inter- und transdisziplinärer Wissensaustausch.
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 17(3), pp. 318-320.
München: Oekom Verlag
Giger, Markus; Hurni, Hans; Portner, Brigitte; Scheidegger, Urs
Globale Landwirtschaft vor alten und neuen Herausforderungen.
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 17(3), pp. 280-286.
München: Oekom Verlag
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Kiteme, Boniface; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Droughts and famines: The underlying factors and the causal links among agro-pastoral households in semi-arid Makueni district, Kenya.
Global environmental change, 18(1), pp. 220-233.
Amsterdam: Elsevier
Ledermann, Thomas; Schneider, Flurina
Verbreitung der Direktsaat in der Schweiz.
Agrarforschung, 15(8), pp. 408-413.
Bern: Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft
Niederer, Peter; Bilenko, Viktor; Ershova, Natasha; Hurni, Hans; Yerokhin, Sergeji; Maselli, Daniel
Tracing glacier wastage in the Northern Tien Shan (Kyrgyzstan/Central Asia) over the last 40 years.
Climatic change, 86(1-2), pp. 227-234.
Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands
Gilbert, Marius; Xiao, Xiangming; Pfeiffer, Dirk U.; Epprecht, Michael; Boles, Stephen; Czarnecki, Christina; Chaitaweesub, Prasit; Kalpravidh, Wantanee; Minh, Phan Q.; Otte, M. J.; Martin, Vincent; Slingenbergh, Jan
Mapping H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza risk in Southeast Asia.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 105(12), pp. 4769-4774.
Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences NAS
Ott, Cordula
The Shan: Culture, Art and Crafts by Susan Conway.
Mountain Research and Development, 28(1), pp. 95-96.
International Mountain Society
Rueff, Henri; Parizot, Cédric; Ben Israel, Arnon; Schwartz, Moshe
Dryland afforestation and poverty alleviation: Bedouin and Palestinian non-timber forest product collectors in contrasting economic environments.
Human ecology, 36(6), pp. 923-930.
Epprecht, Michael; Heinimann, Andreas; Minot, Nicolas; Mueller, Daniel; Robinson, Tim
From Statistical Data to Spatial Knowledge - informing decision making in Vietnam.
Information development, 22(2-3), pp. 193-204.
London: Sage
Haslinger, Andrea; Breu, Thomas; Hurni, Hans; Maselli, Daniel
Opportunities and risks in reconciling conservation and development in a post-Soviet setting: The example of the Tajik National Park.
International journal of biodiversity science and management, 3(3), pp. 157-169.
London: Taylor & Francis
Heinimann, Andreas; Messerli, Peter; Schmidt-Vogt, Dietrich; Wiesmann, Urs
The Dynamics of Secondary Forest Landscapes in the Lower Mekong Basin: A Regional-Scale Analysis.
Mountain Research and Development, 27(3), pp. 232-241.
Boulder, Colo.: International Mountain Society
Hoeck, Tobias; Droux, Roman; Breu, Thomas; Hurni, Hans; Maselli, Daniel
Rural energy consumption and land degradation in a post-soviet setting:An example from the west Pamir mountains in Tajikistan.
Energy for sustainable development, 11(1), pp. 48-57.
Bangalore (India): International Energy Initiative
Notter, Benedikt; Macmillan, Lindsay; Viviroli, Daniel; Weingartner, Rolf; Liniger, Hanspeter
Impacts of environmental change on water resources in the Mount Kenya Region.
Journal of hydrology, 343(3), pp. 266-278.
Amsterdam: Elsevier
Pfeiffer, Dirk; Minh, Phan; Martin, Vincent; Epprecht, Michael; Ott, Martin
An analysis of the spatial and temporal patterns of highly pathogenic avian influenza occurrence in Vietnam using national surveillance data.
Veterinary journal, 174(2), pp. 302-309.
Amsterdam: Elsevier
Prasuhn, Volker; Liniger, Hanspeter; Hurni, Hans; Friedli, Simon
Carte du risque d’érosion du sol en Suisse.
Agrarforschung, 14(3), pp. 120-127.
Bern: Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft
Rist, Stephan; Chidambaranathan, Mani; Escobar, Cesar; Wiesmann, Urs; Zimmermann, Anne
Moving from sustainable management to sustainable governance of natural resources: The role of social learning processes in rural India, Bolivia and Mali.
Journal of rural studies, 23(1), pp. 23-37.
Oxford: Pergamon
Shigaeva, Jyldyz; Kollmair, Michael; Niederer, Peter; Maselli, Daniel
Livelihoods in Transition: Changing Land Use Strategies and Ecological Implications in a Post Soviet Setting (Kyrgyzstan).
Central Asian survey, 26(3), pp. 389-406.
Abingdon, UK: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Wallner, Astrid; Bauer, Nicole; Hunziker, Marcel
Perceptions and evaluations of biosphere reserves by local residents in Switzerland and Ukraine.
Landscape and urban planning, 83(2-3), pp. 104-114.
Amsterdam: Elsevier
Müller, Urs; Backhaus, Norman
The Entlebuchers: People from the back of beyond?
Social Geography, 2(1), pp. 11-28.
Copernicus Publications
Hirsch-Hadorn, Gertrude; Bradley, David; Pohl, Christian; Rist, Stephan; Wiesmann, Urs
Implications of Transdisciplinarity for Sustainability Research.
Ecological economics, 60(1), pp. 119-128.
Amsterdam: Elsevier
Rist, Stephan; Chiddambaranathan, Mani; Escobar, Cecar; Wiesmann, Urs
"It was hard to come to mutual understanding..." - Multidimensionality of social learning processes in natural resource use in India, Africa and Latin America.
Systemic practice and action research, 19(3), pp. 219-237.
New York, N.Y.: Springer
Rist, Stephan; Dahdouh-Guebas, Farid
Ethnosciences - A step towards the integration of scientific and non-scientific forms of knowledge in the management of natural resources for the future.
Environment, development and sustainability, 8(4), pp. 467-493.
Dordrecht: Springer
Messerli, Peter
Exploring innovative strategies for livelihoods in a slash-and-burn context in Madagasar: Experiencing the role of human geography in sustainability-oriented research.
Geographica Helvetica, 61(4), pp. 266-274.
Copernicus Publications
Breu, Thomas Michael; Maselli, Daniel; Hurni, Hans
Knowledge for sustainable development in the Tajik Pamir Mountains.
Mountain Research and Development, 25(2), pp. 139-146.
International Mountain Society
Aeschbacher, Jos; Liniger, Hanspeter; Weingartner, Rolf
River water shortage in a highland-lowland system: A case study of the impacts of water abstraction in the Mount Kenya Region.
Mountain Research and Development, 25(2), pp. 155-162.
International Mountain Society
Heinimann, Andreas; Breu, Thomas; Kohler, Thomas
Watershed classification in the Lower Mekong Basin: Rapid economic growth - a source of increasing potential for conflict over resource use.
Mountain Research and Development, 25(2), pp. 180-182.
International Mountain Society
Hurni, Hans; Tato, Kebede; Zeleke, Gete
The implications of changes in population, land use and land management on surface runoff in the Upper Nile Basin area of Ethiopia.
Mountain Research and Development, 25(2), pp. 147-154.
International Mountain Society
Liniger, Hanspeter; Gikonyo, John; Kiteme, Boniface; Wiesmann, Urs
Assessing and managing scarce tropical mountain water resources: The case of Mount Kenya and the semi-arid Upper Ewaso Ng'iro Basin.
Mountain Research and Development, 25(2), pp. 162-173.
International Mountain Society
Messerli, Peter
Brandrodung auf Madagaskar : Lösungsansätze für das Dilemma zwischen klein-bäuerlicher Existenzsicherung und Ressourcenschutz.
Geographische Rundschau, 4(2005), pp. 50-57.
Wiesmann, Urs; Liechti, Karina; Rist, Stephan
Between Conservation and Development: Concretizing the First World Natural Heritage Site in the Alps Through Participatory Processes.
Mountain Research and Development, 25(2), pp. 128-138.
International Mountain Society
Hurni, Hans; Breu, Thomas Michael; Ludi, Eva; Portner, Brigitte
Der Tadschikische Pamir: Entwicklungsprobleme und Perspektiven einer Hochgebirgsregion in Zentralasien.
Geographische Rundschau, 56(10), pp. 60-65.
Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Mbuguah, Solomon
Fostering sustainable urban development in Nakuru, Kenya Rift Valley.
Mountain Research and Development, 24(3), pp. 210-214.
International Mountain Society
Heinimann, Andreas; Breu, Thomas Michael; Kohler, Thomas
The challenge of applying Geographic Information Systems to Sustainable Mountain Development.
Mountain Research and Development, 23(4), pp. 312-319.
International Mountain Society
Rueff, Henri; Kressel, Gideon; Schwartz, Moshe
Forest Fire Control and Bedouin Pastoralism in Israel's Afforested Drylands : A Cost Benefit Analysis.
Nomadic peoples, 8(1), pp. 113-137.
Commission on Nomadic Peoples
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Liechti, Karina
The contributions of World Natural Heritage Sites to sustainable regional development.
Revue de géographie alpine/Journal of alpine research, 92(3), pp. 84-89.
Association pour la diffusion de la recherche alpine
Wallner, Astrid; Hunziker, Marcel; Kienast, Felix
Do natural science experiments influence public attitudes towards environmental problems?
Global environmental change, 13(3), pp. 185-194.
Hurni, Hans; Veit, Heinz; Wanner, Heinz; Germann, Peter; Kienholz, Hans; Weingartner, Rolf; Wunderle, Stefan; Messerli, Paul Walter; Egli, Hans-Rudolf; Wastl-Walter, Doris; Maselli, Daniel; Messerli, Peter; Wiesmann, Urs
Research on Mountains and Global Change.
Geographica Helvetica, 58(3), pp. 253-266.
Copernicus Publications
Ludi, Eva
Sustainable pasture management in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan: Development needs and recommendations.
Mountain Research and Development, 21(2), pp. 119-123.
International Mountain Society
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Die Integration afrikanischer Frauen in der Schweiz: Einige Aspekte.
Olympe: feministische Arbeitshefte zur Politik, 18, pp. 65-72.
Wymann von Dach, Susanne
Integrated Mountain Development: A Question of Gender Mainstreaming.
Mountain Research and Development, 22(3), pp. 236-239.
International Mountain Society
Rist, Stephan; Delgado, Freddy
Decentralisation and strengthening local institutions: Two complementary strategies.
Moutain Agenda, pp. 22-23.
Centre for Development and Environment
Liniger, Hanspeter; Schwilch, Gudrun
Enhanced decision-making based on local knowledge: The WOCAT Method of sustainable soil and water management.
Mountain Research and Development, 22(1), pp. 14-18.
International Mountain Society
Wallner, Astrid
The Aboriginal Peoples’ Position in Land-use Conflicts in British Columbia, Canada.
Bulletin de la Société Suisse des Américanistes, 62, pp. 61-66.
Sociedad suiza de americanistas - Societe suisse des americanistes - Schweizerische Amerikanisten-Gesellschaft
Vanden Bosch, Dan
From the Swiss Alps to the Simen Mountains: A personal profile of Hans Hurni.
Journal of soil & water conservation, 49(3), pp. 228-230.
Soil and Water Conservation Society
Hurni, Hans
Famine in Somalia: Fate or failure?
Journal of soil & water conservation, 48(1), pp. 20-21.
Soil and Water Conservation Society
Hurni, Hans
Thematische Karten als Grundlage der ländlichen Entwicklung in Äthiopien.
Geographica Helvetica, 45(2), pp. 77-84.
Copernicus Publications
Menzi, Martin; Kläy, Andreas; Seeland, Klaus; Stürzinger, Ueli; Waldvogel, Markus
Systemic evaluation - a contribution to Swiss development research.
International Social Science Journal, 121, pp. 471-483.
Wiley Blackwell
Hurni, Hans
Principles of soil conservation for cultivated land.
Soil Technology, 1(2), pp. 101-116.
Hurni, Hans; Ashine, Teshome
Integration of a World Heritage Site in an agricultural environment in the Simen Mountains (Ethiopia).
Parks, 11(1), pp. 11-14.
IUCN World Commission
Hurni, Hans
Environmental problems in Ethiopia: Land degradation and efforts towards stabilization in a third world country.
anthos. Zeitschrift für Landschaftsarchitektur, 84(3), pp. 3-10.
Bund Schweizerischer Landwirtschafsarchitekten und Landschaftsarchitektinnen BSLA
Hurni, Hans
Hochgebirge von Semien - Äthiopien: Zwei Karten zur Dynamik der Höhenstufung von der letzten Kaltzeit bis zur Gegenwart.
Erdkunde, 35(2), pp. 98-108.
Geographisches Institut, Universität Bonn
Hurni, Hans
Bodenerosion in Oekosystemen mit Brandrodungs-Hackbau in Nord-Thailand.
Regio Basiliensis, 21(3), pp. 30-41.
Geographisch-Ethnologische Gesellschaft Basel
Hurni, Hans
Semien-Äthiopien: Methoden zur Erfassung der Bodenerosion.
Geomethodica, 4(15), pp. 151-182.
Basler Geomethodisches Colloquium (BGC)
Hurni, Hans
Bodenerosion in Semien-Äthiopien (mit Kartenbeilage 1 : 25 000).
Geographica Helvetica, 30(4), pp. 157-168.
Copernicus Publications
Newspaper or Magazine Article
Oehler, Jessica; Roidt, Myriam; Wallner, Astrid
(December 2024).
Besuchermanagement - ein Zusammenspiel zwischen Naturschutz und Tourismus.
Unesco-Welterbe Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch
Bezzola, Nicolà
(19 March 2024).
Neue Arbeitsmodelle: Bei den Auswirkungen für Mitarbeitende, Unternehmen und Umwelt kommt es aufs konkrete WIE an.
öbu - der Verband für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Portner, Brigitte
Berggebiete: Lebensraum mit Zukunft.
Weltnachrichten, 2024(1)
Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
Lochmatter, Alessandra; Wallner, Astrid
(December 2023).
Trockenmauern – Historisches Kulturerbe und Biodiversitäts-Hotspots.
Unesco-Welterbe Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch
Oeschger, Andreas; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
(14 April 2023).
PPMs Are Back: The rise of new sustainability-oriented trade policies based on process and production methods.
Publications - International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
Trottmann, Nadine; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
(March 2023).
Interview d’Elisabeth Bürgi Bonanomi.
Fokus digital, p. 13.
Hammer, Thomas; Wiesli, Thea Xenia
(January 2023).
« Une haute qualité de vie est possible aussi sans consommer beaucoup de ressources ». Carte blanche pour Thomas Hammer et Thea Wiesli, Université de Berne.
SCNAT wissen
Liechti, Karina; Kearney, Norman; Michel, Fabian; Moser, Stephanie
Waldbrandgefahr: Wahrnehmung und Kommunikation.
Communis, 2023(05), pp. 40-41.
Schweizerischer Verband der Bürgergemeinden und Korporationen (SVBK)
Andereggen, Nicolas; Lochmatter, Alessandra; Greber, Patrick; Bär, Roger
(September 2022).
Quellen – sensible Lebensräume in Gefahr.
Unesco-Welterbe Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch
Caviola, Hugo
(5 February 2022).
Reisende sind Virenträger - und Virenschlepper.
Der Bund, p. 12.
Moser, Stephanie; Jenny, Annette
«‹Energie sparen› dämpft Energiekrisen, schont das Klima und wird akzeptiert». Carte Blanche für Stephanie Moser, Universität Bern, und Annette Jenny, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften ZHAW.
SCNAT wissen
Knaus, Florian; Hammer, Thomas; Wiesli, Thea
(15 October 2021).
«We love Äntlibuech». An Exhibition on Quality of Life.
Mountain Research Initiative
Caviola, Hugo; Reisigl, Martin
(September 2021).
Autofahren ohne Auto.
VCS-Magazin, 2021(4), pp. 25-27.
Bär, Roger
(May 2021).
Permafrost - wenn der Berg taut.
Unesco-Welterbe Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch
Boch, Steffen; Arlettaz, Raphaël; Kurtogullari, Yasemin; Allan, Eric; Lessard-Therrien, Malie; Rieder, Nora Simone; Fischer, Markus; Martinez De Leon, Gerard; Humbert, Jean-Yves
(April 2021).
Un rendement fourrager maximal peut être assuré en réduisant les niveaux de fumure des prairies de montagne.
N+L Inside, 21(2), pp. 22-25.
Konferenz der Beauftragten für Natur- und Landschaftsschutz (KBNL)
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
(9 February 2021).
«Der Bundesrat macht es sich zu einfach». Die Expertin für nachhaltigen Handel Elisabeth Bürgi Bonanomi kritisiert die geplante Umsetzung des Palmöl-Vertrags mit Indonesien.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ, p. 8.
Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
(13 January 2021).
Streit um Palmöl: Vertrag mit Indonesien betritt Neuland.
Zimmermann, Anne
A Conversation with Lisa Bohunovsky, a strategic ESD specialist.
Copernicus Alliance Conversation(9)
COPERNICUS Alliance – European Network on Higher Education for Sustainable Development
Bieri, Sabin
Das Potenzial liegt brach.
ProClim Flash(73), pp. 10-11.
Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz (SCNAT)
Bär, Roger; Liechti, Karina
(December 2020).
Traditionelle Bewässerung – ein Kulturerbe mit Zukunft?
einblicke|ausblicke, 2020(Dezember)
Unesco-Welterbe Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch
Bader, Christoph; Moser, Stephanie; Hanbury, Hugo; Neubert, Sebastian
(November 2020).
‘Free day for future’ statt ‘Business as usual’.
Das Denknetz(008), pp. 27-28.
Denknetz, Zürich
Bieri, Sabin; Breu, Thomas
(21 April 2020).
Wirtschaftswachstum ist kein Allzweckmittel.
Die Volkswirtschaft: Plattform für Wirtschaftspolitik, 2020(5), pp. 50-52.
Hammer, Thomas
Nachhaltige Entwicklung ist ein Lernprozess.
Denaris. Offizielle Zeitschrift des Verbandes Schweizerischer Vermögensverwalter (VSV), 2020(1), pp. 8-11.
Verband Schweizerischer Vermögensverwalter
Bader, Christoph
Die Alternativen sind da.
UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern, 179, p. 25.
Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
Neubert, Sebastian; Bader, Christoph; Hanbury, Hugo; Moser, Stephanie
Zeit für Wandel. Mit weniger Arbeit in die Zukunft.
Proclim Flash, 72, pp. 8-9.
ProClim Forum für Klima und globalen Wandel
Bader, Christoph; Hanbury, Hugo; Moser, Stephanie; Neubert, Sebastian
Verkürzung der Erwerbsarbeitzeit als Win-win-win Lösung?
KOF Konjunkturforschungsstelle der ETH Zürich
Chesney, Marc; Bader, Christoph; Burgenmeier, Beat; Rossi, Sergio; Seidl, Irmi
Economic and Financial Systems for Well-being.
Swiss Academies reports, 15(5), pp. 34-38.
Bieri, Sabin
Die Agenda 2030 gibt die Richtung vor.
Klimafreundlich Schweiz, pp. 16-17.
UTK Media GmbH
Bächtold, Stefan; Bastide, Joan; Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara
About drones, activists, and oil palms – power and inclusion in multi-stakeholder land platforms.
PK Forum Myanmar
Bieri, Sabin
(June 2019).
Ehrgeizige Ziele - verschlungene Pfade. Die Agenda 2030 und was sie bedeuten könnte.
Werkstattheft Soziale Arbeit und Nachhaltige Entwicklung 2019
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Soziale Arbeit
Schneider, Flurina; Lannen, Anu
(23 May 2019).
10 steps to transformation: Creating the knowledge we need most demands a more proactive approach to funding.
Research Europe(497)
Bürgi-Bonanomi, Elisabeth
(March 2019).
Wann stärkt Nachhaltiger Handel die Position von Frauen? Die Frage nach der Rolle des Staates.
Essen.Macht.Arbeit - Feminstische Blicke auf Fairfood Ideen, pp. 28-31.
WIDE Switzerland
Moser, Stephanie; Schmidt, Stephan; Bader, Christoph
Nachhaltiger Konsum und soziale Innovationen.
Schweizer Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften Bulletin(1), pp. 50-51.
Rist, Stephan
Alexander von Humboldt, Marx und die Integrative Geographie.
GeoAgenda, 2019(2), pp. 42-45.
Verband Geographie Schweiz (ASG)
Ebneter, Laura Isabella; Liechti, Karina
Naturnaher Tourismus – Herausforderung und Chance für die Welterbe-Region.
einblicke|ausblicke, Juni
UNESCO-Welterbe Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch
Snick, Anne; Zimmermann, Anne
A Conversation with Anne Snick, systems thinker and change enabler.
Copernicus Alliance Conversation(1)
COPERNICUS Alliance – European Network on Higher Education for Sustainable Development
Lozano, Rodrigo; Zimmermann, Anne
A Conversation with Rodrigo Lozano, specialist in organisational change for sustainability at the University of Gävle.
Copernicus Alliance Conversation(2)
COPERNICUS Alliance – European Network on Higher Education for Sustainable Development
Marti, Leonie; Jacobi, Johanna
Die Gemüsegärtnerinnen von Sucre.
UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern, 176, pp. 28-30.
Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
Bieri, Sabin
(15 November 2018).
Entwicklungszusammenarbeit braucht mehr Freiheit.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ, p. 12.
Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
(15 September 2018).
Votimet e fundjavës në Zvicër – Ushqim cilësor dhe i prodhuar në kushte korrekte të punës.
pro integra
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
(7 September 2018).
Gut bedeutet nicht überall das Gleiche.
Doppelpunkt(36), pp. 18-20.
Dornbusch Medien AG
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
(4 September 2018).
Die Schweiz kann mutiger werden.
Tamedia AG
Ebneter, Laura; Liechti, Karina
Von Korporationen und Genossenschaften – nachhaltige Landnutzung zwischen Tradition und Innovation.
einblicke|ausblicke, November 2018
UNESCO-Welterbe Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch
Bachmann, Felicitas; Lemann, Tatenda; Schwilch, Gudrun; Prasuhn, Volker
Der Dyker schützt vor Erosion und Staunässe.
Kartoffelbau : Die Fachzeitschrift für Spezialisten, 69(11), pp. 12-14.
DLG AgroFood Medien
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
Nachhaltiger Handel, Globale Verantwortung.
Greenfo, 3, p. 4.
Ebneter, Laura; Liechti, Karina
(November 2017).
Leben mit Naturgefahren in der Welterbe-Region Jungfrau-Aletsch.
UNESCO-Welterbe Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
(June 2017).
Ein Handelsgesetz für mehr Demokratie und Nachhaltigkeit. Kolumne.
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Aussenpolitik
Herweg, Karl Günter; Moser, Stephanie
(May 2017).
Vom Homo sapiens zum Homo faber: Die Menschheit steht vor der grössten Herausforderung ihrer Geschichte - dem Aufbau einer nachhaltigen Gesellschaft.
Psychoscope(3), pp. 14-17.
Föderation der Schweizer Psychologinnen und Psychologen
Scharrer, Bettina; Rist, Stephan
(March 2017).
CSA in europäischen Ländern - ein Vergleich.
LandInFormSpezial, 7, pp. 6-7.
Deutsche Vernetzungsstelle Ländliche Räume
Caviola, Hugo
Die Sprache redet im Siedlungsbau mit.
Thema Umwelt, 4, pp. 20-21.
Breu, Thomas Michael; Giger, Markus
(June 2016).
Bewältigung des Klimawandels als Teil der Entwicklungspolitik.
Klimafreundlich Schweiz, pp. 14-15.
UTK Media GmbH, Au, Switzerland
Fischer, Manuel; Ingold, Karin
(June 2016).
Fracking in der Schweiz? Im Zweifelsfall nein!
Universität Zürich
Bürgi, Elisabeth
Wenn man etwas nicht wissen will, erhebt man keine Daten (Interview von Marcel Hänggi).
Horizonte – Das Schweizer Forschungsmagazin, 110, p. 29.
Kohler, Thomas; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
CDE links regional research and global efforts for sustainable mountain development.
Mountain Research and Development, 35(2), pp. 203-207.
International Mountain Society
Rist, Stephan
Ist genug für alle da?
Doppelpunkt, 34, pp. 24-26.
Dornbusch Medien
Schneider, Flurina
Nachhaltige Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen: Der Beitrag der Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften.
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 24(3), pp. 214-216.
Oekom Verlag
Kruse, Silvia; Förster, Ruth; Fry, Patricia; Kläy, Andreas; Kueffer, Christoph; Moschitz, Heidrun; Wolf, Patricia; Zingerli, Claudia
Wissensaustausch zwischen Forschung und Praxis erfolgreich gestalten.
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 24(4), pp. 278-280.
Oekom Verlag
Bürgi, Elisabeth
Von Ernährungssouveränität zu kooperativer Ernährungssouveränität: genügend und gesunde Nahrungsmittel für alle Menschen.
Widerspruch - Beiträge zu sozialistischer Politik, 64, pp. 104-110.
Zürich: Rotpunktverlag
Rist, Stephan
Von der Regulierung zur Demokratisierung: Antworten auf den globalen Hunger.
Widerspruch - Beiträge zu sozialistischer Politik, 64, pp. 137-150.
Zürich: Rotpunktverlag
Jacobi, Johanna; Schneider, Monika; Rist, Stephan
Agroforstwirtschaft als ökologisch, ökonomisch und sozial nachhaltige Landnutzungsform: Fallbeispiel Kakaoanbau in Bolivien.
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft, 100, pp. 4-25.
Pauw, Pieter; Kaplan, Marcus; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
(December 2011).
Klimawandel-Entschädigung: Entwicklungsländer müssen initiativ werden.
Kaplan, Marcus; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
(14 September 2011).
Die beste Entwicklungspolitik stärkt die Bauern.
Fry, Patricia; Zingerli, Claudia; Kläy, Andreas; Förster, Ruth
Wissensaustausch aktiv gestalten: Erfahrungen in der Forschungspraxis.
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 20(2), pp. 130-132.
München: Oekom Verlag
Gasser, Judith; Wiesmann, Urs
Swiss Alps Jungfrau Aletsch UNESCO World Heritage Site - The state of this World Heritage region as a starting point for regional monitoring.
Eco.mont - journal on protected mountain areas research, 3(2), pp. 33-41.
Wien: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Nwajiuba, Chinedum
Addressing Nigerian Food Insecurity and Agricultural Production in a Changing Climate Context.
Perspectives - political analysis and commentary from Africa(1), pp. 17-22.
Cape Town: Heinrich Böll Foundation Southern Africa
Kläy, Andreas; Heim, Thomas; Minsch, Jürg; Stauffacher, Michael; Zingerli, Claudia
Welche Forschung führt zu Innovationen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung?
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 20(3), pp. 214-216.
München: Oekom Verlag
Kohler, Thomas; Maselli, Daniel; Neu, Urs
Mountains and Climate Change: A Global concern.
Alpine journal, 115(359), pp. 231-239.
London: The Alpine Club
Minsch, Jürg; Heim, Thomas; Kläy, Andreas
Innovation, eine Tochter der Freiheit.
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 20(1), pp. 61-63.
München: Oekom Verlag
Zah, Rainer; Gmünder, Simon; Ehrensperger, Albrecht
Biotreibstoffe aus Entwicklungsländern: Eine Lebenszyklusbetrachtung.
Biologie in unserer Zeit, 41(5), pp. 316-323.
Weinheim: VCH
Yeheyis, Likawent; Kijora, Claudia; Wink, Michael; Peters, Kurt J
Effect of a Traditional Processing Method on the Chemical Composition of Local White Lupin (Lupinus albus L.) Seed in North-Western Ethiopia.
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C, 66(7-8), pp. 403-408.
de Gruyter
Garrard, Rodney
Ein Blick auf die Anden: Betrachtungen zum Gletscherschwund und anderen Umweltveränderungen im Huascarán-Nationalpark,Cordillera Blanca, Peru.
Bergauf - Das Magazin des Österreichischen Alpenvereins, 4/2011, pp. 28-30.
Giger, Markus
Climate change: an additional risk factor for agriculture and food security in the South.
Rural development news, 2(7), pp. 1-6.
Ames, Iowa: North Central Regional Center for Rural Development
Rueff, Henri; Rahim, Inam
Desarrollo y Perspectivas de los Sistemas de Andenerías en los Andes Centrales del Perú (Development and Perspectives of Irrigated Terrace Systems in the Peruvian Central Andes) [Rezension].
Mountain Research and Development, 30(2), pp. 186-187.
Boulder, Colo.: International Mountain Society
Heinimann, Andreas; Epprecht, Michael; Messerli, Peter
Landscapes of Poverty and Environment in Lao PDR.
GLP news - newsletter of the Global Land Project(6), pp. 5-8.
São Paulo: International Project Office - GLP IPO
Garrard, Rodney
NZ'ers and Everest: why we are drawn to the top of the world.
The New Zealand Alpine Club Journal, pp. 102-105.
Kläy, Andreas; Ott, Cordula
Innovation für eine bessere Zukunft: Die Nicht-Nachhaltigkeit der Schweiz erfordert ein Umdenken.
Umwelt Perspektiven, 2009(3), p. 3.
Krauer, Jürg; Hösli, Christoph
GIS-Karte des Südsudans gewinnt Kartografie-Preis.
arcAKTUELL, 2009(4), pp. 34-35.
Esri Deutschland
Zingerli, Claudia; Fry, Patricia; Bachmann, Felicitas; Flury, Manuel; Förster, Ruth; Kläy, Andreas; Küffer, Christoph
Kommunikationskompetenz: Eine Bedingung für erfolgreichen Wissensaustausch.
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 18(3), pp. 264-266.
Oekom Verlag
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Navigating gender equality between the tradition and the modern.
Feministisches Geo-RundMail(40), pp. 5-7.
Jacobi, Johanna; Drescher, Axel W.; Amerasinghe, Priyanie H.; Weckenbrock, Philipp
Agricultural biodiversity strengthening livelihoods in periurban Hyderabad, India.
Urban agriculture magazine, 22, pp. 45-47.
RUAF Foundation
Höggel, Udo; Künzler-Roth, Silvia
The people, the river and the border.
Development and Cooperation, 35(1), pp. 32-33.
Engagement Global
Kiteme, Boniface P.; Liniger, Hanspeter; Notter, Benedikt; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Kohler, Thomas
Dimensions of Global Change in African Mountains: The Example of Mount Kenya.
IHDP Update, 2008(2), pp. 18-23.
IHDP International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change
Liechti, Karina
Partenariats de recherche et pastorialisme.
GeoAgenda, 4-5, p. 4.
Geographisches Institut, Universität Bern
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Rist, Stephan
Diversidad biocultural y de zonas bioculturales.
Biodiversidad y Cultura en los Andes, 1, pp. 20-24.
Rist, Stephan; Herweg, Karl Günter; Giger, Markus
Erfahrungen aus der nachhaltigen Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen im Nord-Süd-Kontext: Wissen gemeinsam erarbeiten.
Hotspots(17), pp. 22-25.
Forum Biodiversität Schweiz
Schaffhauser, Mario; Hösli, Christoph
WebGIS hält Einzug in der Forstwirtschaft: Waldportal Kanton Luzern - effiziente Erfassung und Verwaltung von Waldeingriffsflächen mit ArcGIS Server.
arcAKTUELL(4), pp. 36-37.
Esri Deutschland
Bachmann, Philipp; Liechti, Karina
Gespräch mit Weidewirtschaftsexperten aus Kirgistan und Mali.
GeoAgenda, 4-5, pp. 6-13.
Geographisches Institut, Universität Bern
Bürgi, Elisabeth
Landwirtschaft zwischen sozialem ökologischem und wirtschaftlichem Nutzen.
UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern, 136, pp. 12-14.
Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Rist, Stephan
Maintaining Bio-Cultural Diversity in the Andes.
Mountain Forum Bulletin, 7(1), pp. 13-15.
Ott, Cordula
Die Erhaltung der Feuchtgebiete - eine Massnahme zur Armutsbekämpfung.
Hotspot, 15(07), pp. 20-23.
Ott, Cordula; Kläy, Andreas
Du faiseur de temps au créateur d'écosystème: Biodiversité et changement climatique dans l'optique de la coopération au développement.
Hotspot(16), pp. 22-25.
Forum Biodiversität Schweiz
Schwilch, Gudrun; Danano, Daniel; Khisa, Sudibya Kanti; Critchley, William; Liniger, Hanspeter
Where the land is greener - experiences contributing to sustainable land management.
Natural Resource Perspectives(108), pp. 1-4.
Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Ott, Cordula; Kläy, Andreas; Stillhardt, Brigitta
Will International Pursuit of the Millenium Development Goals Alleviate Poverty in Mountains?
Mountain Research and Development, 26(1), pp. 4-8.
Boulder, Colo.: International Mountain Society
Bachmann, Felicitas
Simulation Games: A stimulating approach to active learning.
Rural development news, 2006(2), pp. 52-57.
North Central Regional Center for Rural Development
Höggel, Udo
Livestock Production and the Millennium Development Goals: The role of livestock for pro-poor growth.
Swiss Network for Livestock and Development
Rist, Stephan
Vom Papiertiger Nationalpark zur Förderung der biokulturellen Diversität: Erfahrungen aus einem transdisziplinären Forschungsprojekt.
Hotspot, 14, pp. 12-13.
Wiesmann, Urs
Transdisziplinäre Forschung: Notwendig und einlösbar?
UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern, 128, pp. 13-14.
Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
Messerli, Peter; Wiesmann, Urs; Hurni, Hans
The mountain and highland focus of the Swiss National Centre of Competences in Research (NCCR) North-South.
Mountain Research and Development, 25(2), pp. 174-179.
International Mountain Society
Rist, Stephan
Ciencia, Transdisciplinariedad y Saber de los Pueblos Indígenas.
Revista de Agricultura, 57(36), pp. 45-48.
Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS)
Rist, Stephan
Endogenous Development as a Social Learning Process.
Revista COMPAS, 2004(7)
Rist, Stephan
Desarrollo endógeno como un proceso social.
Revista COMPAS(7), pp. 26-29.
Hurni, Hans; Messerli, Peter; Pfister, Franziska Rita
Forschungspartnerschaften mit dem Süden: die Schweiz etabliert ein neuartiges Instrument der Entwickungszusammenarbeit.
Zeitschrift Entwicklungspolitik, 18/19, pp. 54-56.
eins Entwicklungspolitik Information Nord-Süd
Isenring, Richard; Rist, Stephan
Natürliche Ressourcen gemeinsam richtig nutzen lernen.
UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern, 123, pp. 31-35.
Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
Hurni, Hans; Jansky, Libor
Sustainable Use and Conservation of Natural Resources in the High Pamir mountains of Central Asia.
Work in progress, 16(2), pp. 11-12.
United Nations University
El-Swaify, S.A.; Hurni, Hans
Transboundary effects of soil erosion and conservation in the Nile basin.
Land Husbandry, 1(1-2), pp. 7-21.
Oxford & IBH Publishing
Hurni, Hans
Therapie gegen den Bodenstress.
GTZ Akzente(3/96), pp. 40-43.
Eschborn: Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GtZ)
Messerli, Peter; Ludi, Eva; Hurni, Hans; Herweg, Karl Günter
Das Dilemma der Subsaharischen Subsistenzwirtschaft am Beispiel Äthiopiens.
Entwicklung und ländlicher Raum, 96(4), pp. 12-15.
Eschborn: Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GtZ)
Hurni, Hans
Die Gefahr grosser Hungersnöte bleibt.
Äthiopien, eine Länderinformation der Kindernothilfe, pp. 24-25.
Duisburg: Kindernothilfe e.V.
Hurni, Hans
Boden für die Zukunft.
UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern(62), pp. 42-46.
Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
Hurni, Hans
Commission on Mountain Geoecology.
IGU Bulletin / Bulletin de l'UGI, 37(1-2), pp. 15-21.
International Geographical Union
Hurni, Hans
Vom Umgang der Menschen mit natürlichen Ressourcen.
E+D, 25, pp. 16-19.
Book Section
Liechti, Karina; Wunderli, Rahel
Alpweiden in kollektivem Eigentum – Bewirtschaftungsgeschichte und Dynamiken von Commons-Konzeptionen und -Praktiken im 20./21. Jahrhundert.
Guzzi-Heeb, Sandro; Lorenzetti, Luigi; Stuber, Martin
La propriété foncière et immobilière. Modèles, pratiques, enjeux économiques, sociaux et écologiques / Formen des Grundeigentums. Konzepte und Praktiken in ökonomischer, sozialer und ökologischer Perspektive. Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte / Annuaire suisse d'histoire économique et sociale: Vol. 38 (pp. 210-230).
Lewis, Anna Lena; Hammer, Thomas
Kompetenz- und lernergebnisorientierte Minor-Studienprogramme in Nachhaltiger Entwicklung an der Universität Bern: Erkenntnisse aus der Evaluation der Studienprogramme.
Leal Filho, Walter
Lernziele und Kompetenzen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit. Theorie und Praxis der Nachhaltigkeit (pp. 293-311).
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Breu, Thomas; Heinimann, Andreas; Molden, David J.; Thibault, Marlène; Vasily, Laurie Ann; Zimmermann, Anne B.
Advancing transformative knowledge for sustainable mountain development: how can a scientific journal bring knowledge into policy and practice?
Schneiderbauer, Stefan; Pisa, Paola Fontanella; Shroder, John F.; Szarzynski, Joerg
Safeguarding Mountain Social-Ecological Systems. A Global Challenge : Facing Emerging Risks, Adapting to Changing Environments and Building Transformative Resilience in Mountain Regions Worldwide (pp. 137-141).
Caviola, Hugo
The Potential of Language Reflection in Energy Research: Framing Analysis and Communication.
Piana, Valentino
Contributions to the energy research debate from the Swiss Social Sciences and Humanities Energy Research Group (3rd Workshop).
Lulu Press
Kenney-Lazar, Miles; Schönweger, Oliver; Messerli, Peter; Nanhthavong, Vong
Governing Land Concessions in Laos.
Neef, Andreas; Ngin, Chanrith; Moreda, Tsegaye; Mollett, Sharlene
Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing (pp. 96-109).
Bader, Christoph; Bieri, Sabin
A World Drifting Apart: Challenges and Possibilities of Transitioning to a More Equitable Planet.
Bieri, Sabin; Bader, Christoph
Transitioning to Reduced Inequalities. Transitioning to Sustainability: Vol. 10 (pp. 1-18).
Oberholzer, Basil
Investment theory – ecological.
Rochon, Louis-Philippe; Rossi, Sergio
Elgar Encyclopedia of Post-Keynesian Economics. Economics 2023 (pp. 248-249).
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Oberholzer, Basil
Interest rate, natural.
Rochon, Louis-Philippe; Rossi, Sergio
Elgar Encyclopedia of Post-Keynesian Economics. Economics 2023 (pp. 234-235).
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Mose, Ingo; Hammer, Thomas; Siegrist, Dominik
Regionalentwicklung und Tourismus: Von der sektoralen Perspektive zur integrativen Nachhaltigkeitsperspektive.
Kühne, Olaf; Sedelmeier, Timo; Jenal, Corinna; Freytag, Tim
Landschaft und Tourismus. RaumFragen: Stadt – Region – Landschaft (pp. 157-171).
Wiesbaden: Springer
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Gertschen, Alex
Zur Rolle des Staats: «Wir können viel davon lernen, wie Qualitätsanforderungen in der Wirtschaft durchgesetzt wurden.».
Gertschen, Alex
Räderwerke der Normalität. Wie Normen und Standards Vertrauen schaffen (pp. 225-229).
NZZ Libro, Schwabe Verlagsgruppe AG
Caviola, Hugo
Vom bunten Vogel zum Zugpferd? Das Projekt Sprachkompass als Beispiel angewandter Diskurslinguistik.
Kiprijanov, Konstantin S.; Philipp, Thorsten; Roelcke, Thorsten
Transferwissenschaften: Mode oder Mehrwert? Transferwissenschaften: Vol. 16 (pp. 205-220).
Lausanne, Berlin, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford: Peter Lang
Gargallo, Eduard; Haller, Tobias; Chatty, Dawn; Weissman, Samuel; Meessen, Heino; Giger, Markus; Maisuradze, Roman; Iashvili, Nikoloz; Chkhobadze, Nino
The new green grabbing frontier and participation. Conserving drylands with or without people.
Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; van Dijk, Han; Samimi, Cyrus; Warner, Jeroen
Drylands Facing Change. Interventions, Investments and Identities.
Pase, Andrea; Hofman, Irna; Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; Cirillo, Davide; Giger, Markus; Abebe, Manuel; Hurni, Kaspar; Bertoncin, Marina
Large-scale agricultural investments in drylands: Facing some blind spots in the grabbing debate.
Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; van Dijk, Han; Samimi, Cyrus; Warner, Jeroen
Drylands Facing Change. Interventions, Investments and Identities.
Alca, Jamil; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan
Construcción colectiva del territorio socioecológico continuo de la Reserva Nacional Tambopata y su zona de amortiguamiento en Madre de Dios, Perú.
Dammert Bello, Juan Luis; Trivelli Ávila, Carolina; Diez Hurtado, Alejandro
SEPIA XIX. Perú: el problema agrario en debate (pp. 97-133).
Lima, Peru: Seminario Permanente de Investigación Agraria
Raffestin, Claude; Sega, Roberto
« Il faut s’occuper de la territorialité en vue d’atteindre la plus grande autonomie possible, en compatibilité avec les ressources du système ». UN ENTRETIEN AVEC CLAUDE RAFFESTIN, ANIMÉ PAR ROBERTO SEGA.
Sega, Roberto; Perlik, Manfred
Les Alpes productives – Renouveler l’industrie alpine pour repenser le futur du massif. Montagne et innovation (pp. 39-50).
Grenoble: Presses universitaires de Grenoble (PUG)
Perlik, Manfred
Les changements des filières manufacturières en montagne et leurs répercussions socio-économiques.
Sega, Roberto; Perlik, Manfred
Les Alpes productives – Renouveler l’industrie alpine pour repenser le futur du massif. Montagne et innovation (pp. 147-178).
Grenoble: Presses universitaires Grenoble (PUG)
Perlik, Manfred; Sega, Roberto
Synthèse et discussion: L’avenir de l’industrie dans les vallées de montagne.
Perlik, Manfred
Les Alpes productives – Renouveler l’industrie alpine pour repenser le futur du massif. Montagne et innovation (pp. 243-256).
Grenoble: Presses universitaires Grenoble (PUG)
Sega, Roberto; Perlik, Manfred
Sega, Roberto; Perlik, Manfred
Les Alpes productives – Renouveler l’industrie alpine pour repenser le futur du massif. Montagne et innovation (pp. 21-38).
Grenoble: Presses universitaires de Grenoble (PUG)
Sega, Roberto; Viganò, Paola; Durand, Marine
La ville-territoire alpine à repenser: un atelier de projet.
Sega, Roberto; Perlik, Manfred
Les Alpes productives - Renouveler l’industrie alpine pour repenser le futur du massif. Montagne et innovation (pp. 225-241).
Grenoble: Presses universitaires de Grenoble (PUG)
Kohler, Thomas; Hurni, Hans
Landscape Change, Land Degradation, and Sustainable Land Management in the Central Highlands of Eritrea.
Billi, Paolo
Landscapes and Landforms of the Horn of Africa. World Geomorphological Landscapes (pp. 209-222).
Cham: Springer International Publishing
Oberholzer, Basil
Endogenous money, green finance and central bank power.
Rochon, Louis-Philippe; Kappes, Sylvio; Vallet, Guillaume
Central Banking, Monetary Policy and the Environment (pp. 72-89).
Edward Elgar Publishing
Perlik, Manfred
Tying Territory, Society and Transformation together: A Manifesto with an Integral Approach.
Membretti, Andrea; Dax, Thomas; Krasteva, Anna
The Renaissance of Remote Places: MATILDE Manifesto. Studies on Remote Places and Remoteness (pp. 109-116).
London: Routledge
Tribaldos, Theresa; Rist, Stephan
Connecting Human Health to Nature Health: The Bridging Potential of Sustainable Food Systems.
Scrimshaw, Susan C.; Lane, Sandra D.; Rubinstein, Robert A.; Fischer, Julian
The SAGE Handbook of Social Studies in Health and Medicine (pp. 529-543).
London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd
Hock, R; Rasul, G.; Adler, C; Cáceres, B.; Gruber, S.; Hirabayashi, Y.; Jackson, M.; Kääb, A.; Kang, S.; Kutuzov, S.; Milner, A.; Molau, U.; Morin, S.; Orlove, B.; Stelze, H.
High Mountain Areas.
The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate: Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (pp. 131-202).
Cambridge University Press
Llopis, Jorge C.; Borgerson, Cortni; Andrianarimisa, Aristide
Protected Area Case Study. Masoala National Park, Madagascar.
Chaplin-Kramer, Rebecca; Neugarten, Rachel
IPBES VA Chapter 4 - Literature & case study review on outcomes in protected areas and indigenous and community conserved areas (ICCAs).
Rice, Jake; Ticktin, Tamara; Díaz-Reviriego, Isabel; Furukawa, Takuya; Gandiwa, Edson; Lavadinović, Vukan; Margayan, Lusine; Pascua, Puaʿala; Sathyapalan, Jyothis; Akachuku, Caroline; Hallosserie, Agnès
Chapter 2. Conceptualizing the sustainable use of wild species.
Fromentin, J.M.; Emery, M.R.; Donaldson, J.; Danner, Marie-Claire; Hallosserie, Agnès; Kieling, Daniel
Thematic Assessment Report on the Sustainable Use of Wild Species of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.
Bonn, Germany: IPBES Secretariat
Tribaldos, Theresa; Jacobi, Johanna; Llanque, Aymara; Nogales, Maria Teresa
Bio-cultural diversity in South America. Overcoming agro-extractivism linked to unhealthy diets.
Kevany, Kathleen; Prosperi, Paolo
Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Diets (pp. 636-647).
London: Routledge
Perlik, Manfred
L’urbanizzazione delle montagne: motore per società coese o fattore di distruzione delle comunità rurali?
Lorenzetti, Luigi; Leggero, Roberto
Montagne e territori ibridi tra urbanità e ruralità. Studies on Alpine History (pp. 59-74).
Mendrisio: Mendrisio Academy Press
Haller, Tobias; Gerber, Jean-David; Liechti, Karina; Nahrath, Stéphane; Rohr, Christian; Stuber, Martin; Viallon, François-Xavier; Wunderli, Rahel
Ostrom’s legacy on robustness and the ‘Swiss commons lab’: Introductory reflections on change and power in commons studies.
Haller, Tobias; Liechti, Karina; Stuber, Martin; Viallon, François-Xavier; Wunderli, Rahel
Balancing the Commons in Switzerland. Institutional Transformations and Sustainable Innovations. Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management (pp. 1-13).
London: Routledge
Stuber, Martin
Urban Commons in Alpine Areas: The Case of the Bürgergemeinde Chur (Canton Grisons).
Viallon, François-Xavier; Stuber, Martin; Haller, Tobias; Liechti, Karina; Wunderli, Rahel
Balancing the Commons in Switzerland. Institutional Transformations and Sustainable Innovations (pp. 105-146).
London: Routledge
Stuber, Martin; Wunderli, Rahel
Transformations of common pastures and woodlands in Switzerland. A historical perspective.
Viallon, François-Xavier; Stuber, Martin; Wunderli, Rahel; Haller, Tobias; Liechti, Karina
Balancing the Commons in Switzerland. Institutional Transformations and Sustainable Innovations (pp. 17-34).
London: Routledge
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Tribaldos, Theresa M.
PPM-Based Trade Measures to Promote Sustainable Farming Systems? What the EU/EFTA-Mercosur Agreements Can Learn from the EFTA-Indonesian Agreement.
European Yearbook of International Economic Law. European Yearbook of International Economic Law: Vol. 11 (pp. 359-385).
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Caviola, Hugo
Warum sich Fernreisende kaum um das Klima kümmern. Eine Untersuchung zur Sprache der Reisewerbung und Reiseberichterstattung.
Reisigl, Martin
Klima in der Krise – Kontroversen, Widersprüche und Herausforderungen in Diskursen über Klimawandel. Osnabrücker Beiträge zur Sprachtheorie (OBST): Vol. 97 (pp. 272-292).
Duisburg, Deutschland: Universitätsverlag Rhein-Ruhr
Hammer, Thomas
Nachhaltige Entwicklung ist ein ständiger Prozess.
Mein Entlebuch – Aufbruch zu neuen Horizonten: Wie eine Bevölkerung ihre Region in Schwung bringt. Sonderausgabe 20 Jahre UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch (UBE) 2001-2021 (pp. 143-145).
Schüpfheim, Schweiz: Gemeindeverband UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch
Aponte-García, Maribel; Choquehuanca, David; Delgado, José M. F.; Campos, Ximena; Silvestre, Carlos; Buergi-Bonanomi, Elisabeth
Políticas públicas y sistemas alimentarios sustentables para la seguridad y soberanía alimentaria en Bolivia. Avances y limitaciones.
Lajtman, Tamara; Romano, Silvina; Bruckmann, Mónica; Ugarteche, Oscar
Bolivia y las implicaciones geopolíticas del golpe de Estado (pp. 55-87).
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, CLACSO, DGAPA
Mulà, Ingrid; Zimmermann, Anne
Lozano, Rodrigo; Barreiro-Gen, Maria
Developing Sustainability Competences Through Pedagogical Approaches. Experiences from International Case Studies. Strategies for Sustainability.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG
Haller, Tobias; Liechti, Karina; Mann, Stefan
Commons and peasant studies: Insights from social anthropology, human geography and agrarian economics.
Haller, Tobias; Liechti, Karina; Stuber, Martin; Viallon, François-Xavier; Wunderli, Rahel
Balancing the Commons in Switzerland. Institutional Transformations and Sustainable Innovations (pp. 45-56).
London: Routledge
Haller, Tobias; Bertogliati, Mark; Liechti, Karina; Viallon, François-Xavier; Wunderli, Rahel
Transformation and diversity: Synthesis of the case studies.
Haller, Tobias; Liechti, Karina; Stuber, Martin; Viallon, François-Xavier; Wunderli, Rahel
Balancing the Commons in Switzerland. Institutional Transformations and Sustainable Innovations. Earthscan from Routledge (pp. 277-300).
London: Routledge
Messerli, Paul; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Kohler, Thomas
Hochland-Tiefland Beziehungen in ihrer Bedeutung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in Gebirgsräumen.
Lozán, José L.; Breckle, Siegmar-W.; Escher-Vetter, Heidi; Grassl, Hartmut; Kasang, Dieter; Paul, Frank; Schickhoff, Udo
Warnsignal Klima: Hochgebirge im Wandel. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen (pp. 370-377).
Hamburg: GEO
Schneider, Flurina
A Mixed-Method, Dialogue-Based Approach to Sustainability Assessments: Fostering Learning for Sustainable Development.
Binder, Claudia R.; Wyss, Romano; Massaro, Emanuele
Sustainability Assessment of Urban Systems (pp. 141-160).
Cambridge University Press
Huggel, Christian; Allen, Simon; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Dimri, A. P.; Mal, Suraj; Linbauer, Andreas; Salzmann, Nadine; Bolch, Tobias
An Integrative and Joint Approach to Climate Impacts, Hydrological Risks and Adaptation in the Indian Himalayan Region.
Dimri, A.P.; Bookhagen, B.; Stoffel, M.; Yasunari, T.
Himalayan Weather and Climate and their Impact on the Environment (pp. 553-573).
Cham, Switzerland: Springer
Interdonato, Roberto; Bourgoin, Jeremy; Grislain, Quentin; Zignani, Matteo; Gaito, Sabrina; Giger, Markus
Characterizing Large Scale Land Acquisitions Through Network Analysis.
Complex Networks and Their Applications VIII. Studies in Computational Intelligence: Vol. 882 (pp. 152-163).
Cham: Springer International Publishing
Häderli, Stefan; Pfister, Stephanie; Villiger, Leonie; Brugnara, Yuri; Brönnimann, Stefan
Two Meteorological Series from Geneva, 1782–1791.
Swiss Early Instrumental Meteorological Series. Reihe G Grundlagenforschung: Vol. G96/03 (pp. 33-46).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Meinherz, Franziska; Fritz, Livia; Schneider, Flurina
How values play into sustainability assessments: Challenges and a possible way forward.
Binder, Claudia R.; Wyss, Romano; Massaro, Emanuele
Sustainability Assessment of Urban Systems (pp. 65-86).
Cambridge University Press
Ingold, Karin; Gavilano, Alexandra
Under What Conditions Does an Extreme Event Deploy its Focal Power?: Toward Collaborative Governance in Swiss Flood Risk Management.
Bynander, Fredrik; Nohrstedt, Daniel
Collaborative Crisis Management – Inter-Organizational Approaches to Extreme Events (pp. 132-147).
New York: Routledge
Tschumi, Pascal; Winiger, Andrea; Wirth, Samuel; Mayer, Heike; Seidl, Irmi
Wachstumsunabhängigkeit durch Soziale Innovationen? Eine Analyse potenzieller Wachstumswirkungen von Sozialen Innovationen im Schweizer Berggebiet.
Lange, Bastian; Hülz, Martina; Schmid, Benedikt; Schulz, Christian
Postwachstumsgeographien. Raumbezüge diverser und alternativer Ökonomien (pp. 117-137).
Bielefeld: transcript Verlag
Hett, Cornelia; Pilakone, Phaythoun; Kamp, Kevin; Ingalls, Micah; Heinimann, Andreas
Bottom-up land use planning for equitable rural development in Lao PDR.
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Ruiz Peyré, Fernando
Vibrant mountain communities. Regional development in mountains: Realizing potentials, tackling disparities (pp. 18-20).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, with Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Weixlbaumer, Norbert; Hammer, Thomas; Mose, Ingo; Siegrist, Dominik
Das Biosphere Reserve-Konzept in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz – Paradigmatische Entwicklung und zukünftige Herausforderungen im Spannungsfeld von Regionalentwicklung und globaler Nachhaltigkeit.
Borsdorf, Axel; Jungmeier, Michael; Braun, Valerie; Heinrich, Kati
Biosphäre 4.0 (pp. 99-119).
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum
Hammer, Thomas; Knaus, Florian; Schmid, Annette
Welchen Beitrag kann ein Biosphere Reserve zur Umsetzung der SDG leisten? Einsichten und Aussichten aus der UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch.
Borsdorf, Axel; Jungmeier, Michael; Braun, Valerie; Heinrich, Kati
Biosphäre 4.0 (pp. 303-324).
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum
Perlik, Manfred
Neue Formen der Freizeitmultilokalität.
Danielzyk, Rainer; Dittrich-Wesbuer, Andrea; Hilti, Nicola; Tippel, Cornelia
Multilokale Lebensführungen und räumliche Entwicklungen: ein Kompendium. Forschungsberichte der ARL: Vol. 13 (pp. 175-182).
Hannover: Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (ARL)
Perlik, Manfred
Regionalökonomische Konzepte zur Erklärung von Multilokalität.
Danielzyk, Rainer; Dittrich-Wesbuer, Andrea; Hilti, Nicola; Tippel, Cornelia
Multilokale Lebensführungen und räumliche Entwicklungen: ein Kompendium. Forschungsberichte der ARL: Vol. 13 (pp. 63-75).
Hannover: Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (ARL)
Perlik, Manfred
Alpi produttive.
Lorenzetti, Luigi
Le Alpe di Clio. Scritti per i venti anni del Laboratorio di Storia delle Alpi (2000-2020) (pp. 159-175).
Locarno: Armando Dadò Editore
Blesić, Milenko; Harari, Nicole; Bajrić, Muhamed; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima; Ljuša, Melisa; Ognjenović, Dragana; Schlingloff, Stefan; Čustović, Hamid
Case studies from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the WOCAT database.
Čustović, Hamid; Ljuša, Melisa; Schlingloff, Stefan
Sustainable Land Management - Approaches and Practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina (pp. 201-231).
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina: University of Sarajevo; Facultiy of Agriculture and Food Sciences
von Lindern, Eike; Knoth-Letsch, Rebecca; Häring, Volker; Klenovec, Christine; Hunziker, Marcel; Wallner, Astrid; Knaus, Florian
Akzeptanz, Identifikation und Engagement: Ergebnisse und Implikationen aus einer Bevölkerungsumfrage in acht UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in der Schweiz, Deutschland und Österreich.
Borsdorf, Axel; Jungmeier, Michael; Braun, Valerie; Heinrich, Kati
Biosphäre 4.0 (pp. 121-137).
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Perlik, Manfred
New and Very Old Regionalism: False Concepts under the Conditions of Global Mobilities and Distress.
Perlik, Manfred; Galera, Giulia; Machold, Ingrid; Membretti, Andrea
Alpine Refugees – Immigration at the Core of Europe (pp. 31-46).
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Membretti, Andrea; Perlik, Manfred
On the Ridge Path between Absolute Rejection and Unlimited Welcoming: Concluding Remarks.
Perlik, Manfred; Galera, Giulia; Machold, Ingrid; Membretti, Andrea
Alpine Refugees – Immigration at the Core of Europe (pp. 269-278).
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara Maria
Chinas Engagement in Afrika: Die andere Art von Entwicklungszusammenarbeit.
Specker, Manuela
Afrika zwischen Aufbruch und Armut. Almanach Entwicklungspolitik: Vol. 2020 (pp. 151-170).
Luzern, Schweiz: Caritas-Verlag
Haller, Tobias; Breu, Thomas; De Moor, Tine; Rohr, Christian; Znoj, Heinzpeter
Introduction on commons in a glocal world: linking local and global systems, power processes and local reactions in the management of common pool resources.
Haller, Tobias; Breu, Thomas; De Moor, Tine; Rohr, Christian; Znoj, Heinzpeter
The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses. Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management (pp. 1-19).
Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge
Giger, Markus; Nolte, Kerstin; Anseeuw, Ward; Breu, Thomas; Chamberlain, Wytske O.; Messerli, Peter; Oberlack, Christoph; Haller, Tobias
Impacts of large-scale land acquisitions on common-pool resources: evidence from the land matrix.
Haller, Tobias; Breu, Thomas; De Moor, Tine; Rohr, Christian; Znoj, Heinzpeter
The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses. Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management (pp. 257-279).
Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge
Wang, Yanfen; Wu, Ning; Kunze, Clemens; Long, Ruijun; Perlik, Manfred
Drivers of Change to Mountain Sustainability in the Hindu Kush Himalaya.
Wester, Philippus; Mishra, Arabinda; Mukherji, Aditi; Shrestha, Arun Bhakta
The Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment. Mountains, Climate Change, Sustainability and People (pp. 17-56).
Cham: Springer
Cornelius, Jonathan P.; Bayala, Jules; Blare, Trent; Catacutan, Delia; Degrande, Ann; Kindt, Roeland; Leimona, Beria; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Miccolis, Andrew; Naik, Devashree; Rizvi, Javed; Roshetko, James M.; Winowiecki, Leigh Ann
Bélanger, Julie; Pilling, Dafydd
The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture. ASSESSMENTS (pp. 233-241).
Rome, Italy: FAO Commission on genetic resources for food and agriculture
Haller, Tobias
Towards a new institutional political ecology: how to marry external effects, institutional change and the role of power and ideology in commons studies.
Haller, Tobias; Breu, Thomas; De Moor, Tine; Rohr, Christian; Znoj, Heinzpeter
The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses. Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management (pp. 90-119).
Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge
Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Schneider, Flurina; Heinimann, Andreas; Messerli, Peter
Co-producing Knowledge for Sustainable Development in Telecoupled Land Systems.
Friis, Cecilie; Nielsen, Jonas Ø.
Telecoupling: Exploring Land-Use Change in a Globalised World. Palgrave Studies in Natural Resource Management (pp. 357-381).
Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing
Giger, Markus; Rist, Stephan
Boden als Investitionsobjekt - Landkäufe und ihre internationalen Verflechtungen.
Gerber, Brigitta; Kriese, Ulrich
Boden behalten – Stadt gestalten. Bodenpolitische Impulse für Akteure in Städten, Gemeinden und Zivilgesellschaft (pp. 42-53).
Zürich, Schweiz: rüffer&rub
Bachmann, Felicitas; Maharjan, Amina; Thieme, Susan; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
Migration: More than a livelihood strategy for mountain people.
Bachmann, Felicitas; Maharjan, Armina; Thieme, Susan; Fleiner, Renate; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
Migration and sustainable mountain development: Turning challenges into opportunities (pp. 8-11).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, with Bern Open Publishing
Tschopp, Maurice Nicolas; Binggeli, Bianca; Jimenez, Elisabeth; Bieri, Sabin
In- and outmigration in the context of the quinoa boom.
Bachmann, Felicitas; Maharjan, Armina; Thieme, Susan; Fleiner, Renate; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
Migration and sustainable mountain development: Turning challenges into opportunities (pp. 36-37).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, with Bern Open Publishing
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
A Holistic Approach to Effective Sustainability.
Mineshima-Lowe, Dale; Gilliard, Alexandra; Seltzer, Traci; Sutherland, Raja
Food and Water Security (pp. 53-59).
Washington DC, USA: International Affairs Forum. Center for International Relations
Bachmann, Felicitas; Maharjan, Amina; Thieme, Susan; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
Recommendations for policy-making.
Bachmann, Felicitas; Maharjan, Armina; Thieme, Susan; Fleiner, Renate; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
Migration and sustainable mountain development: Turning challenges into opportunities (pp. 58-61).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, with Bern Open Publishing
Bachmann, Felicitas; Maharjan, Armina; Thieme, Susan
Addressing the causes of migration – and enhancing its benefits.
Bachmann, Felicitas; Maharjan, Armina; Thieme, Susan; Fleiner, Renate; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
Migration and sustainable mountain development: Turning challenges into opportunities (pp. 44-45).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, with Bern Open Publishing
Bachmann, Felicitas; Maharjan, Amina; Thieme, Susan
Opportunities and challenges for mountain communities.
Bachmann, Felicitas; Maharjan, Armina; Thieme, Susan; Fleiner, Renate; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
Migration and sustainable mountain development: Turning challenges into opportunities (pp. 26-29).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, with Bern Open Publishing
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Bachmann, Felicitas; Bracher, Christoph Peter; Maharjan, Amina; Thieme, Susan
Current population and migration dynamics in mountains.
Bachmann, Felicitas; Maharjan, Armina; Thieme, Susan; Fleiner, Renate; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
Migration and sustainable mountain development: Turning challenges into opportunities (pp. 12-23).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, with Bern Open Publishing
Viallon, François-Xavier; Liechti, Karina; Stuber, Martin; Wunderli, Rahel
Vermittlung, Einbau, Komplementarität – Formen des staatlichen Zugriffs auf kollektive Weiden und Wälder in der Schweiz im späten 19. Jahrhundert.
Head-König, Anne-Lise; Lorenzetti, Luigi; Stuber, Martin; Wunderli, Rahel
Kollektive Weiden und Wälder – Ökonomie, Partizipation, Nachhaltigkeit. Geschichte der Alpen – Histoire des Alpes – Storia delle Alpi: Vol. 24 (pp. 125-149).
Zürich: Chronos
Ott, Cordula
Kluwick, Ursula; Zemanek, Evi
Nachhaltigkeit interdisziplinär. Konzepte, Diskurse, Praktiken. Ein Kompendium 5227 (pp. 90-109).
Bieri, Sabin
L'Asie, un modèle pour réduire la pauvreté en Afrique?
Almanach Entwicklungspolitik 2020: Afrika zwischen Aufbruch und Armut (pp. 193-208).
Luzern, Schweiz: Caritas Verlag
Tejada, Laura; Rist, Stephan
El boom del bioetanol y (re)concentración de la tierra en la costa norte peruana: luchas agrarias en un contexto neoliberal.
Durand, Leticia; Nygren, Anja; de la Vega-Leinert, Anne Cristina
Naturaleza y neoliberalismo en América Latina (pp. 215-247).
Cuernavaca, Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Musselli, Irene
HRIA of trade agreements involving agriculture. Enabling innovative trade options that protect human rights.
Götzmann, Nora
Handbook on Human Rights Impact Assessment (pp. 219-237).
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Llopis, Jorge Claudio
Down by the riverside: cyclone-driven floods and the expansion of swidden agriculture in southwestern Madagascar.
Abbink, Jon
The environmental crunch in Africa. Growth narratives vs. local realities (pp. 241-268).
Cham: Palgrave-MacMillan
Scharrer, Bettina; Hammer, Thomas; Leng, Marion
Terraced landscapes. The significance of a living agricultural heritage for sustainable regional development.
Birkeland, Inger; Burton, Rob; Parra, Constanza; Siivonen, Katriina
Cultural Sustainability and the Nature-Culture Interface: Livelihoods, Policies, and Methodologies (pp. 151-166).
Abingdon, Oxon, GB; New York, NY, USA: Routledge
Backhaus, Norman; Hammer, Thomas; Siegrist, Dominik
Paysage en Suisse – Science, politique, planification.
Mathieu, Jon; Backhaus, Norman; Hürlimann, Katja; Bürgi, Matthias
Histoire du paysage en Suisse (pp. 283-298).
Neuchâtel, Suisse: Editions Livreo-Alphil
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan
Schools as Seeds: Bridging knowledge systems in the Peruvian Andes.
Jianchu, Xu; Stevenson, Andrew; Yufang, Su
Mountain Futures: Inspiration and Innovation from the World’s Highlands (pp. 87-91).
Nairobi, Kenya: World Agroforestry Centre
Rüegg, Simon R.; Häsler, Barbara; Rosenbaum Nielsen, Liza; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Santa, Mijalche; Aragrande, Maurizio; Canali, Massimo; Ehlinger, Timothy; Queenan, Kevin; Chantziaras, Ilias; Boriani, Elena; Radeski, Miroslav; Bruce, Mieghan; Keune, Hans; Bennani, Houda; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Carmo, Luìs P.; Esposito, Roberto; Filippitzi, Maria-Eleni; McIntyre, Marie K.; ...
A One Health evaluation framework.
Rüegg, Simon R.; Häsler, Barbara; Zinsstag, Jakob
Integrated approaches to health. A handbook for the evaluation of One Health (pp. 39-85).
Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Wüthrich, Tamara; Rüegg, Simon; Zinsstag, Jakob; Keune, Hans; Boillat, Sébastien; Blake, Lauren; Thieme, Susan; Degeling, Chris; Rist, Stephan
Evaluating the contributions of One Health initiatives to social sustainability.
Rüegg, Simon R.; Häsler, Barbara; Zinsstag, Jakob
Integrated approaches to health. A handbook for the evaluation of One Health (pp. 86-125).
Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers
Perlik, Manfred
Innovations sociales en montagne: au-delà de l’ingénierie sociale, une véritable force transformatrice?
Fourny, Marie-Christine
Montagnes en mouvements. Dynamiques territoriales et innovation sociale (pp. 189-210).
Grenoble : Presses Universitaires de Genoble
Perlik, Manfred
Heritage in Mountains – between Public Good and Commodification.
Schröder, Jörg; Carta, Maurizio; Hartmann, Sarah
Creative Heritage Agenda - A Manifest for Regenerative Cities, Resilience, and Territorial Innovation (pp. 26-27).
Berlin, Germany: Jovis
Kellner, Elke; Oberlack, Christoph; Gerber, Jean-David
Evolving polycentric climate governance. The case of multifunctional water use in Oberhasli, Switzerland.
Füreder, Leopold; Weingartner, Rolf; Heinrich, Kati; Braun, Valerie; Köck, Günter; Lanz, Klaus; Scheurer, Thomas
Alpine Water - common good or source of conflicts? Proceedings of the Forum Alpinum 2018 & 7th Water Conference (p. 79).
Breitenwang (Tyrol): Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
Messerli, Peter; Bieri, Sabin
Können wir die Zukunft gestalten? - Die Agenda 2030 als Impuls für die Handlungsfähigkeit der Schweiz.
Die Schweiz 2030: was muss die Politik heute anpacken? 77 Antworten (pp. 163-166).
Zürich, Schweiz: Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft. Bundeskanzlei. NZZ LIBRO
Giger, Markus
Large-Scale Land Acquisitions (LSLAs) in the Global South.
Ingalls, Micah; Diepart, Jean-Christophe; Truong, Nhu; Hayward, Daniel; Neil, Tony; Phomphakdy, Chanthavone; Bernhard, Rasso; Fogarizzu, Sinu; Epprecht, Michael; Nanhthavong, Vong; Vo, Dang Hung; Nguyen, Dzung; Nguyen, Phong Anh; Saphangthong, Thatheva; Inthavong, Chanthaviphone; Hett, Cornelia; Tagliarino, Nicholas
State of Land in the Mekong Region (pp. 42-43).
Bern, Switzerland and Vientiane, Lao PDR: Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern, and Mekong Region Land Governance, with Bern Open Publishing
Cottier, Thomas; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
Soil as a common concern: Toward disciplines on Sustainable Land Management.
Cottier, Thomas; Nadakavukaren Schefer, Krista
Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law (pp. 627-628).
Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing
Cottier, Thomas; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
Property rights beyond foreign direct investment.
Cottier, Thomas; Nadakavukaren Schefer, Krista
Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law (pp. 638-639).
Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing
Cottier, Thomas; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
Land grabbing, human rights and land registration protection.
Cottier, Thomas; Nadakavukaren Schefer, Krista
Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law (pp. 639-641).
Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing
Garrard, Rodney; Carey, Mark
Beyond Images of Melting Ice: Hidden Stories of People, Place, and Time in Repeat Photography of Glaciers.
Bear, Jordan; Palmer Albers, Kate
Before-and-After Photography: Histories and Contexts (pp. 101-122).
London: Bloomsbury Academic
Schwilch, Gudrun; Adhikari, Anu; Jaboyedoff, Michel; Jaquet, Stéphanie; Kaenzig, Raoul; Liniger, Hanspeter; Penna, Ivanna M.; Sudmeier-Rieux, Karen; Upreti, Bishnu Raj
Impacts of Outmigration on Land Management in a Nepali Mountain Area.
Sudmeier-Rieux, Karen; Fernández, Manuela; Penna, Ivanna M.; Jaboyedoff, Michel; Gaillard, J.C.
Identifying Emerging Issues in Disaster Risk Reduction, Migration, Climate Change and Sustainable Development. Shaping Debates and Policies (pp. 177-194).
Cham: Springer International Publishing
Jacobi, Johanna; Bottazzi, Patrick; Pillco, Maria Isabel; Schneider, Monika; Rist, Stephan
Building Farm Resilience in a Changing Climate: Challenges, Potentials, and Ways Forward for Smallholder Cocoa Production in Bolivia.
Sudmeier-Rieux, Karen; Fernández, Manuela; Penna, Ivanna M.; Jaboyedoff, Michel; Gaillard, JC
Identifying Emerging Issues in Disaster Risk Reduction, Migration, Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Shaping Debates and Policies (pp. 231-247).
Cham: Springer International Publishing
Alaoui, Abdallah
Mapping soil vulnerability to floods under varying land use and climate.
Pereira, Paulo; Brevik, Eric C.; Munoz-Rojas, Miriam; Miller, Bradley A.
Soil Mapping and process modeling for sustainable land use management (pp. 365-373).
Amsterdam: Elsevier
Escalera, J. Carlos; Jacobi, Johanna
Creando resiliencia socio-ecológica: Dos ejemplos desde Bolivia.
Nicholls, Clara I.; Altieri, Miguel A.
Nuevos caminos para reforzar la resiliencia agroecológica al cambio climático (pp. 86-93).
Berkeley, California: REDAGRES/SOCLA
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Bachmann, Felicitas; Alcantara-Ayala, Irasema; Fuchs, Sven; Keiler, Margreth; Mishra, Arabinda; Sötz, Elisabeth
Disasters threaten sustainable mountain development.
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Bachmann, Felicitas; Alcantara-Ayala, Irasema; Fuchs, Sven; Keiler, Margreth; Mishra, Arabinda; Sötz, Elisabeth
Safer lives and livelihoods in mountains: Making the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction work for sustainable mountain development (pp. 8-11).
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Alcantara-Ayala, Irasema; Bachmann, Felicitas; Fuchs, Sven; Keiler, Margreth; Kohler, Thomas; Mishra, Arabinda; Sötz, Elisabeth; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Zimmermann, Markus N.
Messages for policy-makers.
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Bachmann, Felicitas; Alcantara-Ayala, Irasema; Fuchs, Sven; Keiler, Margreth; Mishra, Arabinda; Sötz, Elisabeth
Safer lives and livelihoods in mountains: Making the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction work for sustainable mountain development (pp. 66-69).
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Heinimann, Andreas; Flint, Chris; Bernhard, Rasso; Hett, Cornelia
Putting upland agriculture on the map: The TABI experience in Laos.
Cairns, Malcom
Shifting Cultivation Policies: Balancing Environmental and Social Sustainability (pp. 819-835).
Wallingford, United Kingdom: CABI
Morales, Hernández; Ochoa Garcia, Heliodoro; Velázquez López, Laura; Maztache de los Santos, Azucena; Cervantes Martínez, Esaú; Becerra Guerrero, Ana Martha
La agricultura periurbana multifuncional y sus aportaciones hacia la sustentabilidad regional en la Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
Gerritsen, Peter R.W; Rist, Stephan; Morales Hernández, Jaime; Tapia Ponce, Nelson
Multifuncionalidad, Sustentabilidad y Buen Vivir, Miradas desde Bolivia y México (pp. 273-311).
CUCOSTA Sur, Mexico: Universidad de Guadalajara
Cavelti, Naina; Kohler, Thomas
Pendeln im Emmental. Bevölkerung, Wirtschaft und Arbeitsmobilität 1950-2011.
Bäschlin, Elisabeth; Wiedemar, Hans
Emmental. Jahrbuch der Geographischen Gesellschaft Bern: Vol. 65 (pp. 211-226).
Bern, Schweiz: Geographische Gesellschaft Bern
Kohler, Thomas; Wehrli, André; Batjargal, Elbegzaya; Kanyamibwa, Sam; Daniel, Maselli; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
The science-policy dialogue for climate change adaptation in mountain regions.
Salzmann, Nadine; Huggel, Christian; Nussbaumer, Samuel U.; Ziervogel, Gina
Climate Change Adaptation - an Upstream-downstream Perspective (pp. 271-292).
Springer International Publishing
Ingold, Karin; Fischer, Manuel
Belief Conflicts and Coalition Structures Driving Subnational Policy Responses: The Case of Swiss Regulation of Unconventional Gas Development.
Weible, Christopher M.; Heikkila, Tanya; Ingold, Karin; Fischer, Manuel
Policy Debates on Hydraulic Fracturing (pp. 201-237).
New York: Palgrave Macmillan US
Weible, Christopher M.; Heikkila, Tanya; Ingold, Karin; Fischer, Manuel
Introduction (Policy Debates on Hydraulic Fracturing).
Weible, Christopher M.; Heikkila, Tanya; Fischer, Manuel
Policy Debates on Hydraulic Fracturing (pp. 1-27).
New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Cairney, Paul; Fischer, Manuel; Ingold, Karin
Hydraulic Fracturing Policy in the United Kingdom: Coalition, Cooperation, and Opposition in the Face of Uncertainty.
Weible, Christopher M.; Heikkila, Tanya; Fischer, Manuel
Policy Debates on Hydraulic Fracturing (pp. 81-113).
New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Ingold, Karin; Fischer, Manuel; Heikkila, Tanya; Weible, Christopher M.
Assessments and Aspirations.
Weible, Christopher M.; Heikkila, Tanya; Ingold, Karin; Fischer, Manuel
Policy Debates on Hydraulic Fracturing (pp. 239-264).
New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Hammer, Thomas; Mose, Ingo; Siegrist, Dominik; Weixlbaumer, Norbert
Parks of the future - Which future for parks in Europe?
Hammer, Thomas; Mose, Ingo; Siegrist, Dominik; Weixlbaumer, Norbert
Parks of the future: Protected areas in Europe challenging regional and global change (pp. 13-22).
München, Germany: oekom Verlag
Hammer, Thomas; Siegrist, Dominik
Regional change management and collaborative regional governance as approaches tackling regional and global change in parks? Lessons learned from the Swiss model of parks of national significance.
Hammer, Thomas; Mose, Ingo; Siegrist, Dominik; Weixlbaumer, Norbert
Parks of the future: Protected areas in Europe challenging regional and global change (pp. 85-100).
München, Germany: oekom Verlag
Hammer, Thomas; Mose, Ingo; Siegrist, Dominik; Weixlbaumer, Norbert
Parks challenging regional and global change - An attempt at a synthesis.
Hammer, Thomas; Mose, Ingo; Siegrist, Dominik; Weixlbaumer, Norbert
Parks of the future: Protected areas in Europe challenging regional and global change (pp. 265-272).
München, Germany: oekom Verlag
Gambon, Helen; Kobi, Madlen
Legal frameworks and regulations for the mining industry.
Niederberger, Thomas; Haller, Tobias; Gambon, Helen; Kobi, Madlen; Wenk, Irina
The open cut: Mining, transnational corporations and local populations. Action Anthropology/Aktionsethnologie: Vol. 2 (pp. 35-58).
Zürich, Schweiz: LIT Verlag
Andres, Christian; Comoé, Hermann; Beerli, Anna; Schneider, Monika; Rist, Stephan; Jacobi, Johanna
Cocoa in monoculture and dynamic agroforestry.
Lichtfouse, Eric
Sustainable agriculture reviews. Sustainable agriculture reviews: Vol. 19 (pp. 121-153).
Cham, Switzerland: Springer International
Mekdaschi, Rima; Providoli, Isabelle; Liniger, Hanspeter
Sharing knowledge to spread sustainable land management.
Chabay, Ilan; Frick, Martin; Helgeson, Jennifer
Land restoration: Reclaiming landscapes for a sustainable future (pp. 543-545).
Cambridge, USA: Academic Press
Backhaus, Norman; Hammer, Thomas
Landschaft als Gegenstand in Wissenschaft, Politik und Planung.
Mathieu, Jon; Backhaus, Norman; Hürlimann, Katja; Bürgi, Mathias
Geschichte der Landschaft in der Schweiz: Von der Eiszeit bis zur Gegenwart (pp. 240-253).
Zürich, Schweiz: Orell Füssli
Hammer, Thomas; Siegrist, Dominik
Swiss landscape policy from the European Landscape Convention Perspective - experiences and challenges.
Jorgensen, Karsten; Clemetsen, Morten; Halvorsen Thoren, Anne-Karine; Richardson, Tim
Mainstreaming Landscape through the European Landscape Convention (pp. 149-160).
London, UK: Routledge
Lindt, Angela
‘Speech is Silver, Silence is Golden’: Gold Refining in Switzerland.
Niederberger, Thomas; Haller, Tobias; Gambon, Helen; Kobi, Madlen; Wenk, Irina
The open cut: Mining, transnational corporations and local populations. Action Anthropology/Aktionsethnologie: Vol. 2 (pp. 103-116).
Zürich: LIT Verlag
Heinimann, Andreas; Hett, Cornelia
Looking beyond individual hydropower project.
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Bachmann, Felicitas; Borsdorf, Axel; Kohler, Thomas; Jurek, Matthias; Sharma, Eklabya
Investing in sustainable mountain development: Opportunities, resources and benefits (pp. 18-19).
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, with Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan
Local knowledge and valuation of agroforestry practices and species for climate change adaptation in the Peruvian Andes.
Davidson-Hunt, Lain J; Suich, Helen; Meijer, Seline S; Nathalie, Olsen
People in Nature: Valuing the diversity of interrelationships between people and nature (pp. 32-33).
Gland, Switzerland: IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)
Delgado, Freddy; Rist, Stephan
Las ciencias desde la perspectiva del diálogo de saberes, la transdisciplinariedad y el diálogo intercientífico.
Delgado, Freddy; Rist, Stephan
Ciencias, diálogo de saberes y transdisciplinariedad. Aportes teórico metodológicos para la sustentabilidad alimentaria y del desarrollo (pp. 35-60).
La Paz, Bolivia: AGRUCO-UMSS-CDE
Delgado, Freddy; Rist, Stephan; Jacobi, Johanna; Delgado, Mayra
Desde nuestras ciencias al diálogo intercientífico para la sustentabilidad alimentaria y el desarrollo sustentable.
Delgado, Freddy; Rist, Stephan
Ciencias, diálogo de saberes y transdisciplinariedad. Aportes teórico metodológicos para la sustentabilidad alimentaria y del desarrollo (pp. 333-365).
La Paz, Bolivia: AGRUCO-UMSS-CDE
Schober, Eva; Tschannen, Amadea; Niederberger, Thomas Ibrahim Immanuel
The Mopani Copper Mines in the Copperbelt District, Zambia.
Haller, Tobias; Gambon, Helen Anna; Kobi, Madlen; Wenk, Irina
The Open Cut. Mining, Transnational Corporations and Local Populations. Action Anthropology/Aktionsethnologie: Vol. 2 (pp. 127-154).
Lit Verlag
Brom, Isabella; Bucher, Daniela
The Ranger and Jabiluka Uranium Mines in Northern Territory, Australia.
Niederberger, Thomas; Haller, Tobias; Gambon, Helen; Kobi, Madlen; Wenk, Irina
The open cut: Mining, transnational corporations and local populations. Action Anthropology/Aktionsethnologie: Vol. 2 (pp. 301-328).
Zürich: LIT Verlag
Hammer, Thomas; Leng, Marion
Linking Landscape Protection and Nature Conservation: Switzerland’s Experience with Protected Mire Landscapes.
Gambino, Roberto; Peano, Attilia
Nature Policies and Landscape Policies: Towards an Alliance. Urban and Landscape Perspectives: Vol. 18 (pp. 173-179).
Weixlbaumer, Norbert; Siegrist, Dominik; Mose, Ingo; Hammer, Thomas
Participation and Regional Governance. A Crucial Research Perspective on Protected Areas Policies in Austria and Switzerland.
Gambino, Roberto; Peano, Attilia
Nature Policies and Landscape Policies: Towards an Alliance. Urban and Landscape Perspectives: Vol. 18 (pp. 207-215).
Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
Scaling-up sustainable pro-poor energy.
Hostettler, Silvia; Gadgil, Ashok; Hazboun, Eileen
Sustainable Access to Energy in the Global South (pp. 81-86).
Hammer, Thomas; Leng, Marion
Natur erhalten durch Gestalten – Institutionelle Entwicklungen, Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze im Natur- und Landschaftsschutz in der Schweiz.
Erdmann, Karl-Heinz; Bork, Hans-Rudolf; Job, Hubert
Naturschutz in geographischer Perspektive (pp. 67-80).
Bonn, Deutschland: Bundesamt für Naturschutz
Weixlbaumer, Norbert; Siegrist, Dominik; Mose, Ingo; Hammer, Thomas
Grossschutzgebiete als Instrumente für zukunftsorientierte Regionalentwicklung in Europa – die Sicht der Schutzgebietsverantwortlichen und Forscher am Beispiel von Partizipation und Regional Governance.
Erdmann, Karl-Heinz; Bork, Hans-Rudolf; Job, Hubert
Naturschutz in geographischer Perspektive (pp. 81-88).
Bonn, Deutschland: Bundesamt für Naturschutz
Nazarmavloev, Farrukh; Nekushoeva, Gulniso; Sosin, Piotr M.; Wolfgramm, Bettina
Alpine soils and forests: Securing ecosystem services in the mountains of Tajikistan.
Romeo, R.; Vita, A.; Manuelli, S.; Zanini, E.; Freppaz, M.; Stanchi, S.
Understanding Mountain Soils: A contribution from mountain areas to the International Year of Soils 2015 (pp. 16-18).
Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Kläy, Andreas; Ott, Cordula
Erkenntnissysteme, Humanökologie und Ethik: C. West Churchmans Impuls zu Nachhaltiger Entwicklung am Beispiel der Klimaverhandlungen.
Simon, Karl-Heinz; Tretter, Felix
Systemtheorien und Humanökologie: Positionsbestimmungen in Theorie und Praxis (pp. 181-214).
München, Deutschland: oekom
Rist, Stephan
Klar, ohne Befreiung geht das nicht – Gedanken zur "grossen Transformation" in der Nachhaltigkeitsdebatte.
Stöckli, Bruno
Questioning development - Repenser le développement - Repensar el desarollo - Entwicklung neu denken (pp. 100-119).
Bern, Schweiz: dialogue4change
Bürgi, Elisabeth
Eckpfeiler eines nachhaltigen Agrarhandelssystems.
Borsani, Fausta; Gröbly, Thomas
Zwischen Fairtrade und Profit: Wer sät, der erntet - oder doch nicht? (pp. 125-140).
Bern, Switzerland: Stämpfli
Messerli, Peter; Peeters, Amaury; Schoenweger, Oliver; Nanhthavong, Vong; Heinimann, Andreas
Marginal lands or marginal people? Analysing key processes determining the outcomes of large-scale land acquisitions in Lao PDR and Cambodia.
Large-scale land acquisitions: Focus on South-East Asia. International development policy: Vol. 6 (pp. 136-171).
Jacobi, Johanna; Zanella, Matheus Alves; Pillco Mariscal, Maria Isabel; Lucana, Augustin Choque; Rist, Stephan
Alternatives for the sustainable development of Alto Beni, Bolivia.
Zanella, Matheus Alves; Rosendahl, Judith; Weigelt, Jes
Pro-poor resource governance under changing climates (pp. 71-85).
Potsdam, Germany: Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)
Liechti, Karina
Gebietsmonitoring - von der Systemebene zur Wertediskussion.
Backhaus, Norman; Cherix, Daniel; Scheurer, Thomas; Wallner, Astrid
Jusqu'où doit-on protéger la nature? / Wie viel Schutz(gebiete) braucht die Natur? (pp. 99-102).
Bern, Switzerland: Haupt
Ochoa-García, Heliodoro; Rist, Stephan
La emancipación como posibilidad para transitar hacia una gobernanza sustenable del agua.
Ochoa-García, Heliodoro
Imposition, resistance, and alternatives in the face of an inter - regional water crisis in Mexico: El Zapotillo project (in Spanish). Waterlat-Gobacit Network Working Papers: Vol. 2 (pp. 12-45).
Hurni, Hans
Paleoglaciated landscapes in Simen and other high-mountain areas of Ethiopia.
Billi, Paolo
Landscapes and landforms of Ethiopia (pp. 139-146).
Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer
Bürgi, Elisabeth
Trade and sustainable development: the role of impact assessments.
De Schutter, Olivier
Trade in the Service of Sustainable Development: Linking Trade to Labour Rights and Environmental Standards (pp. 41-44).
Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing
Paneque-Gálvez, Jaime; Luz, Ana C.; Bottazzi, Patrick; Guèze, Maximilien; Reyes-García, Victoria
Breve historia del pueblo tsimane’: territorio, recursos naturales y gobernanza indígena.
Reyes-García, Victoria; Huanca, Tomás
Cambio global, cambio local : la sociedad tsimane’ ante la globalización. Antropología: Vol. 24 (pp. 37-62).
Barcelona: ICARIA. Institut Català d'Antropologia
Perlik, Manfred
The Larger Socio-Economic Dynamic of Amenity-Seeking Practices.
Moss, Laurence A.G.; Glorioso, Romella S.
Global Amenity Migration: Transforming Rural Culture, Economy and Landscape (pp. 99-118).
Kaslo, BC, Canada & Port Townsend, WA, USA: The New Ecology Press
Winkler, Ralph; Almer, Christian; Bader, Christoph; Gonseth, Camille; Lucchetti, Jérémy; Thalmann, Philippe; Vielle, Marc
Energy consumption of buildings - direct impacts of a warming climate and rebound effects.
CH2014-Impacts : toward quantitative scenarios of climate change impacts in Switzerland (pp. 99-105).
Bern: Universität Bern, Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research
Golay, François; Ziegler, Stefan; Harari, Nicole; Métaireau, Béatrice; Carneiro, Claudio; Schuler, Martin
Academic cooperation to foster research and advocacy competences in the occupied Palestinian territory (West Bank).
Bolay, Jean-Claude; Hostettler, Silvia; Hazboun, Eileen
Technologies for sustainable development: a way to reduce poverty? (pp. 263-274).
Cham: Springer
Rist, Stephan; Darr, Barbara; Bottazzi, Patrick
At the Interface of Culture, Development, and Forests: Insights from Bolivia and Kenya.
Pretzsch, Jürgen; Darr, Dietrich; Uibrig, Holm; Auch, Eckhard
Forests and Rural Development. Tropical Forestry: Vol. 9 (pp. 167-204).
Berlin: Springer
Eakin, Hallie; DeFries, Ruth; Kerr, Suzi; Lambin, Eric F.; Liu, Jianguo; Marcotullio, Peter J.; Messerli, Peter; Reenberg, Anette; Rueda, Ximena; Swaffield, Simon R.; Wicke, Birka; Zimmerer, Karl
Significance of telecoupling for exploration of land-use change.
Seto, Karen C.; Reenberg, Anette
Rethinking global land use in an urban era. Strüngmann Forum Reports: Vol. 14 (pp. 141-161).
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Baghdadi, Nadia; Riano, Yvonne
Familie und Beruf vereinbaren? Vorstellungen und Strategien hochqualifizierter Migrant/innen.
Passagen, Forschungskreis Migration und Geschlecht
Vielfältig alltäglich: Migration und Geschlecht in der Schweiz. Geschlechterfragen (pp. 36-57).
Zürich: Seismo
Brönnimann, Stefan; Andrade, Marcos; Diaz, Henry F.
Climate Change and Mountains.
Kohler, Thomas; Wehrli, André; Jurek, Matthias
Mountains and Climate Change. A Global Concern. Sustainable Mountain Development Series (pp. 8-13).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Brönnimann, Stefan; Andrade, Marcos; Diaz, Henry F.
Climate Change in the European Alps.
Kohler, Thomas; Wehrli, André; Jurek, Matthias
Mountains and Climate Change. A Global Concern (pp. 14-15).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Brönnimann, Stefan; Andrade, Marcos; Diaz, Henry F.
Observed and Future Changes in the Tropical Andes.
Kohler, Thomas; Wehrli, André; Jurek, Matthias
Mountains and Climate Change. A Global Concern (pp. 16-17).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Brönnimann, Stefan; Andrade, Marcos; Diaz, Henry F.
Climate Change and Black Carbon in the Himalayas.
Kohler, Thomas; Wehrli, André; Jurek, Matthias
Mountains and Climate Change. A Global Concern (pp. 18-19).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Weingartner, Rolf
Mountain Waters and Climate Change From a Socio-Economic Perspective.
Kohler, Thomas; Wehrli, André; Jurek, Matthias
Mountains and Climate Change. A Global Concern (pp. 26-31).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Schädler, Bruno; Graefe, Olivier; Reynard, Emmanuel; Rist, Stephan; Weingartner, Rolf
Water Management Options Under Climate Change in the Swiss Alps.
Kohler, Thomas; Wehrli, André; Jurek, Matthias
Mountains and Climate Change. A Global Concern (pp. 40-43).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Bernet, Daniel B.; Lafranchi Pittet, Silvia; Devkota, Fidel
Moving a Whole Village as a Last Resort.
Kohler, Thomas; Wehrli, André; Jurek, Matthias
Mountains and Climate Change. A Global Concern (pp. 44-46).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Adegoke, Jimmy; Jagtap, Shrikant; Jimoh, David; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Ukeje, Julie; Anuforom, Anthony
Nigeria’s Changing Climate: Risks, Impacts & Adaptation in the Agriculture Sector.
Adegoke, Jimmy; Ibe, Chidi; Araba, Adebisi
National Agricultural Resilience Framework (NARF). A Report by the Advisory Committee on Agricultural Resilience in Nigeria (ACARN) (pp. 7-18).
Abuja, Nigeria: Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Nigeria
Vermeulen, Sonja; Abubakar, Yusuf; Conway, Gordon; Dziba, Luthando; Hoevel, Michael; Ibe, Chidi; Ibrahim, Asma; Olokor, Julius; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Ademiluyi, Adeyemi; Ajeigbe, Hakeem; Mbow, Cheikh; Saleh Moussa, Abdoulaye; Ouedraogo, Mathieu; Vervoort, Joost
Agricultural Research and Technology Development for Climate Resilient Agriculture.
Adegoke, Jimmy; Ibe, Chidi; Araba, Adebisi
National Agricultural Resilience Framework (NARF). A Report by the Advisory Committee on Agricultural Resilience in Nigeria (ACARN) (pp. 51-68).
Abuja, Nigeria: Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Nigeria
Ibe, Chidi; Adegoke, Jimmy; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Shisanya, Chris; Conway, Gordon; Araba, Adebisi; Obatola, Parcy; Areola, Foluke Tsewinor; Hoevel, Michael; Abdulkadir, Aisha; Akle, Moise; Cervigni, Raffaello; Bromhead, Marjorie-Ann Bisong; Babarinde, Segun; Nzekwu, Richard; Msheila, Mustapha; Bombata, Fashina
Policy Interventions in Support of Agricultural Resilience in Nigeria.
Adegoke, Jimmy; Ibe, Chidi; Araba, Adebisi
National Agricultural Resilience Framework (NARF). A Report by the Advisory Committee on Agricultural Resilience in Nigeria (ACARN) (pp. 81-109).
Abuja, Nigeria: Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Nigeria
Kohler, Thomas; Wehrli, André; Jurek, Matthias
Mountains and climate change: A global concern.
Kohler, Thomas; Wehrli, André; Jurek, Matthias
Mountains and climate change: A global concern (pp. 124-128).
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Debarbieux, Bernard; Jurek, Matthias; Kohler, Thomas; Maselli, Daniel; Oiry Varacca, Mari
Moving from hopes and fears to sustainable realities.
Debarbieux, Barnard; Oiry Varacca, Mari; Rudaz, Gilles; Maselli, Daniel; Kohler, Thomas; Jurek, Matthias
Tourism in mountain regions (pp. 94-97).
Geneva, Switzerland: Department of Geography and Environment, University of Geneva; Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern; United Nations Environment
Schnegg, Brigitte; Bieri, Sabin; Kofler, Andrea
To care and to be cared for: The role of elderly people in the Swiss care regime.
Reddy, Vasu; Meyer, Stephan; Shefer, Tamara; Meyiwa, Thenjiwe
Care in context (pp. 265-281).
Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC press
Liniger, Hanspeter; Kiteme Bonface, Peter; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Kohler, Thomas
Mount Kenya: Water tower in a complex regional setting.
Africa mountains atlas (pp. 258-259).
Nairobi: UNEP
Stedman, Richard C.; Ingalls, Micah
Topophilia, Biophilia and Greening in the Red Zone.
Tidball, Keith G.; Krasny, Marianne E.
Greening in the Red Zone. Disaster, Resilience and Community Greening (pp. 129-144).
Dordrecht: Springer
Bachmann, Felicitas
Radio Mampita - the powerful voice of rural people.
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Romeo, Rosalaura; Vita, Alessia; Wurzinger, Maria; Kohler, Thomas
Mountain farming is family farming (pp. 32-33).
Rome: FAO
Hurni, Hans
Global change and mountain livelihoods.
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Romeo, Rosalaura; Vita, Alessia; Wurzinger, Maria; Kohler, Thomas
Mountain farming is family farming (pp. 14-15).
Rome: FAO
Kohler, Thomas; Romeo, Rosalaura
Mountain farming is family farming.
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Romeo, Rosalaura; Vita, Alessia; Wurzinger, Maria; Kohler, Thomas
Mountain farming is family farming (pp. 10-11).
Rome: FAO
Kohler, Thomas; Romeo, Rosalaura; Vita, Alessia; Wurzinger, Maria; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
The future of family farming in mountains: policy messages.
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Romeo, Rosalaura; Vita, Alessia; Wurzinger, Maria; Kohler, Thomas
Mountain farming is family farming (pp. 86-87).
Rome: FAO
Kohler, Thomas; Wagner, Kata
Diversification of mountain livelihoods.
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Romeo, Rosalaura; Vita, Alessia; Wurzinger, Maria; Kohler, Thomas
Mountain farming is family farming (pp. 72-75).
Rome: FAO
Michel, Claudia; Hearn, Simon; Wülser, Gabriela; Breu, Thomas
Maximising the impact of transdisciplinary research with a novel approach: ROMA (RAPID Outcome Mapping).
Michel, Claudia; Heim, Eva Maria; Zimmermann, Anne B; Herweg, Karl; Breu, Thomas
Maximising the impact of research: the NCCR North-South approach. NCCR North-South Dialogue: Vol. 48 (pp. 11-19).
Bern: NCCR North-South
Price, Martin F.; Kohler, Thomas
Sustainable mountain development.
Price, Martin F.; Byers, Alton C.; Friend, Donald A.; Kohler, Thomas; Price, Larry W.
Mountain geography (pp. 333-365).
Berkeley: University of California Press
Rueff, Henri; Rahim, Inam-ur
Sustainable mountain pastoralism: challenges and opportunities.
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Romeo, Rosalaura; Vita, Alessia; Wurzinger, Maria; Kohler, Thomas
Mountain farming is family farming (pp. 50-51).
Rome: FAO
Wymann von Dach, Susanne
Mountain products and market development.
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Romeo, Rosalaura; Vita, Alessia; Wurzinger, Maria; Kohler, Thomas
Mountain farming is family farming (pp. 58-59).
Rome: FAO
Breu, Thomas Michael; Michel, Claudia; Shabdolov, Alisher; Hurni, Hans
Looking back: plausible links between a research intervention and the course of development in the Tajik Pamirs.
Michel, Claudia; Heim, Eva Maria; Zimmermann, Anne B.; Herweg, Karl; Breu, Thomas
Maximising the impact of research: the NCCR North-South approach. NCCR North-South Dialogue: Vol. 48 (pp. 45-52).
Bern: NCCR North-South
Wallner, Astrid
Projekt- und Experteninformation im Besuchermanagement.
Clivaz, Christophe; Rupf, Reto; Siegrist, Dominik
VISIMAN Beiträge zu Besuchermonitoring und Besuchermanagement in Pärken und naturnahen Erholungsgebieten. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Landschaft und Freiraum: Vol. 10 (pp. 50-51).
Rapperswil: HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth
Right to food, sustainable development and trade: all faces of the same cube?
Rayfuse, Rosemary; Weisfelt, Nicole
The challenge of food security: International policy and regulatory frameworks (pp. 70-91).
Cheltenham: Elgar
Delgado, Freddy; Escobar, Cesar; Rist, Stephan; Ricaldi, Denis
Knowledge dialogues for sustainable endogenous development: Reforming higher education and research in Bolivia.
Haverkort, Bertus; Delgado, Freddy; Shankar, Darshan; Millar, David
Towards co-creation of sciences. Building on the plurality of worldviews, values and methods in different knowledge communities (pp. 186-233).
Bangalore, India: Nimby Books
Rist, Stephan; Simmen, Andreas
Das ist nicht mehr die Zeit der politislchen Rezepte! Gespräch mit Alvaro Garcia Linera in La Paz am 27. und 28. Februar 2011.
García Linera, Álvaro
Vom Rand ins Zentrum. Die Neugestaltung von Staat und Gesellschaft in Bolivien (pp. 11-32).
Zürich: Rotpunktverlag
Rueff, Henri; Schwartz, Moshe
Can carbon finance enhance desert afforestation and serve smallholders' needs?
Mol, Lisa; Sternberg, Troy
Changing deserts: integrating people and their environment (pp. 83-98).
White Horse Press
Michel, Claudia; Heim, Eva; Lüthi, Christoph; Upreti, Bishnu Raj; Cissé, Cuéladio; Pfeiffer, Constanze
The impact of research on policy: The case of stakeholder dialogues in development-oriented research.
International Conference on Research for Development, 20.-22.8.2012.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Baumgartner, Ruedi; Rist, Stephan
Estrategias de vida para 'vivir bien': Un enfoque conceptual intercultural en el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia.
Baumgartner, Ruedi; Högger, Ruedi; Rist, Stephan
Hacia estrategias de vida sostenibles. Culturas, recursos y cambios en India y Bolivia (pp. 145-177).
La Paz, Bolivien: Plural Editores
Bieri, Sabin; Ott, Cordula; Freytes Frey, Ada; Cross, Cecilia; Partenio, Florencia; Fernández Álvarez, María Inés
A tool for thought and transformation: Gender-considerate global change research in practice.
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 185-205).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Breu, Thomas; Hurni, Hans; Portner, Brigitte; Schwilch, Gudrun; Wolfgramm, Bettina; Messerli, Peter; Herweg, Karl
Sustainable land management and global development: Factors affecting land users' efforts to adopt and sustain the productive use of natural resources.
Wiesmann, Urs; Hurni, Hans; ,
Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 427-449).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Delgado, Freddy; Rist, Stephan; Escóbar, Cesar
Desarrollo endógeno sustentable: camino para re-actualizar el "Vivir Bien" en el contexto de la revolución democrática y cultural de Bolivia.
Farah H, Ivonne; Vasapollo, Luciano
Vivir bien: ¿Paradigma no capitalista? (pp. 401-422).
La Paz, Bolivien: CIDES-UMSA
Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Heinimann, Andreas; Messerli, Peter; Notter, Benedikt; Muchemi, Julius; Breu, Thomas; Epprecht, Michael
Towards a differentiated assessment of geographic information sciences for sustainable development.
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 361-376).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Gallati, Justus; Wiesmann, Urs
System Dynamics in transdisciplinary research for sustainable development.
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 345-360).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Geiser, Urs; Bottazzi, Patrick; Epprecht, Michael; Fokou, Gilbert; Fritschi, Astrid; Ramakumar, R.; Shahbaz, Babar; Steinmann, Bernd; Strasser, Balz
Access to livelihood assets: Inclusion, exclusion, and the reality of development interventions.
Wiesmann, Urs; Hurni, Hans; ed, al
Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 313-330).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Hurni, Hans; Debele, Berhanu
Water Governance in the Nile Basin: Box 15.
Berrahmouni, Nora; Romeo, Rosalaura; McGuire, Douglas; Zelaya, Sergio; Maselli, Daniel; Kohler, Thomas
Highlands and Drylands. Mountains, a source of resilience in arid regions (p. 92).
Rom, Italien: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Centre of Development and Environment (CDE)
Hurni, Hans; Debele, Berhanu; Zeleke, Gete
Sustainable land management in the Ethiopian Highlands. Adaptive Management in Agriculture: Box 9.
Berrahmouni, Nora; Romero, Rosalaura; McGuire, Douglas; Zelaya, Sergio; Maselli, Daniel; Kohler, Thomas
Highlands and Drylands. Mountains, a source of resilience in arid regions (p. 76).
Rom, Italien: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Centre of Development and Environment (CDE)
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Global change research for sustainable development.
Wiesmann, Urs; Hurni, Hans
Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 15-42).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Lacroix, Laurent; Rist, Stephan; Gerritsen, Peter RW; Péclard, Didier
Social and political participation in sustainable development with a focus on governance.
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 147-164).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Messerli, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas; Epprecht, Michael
Finding homogeneity in heterogeneity: A new approach to quantifying landscape mosaics, developed for the Lao PDR.
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 377-402).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Ott, Cordula; Bieri, Sabin
From rhetoric to concept: Incremental steps for mainstreaming gender in the NCCR North-South.
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 289-311).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Price, Martin; Kohler, Thomas; Gratzer, Georg
Moving towards action.
Price, Martin; Gratzer, Georg; Alemayehu, Duguma; Kohler, Thomas; Maselli, Daniel
Mountain Forests in a Changing World (pp. 76-78).
Rom, Italien: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Providoli, Isabelle; Sthapit, Keshar Man; Dhakal, Madhav; Sharma, Eklabya
Mainstreaming a Decade's Experiences in Watershed Management to Meet the Challenges of Environmental Change in the Hindu Kush-Himalayas.
Vaughn, Jeremy
Watersheds: Management, Restoration and Environmental Impact (pp. 305-318).
New York: Nova Science Publishers
Rist, Stephan; Boillat, Sébastien; Gerritsen, Peter RW; Schneider, Flurina; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Tapia, Nelson
Endogenous knowledge: Implications for sustainable development.
Wiesman, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 119-146).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Wiesmann, Urs; Hurni, Hans; Ott, Cordula; Zingerli, Claudia
Combining the concepts of transdisciplinarity and partnership in research for sustainable development.
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 43-70).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Wiesmann, Urs; Ott, Cordula; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Kiteme, Boniface; Müller-Böker, Ulrike; Messerli, Peter; Zinsstag, Jakob
A human actor model as a conceptual orientation in interdisciplinary research for sustainable development.
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 231-256).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Zinsstag, Jakob; Tanner, Marcel; Nguyen Viet, Hung; Obrist, Brigitte; Cissé, Guéladio; Bonfoh, Bassirou; Schertenleib, Roland; Zurbrügg, Christian; Yitaferu, Birru; Bantider, Amare; Hurni, Hans
Interdisciplinary approaches in research for sustainable development.
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 207-228).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Schneider, Flurina
Approaching water stress in the Alps: Transdisciplinary co-production of systems, target and transformation knowledge.
Borsdorf, Axel; Stötter, Johann; Veulliet, Eric
Managing Alpine Future II - Inspire and drive sustainable mountain regions. Proceedings of the Innsbruck Conference November 21-23, 2011 (pp. 107-117).
Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Haller, Tobias; Galvin, Marc
Challenges for Participatory Conservation in Times of Global Change: Lessons from a Comparative Analysis and New Developments.
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
Research for Sustainable Development. Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research NCCR North-South University of Bern: Vol. 6 (pp. 467-503).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Ludi, Eva; Amsalu, Aklilu; Chiuri, Wanjiku; Haller, Tobias; Mbeyale, Gimbage; Mhando, David
Sustainable Livelihoods for Coffee Producers in East Africa: Is Producing Speciality Coffee a Way Out of Poverty?
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
Research for Sustainable Development. Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research NCCR North-South University of Bern: Vol. 6 (pp. 505-524).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Hufty, Marc
Investigating policy processes: The Governance Analytical Frame-work (GAF).
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
Research for sustainable development 6 (pp. 403-424).
Bern, Schweiz: Geographica Bernensia; NCCR North-South
Oludhe, Christopher; Abiodun, Babatunde; Oguntunde, Philip; Ogallo, Laban; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
African climate change: past and future.
Addressing Climate Change Challenges in Africa: A Practical Guide Towards Sustainable Development (pp. 4-20).
Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Ruppel, Oliver; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Institutional legal and policy frameworks.
Addressing Climate Change Challenges in Africa: A Practical Guide Towards Sustainable Development (pp. 170-202).
Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Bürgi, Elisabeth
Die wirtschaftspolitischen Rahmenbedingungen müssen stimmen: Fazit.
Bieri, Sabin; Fankhauser, Lilian; Sancar, Annemarie; Stolz, Nicole
Mehr. Wert.: Beiträge zur geschlechtergerechten wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung (pp. 56-57).
Bern, Schweiz: Universität Bern; Caritas; Direktion für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit DEZA
Bürgi, Elisabeth; Fankhauser, Lilian
Mehr Rechte für Frauen = Weniger Hunger?
Auf gleicher Augenhöhe: Gendergerechtigkeit als Strategie gegen Hunger, Armut und Klimakrise (pp. 9-12).
Bern, Schweiz: Brot für alle / Fastenopfer
Boillat, Sébastien; Alca, Castillo Jamil; Álvarez, Alex; Bottazzi, Patrick; Ponce Camacho, Dora; Serrano, Elvira; Biffi, Valeria; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Larsen, Peter Bille; Rist, Stephan
Protected Areas and Indigenous Peoples in Bolivia and Peru: Dilemmas, Conflicts, and Ways Out.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs
Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 501-515).
Bern, Schweiz: Geographica Bernensia
Epprecht, Michael; Heinimann, Andreas; Messerli, Peter; Schmidt-Vogt, Dietrich; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Accessibility as a determinant of environmental dynamics in socio-economic disparities in mainland Southeast Asia.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs
Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 371-384).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Gmünder, Simon; Portner, Brigitte
Biofuels and developing countries.
Zah, Rainer; Binder, Claudia; Bringezu, Stefan; Reinhard, Jürgen; Schmid, Alfons; Schütz, Helmut
Future Perspectives of 2nd Generation Biofuels. TA-SWISS / Zentrum für Technologiefolgen-Abschätzung: Vol. 55 (pp. 194-202).
Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag
Hurni, Hans; Abate, Solomon; Bantider, Amare; Debele, Berhanu; Ludi, Eva; Portner, Brigitte; Yitaferu, Birru; Zeleke, Gete
Land degradation and sustainable land management in the Highlands of Ethiopia.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs
Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 187-207).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Kiteme, Boniface P.; Obrist, Brigit; Kessy, Flora; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Misana, Salomé; Mvena, Zebedayo; Lelo, Francis; Wiesmann, Urs
Features of successful syndrome mitigation: Enhancing resilience and empowering the vulnerable in East Africa.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs
Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 131-147).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Liechti, Karina; Müller, Urs
Negotiating conservation: the construction of meaningful spaces in a world heritage debate.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs
Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 547-561).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Maselli, Daniel; Arynova, Nazgulmira; Ershova, Natalya; Ivanova, Natalya; Bilenko, Viktor; Liniger, Hanspeter
Managing water in a dynamic setting: The challenges of change in Central Asia.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs
Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 223-239).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Ngana, James; Notter, Benedikt; Messerli, Peter; Mbeyale, Gimbage; Msuya, Tuli; Chitiki, A.
Managing water resources in dynamic settings: A multi-level, multi-stakeholder perspective.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs
Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 91-106).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Sommer, Rosmarie; Wallner, Astrid; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Sustainable regional development: Reconciling global and local dynamics and stakes in the Swiss Alps.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs
Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 531-546).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Wallner, Astrid
Sustainable development and nature protection in the Swiss Alps: Finding the balance.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs
Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 519-530).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Wallner, Astrid; Schüpbach, Ursula; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Managing a World Heritage Site: Potentials and limitations of transdisciplinary approaches.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs
Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 563-578).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Wolfgramm, Bettina; Shigaeva, Jyldyz; Nekushoeva, Gulniso; Bonfoh, Bassirou; Breu, Thomas Michael; Liniger, Hanspeter; Maselli, Daniel
Kyrgyz and Tajik land use in transition: Challenges, responses and opportunities.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs
Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 241-254).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Ayiemba, Elias; Gimbage, Mbeyale; Ludi, Eva; Onganyi, Paul; Mwamfupe, Davis
Strengthening policies and institutions to support adaptation to climate variability and change in the drylands of East Africa.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs
Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 107-130).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Hurni, Hans; Osman-Elasha, Balgis; Giger, Markus; Klaey, Andreas; Ott, Cordula; Hoeggel, Udo; Rist, Stephan; Portner, Brigitte
Context, conceptual framework and sustainability indicators.
McIntyre, Beverly D.; Herren, Hans; Wakhungu, Judi; Watson, Robert T.
Agriculture at a Crossroads: Global Report. International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (pp. 1-56).
Washington: Island Press
Geiser, Urs; Rist, Stephan
Decentralisation meets local complexity: Conceptual entry points: Field-level findings and insights gained.
Geiser, Urs; Rist, Stephan
Decentralisation meets local complexity: Local struggles, state decentralisation and access to natural resources in South Asia and Latin America. Perspectives: Vol. 4 (pp. 15-55).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Bachmann, Felicitas; Gabathuler, Ernst
Learning for sustainability - LforS: Simulation games - a creative tool for interactive learning.
Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha
Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 371-374).
Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers
Bachmann, Felicitas; Rist, Stephan; Hoffmann, Volker
Self-help extension: Farmer-to-farmer extension.
Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha
Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 76-83).
Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers
Gabathuler, Ernst; Bachmann, Felicitas
Learning for Sustainability - LforS: Training modules and workshop guidelines.
Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha
Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 480-483).
Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers
Gabathuler, Ernst; Bachmann, Felicitas
Learning for Sustainability - LforS: Stakeholder dialogue.
Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha
Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 375-380).
Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers
Gabathuler, Ernst; Bachmann, Felicitas; Rist, Stephan
Learning for Sustainability - LforS: An extension approach in small scale farming.
Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha
Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 97-112).
Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers
Bachmann, Felicitas; Rist, Stephan; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Bachmann, Felicitas
Promoting local innovation - a tool for sustainable rural development.
Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha
Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 354-365).
Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers
Rist, Stephan; Delgado, Freddy
Strengthening endogenous knowledge production through intercultural dialogue.
Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha
Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 346-353).
Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers
Rist, Stephan; Gerster-Bentaya, M.; Hoffmann, Volker
Paulo Freire's pedagogical approach: The acting human being.
Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha
Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 548-555).
Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers
Rist, Stephan; Hoffmann, Volker; Koshelev, V.
Alexander Tschajanow and Social Agronomy.
Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha
Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 528-534).
Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers
Neubert, Susanne; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Ökologische Landwirtschaft als Anpassungsstrategie?
Ludwig, Sabine; Wilhelm, Jürgen
Klimawandel und Entwicklungspolitik (pp. 135-146).
Dienheim: Iatros Verlag
Herweg, Karl Günter; Künzel, Manfred; Rist, Stephan; Hurni, Hans
Gemeinsames Lernen in Forschungspartnerschaften mit dem Süden - praxisnah, interkulturell und transdisziplinär.
Darbellay, Frédéric; Paulsen, Theres
Herausforderungen Inter- und Transdisziplinarität: Konzepte, Methoden und innovative Umsetzung in Lehre und Forschung (pp. 83-91).
Lausanne, Schweiz: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes (PPUR)
Boillat, Sébastien; Rist, Stephan; Serrano, Elvira; Ponce, Dora; Delgadillo, Jaime
Struggling "Ontological Communities": The Transformation of Conservationists' and Peasants' Discourses in the Tunari National Park, Bolivia.
Galvin, Marc; Haller, Tobias
People, Protected Areas and Global Change: Participatory Conservation in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South (pp. 37-80).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Hoffmann-Riem, Holger; Biber-Klemm, Susette; Grossenbacher-Mansuy, Walter; Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Joye, Dominique; Pohl, Christian; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Zemp, Elisabeth
Idea of the Handbook.
Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Hoffmann-Riem, Holger; Biber-Klemm, Susette; Grossenbacher-Mansuy, Walter; Joye, Dominique; Pohl, Christian; Wiesmann, Urs; Zemp, Elisabeth
Handbook of Transdisciplinary Research (pp. 3-17).
Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Biber-Klemm, Susette; Grossenbacher-Mansuy, Walter; Hoffmann-Riem, Holger; Joye, Dominique; Pohl, Christian; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Zemp, Elisabeth
The Emergence of Transdisciplinarity as a Form of Research.
Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Hoffmann-Riem, Holger; Biber-Klemm, Susette; Grossenbacher-Mansuy, Walter; Joye, Dominique; Pohl, Christian; Wiesmann, Urs; Zemp, Elisabeth
Handbook of Transdisciplinary Research (pp. 19-39).
Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Kiteme, Boniface P.; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Sustainable River Basin Management in Kenya: Balancing Needs and Requirements.
Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Hoffmann-Riem, Holger; Biber-Klemm, Susette; Grossenbacher-Mansuy, Walter; Joye, Dominique; Pohl, Christian; Wiesmann, Urs; Zemp, Elisabeth
Handbook of Transdisciplinary Research (pp. 63-78).
Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Biber-Klemm, Susette; Grossenbacher-Mansuy, Walter; Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Hoffmann-Riem, Holger; Joye, Dominique; Pohl, Christian; Zemp, Elisabeth
Enhancing Transdisciplinary Research: A Synthesis in Fifteen Propositions.
Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Hoffmann-Riem, Holger; Biber-Klemm, Susette; Grossenbacher-Mansuy, Walter; Joye, Dominique; Pohl, Christian; Wiesmann, Urs; Zemp, Elisabeth
Handbook of Transdisciplinary Research (pp. 433-441).
Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Liniger, Hanspeter; Critchley, William; Gurtner, Mats; Schwilch, Gudrun; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima; Hauert, Christine
"Where the land is greener" - Documenting and Evaluating No-Till Knowledge and Experiences.
Goddard, Tom; Zoebisch, Michael A.; Gan, Yantai; Ellis, Wyn; Watson, Alex; Sombatpanit, Samran
No-Till Farming Systems. Special Publication: Vol. 3 (pp. 469-475).
Bangkok: World Association of Soil and Water Conservation
Hurni, Hans; Abunie, Leykun; Ludi, Eva; Woubshet, Mulugeta
The Evolution of Institutional Approaches in the Simen Mountains National Park, Ethiopia.
Galvin, Marc; Haller, Tobias
People, Protected Areas and Global Change: Participatory Conservation in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 3 (pp. 287-323).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Wallner, Astrid; Rist, Stephan; Liechti, Karina; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Protection: A Means for Sustainable Development? The Case of the Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn World Heritage Site in Switzerland.
Galvin, Marc; Haller, Tobias
People, Protected Areas and Global Change: Participatory Conservation in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 3 (pp. 471-504).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Biber-Klemm, Susette; Grossenbacher-Mansuy, Walter; Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Hoffmann-Riem, Holger; Joye, Dominique; Pohl, Christian; Zemp, Elisabeth
Comment renforcer la recherche transdisciplinaire: Une synthèse en quinze propositions.
Darbellay, Frédéric; Paulsen, Theres
Herausforderungen Inter- und Transdisziplinarität. Konzepte, Methoden und innovative Umsetzung in Lehre und Forschung (pp. 169-196).
Lausanne, Schweiz: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes (PPUR)
Hurni, Hans; Herweg, Karl; Portner, Brigitte; Liniger, Hanspeter
Soil Erosion and Conservation in Global Agriculture.
Braimoh, Ademola K.; Vlek, Paul L.G.
Land Use and Soil Resources (pp. 41-71).
Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Ledermann, Thomas; Herweg, Karl Günter; Liniger, Hanspeter; Schneider, Flurina; Hurni, Hans; Prasuhn, Volker
Erosion Damage Mapping: Assessing Current Soil Erosion Damage in Switzerland.
The soils of tomorrow. Advances in Geoecology: Vol. 39 (pp. 263-283).
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Wallner, Astrid; Ruppen, Beat
Tourismus als Schlüssel zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung in der Werlterebe-Region Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn (Schweiz).
Luger, Kurt; Wöhler, Karlheinz
Welterbe und Tourismus: Schützen und Nützen aus einer Perspektive der Nachhaltigkeit. Tourismus: transkulturell & transdisziplinär: Vol. 9 (pp. 197-216).
Innsbruck, Österreich: Studienverlag
Hauert, Christine; Liniger, Hanspeter
Soil erosion and conservation in global agriculture.
Goddard, Tom; Zoebisch, Michael A.; Gran, Yantai; Ellis, Wyn; Watson, Alex; Sombatpanit, Samran
No-till Farming Systems (pp. 91-102).
Bangkok, Thailand: World Association of Soil and Water Conservation
Ergashev, Murod; Nekushoeva, Gulniso; Wolfgramm, Bettina
Conversion of grazing land to fruit and fodder plots.
Liniger, Hanspeter; Critchley, William; Gurtner, Mats; Schwilch, Gudrun; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima
Where the land is greener: Case studies and analysis of soil and water conservation initiatives worldwide 2.2 (pp. 189-192).
Wageningen: World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT)
Ergashev, Murod; Nekushoeva, Gulniso; Wolfgramm, Bettina
Farmer innovation and self-help group.
Liniger, Hanspeter; Critchley, William; Gurtner, Mats; Schwilch, Gudrun; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima
Where the land is greener: Case studies and analysis of soil and water conservation initiatives worldwide 2.2 (pp. 193-196).
Wageningen: World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT)
Herweg, Karl Günter
Impact Monitoring in Soil and Water Conservation: Taking a Wider Look.
De Graaff, Jan; Cameron, John; Sombatpanit, Samran; Pieri, Christian; Woodhill, Jim
Monitoring and Evaluation of Soil Conservation and Watershed Development Projects (pp. 69-82).
New Hampshire: Science Publishers
Hurni, Hans
Nachhaltige Entwicklung in Afrika: Globale Agenda und lokales Handeln.
Bearth, Thomas; Becker, Barbara; Kappel, Rolf; Krüger, Gesine; Pfister, Roger
Afrika im Wandel. Zürcher Hochschulforum: Vol. 40 (pp. 123-136).
Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Boillat, Sébastien; Rist, Stephan
Promoting the Diversity of Worldviews.
Haverkort, Bertus; Rist, Stephan
Endogenous Development and Bio-cultural Diversity (pp. 67-81).
Leusden, Netherlands: Compas/ETC
Rist, Stephan
The importance of Bio-cultural Diversity for Endogenous Development.
Haverkort, Bertus; Rist, Stephan
Endogenous Development and Bio-cultural Diversity. Compas series on Worldviews and Sciences: Vol. 6 (pp. 14-23).
Leusden, Netherlands: Compas/ETC
Rist, Stephan; Delgado, Freddy; Wiesmann, Urs
Social Learning Processes and Sustainable Development: The Emergence and Trans-formation of an Indigenous Land Use System in the Andes of Bolivia.
Wals, Arjen
Social learning towards a sustainable world (pp. 229-244).
Wageningen, Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers
Sanginov, Sanginboy; Wolfgramm, Bettina
Orchard-based agroforestry.
Liniger, Hanspeter; Critchley, William; Gurtner, Mats; Schwilch, Gudrun; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima
Where the land is greener: Case studies and analysis of soil and water conservation initiatives worldwide 2.2 (pp. 197-200).
Wageningen, Netherlands: World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT)
Wallner, Astrid; Wiesmann, Urs
Regionalentwicklung - Heterogener Lebens- und Wirtschaftsraum.
Wallner, Astrid; Wiesmann, Urs; Bäschlin, Elisabeth; Grosjean, Martin; Labhart, Toni; Schüpbach, Ursula
Welt der Alpen - Erbe der Welt: UNESCO Welterbe-Region Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn. Jahrbuch der Geographischen Gesellschaft Bern: Vol. 62 (pp. 185-198).
Bern: Haupt
Wiesmann, Urs; Aerni, Isabel; Ruppen, Beat; Wallner, Astrid
Tourismus - Schlüssel zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung.
Wallner, Astrid; Wiesmann, Urs; Bäschlin, Elisabeth; Grosjean, Martin; Labhart, Toni; Schüpbach, Ursula
Welt der Alpen - Erbe der Welt: UNESCO Welterbe-Region Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn. Jahrbuch der Geographischen Gesellschaft Bern: Vol. 62 (pp. 221-240).
Bern: Haupt
Wiesmann, Urs; Messerli, Peter
Wege aus den konzeptionellen Fallen der Nachhaltigkeit - Beiträge der Geographie.
Kaufmann, Ruth; Burger, Paul; Stoffel, Martine
Nachhaltigkeitsforschung - Perspektiven der Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften. Nachhaltige Entwicklung (pp. 123-142).
Bern, Schweiz: Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften SAGW
Wiesmann, Urs; Wallner, Astrid; Schüpbach, Ursula; Ruppen, Beat
Management - Zwischen Schutz und Nutzung.
Wallner, Astrid; Wiesmann, Urs; Bäschlin, Elisabeth; Grosjean, Martin; Labhart, Toni; Schüpbach, Ursula
Welt der Alpen - Erbe der Welt: UNESCO Welterbe-Region Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn. Jahrbuch der Geographischen Gesellschaft Bern: Vol. 62 (pp. 271-283).
Bern: Haupt
Labhart, Toni; Wallner, Astrid
Wissenschaft - Erkundung und Erforschung.
Wallner, Astrid; Wiesmann, Urs; Bäschlin, Elisabeth; Grosjean, Martin; Labhart, Toni; Schüpbach, Ursula
Welt der Alpen - Erbe der Welt: UNESCO Welterbe-Region Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn. Jahrbuch der Geographischen Gesellschaft Bern: Vol. 62/7 (pp. 133-148).
Bern, Schweiz: Haupt
Giger, Markus
Soil and Land in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and the Rio Conventions.
Hurni, Hans; Giger, Markus; Meyer, Konrad
Soils on the global agenda: Developing international mechanisms for sustainable land management (pp. 37-39).
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia
Rist, Stephan
Dialogo intra e intercientífico entre comunidades ontológicas.
Delgado, Freddy; Escóbar, Cesar
Dialogo intercultural e intercientifico: Para el fortalecimiento de las ciencias de los pueblos indígenas originarios. Serie Cosmovisión y Ciencias: Vol. 2 (pp. 87-100).
La Paz, Bolivia: Compas/Agruco/Plural
Rist, Stephan; Wiesmann, Urs; San Martín, Juan; Delgado, Freddy
From scientific monoculture to intra- and intercultural dialogue: Endogenous development in a North-South perspective.
Haverkort, Bertus; Reijntjes, Coen
Moving Worldviews: Reshaping sciences, policies and practices for endogenous sustainable development. Compas Series on Worldviews and Sciences: Vol. 4 (pp. 320-339).
Leusden, Netherlands: ETC/Compas
Critchley, William; Liniger, Hanspeter
WOCAT: A framework for monitoring and evaluation of soil and water conservation initiatives.
De Graaf, Jan; Cameron, John; Sombatpanit, Samran; Pieri, Christian; Woodhill, Jim
Monitoring and evaluation of soil conservation and watershed development projects (pp. 477-491).
New Hampshire, USA: Science Publishers
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Gender-based analysis of vulnerability to drought among agro-pastoral households in semi-arid Makueni district, Kenya.
Premchander, Smita; Müller, Christine
Gender and Sustainable Development: Case Studies from NCCR North-South. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 2 (pp. 119-146).
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia
Rist, Stephan
Presentación del libro : Análisis de la relación de movimientos sociales, recursos naturales, estado y descentralización.
Orozco, Shirley; Garcia Linera, Alvaro; Stefanoni, Pablo
Análisis de la relación de movimientos sociales, recursos naturales, estado y descentralización (pp. 9-15).
La Paz, Bolivien: Plural Editores
Hurni, Hans; Liniger, Hanspeter; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Research Partnerships for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change in Mountain Regions: An Overview of Current Knowledge.
Huber, Uli M.; Bugmann, Harald K. M.; Reasoner, Mel A.
Global Change and Mountain Regions: An overview of current knowledge. Advances in Global Change Research: Vol. 23 (pp. 593-603).
Macmillan, Lindsay; Liniger, Hanspeter
Monitoring and modelling for the sustainable management of water resources in tropical mountain basins: The Mount Kenya example.
Huber, Uli M.; Bugmann, Harald K. M.; Reasoner, Mel A.
Global Change and Mountain Regions: An overview of current knowledge. Advances in Global Change Research: Vol. 23 (pp. 605-616).
Rist, Stephan; Delgado, Freddy; Flores, Ruben
El control social en la interface de communidades campesinas y municipios: Un proceso de aprendizaje social para el desarrollo sostenible.
Hufty, Marc; Auroi, Claude; de la Fuente, Manuel
A dónde va Bolivia?: Gobernancia, gobernabilidad y democratizacion (pp. 117-148).
La Paz, Bolivien: PLURAL, IUED, NCCR North-South
Serrano, Elvira; Boillat, Sébastien; Rist, Stephan
Incorporating Gender in Research on Indigenous Environmental Knowledge in the Tunari National Park in the Bolivian Andes.
Premchander, Smita; Müller, Christine
Gender and sustainable development: Case studies from NCCR North-South. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 2 (pp. 305-327).
Bern, Switzerland: NCCR North-South
Bürgi, Elisabeth; Niklaus, Hans Jakob
A country study on trade in tobacco: Switzerland.
Meyer, Matthias
Agricultural exports as engine of growth for developing countries? (pp. 69-89).
Bern, Switzerland: Seco
Bürgi, Elisabeth
The regulatory aspects of international trade in tobacco.
Meyer, Matthias
Agricultural exports as engine of growth for developing countries? (pp. 17-28).
Bern, Switzerland: Seco
Cottier, Thomas; Pauwelyn, Joost; Bürgi, Elisabeth
Cottier, Thomas; Pauwelyn, Joost; Bürgi, Elisabeth
Human rights and international trade. International Economic Law Series (pp. 1-26).
Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press
Herweg, Karl; Liniger, Hanspeter
Bodenschutz und Wasserkonservierung in tropischen und subtropischen Gebirgsräumen: Eine Herausforderung für die Geographie.
Gamerith, Werner; Meusburger, Peter; Wanner, Heinz
Alpenwelt - Gebirgswelten: Inseln, Brücken, Grenzen: Tagungsbericht und wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen.
Heidelberg, Deutschland: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geographie
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs
Designing Future Research Projects in an Integrated Framework.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs; Schertenleib, Roland
Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change: A Transdisciplinary Appraisal of Selected Regions of the World to Prepare Development-Oriented Research Partnerships. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 1 (pp. 425-439).
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs
Towards Transdisciplinarity in Sustainability-Oriented Research for Development.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs; Schertenleib, Roland
Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change: A Transdisciplinary Appraisal of Selected Regions of the World to Prepare Development-Oriented Research Partnerships. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 1 (pp. 31-41).
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Anton, Pascale; Messerli, Peter
Initiating Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change in Different Contexts.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs; Schertenleib, Roland
Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change: A Transdisciplinary Appraisal of Selected Regions of the World to Prepare Development-Oriented Research Partnerships. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 1 (pp. 11-30).
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia
Kiteme, Boniface P.; Misana, Salome; Wiesmann, Urs
JACS East Africa: Searching for Endogenous Solutions to Sustainable Development in a Challenging Environment: JACS East Africa.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs; Schertenleib, Roland
Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change: A Transdisciplinary Appraisal of Selected Regions of the World to Prepare Development-Oriented Research Partnerships. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 1 (pp. 95-139).
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia
Kohler, Thomas; Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs; Kläy, Andreas
Mountain infrastructure: access, communication, and energy.
Price, Martin F.; Jansky, Libor; Iatsenia, Andrei A.
Key Issues for Mountain Areas (pp. 38-62).
Tokyo, Japan: United Nations University Press
Liechti, Karina; Wiesmann, Urs
JACS Alps: An Integrated View of the Dynamics of Regional Development as a Basis for Mutual Learning.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs; Schertenleib, Roland
Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change: A Transdisciplinary Appraisal of Selected Regions of the World to Prepare Development-Oriented Research Partnerships. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 1 (pp. 365-379).
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia
Ludi, Eva
Integrated conservation and development of the Simen Mountain area.
Dejene, Alemneh; Zeleke, Gete; Abate, Solomon; Lule, Mekonnen
Towards sustainable agriculture and rural development in the Ethiopian Highlands: Proceedints of the technical workshop on improving the natural resources base and rural well-being (pp. 29-31).
Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Messerli, Peter; Wiesmann, Urs
Synopsis of Syndrome Contexts and Core Problems Associated with Syndromes of Global Change.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs; Schertenleib, Roland
Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change: A Transdisciplinary Appraisal of Selected Regions of the World to Prepare Development-Oriented Research Partnerships. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 1 (pp. 383-423).
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia
Polprasert, Chongrak; Schertenleib, Roland; Belevi, Hasan; Vin, Vu Thi; Monie, Tiann; Chanthavipone, Inthavong; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
JACS South East Asia: Improving Living Conditions through Integrated Environmental Management.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs; Schertenleib, Roland
Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change: A Transdisciplinary Appraisal of Selected Regions of the World to Prepare Development-Oriented Research Partnerships. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 1 (pp. 263-291).
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
The Transdisciplinary Approach to Regional Pre-syntheses: A Basis for syndrome Mitigation Research.
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs; Schertenleib, Roland
Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change: A Transdisciplinary Appraisal of Selected Regions of the World to Prepare Development-Oriented Research Partnerships. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 1 (pp. 43-57).
Berne: Geographica Bernensia
Rist, Stephan; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Mythos, Lebensalltag und Wissenschaft im Berggebiet.
Jeanneret, François; Wastl-Walter, Doris; Wiesmann, Urs; Schwyn, Markus
Welt der Alpen - Gebirge der Welt. Jahrbuch der Geographischen Gesellschaft Bern: Vol. 61/2003 (pp. 159-169).
Bern: Haupt
Kohler, Thomas; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Kleinbäuerliche Besiedlung und die Ausprägung von Haushaltsstrategien am Mount Kenya.
Jeanneret, François; Wastl-Walter, Doris; Wiesmann, Urs; Schwyn, Markus
Welt der Alpen - Gebirge der Welt (pp. 185-196).
Bern: Haupt Verlag
Herweg, Karl Günter; Liniger, Hanspeter
Soil erosion control: An integral part of sustainable land management.
Zlatic, Miodrag; Kostadinov, Stanimir; Dragovic, Nada
Natural and Socio-Economic Effects of Erosion Control in Mountainous Regions.
Belgrade: Faculty of Forestry
Brutschin, Jeannine; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Transdisciplinary Research in Development Cooperation: Origins and Paradigms.
Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude
Unity of Knowledge in Transdisciplinary Research for Sustainability, in Encyclopedia of Life Support System (EOLSS).
Oxford UK: EOLLS Publishers
Breu, Thomas; Hurni, Hans
Generating knowledge for development in the Pamir mountains.
Mountains of the world: Sustainable development in mountain areas: The need for adequate policies and instruments (pp. 34-35).
Bern, Switzerland: Mountain Agenda
Van Lynden, Godert; Liniger, Hanspeter; Schwilch, Gudrun
The WOCAT map methodology: A standardized tool for mapping degradation and conservation.
Proceedings of 2002 ISCO Conference IV (pp. 11-16).
Bejing: International Soil Conservation Organisation (ISCO)
Lynden, Godert van; Schwilch, Gudrun; Liniger, Hanspeter
A Standardised Method for Assessment of Soil Degradation and Soil Conservation: The WOCAT mapping methodology.
Proceedings of 2002 ISCO Conference 4.
Bejing: International Soil Conservation Organisation (ISCO)
Liniger, Hanspeter; Lynden, Godert van; Schwilch, Gudrun
Documenting field knowledge for better land management decisions: Experiences with WOCAT tools in local, national and global programs.
Proceedings of 2002 ISCO conference 1 (pp. 167-259).
Bejing: International Soil Conservation Organisation (ISCO)
Liniger, Hanspeter; Cahill, Dennis; Will, Critchley; Thomas, Donald; van Lynden, G.W.J.; Schwilch, Gudrun
Categorization of SWC technologies and approaches – a global need?
Proceedings of 2002 ISCO Conference 3.
Bejing: International Soil Conservation Organisation (ISCO)
Künzi, Erwin; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Maina, F.
Innovation and Adaptation in a New Environment - Knowledge Management among Peasants in the Upper Ewas Ng'iro River region, Kenya.
Flury, Manuel; Geiser, Urs
Local environmental Management in North-South Perspective (pp. 225-235).
Zürich/Amsterdam: vdf Hochschulverlag/IOS Press
Kistler, Pierre; Messerli, Peter
Livelihood Strategies, Knowledge Management, and Innovation in a Slash-and-burn Cultivation System in Madagascar.
Flury, Manuel; Geiser, Urs
Local Environmental Management in a North-South Perspective. Issues of Participation and Knowledge Management (pp. 237-255).
Zürich: Hochschulverlag der ETH Zürich
Herweg, Karl Günter
Indigenous soil management.
Lal, Rattan
Encyclopedia of Soil Science.
New York: Marcel Dekker
Herweg, Karl Günter; Gebre, Michael
Adaptation or adoption?: Integrating different perceptions of soil and water conservation in Ethiopia.
Flury, Manuel; Geiser, Urs
Local Environmental Mangement in a North-South Perspective.
Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag
Hurni, Hans
Implications of the sustainable development paradigm for Switzerland.
Sitter-Liver, Beat; Baechler, Günther; Berlinger-Staub, Annemarie
Supporting life on earth (pp. 41-47).
Bern, Switzerland: CASS
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs
Transdisziplinäre Forschung im Entwicklungskontext: Leerformel oder Notwendigkeit?
Forschungspartnerschaft mit Entwicklungsländern: Eine Herausforderung für die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (pp. 33-45).
Bern, Schweiz: SAGW
Wallner, Astrid
Zur Rolle von Modellökosystemversuchen in der öffentlichen Umweltdiskussion.
Brunold, Christian; Balsiger, Philipp W.; Bucher, Jürg B.; Körner, Christian
Wald und CO2. Ergebnisse eines ökologischen Modellversuchs (pp. 69-78).
Bern: Haupt
Hurni, Hans
Die Bedeutung von Forschungspartnerschaften mit Entwicklungsländern für eine nachhaltige Nutzung der natürlichen Ressourcen.
Nachhaltige Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen. Publikationen der Schweizerischen Akademie der Naturwissenschaften: Vol. 7 (pp. 67-76).
Bern, Schweiz: Schweizerische Akademie der Naturwissenschaften SANW
Hurni, Hans
From soil and water conservation to sustainable land management.
Dolzer, Rudolf; Thesing, Josef
Protecting our environment: German perspectives on a global challenge (pp. 187-227).
Berlin, Germany: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
Hurni, Hans
Soil conservation policies and sustainable land management: A global overview.
Napier, Ted L.; Napier, Silvana M.; Tvrdon, Jiri
Soil and water conservation policies and programs: Successes and failures (pp. 19-30).
Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press
Kläy, Andreas; Hurni, Hans; Giger, Markus
Nachhaltige Nutzung erneuerbarer natürlicher Ressourcen ausgehend von den Beispielen Boden und Luft.
Kissling-Näf, Ingrid; Varone, Frédéric
Institutionen für eine nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung: Innovative Steuerungsansätze am Beispiel der Ressourcen Luft und Boden (pp. 59-70).
Zürich, Schweiz: Rüegger
Hurni, Hans
African mountains and highlands: Challenges and opportunities for research collaboration to promote sustainable development.
Hurni, Hans; Ramamonjisoa, J
African mountain development in a changing World (pp. 35-44).
Antananarivo, Madagascar: African Mountains Association; African Highlands Initiative; United Nations University
Liniger, Hanspeter; Cahill, Dennis; Critchley, Will; Gallacher, Rod; Hurni, Hans; van Lynden, Godert; Mburu, Joseph; Prante, W; Schwilch, Gudrun; Sombatpanit, Samran; Trux, Anneke; Thomas, Donald
WOCAT: Information management and decision support for soil and water conservation (SWC).
Hurni, Hans; Ramamonjisoa, Joselyne
African mountain development in a changing World (pp. 221-240).
Antananarivo, Madagascar: African Mountains Association; African Highlands Initiative; United Nations University
Ramamonjisoa, Joselyn; Hurni, Hans
Synthèse du IVème colloque international de l'Association pour les Montagnes Africaines (AMA).
Hurni, Hans; Ramamonjisoa, Joselyn
African mountain development in a changing World (pp. 11-28).
Antananarivo, Madagascar: African Mountains Association; African Highlands Initiative; United Nations University
Hurni, Hans
A multi-level stakeholder approach to sustainable land management.
Towards sustainable land use: Furthering cooperation between people and institutions. Advances in Geoecology: Vol. 31 (pp. 827-836).
Reiskirchen, Germany: Catena
Hurni, Hans
Nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung und Nahrungssicherheit - eine Herausforderung von globalem Ausmass.
Kairo + 5: Chancen und Hindernisse einer erfolgreichen Bevölkerungspolitik 58 (pp. 57-60).
Freiburg i.Br., Deutschland: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
Hurni, Hans
Sustainable Development Appraisal (SDA): A methodological tool for the participatory assessment of sustainability from local to regional planning levels.
Sustainable development of dryland areas of East Africa (pp. 21-32).
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: European Commission
Liniger, Hanspeter; Thomas, D. B.; Hurni, Hans
WOCAT - World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies - Preliminary results from Eastern and Southern Africa.
Towards sustainable land use: Furthering cooperation between people and institutions. Advances in Geoecology: Vol. 31 (pp. 1037-1046).
Reiskirchen, Germany: Catena
Hillman, J.C.; Hurni, Hans; Nievergelt, B.
Shackleton, David M.
Wild Sheep and Goats and their Relatives: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan for Caprinae (pp. 27-30).
Gland, Switzerland: IUCN
Hurni, Hans; Cook, Maurice G.; Sombatpanit, Samran
Soil conservation extension - a world perspective.
Sombatpanit, Samran; Zobisch, Michael A.; Sanders, David W.; Cook, Maurice G.
Soil conservation extension: From concepts to adoption (pp. 3-11).
Bangkok, Thailand: Soil and Water Conservation Society
Hurni, Hans; Kläy, Andreas; Kohler, Thomas; Wiesmann, Urs
Development and Environment: A Social and Scientific Challenge.
Umwelt - Mensch - Gebirge: Festschrift Bruno Messerli: Jahrbuch der Geographischen Gesellschaft Bern 59 (pp. 85-101).
Bern, Schweiz: Geographische Gesellschaft Bern
Hurni, Hans
Price, Martin F.; Heywood, Ian
Mountain environments and geographic information systems.
Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press
Hurni, Hans
Land degredation, famine, and land resource scenarios in Ethiopia.
Pimentel, David
World Soil Erosion and Conservation. Cambridge Studies in Applied Ecology and Resource Management (pp. 27-61).
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
Hurni, Hans
Umweltgerechtes handeln in der EZA: Notwendigkeit oder Luxus?
Umweltprobleme in der EZA (pp. 9-12).
Bern, Schweiz: Universität Bern, Geographisches Institut
Hurni, Hans
Umweltforschung als Beitrag zur Bewältigung von Ressourcenkrisen in der "Dritten Welt"?
Landschaftsökologische Entwicklungsstrategien für Drittweltländer als methodisches Problem. Geomethodica: Vol. 17 (pp. 19-42).
Basel, Switzerland: Basler Afrika Bibliographien
Hurni, Hans
African mountain and highland environments: Suitability and susceptibility.
Stone, Peter B.
The state of the world's mountains: A global report (pp. 11-44).
London, UK: Zed Books
Hurni, Hans
Agrarentwicklung und Umweltprobleme in Äthiopien.
Brühne, Stefan; Matthies, Volker
Krisenregion Horn von Afrika: Historische Periodisierung und umweltpolitische Entwicklungstendenzen. Hamburger Beiträge zur Afrika-Kunde: Vol. 39 (pp. 91-106).
Hamburg, Deutschland: Institut für Afrikakunde
Hurni, Hans; Messerli, Bruno
Conclusion and resolutions.
Messerli, Bruno; Hurni, Hans
African mountains and highlands: Problems and perspectives (pp. 427-433).
Bern, Switzerland: African Mountains Association
Hurni, Hans
Late Quaternary of Simen and other mountains in Ethiopia.
Mahaney, William C.; Balkema, A. A.
Quaternary and environmental research on East African mountains (pp. 105-120).
Rotterdam, Netherlands: CRC Press
Hurni, Hans
Applied soil conservation research in Ethiopia.
Thomas, D. B.
Soil and water conservation in Kenya (pp. 5-21).
Nairobi, Kenya: University of Nairobi; Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA)
Hurni, Hans
Topographische Karten in Äthiopien als Grundlage für ländliche Entwicklung.
Grosjean, Martin
Photogrammetrie und Vermessung: Vielfalt und Praxis: Festschrift Max Zurbuchen. Reihe P Geographie für die Praxis: Vol. 18 (pp. 29-37).
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia
Hurni, Hans
Options for conservation of steep lands in subsistence agricultural systems.
Moldenhauer, W.C.; Hudson, W.
Conservation Farming on Steep Lands (pp. 33-44).
Ankeny, USA: Soil and Water Conservation Society
Hurni, Hans
An ecosystem approach to soil conservation.
El-Swaify, Samir Aly; Moldenhauer, W.C.
Soil erosion and conservation (pp. 759-771).
Ankeny, USA: Soil Conservation Society of America
Hurni, Hans
Probleme touristischer Entwicklung im Hochgebirge von Semien-Äthiopien.
Berner Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung. Jahrbuch der Geographischen Gesellschaft Bern: Vol. 54 (pp. 191-204).
Bern, Schweiz: Geographische Gesellschaft Bern
Hurni, Hans
A Nomograph for the Design of Labour-intensive Soil Conservation Measures in Rain-fed Cultivations.
Morgan, R. P. C.
Soil conservation: Problems and prospects (pp. 185-210).
Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Schäli, Judith
Federal Act on Sustainable Trade in Agriculture? A Proposal for the Implementation of Art. 104a lit. d of the Swiss Federal Constitution.
Zürich: Dike
Bieri, Sabin; Bader, Christoph
Transitioning to Reduced Inequalities.
Transitioning to Sustainability: Vol. 10.
Harari, Nicole; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima; Bastidas Fegan, Soledad; Schlingloff, Stefan; Brès, Aurélie
Promoting sustainable land management through evidence-based decision support (In Press).
Rome, Italy: FAO
Oberholzer, Basil
Krieg in der Ukraine, Krise im globalen Süden. Die ökonomischen Auswirkungen des Kriegs auf die Entwicklungsländer [Textbook]
Wiesbaden: Springer
Sega, Roberto; Perlik, Manfred
Les Alpes productives – Renouveler l’industrie alpine pour repenser le futur du massif.
Montagne et innovation.
Grenoble: Presses universitaires Grenoble (PUG)
Graf, Stefan; Providoli, Isabelle; Waelti, Pascale; Studer, Christoph
Gestion intégrée des bassins versants et gestion durable des terres dans la région de Midelt au Moyen Atlas, Maroc : Analyse d’études de cas.
Berne et Zollikofen: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, et Haute École des Sciences Agronomiques, Forestières et Alimentaires (HAFL), Haute École Spécialisée Bernoise, avec Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Oberholzer, Basil
Fighting Global Poverty: Economic Policy Strategies for Developing Countries [Textbook]
SpringerBriefs in Economics.
Wiesbaden: Springer
Inguaggiato, Carla
Multilingual Global Education Digest 2022.
Koiné - Collana di Studi e Ricerche nelle Scienze umane e sociali: Vol. 2.
Bologna: Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Scienze per la Qualità della Vita
Haller, Tobias; Liechti, Karina; Stuber, Martin; Viallon, François-Xavier; Wunderli, Rahel
Balancing the Commons in Switzerland - Institutional Transformations and Sustainable Innovations.
Lay, Jann; Anseeuw, Ward; Eckert, Sandra; Flachsbarth, Insa; Kubitza, Christoph; Nolte, Kerstin; Giger, Markus
Taking stock of the global land rush: Few development benefits, many human and environmental risks. Analytical Report III.
Bern, Montpellier, Hamburg, Pretoria: Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern; Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement; German Institute of Global and Area Studies; University of Pretoria; Bern Open Publishing
Herweg, Karl; Tribelhorn, Thomas; Lewis, Anna Lena; Providoli, Isabelle; Trechsel, Lilian Julia; Steinböck, Camilla
Transdisciplinary Learning for Sustainable Development. Sharing Experience in Course and Curriculum Design [Textbook]
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, with Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Hett, Cornelia; Nanhthavong, Vong; Hanephom, Savanh; Phommachanh, Anongsone; Sidavong, Boungnong; Phouangphet, Ketkeo; Lu, Juliet; Shattuck, Annie; Ingalls, Micah; Bernhard, Rasso; Phathitmixay, Souphaphone; Phomphakdy, Chanthavone; Heinimann, Andreas; Epprecht, Michael
Land Leases and Concessions in the Lao PDR: A characterization of investments in land and their impacts (In Press).
Bern: Bern Open Publishing
Hett, Cornelia; Nanhthavong, Vong; Hanephom, Savanh; Phommachanh, Anongsone; Sidavong, Boungnong; Phouangphet, Ketkeo; Lu, Juliet; Shattuck, Annie; Ingalls, Micah; Bernhard, Rasso; Phathitmixay, Souphaphone; Phomphakdy, Chanthavone; Heinimann, Andreas; Epprecht, Michael
ການເຊົ່າ ແລະ ສຳປະທານທີ່ດິນລັດຢູ່ ສປປ ລາວ: ການຈຳແນກຄຸນລັກສະນະ ແລະ ຜົນກະທົບຈາກ ການລົງທຶນໃນຂົງເຂດທີ່ດິນ ແລະ ຊັບພະຍາກອນທຳມະຊາດ.
Bern: Bern Open Publishing
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Ruiz Peyré, Fernando
Vibrant Mountain Communities. Regional Development in Mountains: Realizing Potentials,Tackling Disparities.
Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, with Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Schild, Kirstin; Leng, Marion; Mascha, Jacob; Hammer, Thomas
Auf der Suche nach dem rechten Mass: Nachhaltige Entwicklung auf der Sekundarstufe II.
hep Verlag
Perlik, Manfred; Galera, Giulia; Machold, Ingrid; Membretti, Andrea
Alpine Refugees – Immigration at the Core of Europe.
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Perlik, Manfred
The Spatial and Economic Transformation of Mountain Regions - Landscapes as Commodities.
Advances in Regional Economics, Science and Policy.
Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge
Providoli, Isabelle; Zeleke, Gete; Kiteme, Boniface; Bantider, Amare; Mwangi, John
Shaping Sustainable Socio-Ecological Landscapes in Africa: The Role of Transformative Research, Knowledge, and Partnerships.
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, with Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Jendoubi, Donia; Harari, Nicole; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima
Vers une Gestion Durable des Terres (GDT). Une collection des bonnes pratiques en Tunisie [Textbook]
Aide à la décision pour l'intégration et l'extension de la gestion durable des terres.
FAO Organisation de Nation Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture, Global Environment Facility, Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
Haller, Tobias; Breu, Thomas; De Moor, Tine; Rohr, Christian; Znoj, Heinzpeter
The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses.
Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management.
Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge
Bachmann, Felicitas; Maharjan, Amina; Thieme, Susan; Fleiner, Renate; Wymann von Dach, Susanne
Migration and sustainable mountain development: Turning challenges into opportunities.
Sustainable Mountain Development Series.
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, with Bern Open Publishing
Liniger, Hanspeter; Mekdaschi, Rima
Sustainable rangeland management in Sub-Saharan Africa-Guidelines to good practice (conference edition).
Washington D.C., USA; Bern, Switzerland: World Bank Group (WBG) and Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
Nolte, Kerstin; Chamberlain, Wytske; Giger, Markus
Transactions foncières internationales dans le domaine de l’agriculture. Nouvelles perspectives offertes par Land Matrix: Rapport Analytique II.
Berne, Montpellier, Hambourg, Pretoria: Centre pour le Développement et l’Environnement, Université de Berne, Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement, German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Université de Pretoria, Bern Open Publishing
Hett, Cornelia; Nanhthavong, Vong; Kenney-Lazar, Miles; Phouangphet, Ketkeo; Hanephom, Savanh
Assessing land investment quality - A methodology to assess the quality of land concessions and leases in the Lao PDR.
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern, with Bern Open Publishing
Epprecht, Michael; Weber, Anne-Kathrin; Bernhard, Rasso; Keoka, Khamlouang; Saphangthong, Thatheva; Manivong, Vongpaphane; Ingxay, Phanxay; Vongsamphanh, Phanthavong; Bosoni, Nicholas; Hanephom, Savanh; Vanmeexai, Phonesavan; Kaungbounhieng, Aengsone; Sisouvan, Hairkham; Khounthikoumman, Sengphachan; Xaichounorxoa, Porha; Ingalls, Micah; Nanhthavong, Vong; Lu, Juliet; Norasingh, Inthaneth; Wiesmann, Urs; ...
Atlas of agriculture in the Lao PDR: Patterns and trends between 1999 & 2011.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, Switzerland, and Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), Lao PDR, with Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Epprecht, Michael; Weber, Anne-Kathrin; Bernhard, Rasso; Keoka, Khamlouang; Saphangthong, Thatheva; Manivong, Vongpaphane; Ingxay, Phanxay; Vongsamphanh, Phanthavong; Bosoni, Nicholas; Hanephom, Savanh; Vanmeexai, Phonesavan; Kaungbounhieng, Aengsone; Sisouvan, Hairkham; Khounthikoumman, Sengphachan; Xaichounorxoa, Porha; Ingalls, Micah; Nanhthavong, Vong; Lu, Juliet; Norasingh, Inthaneth; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; ...
Pan-thi kansamluad sa-thi-ti ka-si-kam yu sor-por-por lao: Sa-phab-luam lae kan-pian-paeng la-wang pi neung phan kao hoi kao sip kao lae pi song phan sip et (In Press).
Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern, lae kassuang kassikham pamai, sopopo lao, kap Bern Open Publishing
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Brand, Regine
“Hampi Qora”: Nuestras plantas medicinales en las comunidades de Waca Playa, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Bern, Suiza: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Huamán, Martin
"Qora Hampiyku”: Nuestras plantas medicinales en las comunidades de Pitumarca, Cusco, Perú.
Bern, Suiza: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, en colaboración con Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Caviola, Hugo; Kläy, Andreas; Weiss, Hans
Sprachkompass Landschaft und Umwelt - Wie Sprache unseren Umgang mit der Natur prägt.
Bristol-Schriftenreihe: Vol. 56.
Bern, Schweiz: Haupt Verlag
Ingalls, Micah; Diepart, Jean-Christophe; Truong, Nhu; Hayward, Daniel; Neil, Tony; Phomphakdy, Chanthavone; Bernhard, Rasso; Fogarizzu, Sinu; Epprecht, Michael; Nanhthavong, Vong; Vo, Dang Hung; Nguyen, Dzung; Nguyen, Phong Anh; Saphangthong, Thatheva; Inthavong, Chanthaviphone; Hett, Cornelia; Tagliarino, Nicholas
State of Land in the Mekong Region.
Bern, Switzerland and Vientiane, Lao PDR: Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern, and Mekong Region Land Governance, with Bern Open Publishing
Epprecht, Michael; Bosoni, Nicholas; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Nagasawa, Hiroko; Lu, Juliet; Studer, David; Vollmar, Patrizia; Bernhard, Rasso; Sisoulath, Vilaysook
Socio-Economic Atlas of the Lao PDR. Patterns and trends from 2005 to 2015.
Bern, Switzerland and Vientiane, Lao PDR: Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern, and Lao Statistics Bureau, Lao PDR, with Bern Open Publishing
Epprecht, Michael; Bosoni, Nicholas; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Nagasawa, Hiroko; Lu, Juliet; Studer, David; Vollmar, Patrizia; Bernhard, Rasso; Sisoulath, Vilaysook
Puem pan-thi set-ta-kit Sang-khom khong sor-por-por-lao. Sa-phab-luam lae: kan-pian-paeng jark pi song-phan-hah ha Song-phan-sip-hah.
Na-khon-luang Bern, pa-thet Switzerland lae: na-khon-luang Vieng-chan, sor-por-por-lao: Soun-peua-kan-pat-ta-na lae: sing-vat-lom (CDE), ma-ha-vi-ta-ya-lai-Bern, pa-thet Switzerland, lae: soun-sa-thi-ti-haeng-sath (sor-thor-tor), sor-por-por-lao kab Bern Open Publishing
de Jong, Willemijn; Perlik, Manfred; Steuer, Noemi; Znoj, Heinzpeter
Urban Dreams: Transformations of Family Life in Burkina Faso / chapters by Claudia Roth.
New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books
Gerritsen, Peter R. W.; Rist, Stephan; Hernández, Jaime Morales; Ponce, Nelson Tapia
Multifuncionalidad, sustentabilidad y buen vivir. Miradas desde Bolivia y México.
Gudalajara, Mexico: Departamento de Ecología y Recursos Naturales – IMECBIO, Centro Universitario de la Costa Sur, Universidad de Guadalajara
Musselli, Irene
Agriculture, price stabilisation and trade rules: A principled approach.
Leiden, Boston: Brill, Nijhoff
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Peralvo, Manuel; Báez, Selene
Hacia la conservación y la gobernanza sostenible de los paisajes de bosque andinos: una agenda de investigación.
Quito, Ecuador: Programa Bosques Andinos de la Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación - COSUDE, CONDESAN, Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern
Liniger, Hanspeter; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima; Moll, Peter; Zander, Ute
Making sense of research for sustainable land management.
Bern, Leipzig: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern and Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research GmbH – UFZ
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Bachmann, Felicitas; Alcántara-Ayala, Irasema; Fuchs, Sven; Keiler, Margreth; Mishra, Arabinda; Sötz, Elisabeth
Safer lives and livelihoods in mountains: Making the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction work for sustainable mountain development.
Sustainable Mountain Development Series.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan
Agrobiodiversidad, clima y conocimientos tradicionales: Guía de taller de aprendizaje social.
Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, with Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Herweg, Karl Günter; Zimmermann, Anne; Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara; Tribelhorn, Thomas; Hammer, Thomas; Tanner, Rolf Peter; Trechsel, Lilian Julia; Bieri, Sabin; Kläy, Andreas
Integrating Sustainable Development into higher education — Guidelines with in-depth modules for the University of Bern. Foundations. [Textbook]
Bern, Switzerland: University of Bern, Vice-Rectorate Quality, Vice-Rectorate Teaching, Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), Educational Development Unit (ZUW), and Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Harari, Nicole; Gavilano, Alexandra; Liniger, Hanspeter
where people and their land are safer: A Compendium of Good Practices in Disaster Risk Reduction.
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern and Swiss NGO Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Platform, with Bern Open Publishing
Weible, Christopher M.; Heikkila, Tanya; Ingold, Karin; Fischer, Manuel
Policy Debates on Hydraulic Fracturing. Comparing Coalition Politics in North America and Europe.
New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Leng, Marion; Schild, Kirstin; Hofmann, Heidi
Genug genügt. Mit Suffizienz zu einem guten Leben.
München, Deutschland: Oecom Verlag
Wiesmann, Urs; Kiteme, Boniface; Mwangi, Zachary
Socio-Economic Atlas of Kenya: Depicting the National Population Census by County and Sub-Location. Second, revised edition.
Nairobi and Nanyuki, Kenya and Bern, Switzerland: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, Centre for Training and Integrated Research in ASAL Development, Centre for Development and Environment
Fischer, Manuel; Thurnheer, Katharina; Herweg, Karl Günter; Hammer, Thomas; Moesch, Christian; Wyttenbach, Samuel; Filep, Béla; Stürmer, Matthias
Nachhaltige Entwicklung in die Hochschullehre integrieren — Ein Leitfaden mit Vertiefungen für die Universität Bern
Vertiefung 2: Fallbeispiele [Textbook]
Bern, Switzerland: Universität Bern, Vizerektorat Qualität, Vizerektorat Lehre, Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), Bereich Hochschuldidaktik & Lehrentwicklung und Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Herweg, Karl Günter; Zimmermann, Anne; Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara; Tribelhorn, Thomas; Rufer, Lydia; Hammer, Thomas; Tanner, Rolf Peter; Trechsel, Lilian Julia; Bieri, Sabin; Kläy, Andreas
Nachhaltige Entwicklung in die Hochschullehre integrieren — Ein Leitfaden mit Vertiefungen für die Universität Bern. Vertiefung 1: Konzepte, Instrumente, Anleitungen, Hinweise und Beispiele. [Textbook]
Bern, Switzerland: Universität Bern, Vizerektorat Qualität, Vizerektorat Lehre, Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), Bereich Hochschuldidaktik & Lehrentwicklung und Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Herweg, Karl Günter; Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara; Zimmermann, Anne; Camenzind, Ephraim Joseph; Tribelhorn, Thomas; Hammer, Thomas; Tanner, Rolf Peter; Trechsel, Lilian Julia; Kläy, Andreas
Nachhaltige Entwicklung in die Hochschullehre integrieren — Ein Leitfaden mit Vertiefungen für die Universität Bern. Vertiefung 3: Weiterführende Hilfen. [Textbook]
Bern, Switzerland: Universität Bern, Vizerektorat Qualität, Vizerektorat Lehre, Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), Bereich Hochschuldidaktik & Lehrentwicklung und Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Herweg, Karl Günter; Zimmermann, Anne; Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara; Tribelhorn, Thomas; Hammer, Thomas; Tanner, Rolf Peter; Trechsel, Lilian Julia; Bieri, Sabin; Kläy, Andreas
Nachhaltige Entwicklung in die Hochschullehre integrieren – Ein Leitfaden mit Vertiefungen für die Universität Bern. Grundlagen. [Textbook]
Bern, Switzerland: Universität Bern, Vizerektorat Qualität, Vizerektorat Lehre, Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), Bereich Hochschuldidaktik & Lehrentwicklung und Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Bachmann, Felicitas; Borsdorf, Axel; Kohler, Thomas; Jurek, Matthias; Sharma, Eklabya
Investing in sustainable mountain development: Opportunities, resources and benefits.
Sustainable Mountain Development Series.
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, with Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Hammer, Thomas; Mose, Ingo; Siegrist, Dominik; Weixlbaumer, Norbert
Parks of the future: Protected areas in Europe challenging regional and global change.
München, Germany: oekom Verlag
Niederberger, Thomas; Haller, Tobias; Gambon, Helen; Kobi, Madlen; Wenk, Irina
The open cut: Mining, transnational corporations and local populations.
Action Anthropology/Aktionsethnologie: Vol. 2.
Zürich, Schweiz: LIT Verlag
Hurni, Hans; Berhe, WA; Chadhokar, P; Daniel, D; Gete, Zeleke; Grunder, M; Kassaye, G
Soil and Water Conservation in Ethiopia: Guidelines for Development Agents.
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE); Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Nolte, Kerstin; Chamberlain, Wytske; Giger, Markus
International Land Deals for Agriculture. Fresh insights from the Land Matrix: Analytical Report II.
Bern, Montpellier, Hamburg, Pretoria: Centre for Development and Environment; Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement; German Institute of Global and Area Studies; University of Pretoria; Bern Open Publishing
Delgado, Freddy; Rist, Stephan
Ciencias, diálogo de saberes y transdisciplinariedad. Aportes teórico metodológicos para la sustentabilidad alimentaria y del desarrollo.
La Paz, Bolivia: AGRUCO-UMSS-CDE
Kohler, Thomas; Balsiger, Jörg; Rudaz, Gilles; Debarbieux, Bernard; Pratt, D. Jane; Maselli, Daniel
Green economy and institutions for sustainable mountain development: From Rio 1992 to Rio 2012 and beyond.
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE); Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC); University of Geneva; Geographica Bernensia
Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Ott, Cordula; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Eastern and Southern Africa Partnership Programme: Highlights from 15 years of joint action for sustainable development.
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE); Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Bürgi, Elisabeth
Sustainable development in international law making and trade: International food governance and trade in agriculture.
Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar
Hurni, Kaspar; Zeleke, Gete; Kassie, Menale; Tegegne, Berhan; Kassawmar, Tibebu; Teferi, Ermias; Moges, Aderajew; Tadesse, Deme; Ahmed, Mohamed; Degu, Yohannes; Kebebew, Zeleke; Hodel, Elias; Amdihun, Ahmed; Mekuriaw, Asnake; Debele, Berhanu; Deichert, Georg; Hurni, Hans
Economics of Land Degradation (ELD) Ethiopia Case Study: Soil degradation and sustainable land management in the rainfed agricultural areas of Ethiopia: An assessment of the economic implications.
Bonn, Deutschland: Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC); Centre for Development and Environment (CDE); Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Gironde, Christophe; Golay, Christophe; Messerli, Peter
Large-scale land acquisitions: Focus on South-East Asia.
International development policy: Vol. 6.
Backhaus, Norman; Cherix, Daniel; Scheurer, T; Wallner, A
Jusqu’où doit-on protéger la nature? Congrès annuel de la SCNAT 2014.
Nationalpark-Forschung in der Schweiz: Vol. 103.
Haupt Verlag Bern
Kohler, Thomas; Wehrli, André; Jurek, Matthias
Mountains and climate chance. A global concern.
Sustainable Mountain Development Series.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and Geographica Bernensia
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Kiteme, Boniface; Mwangi, Zachary
Socio-economic atlas of Kenya: Depicting the national population census by county and sub-location [Edited Textbook]
Nairobi, Nanyuki, Bern: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, Centre for Training and Integrated Research in ASAL Development, Centre for Development and Environment
Debarbieux, Bernard; Oiry Varacca, Mari; Rudaz, Gilles; Maselli, Daniel; Kohler, Thomas; Jurek, Matthias
Tourism in mountain regions: hopes, fears and realities.
Geneva, Switzerland: Department of Geography and Environment, University of Geneva; Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern
Tsogtbaatar, Jamsran; Khudulmur, Sodov
Desertification atlas of Mongolia.
Ulaanbataar, Mongolia: Institute of Geoecology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Romeo, Rosalaura; Vita, Alessia; Wurzinger, Maria; Kohler, Thomas
Mountain farming is family farming: a contribution from mountain areas to the International Year of Family Farming 2014.
Rome: FAO
Price, Martin F.; Byers, Alton C.; Friend, Donald A.; Kohler, Thomas; Price, Larry W.
Mountain geography: physical and human dimensions.
Berkeley: University of California Press
Mekdaschi Studer, Rima; Liniger, Hanspeter
La collecte de l'eau: directives pour de bonnes pratiques.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment
Mekdaschi Studer, Rima; Liniger, Hanspeter
Water harvesting: guidelines to good practice.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment
Ariza, Clara; Maselli, Daniel; Kohler, Thomas
Mountains: Our Life, Our Future. Progress and Perspectives on Sustainable Mountain Development from Rio 1992 to Rio 2012 and Beyond. A global synthesis based on 10 regional reports.
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Upreti, Bishnu Raj; Zimmermann, Anne B.; Berhanu, Debele; Cissé, Guéladio
Partnerships in Development-oriented Research: Lessons Learnt and Challenges Ahead.
Bern: CDE / NCCR North-South
Bieri, Sabin
Vom Häuserkampf zu neuen urbanen Lebensformen. Städtische Bewegungen der 1980er Jahre aus einer raumtheoretischen Perspektive.
Urban Sudies.
Bielefeld: Transcript
Gabathuler, Ernst; Eckert, Sandra; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Bachmann, Felicitas
Mapping and geoprocessing tools in support of rural advisory systems: Virtual globes, global positioning system, and geographic information systems: Simple applications, case studies, and guidelines.
Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers
Schönweger, Oliver; Heinimann, Andreas; Epprecht, Michael; Lu, Juliet; Thalongsengchanh, Palikone
Concessions and leases in the lao PDR: Taking stock of land investments.
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Schwilch, Gudrun; Hessel, Rudi; Verzandvoort, Simone
Desire for greener land: Options for sustainable land management in drylands.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Herweg, Karl; Schäfer, Natalie; Zimmermann, Anne
Guidelines for Integrative Training in Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research Settings: Hints and Tools for Trainers of Trainers [Textbook]
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Anseeuw, Ward; Boche, Matthieu; Breu, Thomas; Giger, Markus; Lay, Jann; Messerli, Peter; Nolte, Kerstin
Transnational land deals for agriculture in the global South: Analytical report based on the land matrix database.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Alieva, Roziya; Umarova, Irena; Stevenson, Shane; Wolfgramm, Bettina; Shigaeva, Jyldyz
Forum on sustainable development of Central Asian mountain regions 2012: Sustainable Land Management: Up-scaling benefits for mountain communities. CAMP Kuhiston Alatoo, AGOCA, Dushanbe, Tajikistan.
Giger, Markus
Can GMOs contribute to improved livelihoods and food security for smallholders? Input paper for SDC Expert Panel.
Hurni, Hans; Zeleke, Gete; Debele, Berhanu; Hergarten, Christian
A four-way win for agricultural development.
Bern: CDE / NCCR North-South
Liniger, Hanspeter; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima; Providoli, Isabelle; Giger, Markus; Wolfgramm, Bettina
A framework for documentation and evaluation of sustainable land management: Climate change: Knowledge for developing SLM adaptation strategies.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Messerli, Peter; Ludi, Eva; Breu, Thomas
'Green economy': development opportunity of buzzword?
Bern: CDE / NCCR North-South
Rahim, Inam; Rueff, Henri; Hirschbuehl, Tina
Statement by CDE researchers: Landless mobile pastoralists (Ajars) step out of the shadows.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Zimmermann, Anne
International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2012): Research for Global Transformation. Pre-conference Proceedings.
NCCR North-South Dialogue: Vol. 44.
Bern: CDE / NCCR North-South
Shah, Syed Iqmail; Rahim, Inam; Rueff, Henri; Maselli, Daniel
Landless mobile pastoralists: Securing their role as custodians of northern Pakistan's mountains.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Kohler, Thomas; Balsiger, Jürg; Pratt, Jane; Debarbieux, Bernard; Rudaz, Gilles; Maselli, Daniel
Sustainable mountain development, green economy and institutions: From Rio 1992 to Rio 2012 and beyond, final draft for Rio 2012.
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SCD), University of Geneva and Geographica Bernensia
Hett, Cornelia
A spatial assessment of changes in land use and carbon stocks in Laos. A Contribution to policy and decision making for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.
Bern: Geographisches Institut der Universität Bern
Baumgartner, Ruedi; Högger, Ruedi; Rist, Stephan
Hacia estrategias de vida sostenibles. Culturas, recursos y cambios en India y Bolivia.
La Paz, Bolivien: Plural Editores
Ferroni, Sonia; Gabathuler, Ernst
Quand les greniers se remplissent: Les bénéfices du partenariat entre la recherche agronomique, la vulgarisation agricole et des organisations paysannes au Mali.
Bern: Fondation Syngenta pour une Agriculture Durable ; Geographica Bernensia
Gabathuler, Ernst; Bachmann, Felicitas; Kläy, Andreas
Reshaping Rural Extension: Learning for Sustainability (LforS): An Integrative and Learning-Based Advisory Approach for Rural Extension with Small-Scale Farmers.
Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers
Ogbazghi, Woldeselassie; Stillhardt, Brigitta; Herweg, Karl
Sustainable Land Management - A textbook with a focus on Eritrea, First edition, Geographica Bernensia and Hamelmalo Agricultural College, Bern and Keren [Textbook]
Bern: Geographisches Institut der Universität Bern
Mekdaschi Studer, Rima; Liniger, Hanspeter
Knowledge Management and Decision Support for Sustainable Land Management: A common global Knowledge Management (KM) platform for up-scaling of Sustainable Land Management (SLM).
Bern: Geographisches Institut der Universität Bern
Mekdaschi Studer, Rima; Liniger, Hanspeter; Schwilch, Gudrun
The LADA-WOCAT-DESIRE partnership: Centre for Development and Environment.
Bern: Geographisches Institut der Universität Bern
Pajares, Pedro; Eckert, Sandra; Berrahmouni, Nora; Kohler, Thomas; Maselli, Daniel; Zelaya, Sergio
Highlands and Drylands: Mountains, a source of resilience in arid regions.
Rom, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO); Centre of Development and Environment (CDE)
Price, Martin; Gratzer, Georg; Alemayehu Duguma, Lalisa; Kohler, Thomas; Maselli, Daniel
Mountain Forests in a Changing World: Realizing Values, Adressing Challenges.
Rom, Italien: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Centre of Development and Environment (CDE)
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
Research for sustainable development: Foundations, experiences, and perspectives.
Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Reseaarch (NCCR) North-South, University of Bern: Vol. Vol. 6.
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia
Muchemi, Julius; Ehrensperger, Albrecht
Ogiek peoples ancestral territories atlas: safeguarding territories, cultures and natural resources of Ogiek indigenous people in the eastern Mau Forest, Kenya 1.
Bern, Switzerland: ERMIS Africa and Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs Martin
Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships.
Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5.
Bern, Schweiz: Geographica Bernensia
Gambon, Helen Anna
Análisis de tenencia y uso de la tierra en dos comunidades campesinas en Cochabamba, Bolivia, en relación a la Ley INRA.
Arbeitsblatt des Instituts für Sozialanthropologie: Vol. 55.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern
Hagmann, Tobias; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
European Journal of Development Research: New Avenues for Pastoral Development in sub-Saharan Africa.
European Journal of Development Research: Vol. 22.
Basingstoke, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan
Delgado, Freddy; Rist, Stephan; Escóbar, Cesar
El Desarrollo Endógeno Sustentable como interfaz para implementar el Vivir Bien en la gestión pública Boliviana.
La Paz Bolivia: Agruco-Captured
Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Resilient Adaptation to Climate Change in African Agriculture.
Studies / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik: Vol. 54.
Bonn: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) / German Development Institute (GDI)
Geiser, Urs; Rist, Stephan
Decentralisation meets local complexity: Local struggles, state decentralisation and access to natural resources in South Asia and Latin America.
Perspectives: Vol. 4.
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Kohler, Thomas; Maselli, Daniel
Mountains and Climate Change. From Understanding to Action.
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Epprecht, Michael; Minot, Nicolas; Dewina, Reno; Messerli, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas
The Geography of Poverty and Inequality in the Lao PDR [Textbook]
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Messerli, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas; Epprecht, Michael; Souksavath, Phonesaly; Chanthalanouvong, Thiraka; Minot, Nicholas
Socio-economic atlas of the Lao PDR. An analysis based on the 2005 population and housing census [Textbook]
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Gareeva, Aida; Maselli, Daniel; Berdova, Khusbakht; Bortsova, Svetlana; Shoimardonov, Farrukh; Skorintseva, Irina; Karsymbek, Alma; Wellings, Tom
Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Livelihoods: Challenges and Trends in Central Asian Mountain Regions.
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan: Camp Alatoo
Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Hoffmann-Riem, Holger; Biber-Klemm, Susette; Grossenbacher-Mansuy, Walter; Joye, Dominique; Pohl, Christian; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Zemp, Elisabeth
Handbook of Transdisciplinary Research [Textbook]
Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Galvin, Marc; Haller, Tobias
People, Protected Areas and Global Change. Participatory conservation in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe.
Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research NCCR North-South University of Bern: Vol. 3.
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Giger, Markus; Maselli, Daniel; Bachmann, Felicitas
Desertification and Global Change: Innovative Management of Scarce Resources in Semi-Arid Areas. Experiences from development and research: Challenges for a better future.
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE); NCCR North-South
Liniger, Hanspeter; Critchley, William; Gurtner, Mats; Schwilch, Gudrun; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima
Where the land is greener: Case studies and analysis of soil and water conservation initiatives worldwide.
Wageningen et al.: World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT)
Roden, Paul; Abraha, Negusse; Debessai, Merhawit; Ghebreselassie, Menghistab; Beraki, Haile; Kohler, Thomas
Farmers' appraisal of pearl millet varieties in Eritrea.
SLM Eritrea Report: Vol. 8.
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Haverkort, Bertus; Rist, Stephan
Endogenous Development and Bio-cultural Diversity.
Compas series on Worldviews and Sciences: Vol. 6.
Leusden, Netherlands: ETC/Compas
Wallner, Astrid; Bäschlin, Elisabeth; Grosjean, Martin; Labhart, Toni; Schüpbach, Ursula; Wiesmann, Urs
Welt der Alpen - Erbe der Welt: Die UNESCO Welterbe-Region Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn.
Jahrbuch der Geographischen Gesellschaft Bern: Vol. 62.
Bern, Schweiz: Haupt
Ghebru, Bissrat; Mehari, Tadesse
Innovative Agricultural Approaches of Promoting Food Security in Eritrea: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities for Growth: Proceedings of the Workshop of the Association of Eritreans in Agricultural Sciences (AEAS) [Edited Textbook]
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia
Mitiku, Haile; Herweg, Karl; Stillhardt, Brigitta
Sustainable land management: A new approach to soil and water conservation in Ethiopia.
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) and NCCR North-South
Hurni, Hans; Giger, Markus; Meyer, Konrad
Soils on the global agenda. Developing international mechanisms for sustainable land management.
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia
Gurtner, Mats; Goitom, Zewenghel; Henok, Eyassu; Tesfaalem, Zerai; Yonas, Hadgu; Stillhardt, Brigitta; Roden, Paul
Land Management in the Central Highlands of Eritrea: A Participatory Appraisal of Conservation Measures and Soils in Afdeyu and its Vicinity.
SLM Eritrea Report: Vol. 6.
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia
Roden, Paul; Negusse, Abraha; Eskinder, Tesfay; Kohler, Thomas
Participatory on-farm appraisal of improved pearl millet varieties in Eritrea.
SLM Eritrea Report: Vol. 7.
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia
Künzler, Silvia; Wiesmann, Urs
Atlas of the Songwe River Basin: Thematic Maps with Explanatory Text Sheets [Textbook]
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Premchander, Smita; Müller, Christine
Gender and Sustainable Development: Case Studies from NCCR North-South.
Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 2.
Bern, Schweiz: Geographica Bernensia
Mehari, Tadesse; Ghebru, Bissrat
Irrigation development in Eritrea: potentials and constraints: Proceedings of the workshop of AEAS and SLM Programme Eritrea.
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia
Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Kiteme, Boniface
Upper Ewaso Ngiro River Basin Sub-Catchments Directory.
Bern, Switzerland: CETRAD and Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Cottier, Thomas; Pauwelyn, Joost; Bürgi, Elisabeth
Human rights and international trade.
International Economic Law Series.
Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press
Delgado B., Freddy; Mariscal C., Juan Carlos
Gobernadilidad social de las áreas protegidas y biodiversidad en Bolivia y Latinoamérica: Memoria al seminario realizado en Cochabamba del 26 al 29 de febrero de 2004.
Cochabamba, Bolivia: Agroecología Universidad de Cochabamba; Centre for Development and Environment (CDE); Institut universitaire d'études du développment
Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs; Schertenleib, Roland
Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change: Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change. A Transdisciplinary Appraisal of Selected Regions of the World to Prepare Development-Oriented Research Partnerships.
Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 1.
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia
Epprecht, Michael; Heinimann, Andreas
Socioeconomic atlas of Vietnam: A depiction of the 1999 population and housing census [Edited Textbook]
Bern, Switzerland: NCCR North-South and Geographica Bernensia
Brüschweiler, Sabine; Höggel, Udo; Kläy, Andreas
Forests and water: Managing interrelations.
Development and Environment Reports: Vol. 19.
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia and Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Kläy, Andreas; Wittkowsky, Alexander
Nachhaltigkeit: Politik im 21. Jahrhundert: Der Weg von Rio: Für eine Welt mit Zukunft: Schweiz: Nachhaltigkeit in den Alpen.
Berlin, Deutschland: Edition Suhrkamp
Ludi, Eva
Economic analysis of soil conservation: Case studies from the highlands of Amhara Region, Ethiopia.
Reihe A African Studies: Vol. 18.
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia
Messerli, Peter
Alternatives à la culture sur brûlis sur la Falaise Est de Madagascar: Stratégies en vue d'une gestion plus durable des terres.
Reihe A African Studies: Vol. 17.
Bern, Schweiz: Geographica Bernensia
Ehrensperger, Albrecht
Geographic Information Systems for Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) Development; GIS Training Course November 8th to 26th 2004: Course Manual.
Nanyuki, Kenya: Centre for Training and Integrated Research in ASAL Development (CETRAD)
Breu, Thomas; Hurni, Hans
The Tajik Pamirs: Challenges of sustainable development in an isolated mountain region.
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE); Geographica Bernensia
Jeanneret, François; Wastl-Walter, Doris; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Schwyn, Markus
Welt der Alpen - Gebirge der Welt: Ressourcen, Akteure, Perspektiven.
Jahrbuch der Geographischen Gesellschaft Bern: Vol. 61/2003.
Bern: Haupt
Stillhardt, Brigitta; Herweg, Karl Günter; Hurni, Hans
Long-term monitoring of soil erosion and soil and water conservation in Afdeyu, Eritrea (1984-1998): Soil erosion and soil and water conservation database.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment
Ott, Cordula
Tackling gender issues in sustainable land management [Textbook]
Berne: Centre for Development and Environment
Nepal, Sanjay Kumar; Kohler, Thomas; Banzhaf, Bernhard Rudolf
Great Himalaya: Tourism and the dynamics of change in Nepal.
Zürich, Bern: Swiss Foundation for Alpine Research; Centre for Development and Environment
Leisinger, Klaus M.; Schmitt, Karin M.; Pandya-Lorch, Rajul
Six billion and counting: Population and food security in the 21st century.
Washington DC: International Food Policy Research Institute
Herweg, Karl Günter; Steiner, Kurt
From performance monitoring to impact monitoring and assessment [Textbook]
Kassel: Kassel University Press
Herweg, Karl Günter; Steiner, Kurt
Impact monitoring and assessment. Volumen 2: Toolbox: Instruments for use in rural development project with a focus on sustainable land management. Volume II: Toolbox [Textbook]
Berne: Centre for Development and Environment
Herweg, Karl Günter; Steiner, Kurt
Impact monitoring and assessment. Volumen 1: Procedure: Instruments for use in rural development project with a focus on sustainable land management. Volume I: Procedure.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment
Ghebremedhin, Semere Zaid
Assessment of soil and water conservation activities in Afdeyu, Eritrea: Technical and socio-economic aspects.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment
Walther, Pierre; Kohler, Thomas; Imbach, Kristina
Mountains of the world - Sustainable development in mountain areas: The need for adequate policies and instruments 6.
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment
Hurni, Hans; Meyer, Konrad
A world soils agenda: Discussing international actions for the sustainable use of soils.
Berne: Geographica Bernensia
Hurni, Hans
Precious earth: From soil and water conservation to sustainable land management.
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE); Geographica Bernensia
Tato, Kebede; Hurni, Hans
Soil conservation for survival.
Ankeny, USA: Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS)
Hurni, Hans; Wolde-Mariam, Mesfin
African Mountains Workshop Ethiopia 18 - 27 October 1986: Excursion Guide.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: African Mountains Workshop (AMW)
Leibundgut, Christian
Hydrogeographical Map of Mount Kenya Area – 1:50'000 – Map and explanatory Text.
Reihe A African Studies: Vol. 3.
Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia
Hurni, Hans; Stähli, Peter
Simen Mountains - Ethiopia Vol II: Climate and the dynamics of altitudinal belts from the last cold period to the present day (Part II in co-authorship with Peter Stähli).
Reihe G Grundlagenforschung: Vol. 13.
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Moser, Stephanie; Poelsma, Felix; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; von Allmen, Aline; Rosenberg, Thomas; Nyffenegger, Ulrich; Strahm, Anja; Jacquat, Olivier
Lokale Energie-Transitions-Experimente als Beitrag zur Transformation hin zu einer klimaneutralen Gesellschaft. Pilotierung eines «Transition Management Prozesses» im Berner Oberland
Bundesamt für Energie BFE
Zabel, Astrid; Häusler, Mara-Magdalena
Processus multipartite pour l’infrastructure écologique – un plan en 10 points
Universität Bern, Centre for Development and Environment
Sonderegger, Gabi; Providoli, Isabelle; Hett, Cornelia; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Oberlack, Christoph; Zeleke, Gete
Sustainable landscapes: How can the private sector contribute?
(CDE Policy Brief 21).
Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern, Switzerland
Thornton, James
GEO Mountains Workshop: Interdisciplinary Monitoring, Data & Capacity Sharing across the Andes
Mountain Research Initiative
Chastonay, Jonas Frédéric; Karrer, Laurenzia; Niederberger, Jonas; Trechsel, Lilian Julia
Monitoring-Bericht zuhanden des Vizerektorats Qualität und Nachhaltige Entwicklung: Integration von Nachhaltiger Entwicklung in der Lehre an der Universität Bern, akademisches Jahr 2023/2024
Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), Universität Bern, mit Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara M.; Tun, Nwe Nwe; Htun, Aung Myin; Myint, Win; Schneider, Flurina
Participatory Visioning and Future Planning. Backcasting with Myanmar Farmers for a more Sustainable Future. Methodological Report
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
Thornton, James Matthew
GEO Mountains Workshop: Interdisciplinary Monitoring, Data & Capacity Sharing across the Hindu Kush Himalaya
Bern, Switzerland: Mountain Research Initiative
Thornton, James
GEO Mountains Workshop: Interdisciplinary Monitoring, Data, and Capacity Sharing across East Africa
GEO Mountains
Thornton, James
GEO Mountains Workshop: Interdisciplinary Monitoring, Data, and Capacity Sharing across the Caucasus
GEO Mountains
Thornton, James; Adler, Carolina; Shahgedanova, Maria
MRI Mountain Observatories Working Group &
GEO Mountains Workshop in Central Asia
GEO Mountains
Critchley, William; Harari, Nicole; Delve, Robert
Supporting Extension Services to Scale Up Sustainable Land Management. The potential of WOCAT’s tools and methods
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Fesenfeld, Lukas; Mann, Stefan; Meier, Matthias; Nemecek, Thomas; Scharrer, Bettina; Bornemann, Basil; Brombach, Christine; Beretta, Claudio; Bürgi, Elisabeth; Grabs, Janina; Ingold, Karin; Jeanneret, Philippe; Kislig, Sol; Lieberherr, Eva; Müller, Adrian; Pfister, Stephan; Schader, Christian; Schönberg, Sonja; Sonnevelt, Martijn; Barjolle, Dominique; ...
Wege in die Ernährungszukunft der Schweiz - Leitfaden zu den grössten Hebeln und politischen Pfaden für ein nachhaltiges Ernährungssystem
SDSN Schweiz
Chastonay, Jonas Frédéric; Karrer, Laurenzia; Trechsel, Lilian Julia
Monitoring-Bericht zuhanden des Vizerektorats Qualität: Integration von Nachhaltiger Entwicklung in der Lehre an der Universität Bern, akademisches Jahr 2022/2023
Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), Universität Bern, mit Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Karrer, Laurenzia; Steinböck, Camilla; Trechsel, Lilian Julia; da Silva, Tamara; Breu, Thomas
IGS North-South Tracer Study 2022: Decolonizing a PhD Programme and Beyond
Bern, Schweiz: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), Universität Bern, with Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Poelsma, Felix; Moser, Stephanie; Strahm, Anja; Rosenberg, Thomas; Biedermann, David
Klimaneutrale Region Oberland-Ost. Von der Vision zum Handeln
Bern: Zentrum für Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Umwelt (CDE), Universität Bern, mit Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Illien, Patrick; Birachi, Eliud; Douangphachanh, Maliphone; Phommavong, Saithong; Bieri, Sabin
Bittersweet fruits of ‘miracle growth’: Identifying poverty and labour dynamics in coffee heartlands
(CDE Policy Brief 20).
Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern, Switzerland
NFP 73, Leitungsgruppe des Nationalen Forschungsprogramms
«Nachhaltige Wirtschaft: ressourcenschonend, zukunftsfähig, innovativ». Politikempfehlungen. White Paper. Schlusssynthese des Nationalen Forschungsprogramms «Nachhaltige Wirtschaft» (NFP 73)
Bern: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds
Solar, Jimena; Oberlack, Christoph
Towards enabling legal and policy frameworks for private sustainability governance: the case of Peruvian-Swiss cacao and chocolate value chains
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
Haller, Tobias; Joniak-Lüthi, Agnieszka; Oberlack, Christoph; Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara M.; Hurni, Kaspar; Weissman, Samuel
The new global connect: Mega-infrastructure projects and their local impacts
(Swiss Academies Factsheets 18 (1)).
Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz (SCNAT)
Demory, Marie-Estelle; Pettifor, Richard; Vanderkelen, Inne Simone M; Owuor, Margaret Awuor; Okello, Cornelius Were; Davin, Édouard Léopold; Funnel, Sheila; Göpel, Jan; Kiteme, Boniface; Mwangi, John; Ng'ang'a, Antony; Okita, Benson; Wandera, Antony
ID Water Scarcity Synthesis Report: Participatory workshop for the interdisciplinary research on water scarcity and climate change in the Ewaso Ng’iro North River Basin.
Wyss Academy for Nature at the University of Bern
Providoli, Isabelle; Sonderegger, Gabi; Hett, Cornelia
Advancing the design of private sector-led landscape initiatives: An analysis of scientific design principles and their application in practice
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, with Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Aquerreta, Roberto; Vivien, Luc
Harnessing the socio-ecological potential of mountain biosphere reserves for biodiversity conservation: policy brief
Paris, France: UNESCO
Wiesli, Thea; Bär, Roger
Sciences citoyennes dans les parcs suisses et les sites du patrimoine mondial. Un état des lieux
Bern: Centre for Environment and Development (CDE), Universität Bern
Thornton, James Matthew; Palazzi, Elisa; Adler, Carolina
Mountain Observations: Monitoring, Data, and Information for Science, Policy, and Society
GEO Mountains
Oberlack, Christoph; Schilling-Vacaflor, Almut; Bischoff, Jenny; Brülisauer, Samuel; Klepp, Silja; Solar, Jimena; Steinegger, Sarah; Villar, Gesabel
Institutionalizing environmental justice in policy, laws and private sector organizations
University of Bern and University of Osnabrück
Goss-Durant, Grace Elizabeth; Turnbach, Heather Marie; Vance, Gabrielle Therese; Thornton, James Matthew; Adler, Carolina
Mountain Research Initiative: 20 Years of Making Connections for Our Changing Mountains
Bern: Mountain Research Initiative
Saalismaa, Nina; Hughes, Geoff
Leave No Mountain Behind: Disaster Risk Reduction for All
(Issue Brief).
Châtelaine, Switzerland: Zoï Environment Network
Bär, Roger; Hugi, Janosch; Oehler, Jessica; Lochmatter, Alessandra; Lehmann, Cédric
Gebietsmonitoring: Bericht t2. UNESCO-Welterbe Schweizer Alpen Jungfrau-Aletsch. Kurzversion, April 2022
Bern und Naters: Centre for Development and Environment CDE, Universität Bern; Managementzentrum UNESCO-Welterbe Schweizer Alpen Jungfrau-Aletsch
Hammer, Thomas; Bär, Roger; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Friedli, Andreas; Liechti, Karina; Wallner, Astrid; Wiesli, Thea Xenia
Gesamtheitliche Evaluation der Wirkungen von Parkmanagements: Erkenntnisse aus der Evaluation von Regionalen Naturpärken in der Schweiz
Bern: Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Umwelt (CDE), Universität Bern
Siegrist, Elena; Wiesli, Thea; Hammer, Thomas
Nachhaltige Lebensqualität in Regionalen Naturpärken: Ein Monitoring-Instrument
Bern, Schweiz: Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Umwelt (CDE), Universität Bern
Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Thanasack, Phetsaphone; Nguyen, Anh-Thu; Nanhthavong, Vong; Epprecht, Michael
Enhancing multi-dimensional quality of land based investments in Lao PDR
(Lao K4D policy brief 5).
Vientiane, Lao PDR: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Nguyen, Anh-Thu; Nanhthavong, Vong; Epprecht, Michael
Are commercial investments in land improving wage-labour opportunities and helping to diversify household economies in rural areas?
(Lao K4D policy brief 6).
Vientiane, Lao PDR: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
GLP (Global Land Programme), ILC (International Land Coalition)
Supporting Small-Scale Farming Systems
(Science for Action 2).
Rome, Italy and Bern, Switzerland: ILC and GLP/Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern
Lewis, Anna Lena; Schmid, Leonie Greta; Trechsel, Lilian Julia
Monitoring-Bericht zuhanden des Vizerektorats Qualität: Integration von Nachhaltiger Entwicklung in der Lehre an der Universität Bern, akademisches Jahr 2021/2022
Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), Universität Bern, mit Bern Open Publishing (BOP)
Karrer, Laurenzia; Zabel, Astrid; Hammer, Thomas; Herweg, Karl; Hirschbuehl, Tina; Illien, Patrick; Lemann, Tatenda; Lewis, Anna; Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Ming, Eva; Moser, Stephanie; Providoli, Isabelle; Rueff, Henri; Solar Alvarez, Jimena<